The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 9 卷Current Literature Publishing Company, 1909 |
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Alcib Alcibiades Antigonus Antium Apem Apemantus Ariel Athens Aufidius Autolycus bear beseech Bohemia Caius Marcius Caliban Camillo Cominius conj Coriolanus Corioli daughter death dost doth Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear Flav Folio follow fool fortune friends give gods gold grace Hanmer hath hear heart heaven Hermione honor ISRAEL GOLLANCZ Julius Cæsar king lady Lart Lartius Leon Leontes live look lord Marcius master Menenius monster nature ne'er never noble Paulina Perdita play Plutarch Poet Polixenes pray prithee Pros Prospero queen Re-enter Rome scene Senators servant Shakespeare shalt Shep Sicilia Sicinius speak spirit stand sword tell thee There's thine thing thou art thou hast Timon Timon of Athens tribunes Trin Volsces Volscian wife Winter's Tale word