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a! Te any of them. If even brutes understand :**.the heal.3 sufficiently to apply them so as to en

3.- t.an, with all his powers of reason and obser..2:13.b. krenness of sensation, is able, not merely to .35.- azis dark'y, but to read clearly and fully, eve

b. b.1.3, every condition of enjoyment, every oc

Papai..y of understanding these Laws, God has

*25. the power of applying them. Not only ER : 1., but he can reach them-can apply means

hosily produce almost any result he desires. indicatie of augmenting his own happiness, as

...: a few.mn; and also of causing an incon

=t of sufering, both to himself, and to those


.::--Erory law awards and executes itself. To obey :...", y the blessings secured by that law. To

:) II.C'Ir ils penales. In the very act of obe1.1.3 pasure ; and in and with the transgres..!. pornaiy. No escape, no evasion of either,

:!, throuzh God's vast domain. Obedience us ar invparably linked together; and sin and ir .:. : in hand throughout the universe. Neither

w;ated from its mate. :: LT, all enjoyment flows in the direct line of ...., and ai sustining bears a close analogy to that

The pleasure is like the obedience, and * BÅrs of the same cast and character with the

T...-In and by transgressing the laws of .. "X; 41. tre pain, and pain too, grouring out of 170813%, arrl in the direct line of that transgression;

: ::1:2's the stomach, corrupts the blood, and proes... department of our nature and in its depen.

:!::::.. all the results of eating, and susiplanting P.IV of pleasures by analogous pains. S), the

1:. law of Amaliveness, oracions the trans•:17 on the social department, and all its ramifica.

:., in ppp-srt::n to the transgression, his ..; 21.", atud ailti.ne degblant thereon, and proportionally inducing domestic misery. Though the libertine, and those who trifle with the social relations, may reap pleasure from whatever other laws they obey, yet they never need expect to enjoy domestic happiness; for their transgression incapacitates them therefor. Whosoever violates the law that governs Acquisitiveness by hoarding up immense wealth, or by obtaining money dishonestly-by fraud, by gambling, by murder, &c.—will surely suffer in the matter of money, and on account of it. Ill-gotten gain poisons all who touch it. Did a gambler, or a robber, ever enjoy the money thus gotten? The very fact that he obtained it unjustly, renders it a curse to him, and to all who inherit it. Those who make money very easily, say by speculation, or by great profits, that is, who obtain possession of money without actually earning it, do not, and can not, enjoy it. “Easy come, easy go," applies to them. Making it so easily and rapidly, they spend it freely and for unnecessary and injurions gratifications, by which their health is injured, their morals are depraved, and their offspring generally ruined. Take care how you make money too easily, however legally, and by means used however generally. “ Honesty is policy." Those who earn their money by the sweat of their brow, besides enjoying even the making of it, know whence it comes, use it frugally, and are never surfeited with luxuries. To make money honestly, that is, not to cheat for it, nor to speculate for it, nor even to trade for it, but to earn it, is the only way to enjoy it." In like manner, every law of our nature, not only both punishes its own infraction and rewards its own obedience, but also, exactly in the footsteps of both.

llence, then, it can not be difficult to trace all the ills of mankind-public and private, mental and physical, collective and individual—directly and certainly to their causes; that is,

* Hience laborers-farmers, and those who erork for what they haveare the most happy beings on earth-the most healthy, talented, and vir. tuous: but those who live by their wits are generally sickly, luxurious, sinful, and miserable. So, also, the rich are generally miserable. Their riches make them so, because they violate the law of nature, in the very act of amassing great wealth. “Wo unto the rich," saith the law of man's nature.

.:!out of which they grow-an inference of ::, !T ve ati importance; for it teaches mankind at

r. 2. the remedy, of every evil that exists, of

! .an experiences; and at the same time,

n!at it is that makes him happy, so that he Siirt a sin." And It every individual, by as

, !.:s own happiness and dreads suffering,

Tin tolles cause, and then remove that cause; .*:- has pleasures to that fountain head from

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..:.":t! s, man possesses that power of will, or ----, -.. h enables him to choose or to refuse the ...!!! these laws, or to violate them to --:- or bad, happy or miserable! Now put

(Tilent trutlis hat man is constituted to 11:7-that all happiness is the fired and certain ! :-tre to the laws of our being, and every

.35, Deressary ronsequence or operation of

", -et, at o'ır Creator has kindly endowed man .... en ..! rotand, and abuity to apply, these laws;

...apr of chosce, by which he is enabled to

;** t!. m, Berording to his own will and plea...! 1. of 28 obvious and inevitable, that all our

an't either boy man upon his fellow man, or

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!, 11. s observances and violations depend .."...v.uai for himself. True, the relations ::this parents, by which they inherit disease, 3,!:, op are bully trained; and of inan to

.::T: Inser, for smrwhat on account of the -..; or. yr.bly this treult; yot, in the outline

of cams, indiriduals for themselves, both & r., natpiron person-n their ou n account. :: ! ?, ate mostly in our own herpilis,

un control; berater they are the rewards .l.pnfinir otrn duinga. 1:; pirer!res dlzenity to the study of the

.fr: 1 r, unless we know them, how can "!, erce; we stume upon them liy

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And the amount of happiness of which our nature is suisceptible, is inconceivably great-is doubtless a thousand-fold greater than the most favored of mortals has ever yet experienced, and infinitely greater than the generality of mankind now experience. Oh! if man would but exercise his powers in accordance with their primitive constitution, how perfectly, how inconceivably happy he might be, and would be !

But alas ! our world is full of suffering and misery, and groans in agony! Pandora's box, filled with all manner of diseases, has been opened upon us ! Poverty, wretchedness, diseases the most painful and loathsome, premature death, the loss of friends, children, and companions, filling the soul with anguish the most heart-rending and unutterable, or one or other of those numberless ills that flesh is heir to ; and, frequently, a swarm at once, scourge and torment nearly, or quite, the whole human family! Millions suffer more than they enjoy; and millions of millions are the victims of physical misery and mental anguish, so absolutely intolerable as to extort the wish that they had never been born! or that death would hasten to their relief! and nearly all mankind complain of this world in which we live-perfect as it is, and every way adapted to promote the happiness of man--as “bad," and " wicked."

Yet this pain forms no part of any arrangement or contrivance of man's nature. Teeth were made to give pleasure in masticating food; not to ache. Nor need they erer ache. The head was made to give pleasure in the exercise of thought and feeling ; not to torment us with the head-ache. The lungs were made to afford pleasure in breathing; and in the results of breathing, not to pain us when inflamed, nor to blast all our hopes, all our happiness, by consumption. The stomach was not made to cause griping pains, as in dyspepsia, summer complaints, &c. Nor was any part of the body created expressly to torment us with excruciating rheumatic pains. Does the malignant, life-destroying cancer, constitute any part of man's primitive creation; or the gout, or dropsy, or any form of disease ?

And was Benevolence created for the purpose of tormenting

us with the sight of pain which cannot be relieved? Or Combativeness, to quarrel, or engage in street brawls, or cause Beighborhood animosities and bickerings? Or Destructiveness, to devastate whole countries with war, and blood, and every conceivable form of human suffering?-to make the loving wife a lonely widow; and the happy child a helpless orphan; and to end the lives of millions by a death the most painful and horrible! Or appetite, to gormandize, and offer up all that is virtuous and happy in our nature at the shrine of loathsome drunkenness? Or Approbativeness, to pinch the feet of the suffering Chinese, or distort the waist and hasten the death of the simple American, or deform the head of the savage Indian? Or Self-Esteem, to wade through seas of blood to thrones of despotism, and rule with a tyrant's rod? Or Veneration, to produce all the abominations of paganism, together with all the bigotry of Christendom? Or ConstructIveness, (with Causality) to invent and execute instruments of death, or the agonizing rack? Or Acquisitiveness, to cheat, and rob, and with Destructiveness, to murder? Or Causality, to plot mischief and work destruction? Or Parental love, to be lacerated with anguish inexpressible by the death of a lovely child, or of a whole group of beautiful and happy sons and daughters? Or Adhesiveness, to mourn the loss of near ari dear friends, by death or treachery? Or Connubial love, to weep distracted and inconsolable over the grave of a lovely w.f, or a fond husband; and that, perhaps, after every child has been buried, every means of support extorted, every earthly pleasure blasted, and loathsome, painful disease preying on their inmost vitals, and opening the dark, yawning grave at their feet? No! Never! The poles are not opposite to each other more than these results are the antipodes of their bzitimate functions-their only constitutional product! Nor is there a single organ or contrivance of the body, nor faculty of the mind, nor arrangement of our nature, the natural, appropriate action of which causes pain, or produces any thing tat happiness. To suppose otherwise, would be a libel on the God of Heaven-a reflection on both His power and His godness; as well as in open hostility to fact.

Whence, then, this wide-spread misery? Did Eve's eating

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