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into the hands of the victors.


the progress of the revolution in the interior. Be of those violent changes, which have so frequently fore he had time to strengthen himself, his party retarded the progress of the revolution. was attacked and totally defeated by the troops of leaders of the army of Peru, which was now Buenos Ayres; and he, with the bishop, the governor encamped on the frontiers of the vice royalty of of Cordova, and four of the principal officers, fell Lima, declared against the revolution of 5th April, and threatened to turn their arms against its authors. It was thought a necessary measure of precaution on the part of the junta, to introduce discord among the chiefs; and their dissentions finally occasioned the entire defeat of that army, at the battle of Hualqui, when the royalists and patriots mutually accused each other of breaking an armistice. The news of this disaster, which well nigh proved the ruin of their cause, was received with joy by the reigning party in Buenos Ayres, who only saw in it the destruction of a formidable rival.

Either from the personal enmity of his judges, or from fear of his popularity and extensive influence, which made it equally dangerous at that early stage of their revolution, to banish or to imprison him, it was resolved in the junta, that Liniers and his accomplices should be put to death, except the bishop, whose sacred character protected him. They were met on the road to the capital by a military commission, and were shot, after being Confessed by the bishop, who was forced to witness the execution of his friends.

The expedition to Upper Peru was conducted by a commission; Castelle was the member selected for this important command; he was one of the earliest and most distinguished leaders of the revolution from the junta of Buenos Ayres.

The indians were emancipated from the most oppressive services; the auxilliary army, hailed by these unfortunate people, and by the Creoles, as their deliverers, soon occupied the whole territory of the vice royalty; and the towns were invited to elect deputies to represent them in the congress, about to be held at the capital.

The junta of Buenos Ayres had neglected to occupy the important place of Montevideo, at the commencement of the revolution, and the Spanish marine, which, with equal oversight, had been permitted to leave Buenos Ayres, rendezvoused there, and commenced hostilities against the junta; they harassed the commerce on the rivers, and blockad ed the ports of Buenos Ayres.

On the arrival of general Elio, with the appointment of captain general and vice roy of these provinces, he withdrew the blockade, and made an attempt to get possession of the command, either In the mean time, the dissentions natural to a go-as vice roy, or as president of the junta. vernment composed of one numerous body, broke His proposals were treated with contempt by out and produced those factions which have since the government of Buenos Ayres; and he, shortly divided their councils, and distracted the state. after, despatched a small squadron to the Parana, They originated in the personal animosities of the in order to destroy some vessels belonging to president of the junta, and of the secretary of Bueuos Ayres, which were stationed there for the state;t a man of violent temper, ardent in his love of protection of the trade. This was effected, and liberty, and too conscious of his superior abilities the blockade renewed. The British admiral did too brook controul. As the secretaries had a right not consider the authority of the vice roy sufficient to deliberate and vote in the junta, he was enabled to establish a legal blockade; and came down in to oppose the president in all his views, and person, from Rio de Janeiro, to insist upon the obtained a decree depriving him of all distinction, inviolability of the British flag. After some negociaexcept that of his presidency when sitting in junta. tions with general Elio, he gave orders to the comOn the arrival of the deputies from the provinces, mander on this station, to protect the entrance of they were admitted unto the provincial govern- British vessels into all the ports of the river of ment, and the spirit of party was augmented by La Plata. The blockade became, therefore, of no this accession of numbers. As they had been re-effect; and the squadron was employed in ravaging ceived contrary to the opinion of the secretary, who the coast; but returned, from time to time, to contended that it defeated the intention of the bombard the city. election, which had been to form a deliberative body, the president found no difficulty to procure the secretary's banishment; he was sent on mission to England, and died on his passage.

During these attacks, the Europeans in Buenos Ayres were harassed and mortified. The unmarried were banished; and those who remained were subjected to the most vexatious and humiliat

In the midst of these transactions, the inhabitants of the eastern shore of the river La Plata, had been excited to revolt against the European anthorities in Montevideo, and as general Elio was particularly disliked by them, this was easily effected; they rose en mass, defeated the royalists at Pudras, and drove them within the walls of the town.

A small regular force was immediately despatched to aid their operations, and that town was blockaded by land.

The members of the opposition, unable to resisting regulations. the president's party in the junta, determined to establish a club in the city; and by uniting the most factions of the military and citizens, controul the measures of government. Aware of the probable effects of this combination against him, the president had recourse to the most violent and unjustifiable measures to destroy it. On the morn ing of the 5h of April, 1811, three regiments, devoted to his interest, were drawn up in the principal square of the city. The corporations were assembled, and the petition was presented to them. The expedition against Paraguay had failed of from two or three hundred peasants, who, in the its object, and had served only to irritate the name of the people, demanded the banishment of inhabitants of that province; and although they the members and officers most inimical to the pre-shortly afterwards expelled their European magis. sident. The corporation, awed by the military, trates, and established a provisional junta, they reluctantly complied; the obnoxious persons were banished, the club abolished, and a number of the citizens thrown in prison.

This impolitic measure was the commencement

Don Cornelio Savedra. †Moreno.

have constantly refused all connexion with Buenos Ayres. General Elio, alarmed at the spirit manifested by the people of the eastern shore, and pressed by a besieging army, sent deputies to Buenos Ayres to solicit peace; offering to re'urn to Spain, and stipulating that the town of Montevidso

should send a deputy to the congress of Buenos with hat government, in consequence of which, Ayres, provided it was suffered to remain inde-their troos evacuated the territory of La Plata. pendent of the junta. The news of the revolution The people of the eastern shore, who dreaded in Paraguay, which was received at the same time, the vengeance of the royalists, to which they had prevented the government of Buenos Ayres from been shamefully abandoned, deserted their homes, acceding to this proposal Ignorant of the intendrove off their cattle, and followed Artigas, their tion of the chiefs of that province, and presuming favorite leader, to the other side of the Uraguay. that they would unite in the common cause, they Shortly after the return of the army from Monteinsisted upon the unconditional surrender of Mon- video, an unsuccessful attempt was made by the tevideo. General Elio then applied for assistance regiment of patricians, to effect a revolution, and to the court of Brazils; that cabinet, in hopes to to re-establish their former colonel, the first prerealize their favorite project, and to obtain possessident of the junta. Although abandoned in the sion of Montevideo, immediately granted his re- moment of execution, by the officers who had quest, and 2,500 men were ordered to pass the excited the revolt, they were not reduced, until frontiers. In consequence of this measure, the situa. after a bloody conflict. tion of Buenos Ayres became alarining; from the state of their discipline, the defeat at Hualqui proved a total dispersion of that army; and the forces of Lima successively occupied La Paz, Potosi, and Cochabamba.

As soon as it was known in Spain, that general Elio bad concluded a treaty with Buenos Ayres, he was recalled; and his successor, general Vegodet, who arrived with reinforcements, recommenced hostilities against the revolutionary government. The command of the army of Buenos Ayres, was entrusted to a member, Don Manuel Sarratea, of the executive, who crossed the river at Santa Fe, and again invested Montevideo.

A government so constituted as that of Buenos Ayres, without restrictions, and without responsi bility, could not long command the confidence of the people, or exist in harmony.

The Portuguese troops advanced rapidly to the relief of Montevideo, and great discontent reigned in the capital. In this state of affairs it was thought advisable, that the president should proceed to Peru, in order to collect their scattered forces, and by his presence restore the confidence of the inhabitants of the provinces, not yet occupied by the enemy. He consented to this arrangement, and appointed to the command of the garrison, during The citizens were oppressed, and the rulers his absence, those men who had served under him were entirely taken up with their own private in the revolution of the fifth of April, and of whose animosities and disputes. These dissentions, as attachment and fidelity he felt secure. He had usual, soon extended their effects to the armies scarcely left the capital before a town meeting was before Montevideo. The inhabitants of the eastern assembled, which deposed him. They then named shore, separated their forces from those of Buenos an executive of three, and declared the assembly Ayres; and the latter caballed against their com of deputies a deliberative body. In their eagerness mander in chief, dismissed, and appointed one of to change, they neglected to secure themselves their own choice. The Europeans saw, in these against the abuse of power.

disorders, a favorable opportunity to effect a

They entrusted to the executive the right of counter revolution. A plan was formed to obtain enacting their own laws, and permitted them to the watchword, by surprising the patroles, to seize frame a constitution for their own government. on the barracks, and favored by a descent from The legislative assembly proved an intolorable the squadron of Montevideo, get possession of the restraint upon an executive furnished with such city. powers, and a pretext was soon found to dissolve that body.

This conspiracy was discovered on the eve of its execution, and thirty of the principal conspirators were tried and executed.

The first act of the new government of Buenos Ayres, had been to conclude a treaty with general In October, 1812, deputies arrived from the Elio, by which it was agreed on the one part, that interior provinces to form a congress at Buenos the troops should be withdrawn from the siege Ayres; but differences arising between them and of Montevideo; and that that place, including the the executive, the assembly was dissolved on their eastern side of the river of Plata should remain first session. under the Spanish authorities; on the other part, The remains of the army of Peru, had retired that the trade of Buenos Ayres should not be before the victorious troops of Lima, until the molested, and that the Portuguese forces should want of means to continue their retreat, forced retire to their own frontier. On the part of Buenos them to make a stand at Tucuman. On the 24th Ayres, the conditions of this treaty were faithfully September, 1812, an obstinate engagement took executed; and the territory of the eastern shore place, which, from the active co-operation of the was immediately evacuated by their troops. Ge- inhabitants of Tucuman, ended in the total defeat neral Elio, who had discovered the intentions of of the royalists. the court of Brazils, had been induced to conclude Owing to the dissentions of the government, the this treaty from fear of so dangerous an ally. But army of Peru was left without the means of advanc. the commander of the Portuguese army, who had ing, and could not profit by their success. The been made a party in the treaty without being discontent became general, and the party opposed consulted, declared that he could not act until he to the government, siezed the opportunity to effect received instructions from his court; and proceeded a revolution. to fortify himself in Maldonado. Having failed in this attempt to obtain possession of Montevideo, without which it was impossible to retain any part of the eastern shore, the Portuguese court sent an agent to Buenos Ayres, and concluded an arinistice

The military, so often the instrument of faction, again lent their aid, and a new executive was ap pointed by a cabildo abiento, or town meeting. Succors were at length sent to the army of Peru, which enabled gen. Belgrano to advance, and attack the royalists at Salta; in this action, fought in Chicana, Sarratea, Passos were the members February, 1813, the Spaniards were defeated with chosen upon this occasion. The secretaries of this great loss, and Belgrano following up his victory, junta, were Rivadavia and Peves. Rock Salta by assault, and captured general Tristally

with the remains of the royal army. The prAware of the importance attached by Great Britain soners were released on their parole, which they to the trade of these colonies, and expecting to immediately violated, and were again incorporated derive great advantages from opposing the cominto the army of Goyeneche. This general had mercial spirit of that nation, to the jealous colonial commanded the royal army in Peru, since the policy of Spain, they sent an agent to London; memorable invasion of La Paz; but being forced to and even willing, at that time, to secure the faevacuate the territory of Buenos Avres, by the vorable mediation of the English court, by grantapproach of the victorious army of Belgrano, he ing any privileges, they are said to have instructed was recalled by the vice roy of Lima. their agent to declare, that Buenos Avres would rather be governed by a foreign prince, than submit unconditionally to Spain.

The vice royalty of La Plata, was again freed from enemies, and the deputies from the provinces and towns, once more assembled a Buenos Ayres. The same policy induced them to yield to the They assumed the title of the sovereign assembly, solicitations of the English minister at Rio de and conferred that of supreme executive power Janeiro, who was desirous of adjusting the differupon the former superior government, which was ences between Buenos Ayres and Montevideo; and composed of three persons. They declared the had expressed a wish, that the former should ac sole right of making laws to be vested in the knowledge the regency of Spain, accept the conassembly, and the executive to be responsible to stitution, and send deputies to the Cortez. Comthem for its acts. missioners were sent with proposals to Montevideo; One of the first decrees of the sovereign assem but the vice roy, who now contemplated the apbly, manumitted the offspring of slaves born after proaching fall of Buenos Ayres, and considered February, 1813, and emancipated all slaves that this measure as a proof of their weakness, refused might be brought into the territory of La Plata, to receive or treat with them. This result had after that period. been foreseen by the government, and great exerThe slave holders were called upon for every tions had been made to fit out a squadron, which third slave, which were enrolled in the army of the republic; on this occasion many of the inhabitants voluntarily manumitted their slaves, upon condi tions of their serving during the war; and two regi ments, called liberty, were formed of them: they are officered by whites.

might give them the command of the river; some stout merchant vessels had been purchased, which were armed from the batteries of Buenos Ayres and Ensenada, and manned by foreigners; and this fleet, immediately on the return of the commis. sioners, appeared off Montevideo. This measure Commissioners were sent by the assembly into did not excite much alarm in that place; it was Upper Peru, to examine into, and report on, the supposed that armed merchantmen would prove state of those provinces and of the army. an easy conquest to national ships; and a squadron Towards the close of the year 1813, the arms was immediately despatched to attack and destroy of Buenos Ayres met with serious reverses. The them. general of their forces in Upper Peru was induced, The event did not justify this opinion of their by false intelligence, to attack the army of Lima, superiority. To their astonishment and dismay of although advantageously posted at Vilcapugio, and the garrison of Montevideo, who witnessed the was deteated with the loss of ail his artillery. Being action, the national squadron was entirely defeated, pursued by the enemy, and eager to repair his two only escaped into port, and the remainder fell losses, he risked a second engagement at Ayuma, into the hands of the patriots. The vice roy, findunder the most unfavorable circumstances, in which ing himself pressed by superior forces, both by he was again defeated, and forced to retire below land and water, now condescended to solicit a Salta, with the remnant of his army. peace, which he had but a few days before rejected The garrison of Montevideo, had received sup with contempt; but the government of Buenos plies and reinforcements from Spain; and although Avres retaliated his conduct towards them, and they had been defeated in a sortie against the refused to receive his commissioners or to open his besieging army, it was apprehened that a junction despatches. He was soon after reduced to the nemight be effected at Santa Fe, of the victorious cessity of treating with the general of the besieg. army of Lima, with the disposable force in Mon- ing army. tevideo. The royal squadron having the command It was agreed that the government of Buenos of the river of La Plata, rendered this movement Ayres should acknowledge the regency, and send very practicable. deputies to Spain; the town of Montevideo was to be given un, the garrison to be sent to Spain; two thousand men to march out with their arms, field pieces, and ammunition; and to be encamped until he conditions were carried into execution.

The party in power seized this opportunity to strengthen the government. They represented to the assembly, that an executive of three persons could not exert the energy and despatch called for by the present perilous situation of the state; and proposed to vest the authority in one person.

Whilst this treaty was pendling, disputes arose between the troops of the garrison, and the armed as-citizens, who were violently opposed to the capitulaion.

This proposal was warmly discussed in the sembly; but the military declaring in favor of the change, a supreme director was appointed. The assembly was prorogued during the pleasure of the director; and a council of seven, called the permanent council of the sovereign assembly, were chosen to assist him.

The vice roy finding it impossible to suppress these commotions, which threatened the destrucion of all parties, ordered the gates to be thrown open, and admitted the army of Buenos Ayres. The two thousand men were permitted to march The general who had commanded in Peru, was out with the honors of war; and it was at first sup superceded, and orders given to his successor, to posed that the articles of the capitulation would collect the scattered remains of that army, and to be adhered to. They were soon undeceived, the fortify himself in Tucuman; whilst they determined general of the besieging army published a pro10 direct their whole force against Montevideo.

Pena, Perez, and Alverez, jonte.

*13 Mannel Sarrates.
*Don Carlos Alvear.

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clamation, in which he declared, that having enter-follow, w at they considered nooie example, but ed the town before the capitulation bad been signed, were restrained by their natural timidity; when by either party, exposed to a ruse de guerre, and the captain general, on some slight denunciation, to the risk of being attacked, he considered Mon-arrested three of the principal inhabitants of tevideo to have been surrendered at discretion to Santiago, Ovalle, Roxas, and Vera. the arms of Buenos Ayres. The vice roy was Ovalle and Roxas were sent to Lima; but Vera, furnished with a vessel to carry him to Spain, but a native of Santa Fe, in the vice royalty of Buenos the garrison, consisting of sixthousand men, were sent prisoners of war to Buenos Ayres. The persons and property of the inhabitants were respect


Ayres, feigned himself sick, and from the castle of Valparaiso, where he was confined, incited the Chileans to reclaim their countrymen, and to protest against this act of oppression; which he reTo the honor of Buenos Ayres, they have used presented, as the prelude to a general persecu their victories with moderation, notwithstanding tion of the Creoles. He excited their fears to such the irritation which existed between the royalists a degree, that they gathered courage from despair, and the patriots, and that the former have fre- and addressed a strong remonstrance to the captain quently disgraced themselves by massacres in cold general, which alarmed him, and induced him to blood, and by the barbarous treatment of their recall those gentlemen, whom he had accused of prisoners, the troops of Buenos Ayres have never treasonable practices, and of forming plans to se sullied their arms by these sanguinary measures, parate the colonies from the mother country. not even in retaliation. These acts of weakness, on the one part, and of Montevideo had been defended with the utmost firmness on the other, decided the revolution. obs inacy for nearly four years, and not less than Encouraged by their success, the people declared seven thousand persons perished during the siege, themselves openly, in the hopes of freedom, even principally by famine and disease; the victors ac- family feuds were forgotten; all the Creoles of disquired seven thousand stand of arms; five hundred tinction in Santiago united, deposed the captain pieces of artillery, and a profusion of warlike stores. general, and instituted a provisional government, An amicable arrangement was made with the inha- which acknowledged and acted in the name of the bitants of the eastern shore, and the troops were authorities of Spain. withdrawn in order to reinforce the army of Peru. They soon, however, assumed a bolder tone, and It had been determined to destroy the fortifica-a congress was assembled, which governed in the tions of Montevideo, which are formidable, from the name and behalf of Ferdinand the VII. place being situated on a very narrow peninsula. On the 1st of April, 1811, the day appointed It may be considered the key of the river of La for the election of the members for the capital, an Plata and consequently of the whole vice royalty; attempt was made by some Europeans, to restore and once in the possession of an enemy, particularly of a maritime power, they could not expect to wrest it from them; nor could they defend it long against a regular force.

Moreover in the present unsettled state of the country, it would prove a powerful engine of faction, and the military governor of Montevideo might dictate to the government of Buenos Ayres, or in volve the country in a civil war. The artillery and stores were to have been moved to Tucuman, to which point the armies might retreat in the event of a formidable and irresistible invasion, obliging them to abandon the coast.*

the ancient government; an engagement took place in the principal square, which ended in the total defeat of the royalists. The captain general and the royal audience, were implicated in this conspiracy; and, in consequence, were banished the kingdom and retired to Lima.

In the congress, party spirit soon mingled with all their debates; the provinces of Concepcion, complained that they were not fairly represented, and the affairs of the government were neglected, in the animosities and mutual accusations of the members.

The command of the artillery was in the hands The Limanean army, which had advanced as far of an European, who was supposed to be a partizan as Salia, on receiving intelligence of the fall of of the princess Charlotte, of Brazils. The Creoles Montevideo, retired preceipitately upon Potosi; the dreaded the power and influence of this man, and commanders of that army, led on by the hope of the three brothers, Carreras, resolved to make an forming a junction with the troops of Montevideo, effort to wrest from him, this important command. and of investing Buenos Ayres, in two instances, The eldest, who was a major in the regiment of abandoned the strong positions of Oruro and Potosi, grenadiers, had distinguished himself on the first which secured to them the possession of Peru; and of April, and was a great favorite with the soldiery. advanced towards the plains of Tucuman. The They chose the hour of the siesta for the attack, first had weakened his army by leaving garrisons in the towns, and particularly in Orepera de Cochabamba, the capital of the most fertile and populous of the interior provinces.

The present commander, to avoid this fault of his predecessor, to which he attributed his defeat in Tucuman, left his rear and flank unprotected, and exposed to the attacks of the Indians and cavalry of Cochabamba, which harassed his retreat. The revolution of Chile, partook, in some degree, of the distinctions which mark the character of that people.

The Creoles of that kingdom, saw and rejoiced in the success of Buenos Ayres; they wished to

*They neglected this precautionary measure, and this important fortress is in the hands of the Portuguese.

and at the head of sixty grenadiers, surprised the artillery barracks, and seized the commander.

After this action, some reform was made in the representation, and the congress commenced business, by inviting all who were inimical to the present order of things, to retire from the kingdom,

They rendered the clergy inimical to the cause of independence, by forbiding them to receive any money from their parishoners, for the performance of their clerical duties; assigning a moderate salary to the curates in lieu of fees. They passed an act manumitting the future offspring of slaves; and declared that all slaves brought into Chile, after that period, should receive their freedom, after a residence of six months. They opened the ports to commerce, and published commercial regula tions.

The places of alcaides (members of the cabildo)

were, by the laws of Spain, sold to the highest, the river, and overtook the royal forces at San bidder. They were now made elective; the first Carlos; an obstinate engagement ensued, in which junta, or executive of Chile, was composed of se- both parties claimed the victory. The royal army ven members. The struggle for power, between crossed the river Nuble, at the dawn of day, and the family of the Carreras, and that of the Larrains, retired to Chillan. J. M. Carrera, leaving his bro commenced at this period, after the successful ther at the head of the main body, moved with a attack on the artillery barracks. The eldest bro detachment towards Concepcion. The garrison of ther was promoted to the coloneley of the grena- that place retreated to Talcuhano; and that post diers, and the youngest, to that of the artillery; was immediately attacked, and taken by assault. from the barracks of these officers a remonstrance The army then laid siege to Chillan, which the was addressed to the congress, which induced that royalists had strongly fortified; after spending a body to depose the junta of seven, and to appoint month before this place, the continued rains of the an executive of five. Jose Miguel Carrera, entered winter obliged the patriots to retire. into the government on this occasion.

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The executive junta established themselves, This junta did not long endure the control of shortly after, at Talca; from thence they issued a legislative body; and the congress was dissolved decree, new modelling the army. They deprived on the second of December, 1811. Some of the Carrera of the command; and appointed Don members of the executive resigned on this occa- Bernardo O'Higgins, general-in-chief. The three sion; and a new junta was formed, consisting of brothers immediately withdrew from the army; the three persons, J. M. Carrera, J. Portales, J. N. two youngest were taken prisoners by the royalists Cerda. The members from the southern provinces, as they were returning to Santiago, and were conprotested loudly against this flagrant breach of ducted to Chillan. the privileges of the people; and upon their arrival in Concepcion, excited their constituents to oppose the executive of Santiago, and to take up arins in defence of their rights.

Forces were collected on both sides, and were marched to the banks of the river Maule, which separates Santiago from Concepcion. Both parties, however, preferred negociation and intrigue, to blows. They retired without coming to action, and Concepcion being destitute of resources, was shortly after forced to submit to the capital.


The royal forces now marched towards Santiago, crossed the Maule, and occupied Talca. Chilians followed them by rapid marches, and, position to protect the capital. crossing the Maule lower down the river, took a

This state of things called for a more energetic government, and on the return of the executive to Santiago the junta was dissolved, and a supreme director appointed.

The royal forces continued to advance, when squadron in the Pacific, proffered his mediation. captain Hillyar, the commander of the British roy of Lima, his proposals were accepted by both As it appeared that he was authorised by the vice parties.

Some attempts having been made by the colonel of grenadiers, to awe the executive into his mea sures, Jose Miguel Carrera, resigned his office in the junta, and his father was nominated to supply his place. The brothers were soon after reconciled, a constitution was framed, and offered to the evacuate the territory of Chile, within two months, It was agreed that the royal forces should people for their acceptance, and having been signed and that the government of Chile should acknow by the military, the cabildo, and all the respectable ledge the regency, and Cortez; and send deputies inhabitants, was adopted by the government. The to Spain to learn the decision of the mother coun father resigned, and J. M. Carrera was reinstated try, to which they agreed to submit. This treaty in the junta. A senate was elected, according to was signed on the 5th May, 1814, and hostages a provision of the constitution, and assembled in exchanged by the contracting parties. November, 1812. The first junta established in Both parties were dissatisfied with this arrange. Chile, had been acknowledged by the regency, and ment. The Carreras, who had been excluded from the supply of grain was so necessary to the vice the general amnesty, and mutual liberation of priroyalty of Lima, that the intercourse between these soners agreed upon by the treaty, escaped from countries had not been interrupted by the late their confinement at Chillan. The youngest brochanges of government. But the dissentions which ther, don Luis, upon his return to Santiago, was existed between the provinces of Santiago and seized and imprisoned by the government; and don Concepcion, enabled the vice royalty to cairy into J. M. Carrera, after escaping the same fate, enter. execution, a plan for the conquest of the latter. ed the capital at the head of some of his partizans. The garrison of Valdivia, and of San Carlos de The troops received him with enthusiasin; the su Chiloe, were landed in the bay of San Vicenti, and preme director was deposed, and a junta of three thence marched to Talcubano. That post was established. delivered up to them by some European officers, in the service of Chile, and the town of Concepcion execution of the treaty, and marched towards the . General O'Higgins determined to enforce the was afterwards taken without opposition. The capital. The armies met on the plains of Maipo, royal forces were joined by several regiments of and an action was fought, which terminated in fa. militia cavalry, and they soon occupied the whole vor of the forces of the junta. The continuation of of the province.

The greatest exertions were made in Santiago, to repel this invasion; the three brothers Carreras, put themselves at the head of the forces, and the armies met on the banks of the Maule.

A body of five hundred men crossed the broad and rapid river Maule in the night, and surprised the camp of the royalists, at Yearbas Buenos. This action deterred them from crossing the river in front of such an enemy; and being baffled in an attempt to turn the flank of the patriot army, they retired towards Concepcion. The Chilians crossed Sur. TO VOL. XVI.


this civil war, was prevented by the unexpected news of the arrival of reinforcements from Lima, and the refusal of the vice roy to ratify the treaty. This intelligence united the armies of Chile, and they marched against the common enemy. The royalists had advanced to the river Cachaport which separates the province of Rancaqua from San Fernando.

General O'Higgins, fortified himself at Rancaqua but was surprised by the royalists, and his forces totally routed.

This decisive action obliged the patriots to ens

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