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" We thought as we hollowed his narrow bed And smoothed down his lonely pillow, That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we... "
Complete Course in Public Speaking - 第 156 頁
Joseph Albert Mosher 著 - 1920 - 631 頁
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, 第 59 卷

Edmund Burke - 1819 - 822 頁
...lonely pillow, That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his ha And we far away on the billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone. And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, Bui nothing he'll reck if they let him sleep on In the grave where a Briton has luid him. But half...
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The Port Folio

1817 - 560 頁
...lonely pillow, That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we far away on the billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, But nothing he'll reck if they let him sleep on But half of our heavy task was done, When the clock to1...
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Accepted Addresses; Or, Proemium Poetarum: To which are Added, Macbeth ...

1813 - 410 頁
...lonely pillow, That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we far away on the billow! Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him; But nothing he'll reck, if they'll let him sleep on In the grave where a Briton has laid him. But half...
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The American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review, 第 1 卷

H. Biglow, Orville Luther Holley - 1817 - 492 頁
...Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, Ar.il o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, But nothing he'll reck if they let him sleep on In the grave where...But half of our heavy task was done, When the clock tolf'd the hour for retiring, And we beard the distant random gun That the foe was suddenly tiring....
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Blackwood's Magazine, 第 74 卷

1853 - 814 頁
...canonisation : if there U to be worship, it must be immediate. A century destroys it ; but enmity survives. "Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And...o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, But little he'll rock, if they let him Bleep on," dec. We commenced with the intention of reviewing Mr Thackeray's Lectures,...
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The Edinburgh Monthly Magazine, 第 1 卷

1817 - 694 頁
...And o'er liis cold ¡Lshes upbraid him, But nothing he'll reck, if they let him sleep on In the'gravc where a Briton has laid him. But half of our heavy task was done, When the clock tolled the hour for retiring ; And we heard by the distant and random gun, That the foe was suddenly...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, 第 72 卷

1817 - 646 頁
...pillow, Thnt the foe And the stranger would tread , on his in-..' ' . And we far away on the billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him. But nothing he'll reck, if they let him sleep on, In the grave where a Briton has laid him. But half our...
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 第 1 卷

1817 - 710 頁
...in the stiH night waters them with dew, one day of Spring was sleeping in the shade of a Rose-bush. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, But nothing he'll reck, if they let him sleep And when he awoke, with friendly look on he said • " Loveliest...
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An excursion to Windsor, in July 1810. Also A sail down the river Medway ...

John Evans - 1817 - 610 頁
...of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold.ashes upbraid him ; But nothing he'Jl reck, if they'll let him sleep on, In the grave where a BRITON has laid him! But half of uur heavy task was done When the clock told the hour for retiring, And we heard by the distant and...
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The American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review, 第 1 卷

H. Biglow, Orville Luther Holley - 1817 - 502 頁
...lonely pillow, That the foe and the stranger would tread o'«r his head, And we far away on the billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, But nothing he'll reck if they let him sleep on lu the grave where a Britoa has laid him. But half of our...
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