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Pyrus spùria péndula E. of T. p. 445. A. B. p. 925., the spurious Service Tree. Height 10-12 ft.

2s. 6d.

Quercus pedunculata péndula E. of T. p. 849. A. B. p. 1731., the weeping Oak.

Robínia Pseud-Acàcia péndula E. of T. p. 234. A. B. p. 609. Gard. Mag. 1843, p. 56., the false Acacia.

Salix babylónica E. of T. p. 757. A. B. p. 1507., the weeping Willow. Height 30-50 ft.


Salix americana péndula (Rivers) Gard. Mag. 1843, p. 59., the American weeping Willow.

Sophora japonica péndula E. of T. p. 196. A. B. p. 563., the weeping Sophora. Height 30-40 ft. 10s. 6d.

Tilia álba péndula, the white Hungarian Lime. 3s. 6d.

Ulmus montana péndula E. of T. p. 721. A. B. p. 1398., the weeping Elm. 28. 6d.


Evergreen Shrubs with Needle Leaves, and the Plants of great Duration, all well adapted for Cemeteries where Shrubs are introduced.

Cupressus thyöìdes E. of T. p. 1074. A. B. p. 2475., the white Cedar. Height 10-15 ft. 2s. 6d.

Juniperus communis E. of T. p. 1081. A. B. p. 2489., the common Juniper. Height 3-5 ft. 1s. The badge of the clan Murray.

Juniperus daùrica E. of T. p. 1082. A. B. p. 2489., the Daürian Juniper. Juniperus Oxýcedrus E. of T. p. 1083. A. B. p. 2494., the brown-berried Juniper. Height 10-12 ft. 3s. 6d.

Juniperus Sabina E. of T. p. 1085. A. B. p. 2499., the common Savin. Height 7-8 ft. 1s. 6d. Several varieties.

Taxus baccata microphylla (Rivers) Gard. Mag. 1843, p. 60.

Táxus canadensis E. of T. p. 942. A. B. p. 2093., the Canada, or North American, Yew. 3s. 6d.

Evergreen Shrubs with broad Leaves, and the Plants of great Duration.

Arbutus U`nedo E. of T. p. 573. A. B. p. 1117:, and several other species. From 6d. to 5s. The arbutus is the badge of the clan Ross.

Aúcuba japónica E. of T. p. 511. A. B. p. 1026., the Japan Aucuba. Height 6-10 ft. 1s. 6d.

Berberis dulcis E. of T. p. 47. A. B. p. 305., the sweet-fruited Berberry. Height 2-5 ft. 1s. 6d.

Búxus sempervirens myrtifòlia E. of T. p. 704. A. B. p. 1333., the Myrtleleaved Box Tree. 9d.

Collètia hórrida E. of T. p. 176. A. B. p. 541., the bristly Colletia. Height 3-4 ft. 3s. 6d.

Cotoneaster buxifòlia E. of T. p. 411. A. B. p. 873., the Box-leaved Cotoneaster. 1s. 6d.

Crataegus Pyracántha E. of T. p. 385. A. B. p. 844., the fiery Thorn. Height 4-6 ft. 1s. 6d.

Daphne Laurèola E. of T. p. 688. A. B. p. 1309., the Spurge Laurel. Height 3-4 ft. 6d.

Daphne póntica E. of T. p. 688. A. B. p. 1310., the twin-flowered Spurge

Laurel. Height 4-5 ft.

1s. 6d.

Gárrya elliptica E. of T. p. 926. A. B. p. 2032., the elliptic-leaved Garrya. Height 8-10 ft. 2s. 6d.

Ilex Aquifolium E. of T. p. 157. A. B. p. 505., the common Holly: most of the variegated sorts. Height 20-30 ft. Is. to 5s.

Ligustrum vulgàre sempervirens E. of T. p. 629. A. B. p. 1199., the evergreen Privet. 6d.

Phillyrea mèdia E. of T. p. 632. A. B. p. 1204., the lance-leaved Phillyrea. Height 10-15 ft. 2s. 6d.

Quercus hybrida nàna E. of T. p. 886. A. B. p. 1924., the dwarf hybrid Oak, Rhamnus Alatérnus E. of T. p. 171. A. B. p. 529., the Alaternus. Height

10-20 ft. 1s. 6d.

Rhamnus hybridus E. of T. p. 172. A. B. p. 531., the hybrid Alaternus. Height 10-12 ft. Is. 6d.

Ulex europæ`a fl. plèno E. of T. p. 200. A. B. p. 571., the double-blossomed Furze. 18.

Vibúrnum Tìnus E. of T. p. 516. A. B. p. 1032., the Laurustinus. Height 8-10 ft.



Deciduous broad-leaved Shrubs, the Plants of compact Growth and of long Duration, adapted for Cemeteries.

Alnus víridis E. of T. p. 836. A. B. p. 1689., the green-leaved Alder. Height 5-6 ft.

Bérberis aristata E. of T. p. 49. A. B. p. 307., the bristled-tooth-leaved Berberry. Height 6-10 ft. 1s. 6d. Bérberis asiática E. of T. p. 49. 6-8 ft. 3s. 6d. Bérberis crética E. of T. p. 44. 3-4 ft. 2s. 6d. Bérberis ibérica E. of T. p. 45. 3-5 ft. 1s. 6d.

A. B. p. 306., the Asiatic Berberry. Height

A. B. p. 304., the Cretan Berberry. Height

A. B. p. 304., the Iberian Berberry. Height

Bérberis sibírica E. of T. p. 42. A. B. p. 301., the Siberian Berberry. Height 2-3 ft. 2s. 6d.

Bérberis sinensis E. of T. p. 46. A. B. p. 304., the Chinese Berberry. Height 3-5 ft. 2s. 6d.

Bérberis vulgàris E. of T. p. 42. A. B. p. 301., the common Berberry. Height 6-10 ft. 1s. 6d.

Bétula nàna E. of T. p.840. A. B. p. 1705., the dwarf Birch. Height 6-8 ft. Is. 6d.

Bétula pùmila E. of T. p. 840. A. B. p. 1705., the hairy dwarf Birch. Height 2-3 ft. 1s. 6d.

Caragana arborescens E. of T. p. 237. A. B. p. 629., the Siberian Pea Tree.

Height 15-20 ft.

1s. 6d.

Cérasus hyemalis E. of T. p. 285. A. B. p. 704., the Winter Cherry Tree. Height 3-4 ft.

1s. 6d.

Cérasus nigra E. of T. p. 284. A. B. p. 704., the black Cherry Tree. Height 6-10 ft. 2s. 6d.

Chimonanthus fràgrans E. of T. p. 445. A. B. p. 938., the fragrant-flowered Chimonanthus. Height 6-8 ft. 3s. 6d.

Chionanthus virgínica E. of T. p. 634. A. B. p. 1206., the Fringe Tree. Height 10-30 ft. 2s. 6d.

Córnus alba E. of T. p. 503. A. B. p. 1011., the white-fruited Dogwood. Height 4-10 ft. 9d.

Córnus álba stricta E. of T. p. 503. A. B. p. 1012., the straight-branched Dogwood. Height 6-10 ft. 1s. 6d.

Córnus alternifolia E. of T. p. 501. A. B. p. 1010., the alternate-leaved Dogwood. Height 15-20 ft.


Córnus más E. of T. p. 505. A. B. p.1014, the Cornelian Cherry Tree. Height 12-20 ft. 1s. 6d.

Cornus sanguínea E. of T. p. 502. A. B. p. 1010., the common Dogwood. Height 4-15 ft. 9d.

Corylus Avellana E. of T. p. 921. A. B. p. 2017., the common Hazel. Height 20 ft. 9d. The badge of the clan Colquhoun.

Córylus Avellana purpùrea, the purple-leaved Hazel. Is. 6d.

Cotoneaster frígida E. of T. p. 407. A. B. p. 871., the frigid Cotoneaster. Height 10-20 ft. 2s. 6d.

Cotoneaster frígida affinis E. of T. p. 408. A. B. p. 871., the related Cotoneaster. Height 10-20 ft. 1s. 6d.

Cotoneaster nummulària E. of T. p. 409. 4. B. p. 872., the money-like-leaved Cotoneaster. Height 10-15 ft.

1s. 6d.

Cotoneaster vulgàris E. of T. p. 406. A. B. p. 870., the common Cotoneaster. Height 4-5 ft. 1s. 6d.

Crataegus parvifòlia E. of T. p. 383. A. B. p. 841., the small-leaved Thorn. Height 4-6 ft.

3s. 6d.

Crataegus virgínica E. of T. p. 384. A. B. p. 842., the Virginian Thorn. Height 4-5 ft.

Cydònia japónica E. of T. p. 452. A. B. p. 931., the Japan Quince Tree. Height 5-6 ft. Is. 6d.

Cydònia sinensis E. of T. p. 451. A. B. p. 931., the China Quince Tree. Height 10-12 ft.

2s. 6d.

Daphne Mezèreum E. of T. p. 687. A. B. p. 1307., the common Mezereon. Height 3-4 ft. ls.

Euonymus europæ'us E. of T. p. 149., A. B. p. 496., the Spindle Tree. Height 6-12 ft. 9d.

Euonymus latifolius E. of T. p. 150. A. B. p. 498., the broad-leaved Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. Height 10-20 ft. 1s. 6d.

Gleditschia sinensis purpùrea E. of T. p. 252. A. B. p. 654., the Chinese Gleditschia. 2s. 6d.

Hamamelis virgínica E. of T. p. 499. A. B. p. 1007., the Wych Hazel. Height 20-30 ft. 2s. 6d.

Ligustrum vulgàre E. of T. p. 629. 4. B. p. 1198., the common Privet. Height 6-10 ft. 4d.

Paliùrus aculeatus E. of T. p. 168. A. B. p. 527., Christ's Thorn. Height 15-20 ft. 1s. 6d.

Pavia macrostachya E. of T. p. 133. A. B. p. 473., the long-racemed Pavia. Height 10-15 ft. 2s. 6d.

Philadelphus coronàrius E. of T. p. 460. A. B. p. 951., the Mock Orange. Height 10-12 ft. 9d.

Prinos decíduus E. of T. p. 164. A. B. p. 520., the deciduous Winter Berry. Height 3-5 ft. 1s. 6d.

Prunus marítima E. of T. p. 275. A. B. p. 691., the sea-side-inhabiting Plum Tree. Height 6-8 ft. 2s. 6d.

Prunus spinosa E. of T. p. 271. A. B. p. 684., the common Sloe Thorn. Height 10-15 ft. Is. 6d.

Pyrus arbutifòlia E. of T. p. 446. A. B. p. 925., the Arbutus-leaved Aronia. Height 4-6 ft. 2s. 6d.

Pyrus Chamaméspilus E. of T. p. 449. A. B. p. 928., the dwarf Medlar. Height 5-6 ft. 1s. 6d.

Pyrus pubens E. of T. p. 448. A. B. p. 927., the downy-branched Aronia. Height 4-5 ft. 3s. 6d.

Pyrus spuria E. of T. p. 444. A. B. p. 924., the spurious Service Tree. Height 10-20 ft. 2s. 6d.

Quercus Banisteri E. of T. p. 876. A. B. p. 1893., the Holly-leaved, or Bear, Oak. Height 3-10 ft.

Rhamnus alpinus E. of T. p. 175. A. B. p. 536., the Alpine Buckthorn.
Height 5-10 ft. 1s.

Rhamnus catharticus E. of T. p. 172. A. B. p. 531., the purging Buckthorn.
Height 10-12 ft. 18.
Rhamnus Frángula E. of T.
or Berry-bearing Alder.
Rhamnus latifolius E. of T.

thorn. Height 10-15 ft.

p. 177. A. B. p. 539., the breaking Buckthorn,
Height 8-10 ft. 1s. 6d.
p. 177. A. B. p. 538., the broad-leaved Buck-
1s. 6d.

Rhús Cótinus E. of T. p. 187. A. B. p. 549., the Venetian Sumach. Height 4-6 ft. 1s. 6d.

Rhús glabra E. of T. p. 188. A. B. p. 551., the Scarlet Sumach. Height 5-18 ft. 1s. 6d.

Rhús typhìna E. of T. p. 187. A. B. p. 550., the Stag's Horn Sumach.
Height 20 ft. 9d.

Rhús venenata E. of T. p. 189.
Wood, or Swamp Sumach.
Sambucus racemòsa E. of T. p.
Elder. Height 10-12 ft.
Shepherdia argentea E. of T. p.
herdia. Height 12-18 ft.
Shepherdia canadensis E. of T. p. 700. A. B. p. 1327., the Canadian Shep-
herdia. Height 6-8 ft. 2s. 6d.

A. B. p. 552., the poisonous Rhus, Poison
Height 15-20 ft. 1s. 6d.

515. A. B. p. 1031., the racemose-flowered
1s. 6d.

700. A. B. p. 1327., the silver-leaved Shep1s. 6d.

Spira a ariæfòlia E. of T. p. 309. A. B. p. 731., the White-Beam-treeleaved Spiræa. Height 6-8 ft. 1s.

Spiræ a chamadrifòlia E. of T. p. 300. A. B. p. 724., the Germander-leaved Spiræa. Height 2-8 ft.


Spira a hypericifolia E. of T. p. 303. A. B. p. 726., the Hypericum-leaved Spiræa. Height 4-6 ft. 9d.

Spira a opulifolia E. of T. p. 299. A. B. p. 723., the Virginian Guelder Rose. Height 8-10 ft.


Staphylèa trifòlia E. of T. p. 147. A. B. p. 493., the Bladder-nut Tree. Height 6-12 ft. 1s.

Symphoricarpos montànus E. of T. p. 542., the Mountain St. Peter's Wort. Height 5-6 ft. ls.

Symphoricarpos vulgàris E. of T. p. 541. A. B. p. 1058., the common St. Peter's Wort. Height 3-6 ft. 9d.

Syringa Josika'a E. of T. p. 637. A. B. p. 1201., Josika's Lilac. Height 6-12 ft. 1s. 6d.

Syringa pérsica E. of T. p. 637. A. B. p. 1211., the Persian Lilac. Height 4-6 ft. 9d.

Syringa rothomagénsis E. of T. p. 637. A. B. p. 1212., the Rouen Lilac. Height 6-8 ft. 9d.

Syringa vulgàris E. of T. p. 636. A. B. p. 1209., the common Lilac. Height 8-10 ft. 9d.

Syringa vulgàris álba E. of T. p. 636. 4. B. p. 1209., the common White Lilac. 9d.

Viburnum dentatum E. of T. p. 521. A. B. p. 1038., the toothed-leaved Vi

[blocks in formation]

Viburnum Lantana E. of T. p. 520. A. B. p. 1035., the Wayfaring Tree. Height 12-15 ft. Is.

Viburnum Lentàgo E. of T. p. 517. A. B. p. 1033., the Lentago, or pliantbranched Viburnum. Height 6-10 ft.

1s. 6d.

Viburnum O'pulus E. of T. p. 522. A. B. p. 1039., the Guelder Rose. Height 6-12 ft. 9d.

Xanthoxylum fraxíneum E. of T. p.

ache Tree. Height 10-15 ft.

142. A. B. p. 488., the common Tooth2s. 6d.


Select low Trees or Shrubs for a Cemetery or Churchyard Wall, where the Expense of Training is not an Object.

* Evergreen or Subevergreen.

Arbutus Andráchne E. of T. p. 575. A. B. p. 1120., the Strawberry Tree. Height 20-30 ft.


Aristotelia Mácqui E. of T. p. 183. A. B. p. 543., the Macqui Aristotelia. Height 6 ft. 1s. 6d.

Ceanothus azureus E. of T. p. 180. A. B. p. 539., the Red Root. Height 6-10 ft. 2s. 6d.

Cratæ gus mexicàna E. of T. p. 384. A. B. p. 843., the Mexican Thorn. Height 10-15 ft. 2s. 6d.

Escallonia rubra E. of T. p. 490. A. B. p. 993., the red-flowered Escallonia. Height 3-6 ft. 18. 6d.

Euonymus japonicus E. of T. p. 153. A. B. p. 501. 1s. 6d.

Laurus nóbilis E. of T. p. 681. A. B. p. 1297., the Sweet Bay. Height 30-60 ft. 1s. 6d.

Ligustrum lucidum E. of T. p. 630. A. B. p. 1201., the shining-leaved Privet, or Wax Tree. Height 10-20 ft. 1s. 6d. Magnolia grandiflora E. of T. p. 22. 4. B. p. 261., the large-flowered Magnolia. Height 20-30 ft. 3s. 6d.

Mahonia fasciculàris E. of T. p. 50. A. B. p. 309., the Ash Berberry. Height 5-8 ft. 7s. 6d.

Photínia serrulàta E. of T. p. 404. A. B. p. 868., the serrulated-leaved Photinia. Height 12-15 ft. 2s. 6d.

Yucca gloriòsa E. of T. p. 1101. A. B. p. 2521., the glorious Adam's Needle. Height 5 ft. 5s.

** Deciduous.

Amygdalus orientalis E. of T. p. 265. A. B. p. 679., the Eastern Almond Tree. Height 8—10 ft. 2s. 6d.

Búddlea globosa E. of T. p. 670. A. B. p. 1276. the globe-flowered Buddlea. Height 12-15 ft. 1s. 6d.

Deutzia scabra E. of T. p. 466. A. B. p. 950, the scabrous Deutzia. Height 4-6 ft. 1s. 6d.

Hibiscus syriacus E. of T. p. 62. A. B. p. 362., the Althea Frutex. Height 6 ft. Nine varieties. From 6d. to Is.


Magnolia conspicua E. of T. p. 33. A. B. p. 278., the Yulan, or conspicuous-
flowered Magnolia. Height 20-30 ft.
Magnolia c. Soulangeana E. of T. p. 33. A. B. p. 272., Soulange's Magnolia.
Height 15-20 ft. 58.

Magnolia cordata E. of T. p. 30. A. B. p. 275., the heart-leaved Magnolia.
Height 20-30 ft. 3s. 6d.

Magnolia purpurea E. of T. p. 35. A. B. p. 282., the purple-flowered Magnolia. Height 3-5 ft. 2s. 6d.

Ribes aureum præ cox E. of T. p. 487. A. B. p. 989., the golden-flowered Currant. 18.

Ribes Menzièsü E. of T. p. 475. Menzies's Gooseberry. Height 4-5 ft. 1s. 6d.

Ribes sanguíneum E. of T. p. 486. A. B. p. 988., the bloody, or red-flowered, Currant. Height 4-8 ft. 9d.

Ribes speciosum E. of T. p. 474. A. B. p. 974., the showy-flowered Gooseberry. Height 4--8 ft. Is. 6d.

Robínia hispida E. of T. p. 236. A. B. p. 627., the Rose Acacia. Height 6-20 ft. 1s. 6d.

Robinia macrophylla E. of T. p. 237. A. B. p. 628., the large-leaved Rose Acacia. Is. 6d.

Robínia ròsea E. of T. p. 237. A. B. p. 627., the rosy-flowered Rose Acacia, 1s. 6d.


Climbing Shrubs adapted for a Wall where the Ground is not dug.

* Evergreen.

Hédera Hèlix E. of T. p. 497. A. B. p. 1000., the common Ivy. Height

20-60 ft. Seven varieties, all beautiful.

[blocks in formation]

From 6d. to 1s. 6d. The

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