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It will be seen by the above that not only has the month a higher temperature than the corresponding month of last year, as well as the average for twentyseven years past, but that the same remark will apply to the water temperatures. The quantity of rain is, also, in excess; the record of the Pennsylvania Hospital, commencing with 1825, shows nothing equal to it in any second month during that period. The winter, as usual, basembraced a great deal of stormy, unpleasant weather; has rejo cel in, it is said, the

very coldest day ever experienced in Philadelphia, and has chronicled an unusual number of extensive fires all over the United States, destroying millions of dollars' worth of property. J. M. ELLIS.

PHILADA., Third month 2, 1866.

There being a manifest need in the Society of Friends for a paper devoted to the culture and advancement of children, it is proposed to issue on the first of Fifth month, 1866, a Journal to be called


Its object will be to afford a medium through which the principles and testimonies of Friends in all their beautiful simplicity may be inculcated to the rising generation.

Liberal in feeling, it will combine the useful with the agreeable, the amusing with the instructive, hence it will contain Religious instructions, Moral stories, Poetry, Literary and Scientific information; each and all adapted to the comprehensive powers of children.

With this object we ask for the hearty co-operation of Friends generally throughout the country, trusting that through our undivided energies, "THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND," will be an ever welcome visitor at the fireside.

The paper will not be issued unless a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to insure it a suc

[blocks in formation]

Size, 7 by 11 inches. Sixteen pages.

TERMS, $1.50 per year in advance.

All who forward their names prior to the Fifth month, will remit the subscription on receipt of the first number.

All letters should be addressed to

West Chester, Chester Co., Pa.

THE RUSSO-AMERICAN TELEGRAPH.-The bill anthorizing and directing the Secretary of the Navy to detail a steam-vessel from the Pacific squadron to sound the opposite coast, and otherwise to assist the Russian-American Telegraph expedition to lay the cable at Behring's Strait, having been signed by the President, is now a law. The line lacks only about twenty-five hundred miles of being completed -nearly equally divided between the two continents. With the assistance volunteered by the Emperor of Russia, it is likely to be finished in a year.

JAMAICA. In the House of Commons, on the 13th ult., Lord Card well introduced a bill for the future government of Jamaica. He briefly explained that the Government had thought fit to ratify the decision which the Legislature of Jamaica had arrived at, abolishing itself, and it would be proposed to establish a government similar to that in Trinidad, for a period of three years, and if the experiment was successful, then it would be made permanent. If not, some other government would be devised.

Madame Dora d'Istria has been admitted in place of that distinguished traveller, the late Madame Ida Pfeiffer, to the French Imperial Society of Geography. founded in 1821 by Malte Brun.

CONGRESS.-Among other bills and resolutions the following were before the Senate. The House concurrent resolution declaring that no Senator or Representative shall be admitted as a member of Corgress until the National Legislature decides that their States are entitled to representation, was several days under debate, and finally passed. A resolution

BOOKS Fal of John Comly, (600 pages)...

DOOKS FOR SALE: Journal of Hugh Judge, price.











was offered and adopted 'calling upon the President perpetuate slavery, have been fed and warmed to furnish to the Senate copies of all papers designa- | through the kindly offices of this association. ting certain persons as Provisional Governors, and account of the salary they have been allowed; the oaths they may have taken before entering upon their duties; and if they did not take the oath of Friends' Miscellany, (originally 12 vols.,) 4th vol. out of print, 8.00 office prescribed by Congress for officers of the United History of Delaware County, Penna.. containing interesting accounts of early Friends, with engravings: 580 pages..... 3.00 States, then why they did not take the same. Also, Conversations, Discussions, and Anecdotes, by Thomas Story 1.00 copies of any communications in his possession from The Works of Isaac Pennington. 4 vols., making 2100 pp, The New Testament, Marot's edition, fiue clear type.. such persons to any convention or legislative assem Comly's Reader,... 50 cents. Central School Reader Bellangee's Journal, bly in their respective States. Also, copies of any Memoir of Priscilla Cadwallader, 50. Do. Penn, $1.25 and $2.00 constitution, articles or laws purporting to have been Janney & Life of Fox, $1.25. History of Friends, vol. 1st..... adopted in such States, so far as the same aff et the Decline of Friends, by Janney. Rowntree, and Fisher. present condition of such States and the rights, of Education in the Society of Friends... persons therein. A petition from authors and pub-Foulke's Friends' Almanacs for 1866... lishers was presented, asking for an international copy-right law between this country and Great Britain, which was referred. Another petition was read asking a change in the manner of voting for President and Vice President of the United States, and making the election direct by the people, instead of through the medium of electors. The bill to grant land to aid in the construction of a railroad from Sprfagfield, Missouri, to the Pacific coast, was passed. The bill prohibiting the importation of neat cattle, as a means of protection against the introduction of the cattle plague, was passed, and awaits the Presidential approval to become a law.

HOUSE. A bill to continue in force and amend the present act establishing the Freedmen's Bureau was presented and referred. The Committee on Ways and Means was instructed to inquire into the expediency of relieving auctioneers from taxes on sales of property under judgment. The same committe were also directed to report upon the expediency of reducing the duty on paper. The Senate bill for the protection of persons in their civil rights was reported

with several amendments. It declares all persons,
without distinction of color, born in the United States,
are citizens. After some time spent in debate it was
postponed until the 8th inst. A petition was pre
sented from the citizens of Georgia, setting forth the
deplorable state of things existing here, asking that
the national troops be not withdrawn, and protesting
against the organization of the militia.
It was re-
ferred to the Committee on Reconstruction.

THE FREEDMEN.Superintendent Eberhart reports from Georgia that the recent returns show that there are throughout the State 62 freedmen's schools, 89 teachers, 6,569 pupils-an increase in one month of 5 schools, 22 teachers, and 2,218 papils. In the First month, the freed-people contributed $538 to the sup port of their schools, and in the city of Augusta over $2,000 during the past six months for their suffering brethren. Gen. C. B. Fisk, Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau for Tennessee, reports that in education, industry, justice and good order there is a steady advancement. The superintendents, chosen, generally from citizens, have earnestly and successfully labored to place the freedmen in good homes at fair wages, or for a share of the crops raised. But few dependents upon the Government charity are now in the State. In Twelfth month, only $620.28 were expended in subsistence to the poor.

Organizations among the freedmen themselves, for the relief of their own poor. have rendered valuable service. The Nashville Provident Association, a society conducted by the colored people of that city, has its col and wood depots, soup-houses, pbysicians, &c. This society relieves the suffering poor without distinction of color, and daily reports exhibit that a greater number of white than of colored persons are its beneficiaries. Many widows and orphans, whose husbands and fathers fell fighting to


EMMOR COMLY, No. 131 North 7th St., Phila Winstruct in the usual English branches, having several ANTED-A situation, by a Female Teacher, qualified to years' experience. Friends' School preferred. Good recommendations if required. Address or apply to 310xt pmfn510.


131 N. Seventh St.

bined, Russ' Scissor Sharpeners, Spring Scissors for Sewing Machines, the Clutch Brace, which does not require the bitts to be fitted or notched, the Vegetable Slicer, for beets, cucumbers, &c. For sale at the Hardware Store of

JEW ARTICLES.-The Graduated Measure and Funnel com


TRUMAN & SHAW, 310tf. No. 835 (Eight Thirty Five) Market St., below Ninth. HESTER ACADEMY.-A Boarding and Day School for both Sexes, Broad St., Chester, Pa. Every branch of a solid English Education is taught in this Academy, together with Latin, French and Drawing, in all its varieties. Thoroughness in all the studies is insisted upon, and especial care will be taken to educate the morals as well as the intellect of the pupils. A Primory Department is connected with the School. Pupils can enter at any time. Please send for a Circular.

2 ws 13t 5wm wnfnd.






Peaches, Apples Onious, Sweet Potatoes, Iound Potatoes, Butter, Poultry, Eggs, Dried Fruits, and every iption o Philadelphia. Consignments solicited, and orders for shipping Country Produce. Office No. 125 Delaware Avenue Market,

promptly attended to.

W Street, (one square from Germantown Depot, Philadelphia
Business in any part of the Country attended to promptly, and at
City rates.


2m03 xmnp.


of Second month, 1866. Inquire for Circular of
of this institution will commence on the last Third day
2 3 3m. 480. vmo.
EVANT SWAYNE, Principal.

WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! Reduced to 124, 18 and 20

cents. Gold and Glazed Paper Hangings reduced. Linen
Window Shades and Fixtures, of neat designs and all sizes.
My prices are moderate. Work done in Country. Call at


wm 9t fafn. No. 1033 Spring Garden St. below 11th, Phila. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA-Incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania, 3d mo. 22, 1865. Insures lives, allows interest on deposits, and grants annuities. Capital, $150,000.

Directors-Samuel R. Shipley, Jeremiah Hacker,
Joshua H. Morris, Richard Wood,
Richard Cadbury, Henry Haines,
T. Wistar Brown, Win. C. Longstreth.
Charles F. Coffin.

Office No. 111 South Fourth Street.
W. WILBERFORCE WISTAR, General Agent, at the office of the
826 6m 110 aw
FOR GIRLS. The Fall and Winter Term of this healthfully

[blocks in formation]





No. 2.



Eternity of Good and Evil Influence....
Thoughts on Books and Reading.

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

At Publication Office, No. 131 North Seventh Street, Extract from a Letter....



The Paper is issued every Seventh-day, at Three Dollars per annum. $2.50 for Clubs; or, four copies for $10.

Agents for Clubs will be expected to pay for the entire Club.
The Postage on this paper, paid in advance at the office where
it is received, in any part of the United States, is 20 cents a year.
AGENTS.-Joseph S. Cohu, New York.

Henry Haydock, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Benj. Stratton, Richmond, Ind.

William H. Churchman, Indianapolis, Ind.
James Baynes, Baltimore, Md.

(Continued from page 2.)

The second objection is, that the Quaker discourses have generally less in them, and are occasionally less connected or more confused than those of others.

It must be obvious, when we consider that the Quaker ministers are often persons of but little erudition, and that their principles forbid them to premeditate on these occasions, that we can hardly expect to find the same logical division of the subject, or the same logical provings of given points, as in the sermons of those who spend hours, or even days together, in composing them.

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Gibbons' Review of "A Declaration," &c..

Care of the Chronic Insane in Penna. Hospital for Insane..... 28
An Address on the Limits of Education........


Report of Treasurer of Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen.. ......... 31 ITEMS...... 31

tone, and which may, on these accounts, please the man of learning and taste, may be looked upon as dross by a man of moderate abilities or acquirements. And thus it has happened, that many have left the orators of the world and joined the Quaker Society, on account of the barrenness of the discourses which they have heard among them.

With respect to Quaker sermons being sometimes less connected or more confused than those of others, they would admit that this might apparently happen; and they would explain it in the following manner. Their ministers, they would say, when they sit among the congregation, are often given to feel and discern the spiritual states of individuals then present, and sometimes to believe it necessary to describe such states, and to add such advice as these may seem to require. Now these states being frequently different from each other, the description of them, in consequence of an abrupt transition from one to the other, may sometimes occasion an apparent inconsistency in their discourses on such occasions. The Quakers, however, consider all such discourses, or those in which states are described, as among the most efficacious and useful of those delivered.

With respect to the apparent barrenness, or the little matter sometimes discoverable in their sermons, they would reply, that God has not given to every man a similar or equal gift. To some he has given largely; to others in a less degree. Upon some he has bestowed gifts, that may edify the learned; upon others such as may edify the illiterate. Men are not to limit his spirit by their own notions of qualifications. Like the wind, it bloweth not only where it listeth, but as it listeth. Thus preaching, which may appear to a scholar as below the ordinary standard, may be more edifying to the simple- But whatever may be the merits of the Quahearted than a discourse better delivered, or more ker sermons, there are circumstances worthy of eruditely expressed. Thus again, preaching, notice with respect to the Quaker preachers. which may be made up of high-sounding words, In the first place, they always deliver their disand of a mechanical manner and an affected courses with great seriousness. They are also

singularly bold and honest, when they feel it to be their duty, in the censure of the vices of individuals, whatever may be the riches they enjoy. They are reported also, from unquestionable authority, to have extraordinary skill in discerning the internal condition of those who attend their ministry, so that many, feeling the advice to be addressed to themselves, have resolved upon their amendment in the several cases to which their preaching seemed to have been applied.

As I am speaking of the subject of ministers, I will answer one or two questions, which I have often heard asked concerning it.

The first of these is, do the Quakers believe that their ministers are uniformly moved, when they preach, by the Spirit of God?

I answer the Quakers believe they may be so moved, and that they ought to be so moved. They believe also that they are often so moved. But they believe again, that except their ministers are peculiarly cautious, and keep particularly on their watch, they may mistake their own imaginations for the agency of this spirit. And upon this latter belief it is, in part, that the office of elders is founded, as before described.

The second is, as there are no defined boundaries between the reason of man and the revelation of God, how do the Quakers know that they are favored at any particular time, either when they preach or when they do not preach, with the visitation of this spirit, or that it is, at any particular time, resident within them?

Richard Claridge, a learned and pious clergyman of the Church of England in the last century, but who gave up his benefices, and joined the society of the Quakers, has said a few words in his Tractatus Hierographicus, upon this subject, a part of which I shall transcribe as an answer to this latter question.

formity and obedience thereunto. And seeing they may certainly know this, they may also as certainly know that the spirit of Christ dwelleth in them; for God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him.' And if we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.' In the same manner he goes on to enumerate many other marks from text of Scripture, by which he conceives this question may be determined."

I shall conclude this chapter on the subject of the Quaker preaching, by an extract from Francis Lambert of Avignon, whose book was published in the year 1516, long before the Society of the Quakers took its rise in the world. "Beware," says he, "that thou determine not precisely to speak what before thou hast meditated, what soever it be; for though it be lawful to determine the text which thou art to expound, yet not at all the interpretation; lest, if thou doest so, thou takest from the Holy Spirit that which is his, namely, to direct thy speech that thou mayest preach in the name of the Lord, void of all learning, meditation, and experience; and as if thou hadst studied nothing at all, committing thy heart, thy tongue, and thyself, wholly unto his spirit; and trusting nothing to thy former studying or meditation, but saying to thyself in great confidence of the divine promise, the Lord will give a word with much power unto those that preach the Gospel."

(To be continued.)


Little words, not eloquent speeches or sermons; little deeds, not miracles nor battles, nor one great act or mighty martyrdom, make up the true Christian life. The little constant sunbeam, not the lightning; the waters of Siloah, "that go softly" in their meek mission of refreshment, not "the waters of the river "Men," says he, "may certainly know, that great and mighty," rushing down in torrent they do believe on the Son of God, with that noise and force, are the true symbols of a holy faith that is unfeigned, and by which the heart life. The avoidance of little evils, little sins, litis purified for this faith is evidential and as- tle inconsistencies, little weaknesses, little follies, suring, and consequently the knowledge of it little indiscretions and imprudences, little inis certain. Now they, who certainly know that dulgences of self and of the flesh, little acts of they have this knowledge, may be certain also indolence or indecision, or slovenliness or cowof the spirit of Christ dwelling in them; for ardice, little equivocations or aberrations from 'he that believeth on the Son of God, hath high integrity, little touches of shabbiness or the witness in himself;' and this witness is the meanness, little bits of covetousness and penspirit; for it is the spirit that beareth wit-uriousness, little exhibitions of worldliness and nes,' of whose testimony they may be as certain, as of that faith the spirit beareth witness to."

Again-"They may certainly know that they love the Lord above all, and their neighbor as themselves. For the command implies not only a possibility of knowing it in general, but also of such a knowledge as respects their own immediate concernment therein, and personal benefit arising from a sense of their con

gaiety, little indifferences to the feelings or wishes of others, little outbreaks of temper and crossness or selfishness or vanity; the avoidance of such little things as these goes far to make up at least the negative beauty of a holy life. And then, attention to the little duties of the day and hour, in public transactions, or private dealings, or family arrangements; to the little words and tones; little benevolences, or forbearances, or tendernesses; little self-de

nials, self restraints, and self-forgetfulness; this doctrine, whether the Spirit proceeds little plans of quiet kindness and thoughtful directly and solely from God, or from God consideration for others; punctuality and through Christ. The Greek church taught, method, and true aim, in the ordering of each day-these are the active developments of a holy life, the rich and divine mosaics of which it is composed. What makes yon green hill so beautiful? Not the outstanding peak or stately elm, but the bright sward which clothes its slopes, composed of innumerable blades of grass. It is of small things that a great life is made up; and he who will acknowledge no life as great save that which is built up of great things, will find little in Bible characters to admire. -Bonar.

From "Reason in Religion."


The New Testament speaks of "the Spirit"
very much as the Old Testament speaks of
Jehovah or "the Lord." When the Old Testa-
ment says,
"The Lord spoke," or "The word
of the Lord came," to this or that prophet, the
New Testament substitutes Spirit,-"Jesus was
led by the Spirit into the wilderness," "The
Spirit said to Philip," "The Spirit said to
Peter," &c., &c. The same thing is meant in
both cases, but the different phraseology makes
a difference between the two dispensations. The
same fact, the same power, is differently con-
ceived. In one case it is formal, concrete,-an
individual. In the other it is liberal, diffusive,
-an influence. When the Jew thought of his
Jehovah, it was somewhat as the Gentile thought
of his Jove. He thought of him as a powerful
individual, as a wise and strong man. When
the evangelists thought of the Spirit, they
thought of it as a breath, a vision, a whisper in
the heart; a subtile influence informing the
mind, inspiring the will, directing the life.

and still teaches, that the Spirit is wholly and only from the Father. The Latin or RomanCatholic Church maintained, and still maintains, that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. And the Latin church is right: the interior meaning of that doctrine is that the spiritual creation, like the material, is based on intelligence. There can be no holiness without insight.

The Holy Spirit is that particular agency of God, direct or indirect, which concerns itself with the moral and religious education of mankind. It is God acting in this particlar way as distinguished from God in nature.

Self-manifestation-the revelation of himself in rational minds-must be supposed to be the end of all God's doing. The visible universe is one revelation,-intelligible only when viewed as such. "Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge." Nature reflects to intelligent minds the divine wisdom and love. But nature could never convey the most distant idea of moral good. The truth which we attempt to express, when we say that God is just, that God is holy; the fact of a moral law, duty, conscience, accountableness, these have no prototype or symbol in nature. This is something of which nature is unconscious. The animal world exhibits something of instinctive love, something of blind attachment, but nothing like justice, holiness. This is "the way which no fowl knoweth," which "the vulture's eye hath not seen," and which " the lion's whelps have not trodden." "The abyss saith, It is not in me; and the sea saith, It is not with me." We should know God only as mighty, wise, and beneficent, never as holy and just, were there not another creation and revelation co-parallel with the material, the moral creation, the revelation of the Spirit, in which God is revealed as moral law, and as moral and Spiritual good.

The personification of the Spirit in the New Testament is merely rhetorical; but the church, not satisfied with a figure of speech, converted the rhetoric into dogma. They constituted the Spirit a distinct person in the Godhead. No The element and medium of this moral creaharm in this, if by "person" is meant nothing tion is the moral nature which always accommore than a manifestation. But with many panies conscious intelligence, here and wherthe idea of persons hardens into that of inde-ever conscious intelligence is found. Its ma pendent individuality. The Spirit is conceived terials are rational souls. Of these "living as a being, distinct from the Father, instead of a character of or in God the Father. This was not the intent of the doctrine, as defined by the councils of the Church. It conflicts with the accompanying doctrine of the "procession," as it is called," of the Holy Ghost." The Spirit is said to proceed from God. And this procession was not once for all, but still continues. It is not a past transaction, a fact accomplished, but a present and constant process. The language is not "proceeded," but "proceeds." The question arose in the ages which developed

stones," the divine Architect, the Holy Spirit, compiles the Spiritual fabric which all good men are helping to build, and whose completion. will be the consummation and the crown of time. The Christian Church, in the vision of the apostles, was identified with that fabric," Christ himself being the chief corner-stone; in whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord." The Christian Church in their theory is not only the product, but the earthly representative and embodiment of the Holy Spirit. At once, both

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