Twas pity Nature brought ye forth Merely to show your worth, And lose you quite. But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave: And after they have shown their pride Like you, awhile, they glide Into... The Poetical Works of Robert Herrick - 第247页作者:Robert Herrick - 1825全本阅读 - 图书信息
 | 1805 - 944 页
...hour or half s delight ; And so to bid good-night ? 'Twas pity Nature brought ye forth Merely to show your worth, And lose you quite. ' But you are lovely leaves, where wt May read how «oon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave; And after they have shown their... | |
 | Nathan Drake - 1804 - 570 页
...An hour or half's delight ; ', And so to bid good-night ? 'Twas pity Nature brought ye forth Merely to shew your worth, And lose you quite. But you are...we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave : And after they have shown their pride, Like you a while: They glide Into the Grave.... | |
 | Sir Egerton Brydges - 1807 - 910 页 good-night ? Twas pity Nature brought ye forth Merely to shew your worth, And lose you quite. 3. But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave : And after they have shewn their pride. Like you, awhile, they glide Into the grave.... | |
 | 1807 - 308 页 good-night ? Twas pity nature brought ye forth Merely to shew your worth, And lose you quits.. A But you are lovely Leaves, where we May read how soon. things have Their end, tho'. ne'er so brave : . .. Arid after they have shewn their pride Like you awhile : they glide . Into... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1810 - 280 页 An hour or half 's delight, And so to bid good night ? 'Twas pity nature brought ye forth Merely to shew your worth, And lose you quite. But you are...we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave : And after they have shown their pride, Like you, awhile ; they glide Into the grave.... | |
 | 1814 - 556 页
...delight ; And so to bid good night ; "Twas pity nature brought you forth Merely to sliow your worth, A ud lose you quite* But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave : And after they have shown their pride, Like you awhile, they glide lulu the grave... | |
 | 1814 - 564 页
...And so to bid gocd night ; 'Twas pity nature brought you forth Merely to show your worth, And loae you quite. But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave • ,And after they have shown their pride, Like you awhile, they glide SCIENTIFIC AND... | |
 | Wild flowers - 1845 - 110 页
...shine, See—that it all is fair and bright, Feel—that it all is cold and gone ! BBAINARD. BUT yon are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave. And after they have shown their pride, Like you awhile, they glide Into the grave.... | |
 | Richard Lobb - 1817 - 430 页
...or two's delight ; And so to bid good night ! •Twas pity Nature brought you forth Merely to show your worth, And lose you quite. But you are lovely...we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave : And after they have shown their pride, Like you awhile they glide Into the grave.... | |
 | 1823 - 496 页
...delight, And so to bid good night? Tis pity Nature brought you forth, Merely to show your worth, And so to lose you quite. But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, tho' ne'er so brave ; After they have shewn their pride, Like you a while, they glide Into the THE... | |
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