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supine, prone, vertical, index finger, or clenched. In a few cases b h (both hands) is prefixed.


A. The Middle Plane

The ideas which may be best expressed by the middle-plane supine gestures are those which do not involve either elevation or depression, and do not require one of the other handforms, such as the prone. The scope of this class may be indicated by the following groups.

1. Extent of space, location in space, duration of time, location in time, unity and numbers, analogous mental or emotional extent.

If a person stood near a plot of ground and wished to indicate to a companion the size of it, he would move his hand through an arc corresponding to the size of the plot. This would be a literal gesture, the movement of the hand actually measuring the extent of space. Removed from the presence of the object, the speaker's sweeping gesture accompanying a mention of breadth aids in conveying the idea because the passage of the hand through space is, as just indicated, literally associated with extent or distance. Owing to similarity

of the concepts, large numbers and duration or remoteness of time are suggested by the same movement. In accordance with the fundamental analogy already pointed out, any idea of extent involving the intellect or emotions is similarly expressed. The farther the hand moves toward its lateral limit the greater is the extent suggested. Obviously, then, if the hand is stopped in the oblique the extent of time, space, and number indicated is comparatively less. And if the hand is stopped in the front, we have by contrast, that is, by absence of sweep, and nearness of the hand to the audience, unity instead of numbers, limitation instead of breadth of extent, nearness in time or space location, and an analogous restriction of mental or emotional expansion.


The narrowness of the street was an objection.


A space of three blocks was roped off.


Thousands of acres have been devastated.

(m 1 s)

1 Note that extent and numbers are always relatively great or small; twenty dollars, miles or years may be made to appear great or small, depending upon the size of the sweep.


On this very spot the treaty was signed.

(m fs)

The village lay some twenty miles to the right.


His influence was felt even in far-off India.


(m 1 s)

The subscription books are open only four days.

(m fs)

A score of years have passed since his death.

[blocks in formation]

ANALOGOUS MENTAL OR EMOTIONAL EXTENT He showed but a slight interest in the proposition. (mfs)

The speaker was accorded a fairly cordial wel

[blocks in formation]

(m o s)

2. Presenting, itemizing, addressing, describing, indicating, denying.


The expressiveness of the middle plane supine gestures in presentation lies in their actual resemblance to the movement in offering a material object. If a single object, person, fact, thought, or emotion is to be offered, affirmed, proposed, suggested, or in any other way put before the audience, the middle front supine should be used. To indicate numbers or extent in connection with presentation the oblique or lateral may be employed as the case requires. I propose this measure in good faith.

(m fs)

We submit these cases for your careful consid

(s'o w)


The whole matter is thus at your disposal.

(m 1 s)


This common feature in speech includes various series in analysis, classification, number, comparison, and contrast. It is closely allied in its nature to presentation but its expression calls for a series of movements either repeated in the same plane or, if greater distinctness is desired, progressing from front to oblique to lateral.

Ten-twenty-thirty minutes passed.

(mfs repeated)

Men, women, even children, are petitioning.

(mfs, m O s, m 1 s)

In one case you have a surplus; in the other a


(mfs, mos) 1


In asking, appealing, demanding, welcoming, and the like we instinctively reach out toward the audience for the purpose of gaining, holding, or intensifying the attention. The vertical plane of the gesture is determined by the size of the audience. For addressing one person or a small group the front plane is used; to include

1 The use of both hands would be appropriate in cases of this kind; see pages 54-57.

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