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vided for our entertainment, after the hard fare we had been obliged to rest satisfied with on our journey, raised the whole party before evening into very exhilarating spirits.

leading up to it, resembling, in this respect,
many of the hill forts of India, as well as in its
general character. About a mile farther on,
we came to a beautiful glen, where a large daro
tree stood by the side of a winding stream, the
banks of which were richly covered with ver-
dure; and here we stopped to refresh ourselves
during the heat of the day.

"At three o'clock we again started; and,
after a considerable descent, came to the river
Angueah, which runs through a bed of granite,
and shapes its course in a north-west direction
till it joins the Meleg. Beyond this we had
several steep and rugged precipices to mount,
when we arrived at the house of Ayto Nobilis,
a young chief on whom the Ras had lately con-
ferred this district as a reward for military ser-
vice: here we passed a pleasant day in the
enjoyment of the unrestrained freedom atten-
dant on Abyssinian hospitality."

Here we conclude for the present, and shall resume our extracts with the description of an Abyssinian baptism, and the Shangalla slaves -a race of negroes of the Tacassé.

Resolved, That having the strongest confidence in the justice of God and the philanthropy of the free States, we cheerfully submit our destinies to the guidance of Him, who suffers not a sparrow to fall without his special providence."

"NEWHAVEN, Aug. 8, 1831. At a meeting of the Peace and Benevolent Society of Afric-Americans, &c.

Resolved, That we consider those Christians and philanthropists who are boasting of their liberty and equality, saying that all men are born free and equal, and yet are endeavouring to remove us from our native land, to be inhuman in their proceedings, defective in their principles, and unworthy of our confidence. tionists and ministers of the gospel who are advo

Resolved, That we consider those coloniza

cating our transportation to an unknown clime, because our skin is a little darker than theirs, (notwithstanding God has made of one blood all nations of men, and has no respect of persons,) as violaters of the commandments of God, and the laws of the Bible, and as trying to blind our eyes by their blind movements-their mouths being smooth as oil, and their words sharper than any two-edged sword.


"March 4.-At break of day the well-known sound of the Baharnegash's voice calling his family to prayers, excited my attention, when I immediately arose and joined his party. At this moment, the interval of four years, which had elapsed since my former visit, appeared like a mere dream. The prayers which he recited consisted of the same words, were pronounced in the same tone, and were offered up with the same fervour of devotion which I had before so often listened to with delight; and, when the ceremony was concluded, the good old man delivered out his orders for the day with a patriarchal simplicity and dignity of manner that was really affecting to contemplate. With this impression still warm on my mind, we ascended one of the hills in the neighbourhood, and, from the top of it, beheld a scene that, as one of my companions remarked, was alone a sufficient recompence for the trouble of passing Taranta. A thousand differently shaped hills were presented to the view, which bore the appearance of having been dropped on an irregular plain; and the different shades and depths which the varied aspect of these hills presented, as the sun emerged from the horizon, rendered the scene truly magnificent. "The country about Dixan, at this season of year, wore a scorched and desolate aspect. The only cattle left for the supply of the inha-thing were wanting to complete the disgracely, to send a nation of ignorant men to teach a nabitants were milch-goats and kids; large herds of the former body, the contrast between the of which were brought in by the shepherds spirit they manifest, and that of the injured every evening, and folded near the skirts of the race in question, would be more than sufficient for that purpose. In this, as in our former artown, to protect them from the hyænas and other wild beasts which prowl about the neigh-ticle, we shall free ourselves from all suspicion of giving an unfair colour to our statements, by adopting the published language of the parties. The following resolutions, then, have been adopted at various public meetings, held by the people of colour, in consequence of the of the Colonization Society.









"March 5.-Having parted from our Hazorta friends, we left Dixan at six o'clock in the morning, attended by the Baharnegash, and proceeded with recruited spirits on our journey. Our course lay westward; and in about an hour we reached the lofty hill on which stands the village of Hadehadid, where the women, as we passed, greeted us with the usual acclamation, heli, li, li, li, li, li, li, li, which resembles the ziroleet of the Syrians. We journeyed hence, nearly due south, across the plain of Zarai, which at this time looked very bare of verdure, the stream passing through it being completely dried up. The whole country, indeed, had the appearance of being scorched; and we did not meet with water until we had passed the high rock of Addicota.



"March 8.-At five in the morning we descended from Legóte, and soon afterwards crossed an extensive and well-cultivated plain, to the left of which, as we proceeded southward, lay the mountain of Devre Damo, one of those distinguished fastnesses which, in the earliest periods of the Abyssinian history, served as a place of confinement for the younger branches of the family of the reigning sovereign. The reader will easily conceive that my thoughts immediately recurred to the beautiful and instructive romance, founded on this custom, by Dr. Johnson. I feel I shall stand excused for observing, that the reflections which his interesting tale (Rasselas) gave rise to on this, as well as on many other occasions, added greatly, from a natural association of ideas, to the pleasure which I experienced in traversing the wild regions of Ethiopia.

"The mountain of Devre Damo appears to be completely scalped on every side, and is very difficult of access, having only one path


the measures of this Society. It now remains
IN our last, we went at some length into
for us to give a statement of the sentiments
and conduct of the coloured population against
whom these measures are directed. If any


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PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 1817. At a numerous meeting of the people of colour convened at Bethel Church, to take into consideration the propriety of remonstrating against the contemplated measure that is to exile us from the land of our nativity, &c.

Whereas our ancestors (not of choice) were the first successful cultivators of the wilds of America, we their descendants feel ourselves entitled to participate in the blessings of her luxuriant soil, which their blood and sweat manured; and that any measure or system of measures, having a tendency to banish us from her bosom, would not only be cruel, but in direct violation of those principles which have been the boast of this republic.

'Resolved, That we view with deep abhorrence the unmerited stigma attempted to be cast upon the reputation of the free people of colour, by the promoters of this measure; that they are a dangerous and useless part of the community;" when, in the state of disfranchisement in which they live, in the hour of danger they ceased to remember their wrongs, and rallied round the standard of their country.

Resolved, That we never will separate ourselves, voluntarily, from the slave population in this country; they are our brethren by the ties of consanguinity, of suffering, and of wrong; and vations with them, than fancied advantages for a we feel that there is more virtue in suffering pri

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Resolved, That while we have no doubt of the sinister motives of the great body of colonizationists, we believe some of them are our friends and well-wishers, who have not looked deeply into the subject; but when they make a careful examination, we think they will find themselves in

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unrighteous treatment.

• Resolved, That we know of no other place that we can call our true and appropriate home, excepting these United States, into which our fathers were brought, who enriched the country by their toils, and fought, bled, and died in its defence, and left us in its possession—and here we will live and die.""

"PITTSBURGH, Sept. 1831. At a large and respectable meeting of the coloured citizens of Pittsburgh, convened at the African-Methodist Episcopal Church.

Resolved, That we hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.-Liberty and Equality now, Liberty and Equality for ever.

Resolved, That it is the decided opinion of this meeting, that African colonization is a scheme to drain the better-informed part of the coloured people out of these United States, so that the chain of slavery may be riveted more tightly; but we are determined not to be cheated out of our rights by the colonization men, or any other set of intriguers. We believe there is no philanthropy in the colonization plan towards the people of colour; but that it is got up to delude us away from our country and home, to the burning shores of Africa.

Resolved, That we, the coloured people of Pittsburgh, and citizens of these United States, view the country in which we live, as our only true and proper home. We are just as much natives here, as the members of the Colonization Society. Here we were born-here bred-here are our earliest and most pleasant associations-here is all that binds man to earth, and makes life valuable. And we do consider every coloured man, who allows himself to be colonized in Africa, or elsewhere, a traitor to our cause.

Resolved, That we are freemen, that we are brethren, that we are countrymen and fellow-citi

zens, and as fully entitled to the free exercise of the elective franchise as any men who breathe; and that we demand an equal share of protection from our federal government with any class of citizens in the community. We now inform the Colonization Society, that should our reason forsake us, then we may desire to remove. We will ap prise them of this change in due season.

Resolved, that we, as the citizens of these United States, and for the support of these resolutions, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, do mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour, not to support a colony in Africa, nor in Upper Canada, nor yet emigrate to Hayti. Here we were born-here will we live by the help of the Almighty-and here we will die, and let our bones lie with our fathers.""

From an address to the coloured citizens of Brooklyn, New York, issued in pursuance of a meeting of the coloured inhabitants of that township, June 3, 1831, we extract the following forcible and pathetic remonstrance :—

"Brethren, it is time for us to awake to our interests; for the Colonization Society is straining every nerve for the accomplishment of its objects. voked all Christian assemblies and churches By their last publications we see that they have inthroughout the Union, to exert their influence, by raising subscriptions, to send us (the strangers within their gates, as they call us) to the coast of Africa. They have got the consent of eleven States, who have instructed their senators to do

something in the next Congress for our removal. Maryland calls imperatively on the general government to send us away, or else they will colonize their own free blacks. They have, by their influence, stopped the emancipation of slaves in a measure, except for colonization purposes.

"We owe a tribute of respect to the State of New York, for her not having entered into the confederacy. Though she is the last in proclaiming general emancipation to the slave, yet we find her slow in adopting any such unchristian measures. We well say, she is deliberate in her councils, may and determinate in her resolutions.

"Finally, Brethren, we are not strangers; neither do we come under the alien law. Our constitution does not call upon us to become naturalized; we are already American citizens; our fathers were among the first that peopled this country; their sweat and their tears have been the means, in a measure, of raising our country to its present standing. Many of them fought, and bled, and died for the gaining of her liberties; and shall we forsake their tombs, and flee to an unknown


No! let us remain over them and weep, until the day arrives when Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands to God. We were born and nurtured in this Christian land; and are surrounded by Christians, whose sacred creed is, to do unto all men as ye would they should do unto you to love our neighbours as ourselves; and which expressly declares, if we have respect to persons, Let us, Brethren, invoke the

we commit sin.

of citizens, and more than two millions held in abject slavery, yet we know that God is just and ever true to his purpose. Before him the whole world stands in awe, and at his command nations must obey. He who has lately pleaded the Indian's cause in our land, and who has brought about many signal events, to the astonishment of our generation, we believe is in the whirlwind, and will soon bring about the time when the sable sons of America will join with their fairer brethren, and re-echo liberty and equal rights in all parts of Columbia's soil.

"We pray the Lord to hasten the day, when prejudice, inferiority, degradation, and oppression shall be done away, and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ."

respect, and always showed, by their conduct, that they considered themselves her servants. Deserted by those who had been her equals in station, and who had professed themselves her friends whilst she was in affluence, this good lady passed the remainder of her days in comfort and ease, amid those who had once been her dependents.-Recollections of the Maur tius, by a Lady.


A CLOUD lay cradled near the setting sun,
A gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow;
Long had I watched the glory moving on

O'er the soft radiance of the lake below.
Tranquil its spirit seemed, and floated slow:
E'en in its very motion there was rest;
While every breath of eve that chanced to blow
Wafted the traveller to the beauteous west.

Emblem, methought, of the departed soul,
To whose white robe the gleam of bliss is given,
And, by the breath of mercy, made to roll
Right onward to the golden gates of heaven,
Where to the eye of faith it peaceful lies,

And tells to man his glorious destinies.


That such a state of things should have arisen in the reputed land of freedom may well grieve the benevolent and pious. We regret it for the sake of America herself, but much more on account of the interests of humanity, which are so deeply involved. Surely, the philanthropists and Christians of the United States will soon rouse themselves from their lethargy, and redeem their country from such of Britain should be protected from the impodeep disgrace. At any rate, the inhabitants sition. We speak deliberately, when we say that every farthing obtained from Britain by the agents of this Society, is procured under false pretences, and ought, therefore, in com- in regular series, "The Tourist," "The Penny," and mon honesty, to be returned. The Anti-other Magazines, Newspapers, Music, Counting-honse DoSlavery public has been grossly hoaxed. cuments, Prints, and all the cheap Periodicals, Pamphlets, The Letters, &c. This invention is the cheapest, and the only real character of this institution has been con- one that constantly preserves the appearance of a book, and may be had in every style of binding, from 1s. 6d. in cealed from their view; but, now that they "The Mirror" size, 2s. 6d. "Penny Magazine" size, and are informed of its nature, they know no terms upwards-"The Tourist," 3s. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. Duncombe, 19, Little Queen-street, Holborn, sele too strong to express their detestation of it. Manufacturer, by appointment, and by all Booksellers.


A LADY residing at the Mauritius, many years ago, emancipated a slave, whose good conduct and fidelity she wished to reward; being in affluent circumstances, she gave him, with his freedom, a sum of money which enabled him to establish himself in business; and, being very industrious and thrifty, he soon became rich enough to purchase a small estate in the country, whither he retired with his family. Years passed away; and, whilst he was rapidly accumulating money, his former mistress was sinking into poverty; misfortune had overtaken her, and she found herself, in old age, poor, solitary, neglected, and in want of the common necessaries of life. This man heard of her unhappy condition, and immediately came to the town and sought her out in her humble abode; with the utmost respect he expressed his concern at finding his honoured lady in so reduced a state, and im


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hindrance of business.

From Lord Viscount Amiens.
To Mr. Rowland.

Sir, I feel I should be doing you the greatest injustice, and also to the public generally, were I to withhold from you my testimony in favour of your inestimable medicine, Dr. Hadley's Powders, which, under Providence, has been the means of restoring my infant child under eircumstances the most unparalleled, having the first medical advice, and no more effect than momentary relief. The infant daily declining, insomuch that the bones were nearly daily your powders, and no other medicine; and, to the through the skin, in this wretched situation I administered astonishment even of my medical friends, it had the bag

Christian's God in our behalf, to do away the plored her to come to his estate, and allow piest result in restoring ny infant to perfect health. I

prejudices of our brethren, that they may adopt the solemn truths of the gospel, and acknowledge that God is no respecter of persons-that he has made of one blood all the nations that dwell on the face of the earth-that they may no longer bring their reasonings in contact with the omniscience of Deity; and insinuate to the public, that our intellect and faculties are measurably inferior to those of our fairer brethren. Because adversity has thrown a veil over us, and we, whom God has created to worship, admire, and adore his divine attributes, shall we be held in a state of wretchedness and degradation, with monkeys, baboons, slaves, and cattle, because we possess a darker hue?

him the gratification of providing for her future comforts.

The lady was much affected at the feeling evinced by her old servant, but declined his offer; he could not, however, be prevailed on to relinquish his design. "My good mistress," said he," oblige me by accepting my services; when you were rich you were kind to me; you gave me freedom and money, with which, through God's blessing, I have been enabled to make myself comfortable in life, and now I only do my duty in asking you to share my prosperity when you are in need." His urgent "We feel it our duty ever to remain true to the entreaties at length prevailed, and the lady constitution of our country, and to protect it, as was conveyed, in his palanquin, to the comwe have always done, from foreign aggressions.fortable and well-furnished apartments asAlthough more than three hundred thousand of us signed to her by his grateful care; his wife are virtually deprived of the rights and immunities and daughters received her with the utmost

previous appointment) in person.

shall be most happy to satisfy any respectable inquirer (by
I am, Sir,
Your much obliged and most obedient servant,
Temple House, January 7, 1824.
These Powders are faithfully prepared and sold by the

sole Proprietors, A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Haltom bottles containing three 4s. 6d. at 11s. each, and in larger

Garden. Packages at 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. per packet, or im

bottles 22s. each, duty included.

house, 150, Oxford-street: Messrs. Barclay and Sons, 95, Sold, by appointment, by Mr. Sanger, Medicine WareFleet Market; Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church-yard; C Butler, 4, Cheapside; W. Sutton and Co., Bow Church

yard; Prout, 229, Strand; Johnston, Cornhill, and Greekstreet, Soho; J. and C. Evans, Long-lane, Smithfeld; and Bolton and Tutt, Royal Exchange.

Printed by J. HADDON and Co.; and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 27, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, where all Advertisements and Communications for the Editor are to be addressed.

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tower, on the front of which appears a statue of the founder, with a dagger in his hand, as if to indicate the character of his policy towards his newly acquired subjects. The walls of this fortress are about seven feet nine inches in thickness, and have within them a narrow gallery, with narrow slips for the discharge of The walls of the Eagle Tower are nearly two feet thicker. It is at once the most splendid and the most eventful part of the building, and derives its name from the figure of an eagle, which surmounts it. It is remarkable as having been the place where Eleanor, the Queen of Edward the First, gave birth to the unfortunate Edward the Second, who


was first styled Prince of Wales. The reason which induced the royal founder

manship, are visible demonstrations of
the small progress that elegancy had
made in our ornamental decorations."
On the top of the uprights are two doves;
the cradle itself is pendent on two staples,
driven into the uprights, linked by two
rings fastened to the cradle, and by them
it swings. The sides and ends of the cra-
dle are ornamented with a great variety
of mouldings, whose junctions at the cor-
ner are not united, but cut off square
without any degree of neatness, and the
sides and ends fastened together with
rough nails.



there were two stools, or seats, opposite the IN the great old coaches of former times doors, on which persons sat back to back, looking out at the side windows, as we still see the Chaplain and the Speaker of the House of Commons when he uses his state-coach. Mr. Speaker's coach, however, cumbrous as it is, gives an inadequate idea of the vast machines of former days, which were rather closets on wheels than what we would call coaches.

When Henry IV. was stabbed, there were seven persons in the coach with him, and yet nobody saw the blow; and the murderer might, if he pleased, have escaped. And when Louis XIV. declared his grandson King of Spain, he took him the first stage in his own coach, royal family. "The two kings," says St. which held with great convenience the whole Simon, "and the Duchess of Burgundy, sat

on one side; the Dauphin and the Dukes of

to arrange that this event should take It now forms part of the new independent State Burgundy and Berry opposite; and the Duke

place in Caernarvon Castle are thus sta-
ted by ancient historians :-Edward, per-
ceiving the inflexible resolution of the
Welsh, and that they were obstinately de-
termined to obey none but a prince of
their own country, contrived this as an
His Queen
expedient to satisfy them.
was shortly expecting her confinement,
and, notwithstanding the severity of the
season (it being now the depth of winter),
he removed her to Caernarvon Castle.
When the time for the expected event
was arrived, he called together all the
barons and nobles of Wales, to meet him
at Ruthlan, to consult on the general
interests of their country; and, being in-
formed that his Queen was delivered of
a son, he told the Welsh nobility that,
"whereas they had oftentimes entreated
him to appoint them a prince, he, having
at this occasion to depart out of their
country, would comply with their request,
on condition that they would allow of,
and obey, him whom he should name.
The Welsh readily agreed to the propo-
sal, only with the same reserve, that he
should appoint them a prince of their
own nation. The King assured them

ANGOSTURA, SO named from its being placed on a narrow part of the river Orinoco, during the period that Spain held these possessions as colonies, was the capital of Spanish Guiana. of Ecuador. It stands at the foot of a hill of horneblend slate, destitute of vegetation. The streets are regular, and generally parallel to the course of the stream. The houses are high, and built of stone; although the town is not exempt from earthquakes. At the period of Humboldt's visit, the population was only 6000. There is little variety in the surrounding scenery; but the view of the river is singularly majestic. When the waters are high, they inundate the quays, and it sometimes happens that, even in the streets, imprudent persons fall a prey to the crocodiles, which are very numerous.

and Duchess of Orleans at the two doors."

A most illustrious coachful!

Even down to our own time the King of France maintained this cumbrous parade. On the horrible 6th of October, 1789, when the populace dragged their humiliated king to Paris from Versailles, there were in his majesty's coach the King, the Queen, the Dauphin, the Duchess of Angouleme, the present King (then Monsieur), his wife, Madame Elizabeth, and Madame de Tourzel. There was tinguished it from, I believe, any other which one circumstance in this procession which disever existed. It was preceded by two men, body-guards, that very morning murdered in bearing on pikes the heads of two of the king's his palace; and, with a refinement of sanguinary levity, the procession was stopped while a hair-dresser curled and powdered "the hair of the ghastly heads.

stay at Angostura, an Indian from the island
Humboldt relates that, at the time of his
of Marguerita, having gone to anchor his
canoe in a cove where there was not three feet of
water, a very fierce crocodile that frequented the
spot seized him by the leg, and carried him
off. With astonishing courage he searched
for a knife in his pocket, but not finding it,"
monster, however, did not let go his hold, but
thrust his fingers into the animal's eyes. The
plunged to the bottom of the river, and, after
drowning his victim, came to the surface, and
dragged his body to an island.

The number of individuals who perish an-
nually in this manner is very great; especially
in villages where the neighbouring grounds
are inundated. The same crocodiles remain
long in the same places, and become more

to return thanks for the defeat of the Armada, she did come in a chariot throne, with four whereof was a crown imperial, and two lo wer pillars behind to bear a canopie, on the top

When Queen Elizabeth went to St. Paul's

pillars before, whereon stood a lion and a dragon, supporters of the arms of England, drawn by two white horses."

Coaches were introduced into England in

the latter end of the queen's reign, and she in her old age used, reluctantly, such an effeminate conveyance. They were at first

that he would name such a one as was daring from year to year, especially, as the In- drawn only by two horses; "but," says Urban,

born in Wales, could speak no English, and whose life and conversation nobody could stain; whom the Welsh agreeing to obey, he named his own son Edward, but little before born at Caernarvon Castle." The birth of this prince took place in a room in this tower, not twelve feet long nor eight in breadth, so little did a royal consort, in those days, consult either pomp or convenience.

"the rest crept in by degrees, as men at first venture to sea."

ventured on six horses, which created at the The Duke of Buckingham was the first who time great scandal, and was looked upon as a mark of the "mastering spirit" of the favourite. "The stout old earl of Northumberland,” who had been in the Tower ever since the gunpowder-plot, "when he got loose, thought, if


dians assert, if they have once tasted human flesh. They are not easily killed, as their skin is impenetrable, the throat and the space between the shoulders being the only parts where a ball or spear can enter. The natives meat, and attached to a chain fastened to a catch them with large iron hooks baited with tree. After the animal has struggled for a considerable time, they attack it with lances. Affecting examples are related of the intre-Buckingham had six, he might have eight in pidity of African slaves in attempting to rescue his coach, with which he rode through the The cradle of the unhappy prince is their masters from the jaws of these voracious city of London, to the vulgar talk and admistill preserved, and is now in the posses- of Calabogo, a negro, attracted by the cries of reptiles. Not many years ago, in the Llanos sion of a gentleman, to whom it descend- his owner, armed himself with a long knife, ed from one of his ancestors, who attended and, plunging into the river, forced the animal, the child in his infancy, and to whom it by scooping out its eyes, to leave its prey, and became an honorary perquisite. A draw- take to flight. The natives, being daily exing of it is published in the London Ma-posed to similar dangers, think little of them. gazine for 1774, together with the folThey observe the manners of the crocodile, as the Torero studies those of the bull; and lowing description:-"This singular piece is made of heart of oak, whose simplicity its means of attack, and the degree of its auquietly calculate the motions of the enemy, of construction, and rudeness of work-dacity.-Cabinet Library, Humboldt's Travels.

the first importers of chairs, called sedan-chairs, Buckingham also seems to have been one of and his being carried on men's shoulders gave him, as having reduced men to the condition rise to great clamour and loathing against of beasts. In a few years afterwards they came into general use, like hackney-coaches. -Note in Marshal de Bassempierre's Embassy to the Court of England.

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The parishes of Jamaica are equal in extent to the average size of the Scotch counties. Almost the whole of the churches are placed on the coast, and consequently the greater number of the plantations are at too great a distance to admit of attendance at church, even if the overseers encouraged an observance of the Sabbath; and how could one or two churches accommodate from 16,000 to 20,000 people, the average population of each parish? so that the Christian ordinances are altogether unknown to the plantation slave. The planters make a great noise about the money which may be made by the negro by attending market on Sundays; but in crop-season he is not unfrequently employed in the boiling-house on the Sabbath, and, from what I have said, it is evident the market towns are at too great a distance for the majority of them to attend for any purpose, either spiritual or temporal. Nor is the slave recognized by law as the possessor of any property, nor has he any protection against the rapacity of his master.

Negroes which belong to whites and people of colour residing in the towns, are usually hired out in gangs to work on the plantations for wages. Their owners only allow them a trifle from these wages for their support, and retain the remainder for their own use. Many of these slaves are instructed in the mechanical arts, that their wages may produce a greater surplus, to which, by law, the master is entitled. People who thus hire out their negroes are denominated jobbers; they are generally tradesmen, who, having acquired money sufficient to purchase a few slaves, retire from business, and live on the hard-earned savings of these poor creatures.

against the prisoner, and the chief justice sen- his condition by asserting his right to enfrantenced him to six months' imprisonment, with-chisement. SIR,-Having resided in Jamaica during the out bail or mainprise, and the slave was deyears 1818 and 1819, I beg to offer the follow-clared "free, and discharged from all manner ing remarks by way of postscript to Mr. C. of servitude." By this mode of stating the Johnston's "Disjoined Facts," relative to that case to the public, it would appear that markisland, in your fourth monthly number. There ing the initials of the names of the owner and are two classes of slaves in Jamaica-one be- estate on the skin of the negro was the more longing to the proprietors of plantations, and flagrant portion of the charge against the prithe other belonging to whites and free people soner. But let me inform them that marking, of colour residing in the towns. The planta- or, to speak more literally, branding the bodies tion slaves receive about seven salt herrings of the poor negroes, was an universal practice weekly from their masters. The grounds al- when I was in Jamaica. I now hold in my lotted them for the cultivation of vegetables hand the supplement to the Cornwall Gazette only supply a variety of indigestible roots, and of Jamaica for October 14th, of the year in the plantain fruit, which is usually roasted in which the above trial occurred. In this supan unripe state, not being a fit article of diet plement one hundred and fifty-four runaway when at maturity. Unless in crop season, slaves are advertised as prisoners in various that is, during the manufacture of the sugar, workhouses, and almost every one of them has when the slaves have an opportunity of pro- been branded or burned with a hot metal curing syrup from the boiling-house, they are stamp on various parts of their bodies, &c. very generally afflicted with a cachexy, re- The first individual on the list is described as sulting from a want of sufficient nourishment, Frances, a Creole (i. e., colonial born) female, over exertion, oppressive treatment, and other who has been branded on both shoulders and debilitating causes. The juices of the stomach both breasts. These prisoners, who have all become vitiated, its functions impaired, and a fled from their tyrannical task-masters, if not morbid acidity is generated, which induces the claimed within a certain period, are sold to victim of this malady to eat chalk, earth, or defray expenses; and upwards of twenty are any absorbent substance, which nature may advertised accordingly in the above mentioned suggest as a remedy for his sufferings. The list, one of which number declares that a white disease, in the common language of the colony, man has deprived her of her ticket of freedom. is called "dirt-eating." Each plantation has The remaining column of the supplement is its hospital or hot-house, and against the wall occupied with a list of strayed horses and of one of the apartments is erected a bench, at cattle, also branded in like manner. In this an elevation of three or four feet from the cold respect, then, the temporal position of the clay floor; and projecting, perhaps, about six slave is nothing better than that of the beasts feet along the outer edge of this bench, is that perish. Nay, it is even worse; a mule fixed an iron bar, to which the poor cachectics or horse is not killed for kicking his master; are secured by iron anklets, their bloated bo- but if a slave raise his hand against any white dies reclining on the bare boards. This the man his punishment by law is death. I have planter pretends is done with the humane in- already stated that floggings are limited to The overseers are a class of men drawn from tention of preventing them from gratifying their thirty-nine stripes, but there is no security the lower and uneducated orders of their cravings. Many slaves die annually from this against the too frequent repetition of the chas- native country. Their society cannot afford disease, and many become victims of despond- tisement. The opinion of the medical attend-pleasure or comfort to individuals of a higher ency while under its influence, and put a ant of the estate is never consulted on the grade; they are too prone to cultivate depraved period to their miseries by suicide. subject, nor is any competent judge required and convivial association for the gratification The master's power of inflicting punish- to attend the infliction of punishment. We of their intemperate habits. These inebriates ment on the slave is now limited, by law, to are told by the planters that the use of chains indulge in bacchanal potations of the coarsest thirty-nine stripes; but there is no protection has been abolished throughout the colonies; description-equal parts of lime juice and against an inconsiderate repetition of the pu- but have they not substituted the stocks ?— rum, &c. &c.—and one and all of them keep nishment either by him or his tyrannical sub- and would not the punishment be less severe a number of their female slaves about their ordinates. The slave who dares to complain if the prisoner could move about to the extent houses in a state of concubinage. Men accusto the attorney, on facts, of the cruelty of the of a chain, than when his legs are secured to tomed to encourage this corruption of their overseer or manager of the estate, does it at an immoveable bar of iron, or beam of timber, natures cannot be expected to cultivate huthe risk of an additional flogging; and how denominated the stocks? They also tell us mane feelings towards their unfortunate bondcan the complaint reach the ear of an impar- that the negro is by law allowed twenty-six servants. They are dead to all sense of virtue, tial magistrate through this channel, as they days of the year to cultivate his provision and, "under the dominion of Satan and their are all interested in supporting the diaboli- grounds, exclusive of the Sabbath. I have lusts," running riot in their pride, prejudices, cal system of oppression? The slave has never already noticed that the negro depends on the and passions. A few exceptions may certainly been acknowledged as a party in any civil suit supplies of his master, as well as his own ex- be made; but through the whole of them there or prosecution. It is only by indictment on ertion, for his sustenance. If the proprietor is is a great family likeness. the part of the crown that he is relieved from too avaricious to be willing, or too poor to be his civil incapacities. I never knew of redressable, to import a sufficient supply of salt herfor cruelty to a slave, unless in one instance, rings to eke out the scanty produce of the which occurred in January, 1818. Joseph slave-garden, what must be the situation of Boyden was tried under the slave act for cru- the hard-working negro, more especially if elly, maliciously, and wantonly maltreating, sickness has disabled him from cultivating his by flogging and marking in different parts of ground? Are the slaves educated, or provided the body, a Sambo slave, named Amey, his with the means of attending to religious duproperty, jointly with others. The Jamaica ties? A plantation slave neither receives school A CURIOUS catalogue might be made of the Royal Gazette stated that Amey had com- learning nor religious instruction; he is not shifts to which ingenious students in different mitted some transgression, which induced her taught a sense of good and evil, the necessity departments of art have resorted, when, like to apply to a neighbour to intercede with her of obedience and gratitude to God, or the hope Davy, they have wanted the proper instrumaster for forgiveness, which he agreed to of eternal life. Some schools have been estab-ments for carrying on their inquiries or expegrant, but she was afterwards marked in five lished by subscription for the education of free riments. His is not the first case in which places with the initials of his name, and that people of colour, but the slave is wilfully kept the stores of an apothecary's shop are recorded of the property he owned. In consequence of in a state of total ignorance. The planters are to have fed the enthusiasm, and materially conduct so contrary to every principle of hu- aware that knowledge would lead him to ap-assisted the labours, of the young cultivator of manity, she left her home, &c. The jury, after preciate liberty, to a due sense of his abject natural science. The German chemist, Scheele, due deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty and debased state, and a desire to ameliorate who has just been mentioned, and whose name

"Facies non omnibus una Nec diversa tamen."



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