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To the Right Honourable





And One of His MAJESTY'S

Moft Honourable Privy-Council.



OOK S, according to the obfervation of the famous Lord Verulam, ought to have for their patrons

TRUTH and REASON. Thefe are two

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uch eftablish'd qualities in the wri rings of Father PAUL the Venetian, that I may venture to affirm, no Popish writer ever had a more favourable reception in the libraries of the moft diftinguifh'd Proteftants, whether for learning, virtue, or titles; infomuch that tho' the tranflators of that learned Frier's compofitions have, notwithstanding all their correctness, been oblig❜d to own how far they have fallen fhort of the dignity of his fublime originals, yet they have been honour'd with the patronage of fome of the moft illuftrious advocates for the reformation.

Being equally conscious, my LORD, of my own deficiency in this refpect, I prefumed to beg your Lord'fhip to allow me to infcribe the following tranflation to your great name; and in the humbleft fense of


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duty and gratitude for your indulging me that honour, I take this opportunity of your Lordship's vacation from the more momentous affairs of ftate, to submit it to your kind protection and most favourable construction.

The excellent author of it, tho' one of the brightest ornaments of the Church of Rome, was fo much hated by the Pope and his Courtiers, that they not only traduc'd him as a heretic, but martyr'd him in effigie, and even employ'd cutthroats to take away his life; which made the good Father fay more than once, That those who set them at work, would find him a more formidable adverfary after he was dead, than ever he was whilst living; a saying, my LORD, fully verify'd in the enfuing treatise.

I take

I take leave to obferve to your Lordship, that Father PAUL having compos'd it to take off the panic of the Venetians, under the excommunication and interdict which was laid upon them by the Pope, intitled it, The Comfort of the Mind in the good Confcience and Conduct of the Ve netians, under the pretended Interdict of Pope Paul V; but the author having a general view at the fame time to fortify all christian Princes and States with fuch arguments against the ufurpations of ambitious ecclefiaftics, as are calculated for all meridians, protestant as well as popifh, the title of The Rights of Sovereigns and Subjects was deem'd more expreffive of its defign, and more fuitable for an English translation.

As daily experience fhews how well your Lordship is vers'd in the

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