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Budhism of other eastern nations. recognizes beings superior to man, to whom are ascribed dominion over the planets, the latter being considered to exercise an influence upon the destinies of man. These beings were considered as causing all the diseases which afflict mankind, in the exercise of which power these poor wretches oppose them with charms, songs, and incantations. The prevailing doctrines of the religion of Budha are those of the metempsychosis, and of a future state of rewards and punishments, consisting in repeated transmigrations of the soul from one body to another, until it be absorbed or annihilated. With the Budhists there is no supreme God, but a heaven crowded with innumerable divinities of various conditions and functions, which the imagination of the priesthood has depicted in the most gorgeous colours. They believe that the world had no beginning, and will have no end-that variety of worship is agreeable to superior beings, but that their own form is the best, and they are ready to admit all mankind to a participation of its advantages. The Budhist nations, consequently, have never persecuted Christianity; but its morality is too severe for them, and they insist, according to a favourite expression of their own, that, although it be a road to heaven, it is one which is too difficult for them to follow.


This system appears to have originated in Tartary. From this country it passed into Hindostan, at a period anterior to all historical record, and flourished together with Brahminism, or rather originally formed a part of that singular system. This seems to be evident from the great similarity subsisting between their fundamental doctrines. From many of the

WORSHIP OF THE BUDHISTS. Ir there is an interest universally felt and acknowledged in tracing the history, and investigating the customs, of large communities of men, the study of their religion or mythology-the most influential of all the causes which determine their national character and conditioncannot be without its pleasures and uses. To estimate the minute proportions of

truth discoverable in the most erroneous and gross systems of religion, to trace them from the only source of truth, and to account for the adulterating admixture of error which, in false systems, renders it imperceptible and useless, these are employments becoming a rational and enlightened mind. Besides, as important truths may be conveyed in negatives, as we arrive at the science of life by the examination of the dead, and learn to preserve as well as to appreciate health by investigating disease, so we shall at once fortify our religion, and strengthen our attachment to it, by observing the intellectual and moral degradation consequent upon its absence.

doctrines and customs of this sect we
should infer that it preceded the institu-
tion of those castes or orders into which
the Hindoos are divided. Among the
Budhists the priests lived a life of the
strictest celibacy-a practice which could
never have prevailed conjointly with the
system of castes, as the sacred order
would necessarily become extinct in one

One of the preposterous ceremonies of an absurd, but ancient and widely-spread, superstition, is depicted in the uncouthlooking engraving at the head of this article. The religious system referred to is denominated Budhism, and the particular form it here assumes is that under which it is found in Ceylon. It represents the king and his subjects listening with profound attention to the discourses of Sekkraia and Matalee, two of their imaginary deities.

With these general remarks on the character of the religion of Budha, it may not be uninteresting to extract, for the edification of the reader, some more particular statement of their mythological creed. We quote from Dr. Buchanan's selections, in the sixth volume of "The Asiatic Researches."

The god Sekkraia resides in the great city Maha-Soudassana, which has a square form, its gilded wall, surrounding it, being a perfect square. The gates are of gold and silver, adorned with precious stones. Seven moats surround the city, and beyond the last range a row of marble pillars studded with jewels; beyond which are seven rows of palm-trees, bearing rubies, pearls, gold, &c., lakes, odoriferous flowers, and fragrant trees. To the north-east of the city is a very large hall, exference 900, and its height 450 juzana. From tending every way 500 juzana, its circumits roof hang golden bells; and its walls, pillars, and stairs, shine with gold and precious stones. The pavement is of crystal, and each row of pillars contains a hundred columns. The road to this hall is twenty juzana long and eighteen broad, bordered with trees bearing fruit and flowers. Whenever Sekkraia flowers (fresh ones instantly blooming in their stead), with which the presiding god of the winds adorns the road in honour of his approach; and the flowers are so abundant as to reach up to the knees. In the centre stands the great imperial throne, surmounted by the white chettra or umbrella; it shines with gold, and pearls, and jewels. It is surrounded by the thirty-two shrines of the counsellors, and behind these the other Nat (i. e. the col

Hindooism, like Judaism, admits of no proselytes, as the bare acknowledgment of certain opinions does not constitute a Jew or a Hindoo, genealogy being an equally important condition in both cases. Budhism, on the other hand, admits proselytes, and refuses to recognize the system of castes. Hence the deadly hostility which prevailed among the Hindoos and Budhists, which ended in the total ex-repairs to this hall, the wind shakes off all the pulsion of the latter from the continent of India. The persecuted Budhists took refuge in the Island of Ceylon about 260 years before the Christian era, and erected there the altars of their religion. On arriving there Budhism had to mix with the demon-worship practised by the aboriginal inhabitants, from which it took a tincture which distinguishes it from the

lective populace of gods), each in his proper
place. The four assistant gods also attend;
while the inferior gods touch their musical
instruments and sing melodiously. The four
assistant deities then command their inferior
gods to go through this southern island, or the
world, and inquire diligently into the actions
of mankind, if they observe holy days and
laws (the Budha's precepts), and exercise cha-
rity. At this command, quicker than the
winds, the messengers pass through this world;
and, having carefully noted in a golden book
all the good and evil actions of men, they im-
mediately return to the hall, and deliver the
record to the four presiding gods, who pass it
to the lesser deities, and they onward till it
reaches Sekkraia. He, opening the book, reads
aloud; and, if his voice be raised, it sounds
over the whole heaven. If the Nat hear that
men practise good works, and obey the Bud-
hist laws, they exclaim, "Oh, now the infernal
regions will be empty, and our abode full of
inhabitants!" If, on the contrary, there are
Oh, wretches!" say they,
few good men,
smiling, men and fools, who, feasting for a
short life, for a body four cubits in length, and
a belly not larger than a span, have heapen on
themselves sin which will make them miser-
able in futurity!" Then the god Sekkraia,
that he may induce men to live virtuously,
charitably, and justly, speaks thus:-" Truly,
if men fulfilled the law (the Budha's precepts),
they would be such as I am." After this he
will, with all his train, to the number of thirty-
six millions of Nat, return to the city with




view than to evince their valour, or to riot in the vengeance of victory. Ambition, as exhibited in Pompey and Cæsar, seems almost to become a grand passion when compared to the contracted and ferocious aim of Homer's chiefs; while this passion, even thus elevated, serves to exalt, by comparison, the far different and nobler sentiments and objects of Cato and Brutus. The contempt of death, which, in the heroes of the Iliad, often seems like an incapacity, or an oblivion of thought, is, in Lucan's favourite characters, the result, or, at least, the associate, of high philosophic spirit; and this strongly contrasts their courage with that of Homer's warriors, which is (according, indeed, to his own frequent similes) the reckless daring of wild beasts. Lucan sublimates martial into moral grandeur. Even if you could deduct from his great men all that which forms the specific martial display of the hero, you would find their greatness little diminished; they would still retain their commanding and interesting aspect. The better class of them, amidst war itself, hate and deplore the spirit and destructive exploits of war. They are indignant at the vices of mankind for compelling their virtue into a career in which such sanguinary glories can be acquired. And, while they deem it their duty to exert their courage in conflict for a just cause, they regard camps and battles as vulgar things, from which their thoughts often turn away into a train of solemn and presaging reflections, in which they approach sometimes the most elevated sublimity. You have a more absolute impression of grandeur fiom a speech of Cato than from all the mighty exploits that epic poetry ever blazoned. The eloquence of Lucan's moral heroes does not consist in images of triumphs and conquests, but in reflections on virtue, sufferings, destiny, and death; and the sentiments expressed in his own name have often a melancholy tinge which renders them irresistibly interesting. He might seem to have felt a presage, while musing on the last of the Romans, that their In naming Lucan, I am not unaware that poet was soon to follow them. The reader an avowal of high admiration may hazard all becomes devoted both to the poet and to these credit for correct discernment. I must, how-illustrious men; but, under the influence of ever, confess that, in spite of his rhetorical ostentation, and all the offences of a too inflated style, he does, in my apprehension, greatly surpass all the other ancient poets in direct force of the ethical spirit; and that he would have a stronger influence to seduce my feelings, in respect to moral greatness, into a discordance from Christian principles. His leading characters are widely different from those of Homer, and of an eminently superior order. The mighty genius of Homer appeared and departed in a rude age of the human mind, a stranger to the intellectual enlargement which would have enabled him to combine in his heroes the dignity of thought, instead of mere physical force, with the energy of passion. For want of this, they are great heroes without being great men. They appear to you only as tremendous fighting and destroying animals-a kind of human mammoths. The prowess of personal conflict is all they can understand and admire, and in their warfare their minds never reach to any of the sublimer views and results even of war; their . chief and final object seems to be the mere savage glory of fighting, and the aunihilation of their enemies. When the heroes of Lucan, both the depraved and the nobler class, are employed in war, it seems but a small part of what they can do, and what they intend; they have always something further and greater in

No. IV.


this attachment, he adopts all their sentiments,
and exults in the sympathy, forgetting, or un-
willing, to reflect whether this state of feeling
be concordant with the religion of Christ, and
with the spirit of the apostles and martyrs.
The most captivating of Lucan's sentiments,
to a mind enamoured of pensive sublimity, are
those concerning death. I remember the very
principle which I would wish to inculcate,
that is, the necessity that a believer of the
gospel should preserve the Christian tenour of
feeling predominant in his mind, and clear of
incongruous mixture, having struck me with
great force amidst the enthusiasm with which
I read many times over the memorable account
of Vulteius, the speech by which he inspired
his gallant band with a passion for death, and
the reflections on death with which the poet
closes the episode. I said to myself, at the
suggestion of conscience, What are these sen-
timents with which I am glowing? Are these
the just ideas of death? Are they such as
were taught by the Divine Author of our re-
ligion? Is this the spirit with which St. Paul
approached his last hour? And I felt a pain-
ful collision between this reflection and the
passion inspired by the poet. I perceived
clearly that the kind of interest which I felt
was no less than a real adoption, for the time,
of the very same sentiments with which he
was animated.


try is to be traced to the reign of Queen Eliza-
THE origin of periodical literature in this coun-
beth. England being threatened with a formi-
dable invasion from Spain, the wise and prudent
Burleigh projected "The English Mercurie,”
printed in the year 1588, with the design of
and to relieve them from the danger of false
conveying correct information to the people,
reports, during the continuance of the boasted
Spanish Armada in the English Channel.
They were all extraordinary gazettes, published
from time to time, as that profound statesman
judged needful, and less frequently as the
danger abated. The appetite for news, thus
excited, was not suffered to rest long without a
further supply. Nathaniel Butter established
the first weekly paper in August, 1622, entitled,
"The Certain Newes of this Present Week,"
and within a few years other journals were
started; but they did not become numerous
until the time of the civil wars. During that
season of contention, each party had its Diur-
nals, its Mercuries, and its Intelligencers,
which arose into being as fast as the events
which occasioned them. The great news-writer
of that period was Marchmont Needham, of
whose history and writings a large account is
given by Anthony Wood. At the Restoration,
he was discharged by the council of state from
his post of public news-writer, Giles Dury and
They were authorised to publish their papers
Henry Muddiman being appointed in his room.
on Mondays and Thursdays, under the title of
"The Parliamentary Intelligencer," and "Mer-
curius Publicus." In August, 1663, the noted
Roger L'Estrange obtained the appointment of
sole patentee for the publication of intelligence,
under the designation of "Surveyor of the
Imprimery and Printing Presses ;" and he was

at the same time constituted one of the li-
censers of the press. By virtue of his newly-
created office, he published two papers, entitled
"The Intelligencer," and "The Newes," whichs
appeared Mondays and Thursdays, until the
beginning of January, 1665-6, when they were
superseded by "The London Gazette," which
became the property of Thomas Newcomb.

From this time to the Revolution, a variety of newspapers made their appearance, both for and against the court. The most ingenious of its opponents was "The Weekly Packet of Advice from Rome; or, the Popish Courant;" written by Henry Care, and continued for four years and a half, from December, 1678, to the 13th of July, 1683. A rival paper, written with much wit and humour, against Care, and other Whig writers, was "Heraclitus Ridens; or, a Discourse between Jest and Earnest; where many a true word is pleasantly spoken, in opposition to libellers against the government." The first number appeared, February, 1681, and the last, August 22, 1682. Towards the end of Queen Anne's reign, when churchmen were desirous of rendering the Dissenters ridiculous, in order to crush them, this work was reprinted in two volumes, with a preface full of misrepresentation and slander. The work itself contains some humourous songs and poems adapted to the loyalty of the times. Another contemporary paper, rendered notorious by its subserviency to the court, and the scurrility of its pages, was "The Observator in Dialogue. By Roger L'Estrange, Esq." It commenced, April, 13, 1681, and was continued until the 9th of March, 1687. Proper titles, prefaces, and indexes were then added to the work, which forms three volumes in folio. It is a curious record of the manners and illiberal spirit of the times.

The events that followed the Revolution gave a new stimulus to inquiry, and multiplied the productions of the press, which also increased in value, and began to assume a more permanent form. Following the spirit of the age, Dunton projected "The Anthenian Gazette: or, Casuistical Mercury. Resolving all the most nice and curious Questions proposed by the Ingenious." The first number was published, March 17, 1691, and the last the 8th of February, 1696, which closed the nineteenth volume. Before this time, the public journals were either restricted to temporary politics, or to the angry discussion of controverted subjects of an ecclesiastical nature, and of little benefit to the reader. Dunton has the merit of first giving them a literary turn; but his paper excluded politics, and the quaintness of the style rendered it uninviting to his readers.

It was in the following reign that our periodical literature first acquired that polished style, and intellectual vigour, which had so decided an influence in improving the taste and manners of the age. Upon this account, the reign of Queen Anne has been sometimes cailed the Augustan age; and it certainly abounded in men of genius and refined taste, in every department of learning. The writings of Swift, Steele, and Addison, who adorned that period, were long considered as the standards of good style; and, although not the inventors of essay-writing, contributed to throw a charm over it, such as it had never before attained. Amongst their precursors in this line, there can be no question that De Foe is entitled to the foremost rank; and that in the graces of language he as far outstripped his contemporaries as he was himself excelled by his successors.

Numerous as were the periodical writers in the early part of this reign, there are three only that challenge particular distinction: "The Observator," of which the first number was published April 1, 1702; "The Review," which commenced February 19, 1704; and "The Rehearsal," which appeared the 2nd of August in the same year. The first and last of them were written by way of dialogue, and distinguished by their personalities. Tutchin, who wrote "The Observator," was the organ of the Whigs, as Leslie was of the high-flyers; and the writings of both are plentifully seasoned with the hostile language of party. De Foe's politics were those of the old Whig school, but he never ran the full race of party writers. In the late reign, he was rather a Williamite than either Whig or Tory; and, in the present, his political connections were chiefly amongst the new Whigs. Soon after he started the "Review," this party came into power, and received his zealous support so long as its leaders continued true to the grand principles of civil and religious liberty; but, when they sacrificed them to their ambition, he followed his own judgment in descanting upon affairs.

It was

be remarked, that De Foe was the sole writer of the nine quarto volumes that compose the work; a prodigious undertaking for one man, especially when we consider his other numerous engagements of a literary nature.

A modern writer, speaking of this work, bestows upon it the following eulogium:-"Contemporary with Leslie's Rehearsals, came forward, under a periodical dress, and of a kind far superior to any thing which had hitherto appeared, the Review of Daniel De Foe, a man of undoubted genius, and who, deviating from the accustomed route, had chalked out a new path for himself. The chief topics were, as usual, news, foreign and domestic, and politics; to these, however, were added the various concerns of trade; and, to render the undertaking more palatable and popular, he with much judgment, instituted what he termed, perhaps with no great propriety, a 'Scandal Club, and whose amusement it was to agitate questions in divinity, morals, war, language, poetry, love, marriage, &c. The introduction of this club, and the subjects of its discussion, it is obvious, approximated the Review much nearer than any preceding work to our first classical model."



MR. EDITOR, Permit me, through the medium of your philanthropic journal, to acquaint the British public with a feature of Jamaica slavery to which, in a general sense, they seem to be entire strangers; but one which ought, if well weighed and considered, to have a strong claim on their sympathizing hearts.

I allude to the wretched and degraded condition of hundreds of white persons, wandering about as vagrants, and uniformly treated as such, throughout the whole length and breadth of the island. These unfortunates are denounced, by the West India party, as unprincipled villains, destitute of all character, and a disgrace and pest to society. But to what cause is their present unpitied condition to be attributed? Simply and undoubtedly to the continued abuse of lawless power, vested in the planters, over their white dependants, no less than their slaves; for, allowing that numbers of these walking buckras, as they are styled, have had their own bad conduct to blame for their present destitution (as may in many instances hold true), still it is a decided and undeniable truth that the far greater number have lost RESPECTABLE situations, and consequently all farther chance of promotion, through the mere caprice or malice of an attorney or overseer. In my opinion, their case is truly a bitter one, and second only to that of the slaves themselves. They are both the degraded victims of that horrid system that blasts their morals and sickens their

his opinion that government should be supported so far as is consistent with reason and sound policy, but no further; and it was upon this principle that he conducted his "Review." This paper differed from its two rivals, in par-hearts. taking more of the nature of an essay, which was better adapted for discussion. That it did not outlive its day, may be ascribed to the great proportion of temporary matter with which it abounded. There are to be found in its pages, however, many instructive pieces of a moral and political nature, besides others devoted to amusement; and also some useful historical documents. A complete copy of the work is not known to be in existence. It deserves to

Let those who have relatives in Jamaica of whom, for years together, no tidings have been heard, and who have, therefore, been numbered with the dead-let those startle when I tell them that such relatives may still be alive there; but only as wanderers and outcasts, without a friend to relieve or a home to shelter, misery and want staring them ever in the face, and their recollections embittered by the worst of treatment and disappointed hopes.

Unable or unwilling to bear up against unexpected misfortunes, they throw up the reins to the grossest dissipation, as long as their means will allow them, until at length they are compelled to solicit charity from those whites who once befriended them, or even from the despised negroes themselves, no parish relief being in store for them. They must, consequently, either resort to casual assistance, or die by the wayside, unknown and uncared for.

Frequently have I seen such victims of slavery, bare-footed and in rags, soliciting charity at the door of the overseer's houseentreating, in the humblest manner, for a morsel to eat from the domestic slaves. It depended greatly on the humour the lord of the sugar-canes was in at the time whether the supplication of the walking buckra would be attended to or not. Sometimes he would be sent a few scraps of meat in a plate, to eat at the foot of the steps; at other times he would be angrily ordered off from the estate, with a threat of the stocks, and something worse, if he ever presented himself there again! It not unusually happened that the poor outcast thus maltreated was at once of better family in the mother country, and had received a better education, than the unfeeling overseer he was now forced to fly from; but, from having had higher feelings, better morals, and a spirit ill brooking the despotism of a sugar-estate policy, he had drawn down upon his head the hatred of his overseer, been dismissed from the estate, had his golden hopes dashed to the ground, and himself, ashamed and disgraced, rendered a drunkard and a villain!

Many a young man lands in Jamaica with the highest hopes of advancing himself in a land he at first sight considers overflowing with gold and silver, till, on some ill-omened morning, he arrives too late at the field, receives a scowling look from the overseer at the moment, and, on his return, finds a letter containing his discharge. Thus is he branded with disgrace and infamy throughout all his after life. Scouted and shunned by those whom he once called countrymen, but who now own no such tie, he can never again hold up his head even in Jamaica society, but must be content to associate with, and be constrained to accept charity from, the negroes, who, in most instances, are readier to extend to him a brother's hand than the whites themselves.

Since such is the true state of matters, it seems a dangerous sort of policy for the planters; as these ruined whites would not scruple, for a morsel of food, to give the negroes every information they possessed regarding the working of the means for their emancipation, and thus increase their desire for freedom, and dissatisfaction with their present undoubtedly wretched lot.

In your next number I will be happy that you insert a paper from me, detailing "the nature of a book-keeper's situation in Jamaica;" trusting that it may be the means, in the hand of providence, of warning and preventing a further emigration of my young countrymen to the blood-stained soil of the west, until slavery, the many-headed monster, is utterly destroyed.

I am, Mr. Editor,

Your fellow-labourer in the great cause, CHARLES JOHNSTONE.

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THERE are two species of this animal, the striped and the spotted hyena, the former of which is found in various parts

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astonishment even of iny medical friends, it had the hap piest result in restoring my infant to perfect health. I shall be most happy to satisfy any respectable inquirer (by previous appointment) in person. I am, Sir,

Your much obliged and most obedient servant, Temple House, January 7, 1824. AMIENS.

These Powders are faithfully prepared and sold by the sole Proprietors, A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Hatton Garden. Packages at 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. per packet, or in bottles containing three 4s. 6d. at 11s. each, and in larger bottles 22s. each, duty included.

Sold, by appointment, by Mr. Sanger, Medicine Warehouse, 150, Oxford-street: Messrs. Barclay and Sons, 95, Fleet Market; Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church-yard; C. Butler, 4, Cheapside; W. Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard; Prout, 229, Strand; Johnston, Cornhill, and Greekstreet, Soho; J. and C. Evans, Long-lane, Smithfield; and Bolton and Tutt, Royal Exchange.




To Mr. Mason, Agent for Staffordshire.
SIR,-For the benefit of my fellow-sufferers I lay before

you, and for the acceptance of Mr. Morison and the British
toege of Health, a statement of my case and cure, from
the use of the Universal Medicines only. About the 1st of
August I was taken suddenly ill, with alarming symptoms
which I had no hope of alleviation, so many were carried
treme torture, from constant retchings and cramps, from
off by the complaint all around me. Finding no relief

of Asia and Africa, and the latter princ with, I was not afraid of him, but with a pike of the disease called cholera. I lay in bed five days, in ex


pally confined to Guinea, Ethiopia, and the vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope. Of these the latter has the advantage in size, but their habits are exceedingly similar. Hyænas generally inhabit caverns and rocky places; they prowl about chiefly by night, and feed on the remains of dead animals, as well as living prey. They are even said to devour the dead bodies which they find in cemeteries; but Bruce, who had great opportunities of observing them, declares that he never had reason to believe this statement. They attack cattle, and frequently commit great devastation among the flocks. Though not gregarious from any social principle, they sometimes assemble in troops, and follow, with dreadful assiduity, the movements of an army, in the hope of feasting on the slaughtered bodies. The following are some of the notices of this animal, given us by Bruce, as he observed it in Abyssinia :

I do not think there is any one that hath written of this animal who has seen the thousandth part of them that I have. They were a plague in Abyssinia in every situation, in the city and in the field, and, I think, surpassed the sheep in number. Gondar was full of them from the time it turned dark till the dawn of day, seeking the different pieces of slaughtered carcasses which this cruel and unclean people expose in the streets without burial. Many a time in the night, when the king had kept me late in the palace, and it was not my duty to lie there, in going across the square from the king's house, not many hundred yards distant, I have been apprehensive they would bite me in the leg. They grunted in great numbers about me, though I was surrounded with several armed men, who seldom passed a night without wounding or slaughtering some of them.

One night in Martsha, being very intent on observation, I heard something pass behind me towards the bed, but upon looking round could perceive nothing. Having finished what I was then about, I went out of my tent, resolving directly to return, which I immediately did, when I perceived large blue eyes glaring on me in the dark. I called upon my servant with a light, and there was the hyæna standing near the head of my bed, with two or three large bunches of candles in his mouth. To have fired at him I was in danger of breaking

my quadrant, or other furniture, and he seemed,
by keeping the candles steadily in his mouth,
to wish for no other prey at that time. As his
mouth was full, and he had no claws to tear
struck him as near the heart as I could judge.
It was not till then that he showed any sign of
fierceness; but, on feeling his wound, he let
drop the candles, and endeavoured to run up
the shaft of the spear to arrive at me, so that,
in self-defence, I was obliged to draw out a
pistol from my girdle and shoot him, and
nearly at the same time my servant cleft his
skull with a battle-axe. In a word, the hyæna Canal Side, Tipton Green, Sept. 12, 1822.
night-walks, and the destruction of our mules
was the plague of our lives, the terror of our
and asses, which, above all others, are his
favourite food. There is another passion for
which he is still more remarkable, which is
his liking for dogs' flesh, or, as it is commonly
fierce, will touch him in the field. My grey-
called, his aversion to dogs. No dog, however
hounds, accustomed to fasten on the wild boar,
would not venture to engage with him. On
the contrary, there was not a journey I made
that he did not kill several of my greyhounds,
and once or twice robbed me of my whole
stock. This animosity between him and dogs,
though it has escaped modern naturalists, ap-
pears to have been known to the ancients in
the east. In Ecclesiasticus (chapter xiii., verse
18), it is said, "What agreement is there be-
tween the hyæna and the dog?" a sufficient
proof that the antipathy was so well known as
to be proverbial.

from any other quarter, I was induced (by your agent,
Mr. Round, of Tipton,) to try Morison's Pills, which, by
the blessing of God, and the use of strong doses, carried
off the acrimonions huniours, which I have now every
reason to believe is all that is required, and restored me
to health in eight days. Strongly recommending the gene-
ral adoption of this sure remedy,
I am, Sir, most respectfully yours,


Just Published, price 1s.
ing of Congregational Ministers and Churches, in the
A Lecture, delivered at the Monthly Meet-
Meeting-house of Dr. Pye Smith, Hackney, on February
7th, 1833. By ROBERT HALLEY.

CURE OF RUPTURE. To Mr. Charlwood. Morison's Pills, I herewith send you the particulars of my SIR,-Having received great benefit from the use of Mr. case; you may give it what publicity you think proper, the like benefit. I had been for a long time afflicted with that others labouring under the same malady may reap rupture, which I believe was occasioned by lifting a sack of potatoes. I tried many sorts of bandages and trusses, but without effect, until reading in the East Anglian newswhom I knew, by Morison's Medicines only, I was inpaper, in September last, of an extraordinary cure performed on a Mrs. Sayer, a miller's wife, in this county, duced to try if the said pills would do me any service. I, therefore, applied to you for two 133d. boxes on the 6th of two large boxes, which I have taken according to instrucSeptember last, and on the 14th of the same month for tions given. I am happy to say my rupture has not tron

bled me since.


I remain, with gratitude, your very obliged humble serC. DYER. No. 9, Chapel-street, Brock's-place, St. Stephen's, Norwich, August 28th, 1832.

The "Vegetable Universal Medicines" are to be had at Surrey Branch, 96, Great Surrey-street; Mr. Field's, 16, Airthe College, New Road, King's Cross, London; at the street, Quadrant; Mr. Chappell's, Royal Exchange; Mr. Walker's, Lamb's-conduit-passage, Red-lion-square; Mr. J. Loft's, Mile-end-road; Mr. Bennett's, Covent-gardenmarket; Mr. Haydon's, Fleur-de-lis-court, Norton-falgate; Mr. Haslet's, 147, Ratcliffe-highway; Messrs. Norbury's, Brentford; Mrs. Stepping, Clare-market; Messrs. Salmon, Little Bell-alley; Miss Varai's, 24, Lucas-street, Commercial-road; Mrs. Beech's, 7, Sloane-square, Chelsea; Mrs. Wingrove place, Clerkenwell; Miss C. Atkinson, 19, New Chapple's, Royal Library, Pall-mall; Mrs. Pippen's, ES, London: Hamilton, Adams, and Co., Paternoster Row. Trinity-grounds, Deptford; Mr. Taylor, Hanwell; Mr. Kirtlam, 4, Bolingbroke-row, Walworth; Mr. Payne, 04, For Convulsion Fits, Epileptic Fits. Jermyn-street; Mr. Howard, at Mr. Wood's, hair-dresser, Richmond; Mr. Meyar, 3, May's-buildings, Blackheath; R. HADLEY'S POWDERS, a safe and Mr. Griffiths, Wood-wharf, Greenwich; Mr. Pitt, 1, CornEpileptic Fits, Hysterics, and Nervous Complaints. certain Cure for Inward Weakness, Convulsion Fits, Strand; Mr. Oliver, Bridge-street, Vauxhall; Mr. J. wall-road, Lambeth; Mr. J. Dobson, 35, Craven-street, These Powders possess extraordinary properties, and, by Monck, Bexley Heath; Mr. T. Stokes, 12, St. Ronan's, certain cure in all cases of Relaxation, Debility, and due perseverance in their application, effect a safe and Deptford; Mr. Cowell, 22, Terrace, Pimlico; Mr. Parfitt, Weakness in Children and Adults; give immediate relief 96, Edgware-road; Mr. Hart, Portsmouth-place, Kennington-lane; Mr. Charlesworth, grocer, 124, Shoreditch; Mr. to the suffering Infant, or Grown Persons afflicted with R. G. Bower, grocer, 22, Brick-lane, St. Luke's; Mr. S. Convulsion Fits; also in cases of Epilepsy, or Falling Fits.. Avila, pawnbroker, opposite the church, Hackney; Mr In Lassitude and Nervons Debility, Hysterics, and Spas T. Gardner, 95, Wood-street, Cheapside, and 9, Norton J. S. Briggs, 1, Brunswick-place, Stoke Newington; Mr. modic Complaints, these Powders present a grand restorative; also extirpate Fits which Females are subject to falgate; Mr. J. Williamson, 15, Seabright-place, Hackneyduring Pregnancy. They strengthen the stomach, increase road; Mr. J. Osborn, Wells-street, Hackney road, and the appetite, promote digestion, and, finally, invigorate the Homerton; Mr. H. Cox, grocer, 16, Union-street, Bishopswhole frame, without confinement, change of diet, or gate-street: Mr. T. Walter, cheesemonger, 67, Hoxton Old hindrance of business. Town; and at one agent's in every principal town in Great Britain, the Islands of Guernsey and Malta; and throughout the whole of the United States of America.


From Lord Viscount Amiens.
To Mr. Rowland.

Sir,-I feel I should be doing you the greatest injustice,
you my testimony in favour of your inestimable medicine,
and also to the public generally, were I to withhold from

Dr. Hadley's Powders, which, under Providence, has
been the means of restoring my infant child under cir-
advice, and no more effect than momentary relief. The
cumstances the most unparalleled, having the first medical
infant daily declining, insomuch that the bones were nearly
daily your powders, and no other medicine; and, to the
through the skin, in this wretched situation I administered

sequences of any medicines sold by any chymist or draggist, N. B. The College will not be answerable for the conas none such are allowed to sell the "Universal Medi


Printed by J. HADDON and Co.; and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 27, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, where all Advertisements and Communi. cations for the Editor are to be addressed.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic]

THERE is in Abyssinia a curious spe- | of his which suggested the travels of Baron cies of oxen called the Galla oxen, or Munchausen, as a burlesque upon his Sanga, celebrated for the remarkable size narrative. It was at Gilba, a pretty of its horns. They are brought by the secluded valley, rich in beautiful sceCafilas from Antalo, being sent there as nery, beyond the Giralta mountains, that valuable presents from the chiefs of the Mr. Salt, who seems to have doubted Galla tribes, a bordering people far to the Mr. Bruce's account, was first gratified southward. When Mr. Bruce first gave a with the sight of these very remarkable description of this extraordinary animal, animals. Three of them were subseand the very incredible length and exten- quently made a present to him, but he sion of its horns, popular scepticism placed found them so exceedingly wild that he it to the account of those marvellous recitals was obliged to have them shot. The

horns of one of them are now deposited in the Museum of the Surgeons' College, and a pair of the very largest dimensions are in the collection of Lord Valentia, at Arley Hall.

It might have been expected that the animal, carrying horns of so extraordinary a magnitude as four feet, would have proved larger than others of the bovine genus; but, in every instance which came under Mr. Salt's observation, it was otherwise. The ox is undersized, and

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