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Asiatic states, are instances of this constitution of things; and there are strong indications of its commencement in Spain.

seemed prostrated with calamity, sending forth at one time "eleven distinct armies" to the field, and her extended frontier bristling with bayonets. This principle was so well understood in Eng- This was the condition of feudal Europe. The and, before the establishment of manufacturing in crown possesed little constraint over its great feudustry secured permanent employment, that it be- datories. Each of which avenged his own wrong came a maxin with her kings to engage in wars, with his sword; and most of them supported their whenever this portion of her population accumula-petty dignity, and their retainers, by predatory inting, became idle, restless, and discontented. cursions on the domains of his neighbors.

"It was the dying injunction of the late king, From the disorders incident to, and the degrada"(Henry IV.) to his son, not to allow the English tion consequent on feudalism, man was rescued by to remain long in peace, which was apt to breed the establishment of manufactures. They drew intestine commotions; but to employ them in fo-him into towns and villages, and association sharp"reign expeditions, by which the prince might|ening his intellectual facu tics, he began to underacquir honour; the nobility by sharing its dan- stand his rights. By his labor, wealth was created; "gers might attach themselves to his person; and and with his wealth, and by his combination, he acall the restless spirits find occupation for their quired power to enforce his rights, or the means "inquietude."t to purchase their enjoyment.

By this means employment was found for their Tracing the causes, whence have proceeded the superabundant labor, which had become oppres-abrogation of feudal institutions, and the emancipasive and troublesome to the government, because tion of society from the debasing and depraving in could not find any other occupation. fluence of feudal obligations, it will be seen, that

On the disposition which is made by the govern-they have disappeared, like darkness yielding to ment, of this class of non-necessary producers, de- the day-dawn, before the genial and invigorating pends the character of a nation. If the greater influence of manufacturing industry. portion be occupied in agricultural and manufacturing industry, the nation will be wealthy and prosperous, but not enlightened. This is the case with China and Hindostan.

The people of Italy, acquiring wealth and power, arts, letters and science, by their industry, first cast aside the shackles of feudal bondage. Flanders and the Netherlands, treading in her steps, next If engaged in arts, letters and sciences, it will be succeeded in the list of free states. As manufacdistinguished for its writers, poets, philosophers, tures progressed in England, the people gradually historians, orators, statesmen, sculptors and pain-rose into consequence and independence. Yet, ters. Greece in its maturity, Rome in the Augus- from the many obstructions they met with, by the tan age, and Italy at the time of the revival of let-impolicy of the different kings, vassalage was not ters, illustrates our doctrine.

completely annulled until 1574. In that year, EliIf arms be made their trade, the people become zabeth, in order to raise money, directed a charwarlike, make extensive conquests, and are renown- ter to her lord treasurer Burleigh and sir Wiliam ed for heroes, commanders and warriors. This Mildmay, chancellor of the exchequer, "to enquire was the character of Greece in its early history, of "into the lands, tenements, and other goods of all Macedon, and of Rome. It is also the condition of "her bond-men and bond-women in the counties of most semi-barbarous states; like theScythian tribes, «Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Gloucester, viz which destroyed the western empire; and the Arabs such as were by blood, (i. e. birth) in a slavish who carried the crescent over more than half the condition, by being born on any of her manors; world, and have thundered at the gates of most of" and to compound with all or any such bond-men the capitals of Europe. In the vigor of its feudal" or bond-women in these four counties, for their institutions, Europe presented the same aspect." manumission or freedom; and for enjoying their Arms and a rude agriculture constituted the chief" said lands, tenements and goods as freemen. employment of its inhabitants, who poor and oppressed, were the dependent vassals of their lords, Unoccupied by trades or manufactures, they were ever ready to follow their chieftains to the field, reckless of the cause which summoned them to the work of destruction. Under the banners of the cross, were arrayed such multitudes, that Europe, remarks Anna Commena, loosened from its foundations, and impelled by its moving principle, seemed in one united body to precipitate itself into Asia. The plains of Palestine and the borders of the Nile, for near two centuries, were deluged with the blood of millions of human beings, vainly shed in The fruitless battles of the crusades.

When the exertions of a population of this chaTacter, are not directed on some one object, and Combined by the control of an efficient government, or by some ruling motive of religion or interest, society is in complete disorganization. Civil wars, the contests of petty chieftains, plundering and robbing by armed bands, ranging over the country, are then the predominant features. The dominions of the grand seignior, Africa, and many

Stevens' Wars of the French Revolution, p. 266 ume's History of England, vol. 2. chap. xix. p. 59. #Alexias, lib, x,

Thus terminated feudalism in England, from the commonalty being enabled by the wealth acquired by manufacturing industry, to purchase their emancipation.

In France, the progress of commerce and manufactures was slower than in England, and a consequent slower progress is observable in escaping from feudal oppression. Those, who had engaged in commerce and manufactures, were, however, the first who became exempt; and the agriculturist, at the period of the revolution, which brought it to a close, alone was subject to its hardships.

The peasantry of nearly all the Germanic states, of Hungary, and Russia, are at this time trammelled with its fetters. But the period of their liberation rapidly hastens on. The immense sums disbursed by the contending powers in the late contests, have diffused much property among the commonalty, and excited their industry. The continental sys tem of Bonaparte, started a spirit of manufacturing, which is still maintained. The sovereigns in the last grand confederacy against Napoleon, could not rely, as formerly, solely, on mercenary troops, but were thrown on the people for support. A military spirit, and the sentiments it gives birth to, have thus *Anderson's Origin of Commerce.

the community, which is essential to the highes state of political prosperity and happiness.

been infused amongst their subjeets, who have learnt the dangerous secret of their power and its extent. The consequences have been, that Bavaria Its order of nobility is supported in the magnifi and Baden, now enjoy the best constituted and cence and splendor of an illustrious rank by inor freest governments in Europe, while almost all the dinate salaries, attached to petty and mostly useless people of the states of Germany are perseveringly officers of state, by enormous pensions and extrava. and anxiously demanding from their rulers, an ac-gant sinecures. These are taxes, levied on the in. knowledgment and guarantee of their rights industrious and productive members of society, to written constitutions, and a participation, by their pamper the luxury, and glut the pride of the idle representatives, in the government. and non-productive.

The more close and attentive the examination of The laws of primogeniture and of entailments, this interesting subject, the more conclusively will abstract and withhold from the general circulation, be established the position, that the modern princi-a large portion of the landed property, in favor of ples and practice of free governments; the ameliora- this privileged rank, to the manifest detriment and tion and refinement of society, the advancement of oppression of the industrious class; and as lord Coke eivilization; and the cultivation of the higher intel- observes, "what contentions and mischiefs have lectual pursuits, have grown out of the diffusion crept into the quiet of the law, by these fettered in and division of productive labor, and the multiplica-heritances, daily experience teacheth." tion of the objects of its exercise.

When the labor, or producing power of a nation, through all their ramifications, the operation of cir The limits of these essays, forbid us to develope is not too much concentrated, on any one or two cumstances peculiar to European society, and of particular occupations, but is diffused, in due and the political policy of its governments, which coun regular proportion, amongst those professions that teract and frequently destroy the beneficial results constitute civilization, such a nation is then, in its of its principles of economical policy. The two are most prosperous, happy, powerful, and intelligent not necessarily connected. The one, with ease, can condition. It will be equally famed for its wealth, be embraced, without adopting the other. We its power, its laws, its arms, its letters, its sciences, have confined ourselves exclusively to the considera. and its arts. This constitutes the most improved tion of the political economy of England and other state of society, which it is the duty of governments European powers, without reference to their polito establish and cherish. In different degrees, tics. Whatever prosperity they are found to pos this is the case with different nations of Europe. There are various causes, into the detail of which, we have not leisure, and which would lead us too far from our object to enter, that cast over each of them different complexions and tints, but which do not, however, destroy their similitude.

sess, can be attributed solely to its operation. We
have, therefore, recommended it to the imitation of
this country. But we have to lament, that some of
those who have opposed our views, have refused to
draw the distinction, and have seized on the vices
their economy.
of their politics, as objections to the principles of

We shall barely confine ourselves to remark, that in England, her political policy, and her labor-saving machinery, produce modifications of the Applying the above principles to the United genepal result on her population, which, at first view, States, we shall discover, that during the prosperity seem to militate against our proposition. But a little which they enjoyed in the first twelve or fifteen inspection will dissipate the incongruity. years subsequent to the French revolution, the la The population of Great Britain is estimated at bor-power of the country was fully exerted. The 17,000,000. Let us allow three-fourths to be pro-wars in Europe creating a constant market for their ductive of material values, which will make 12,750,.agricultural products; the carrying trade, and the 000, as the physical labor population. But, accord-various branches of business connected with it gave ing to Mr. Owen, of Lanark, the machinery of Great employment to the greater portion of their labor. Britain creates a production equivalent to the labor Agriculture and commerce were, then, the characof 180,000,000 individuals. The physical popula-teristic pursuits of the nation. Literature, science, tion, therefore, of Great Britain is, to what may be and the arts, were but little cultivated; and few oricalled her moral population, as 1 is to 14. Now, it is chiefly the labor population, and that generally which is devoted to the coarsest and lowest labor, that is subject to pauperism. They are made paupers, by whatever interferes with their industry, or competes with their labor. But as a moral or machinery labor power, is similar to, and equivalent in its production, to a physical labor power, the physical labor power of Great Britain, that is rendered paupers, ought in strictness to be compared, not to its physical productive power alone, but to its whole productive power; that is not to twelve or seventeen millions, but to 192 or 197,000,000. Let us suppose Mr. Owen's calculation to be erroneous, and let us strike off eighty millions, and take the productive power of machinery in England as equal to 100,000,000 of people, still, viewing it in the light we have presented, the discrepancy, that is often pointed out, disappears.

The aristocratic provisions of the English constitution, and the operation of the vast funding system now established, also disturb that equable and regular diffusion of labor, production, and the burthens for the support of government, throughout

ginal works of importance were produced. Those liberal professions, however, which are connected with the ordinary transactions of society, and are made the business of individuals, flourished with a vigor unsurpassed in any other country. Of this character are politics, medicine and law. The im provements those sciences have undergone, and the ability of those devoted to them, place the United States in a very favourable light, as respects its intellectual powers, and excite auspicious hopes for the future.

Turning our attention to the situation of the na tion, at the present time, with reference to the principles laid down, it is obvious, that the sources, which formerly absorbed the superabounding labor power of our country, have crased to exist, and consequently, that a portion of the population which was occupied by them, is daily thrown out of employment. Hence we notice the effects we have described, as characteristic of such a state of things. Consumption is less in amount, and consequently the value of almost every species of property is on the decline; bankruptcies are numerous; credit nearly extinct; the circulation stagnant; labor fal

Jen in price; workmen discharged by their employers; and the number of the poor augmenting.

mence against this state of things, inevitable if left to themselves, it is utterly impossible to calculate As this is the most unfavorable state in which the course it might pursue, or the aspect it might All the ills, that universal experience has a nation can find itself placed, it is the duty of the assume. statesmen, in whose bands is confided its direction, shown to be the concomitants of want of employto enquire into the causes, which have created those ment, are incurred, and can only be avoided, by unfavorable circumstances. If they find them to be opening new means of occupation, as the old dise merely transient, temporary remedies, adapted to appear. Every nation in Europe, that is esteemed alleviate present distress, or to enable the com-wise, has directed its attention to manufactures, not munity to sustain the shock of passing events, should only as the chief source of wealth and power, but as be sought for and applied. But if found to origi- the most salutary mode of absorbing the accumu~ nate in causes, which cannot be confidently antici-lating class of non-necessary producers. It now pated to disappear of themselves, it is also their rests with us to imitate in this respect the examples, duty to devise a new system of policy, adapted to by adopting the experience of the most illustrious the new situation of the nation. If the class of in- people of ancient and of modern times; or, by de. dustrious poor be found unemployed, and their pro- termining to procure experience for ourselves, to duction at a stand, the state should devise some run through a course of suffering and distress. But, mode to procure them employment, and give a fresh when exhausted by the process we have undergone, start, or a new direction to their production. If who can answer for the recovery of our past state the consumption of the productions of the industri- of prosperity; for our rising to that greatness, to ous poor, on which they depend to obtain the com- which we have been looking with pride and exultaforts and necessaries of life, and to pay the taxes tion; or sinking into the feebleness of debility, that that are required for the support of society, be dimi- have always attended those nations who have ne hishing, remedies should speedily be applied to glected the sound policy of distributing employment counteract this injurious operation. The neglect of every kind throughout their population. of these important points in legislation, may overwhelm a large portion of society, hitherto happy, prosperous, and contented, with suffering and calamity; and a consequent feeling of discontent and inflammatory excitement be occasioned, which is greatly to be deprecated.

We apprehend the situation of our country is of the above character. Agriculture, commerce, the retailing of the fabrics of foreign countries, and the branches of business subordinate thereto, formerly gave full occupation to the greater part of our people; but the foreign markets, which were heretofore opened, being now closed to our agriculture; our commerce much contracted; the capacity of the people to consume diminished; those occupations have become overstocked, and no longer give full or profitable employment to those who are engaged in them.

Foreign Articles.


A letter writen from Rotterdam, under date of May 25, says “A something must happen in Europe -and from the preparations making, we cannot but conclude that a war is neɛr at hand.”


London dates of June 18, The countess of Darnley lately gave a fancy ball, at which a mob of 1000 persons were present→→→ among them three of the "royal dukes," the duke of Wellington, &c. The party broke up at half past six in the morning.

The same evening that the countess gave this ball, 1 or 200,000 persons in England, after a hard day's work, went supperless to bed,

Marriage laws of Scotland.-An important Scottish law case (extracted from the History of the Wars,) will illustrate the nature of marriage in Scotland.

In the present posture of affairs, there are no rational indications which can lead us to expect that those pursuits, while it continues, will give full employment to our industry: and it surely cannot be urged, that this, or any nation, should trust its pros- In 1813, two days previous to the third reading perity to the possible occurrence of favorable acci- of the stipendiary curates bill, an important appeal dents. Yet, while we continue to direct our industry case regarding the Scottish law of marriages, was chiefly to those employments, we must depend on heard in the house of lords, M'Adam v. Adam. the contingent circumstances of a war, or deficient M'Adam, a gentlemen of very large fortune in Ayr, harvests in Europe, for its maintenance, and to pro- shire, kept a mistress in his house for many years, cure adequate markets for our productions, when and had children by her. One morning he called carried to the extent of our productive power.- the servants into the room where he and his mis In the meantime, the non-necessary class of pro-tress were at breakfast, and taking her by the hand, ducers, must constantly increase; its capacity to pursue the vocations, in which it was engaged, must Jessen; its means of sustenance daily decline; and the whole retrograde from the higher species of labor to the lower. The inferior laborers thus pressed upon, while employment is decreased, must be thrust into pauperism, and come on the public for Support.

declared in their presence, that she was his wife. The same day he shot himself. The question, therefore, rested, whether this was a valid marriage, and consequently the children legitimate? And upon the decision of this question depended the succession to a real estate of 10,000/. per annum. The result was, that the marriage was pronounced to be valid; by which decision it may be considerIf these revolutions take place quietly, from ope- ed as finally established, that, by the law of Scotating on a sluggish population, the only effect will land, as it at present stands, a mere verbal declarabe, to place society back in the position it had pre- tion of marriage, by the parties themselves, delibeiously occupied, before it had known its days of rately made in the presence of witnesses, constiprosperity; or had acquired a taste for, with a know-tutes a valid marriage, proveable by the testimony ledge of, the indulgences and refinements of advan- of the witnesses, without any writing or any other red civilization, growing out of its increased wealth ceremony, civil or ecclesiastical. and the cultivation of intellectual enjoyments, in the ine arts, letters and science. But should this retrocession be, resisted, and a struggle once. com

Married Mr. H. B. Fearon, of London author of a tour through America, to Miss Thompson, A protest against the marriage ceremony, signed by

the bride and bridegroom, was delivered (previous Unhappily, we have too many native seamen idle to to its performance) into the hands of the minister, feel any necessity to employ others. It is possible by Mr. Fearon. It contained the following passa- that many persons were on board our ships who ges: "The undersigned being protestant dissenters, were well known to others in the British frigate-present to you the following protest against the for about thirty thousand American seamen were im marriage ceremony as at present performed, and topressed during the late wars of Great Britain. We which, according to the laws of England, they are also very much doubt whether in almost all cases compelled to subscribe. Against the marriage cere-of difference, the points in dispute were conceded mony they most solemnly protest, because it makes in favor of" England. But we know not what is marriage a religious instead of a civil act; because meant by the "radical change" spoken of, unless to parts of the ceremony are highly indelicate, and suppose that we must have been esteemed a little must, to every correctly constituted mind, be ex- while ago as a sort of ourung-outangs. tremely offensive; because the man is required to worship the woman, though the founder of Christianity has declared, that God is the only object for the Christian to worship; because it requires the recognition of the doctrine of the Trinity, than which nothing can be more oppressive to those who disbelieve conscientiously, and after patient investigation, that doctrine; and because, as warm and firm believers in the truth of Christianity, they disbelieve and abominate the doctrine of the Trinity, in the name of which the marriage ceremony is performed."

The royal assent was given, by commission, in the house of lords, on the 14th of June, to the American convention bill. The commissioners were, the ford chancellor, the marquis of Winchester, and the earl of Shaftsbury.

Petitions from all quarters were pouring in against the foreign enlistment bill.

The chancellor of the exchequer, in bringing forward his budget of ways and means for the support of the nation, prope es an additional duty on malt, which, Mr. Calvert, a member of the house, gives as his opinion, should it prevail, would ruin nine-tenths of the malsters in the country.

The dispute between the Carlisle weavers and their employers has been amicably settled. Cotton has again declined a farthing per lb.-dull sales.

There is again a talk of divorcing the prince regent and his wife.

Wheat, June 5-average 688 8d. per quarter The ports of course shut, as they cannot be opened until the average is 80s, though American wheat might be obtained for 25 per cent. less than the British sells for.


Chamber of Deputies. Mr. Villeveque, referring to the treaty for the cession of Louisiana, said that French vessels were to have the privilege of trad ing to New Orleans free of custom house duties for 12 years-the war with England had forbidden the expected advantages, and he thought that "ministers" ought to insist on some equivalent advanta ges in its stead!" This is queer logic, indeed.

Mr. Rodet made an elaborate speech respecting the budget. The chamber ordered his speech to be printed, with the omission of the world "scandalous" in the following passage, which produced a good deal of sensation in the house: "May I be permitted to take this opportunity of expressing to the minister of the interior my astonishment at the protection which certain scandalous missions have obtained in the departments? '--(violent rumors on the left side.)

M. M. Corent Diucourt, De Marcellus, and other members rose amid great confusion.

M. Benoist "Omit only the word scandalous." The following article is copied from a London M. Rodet-These missions, which under the pre paper of June 15.-Mr. Bagot, and suit, landed at text of religion and of morals, excite intolerence Portsmouth on Thursday from the Forth frigate, and fanaticism which preach openly rebellion and under appropriate salutes and immediately set off contempt. Can the government be ignorant that for London. The commissioners for settling the every place which these priestly bigots have visited, boundary line, are going on in the most satisfactory has been left by them a prey to domestic troubles, manner, and expected to end their labors in Octo- which are the preturcors to religious and political ber. In almost all cases of difference, the points dissentions? Where should we be if every sect and in dispute are conceded in favor of this country. persuasion which the charter allows, were, in like The conduct of the Americans, of all ranks, at manner, to send its emissaries on a mission of proWashington and Annapolis, to the officers and selytism through the country? Let us hope, gentle. crew of the Forth, while she lay in the Chesapeake, men, that these abuses will cease, and that, by con discovered the most amicable and friendly disposi-fining the different religions to their respective tion. It seemed to our officers as though a radical temples,an end will be put to the perambulations of change had been effected in the feelings and views these missionaries who estrange from their proper of the Americans. An interchange of civilities dai-pastors the confidence of the faithful-who search ly passed between the officers of the Essex [the the consciences of men for the sake of emolumentCongress] and Ontario, lying there, and the Forth. who make a vile traffic of the most holy of minisIt is understood, an admitted fact, that not less than|tries.--( Hear, hear. )

two thirds of the crew of the Essex were British seamen, Several parts of France have been devastated by who had become American citizens by the usual form tremendous storms. In one place, 85 houses have of legislative protection. During their mutual friend- been destroyed by lightning. On the 21 June, a ly visit, some one of the crew of the Forth, recogniz- tempest, accompanied with hail, thunder, and lighted a ship-mate in almost every boat that came along-ning, ravaged upwards of 50 communes. But & side. On one occasion, of a boat's crew consisting still more dreadful scourge threatens to destroy the of 12 men, 7 of them discovered their original charac-harvest of the whole department of Arles, which ter. The Columbus, a remarkable fine new two held forth the greatest promise. Hosts of locusts ap decked ship, pierced for 105 guns, was fitted out at peared on a sudden and covered the land. The inWashington. Com. Rodgers, president of the navy habitants went out immediately to protect their board, is expecting to hoist his broad pendant in her for the Mediterranean station, &c. &c.

The preceding is worse than ridiculous, for it is wilfully false,in the parts which we have italicised.

fields, but though they collected as much as 57 quintals of these devourers every day, the number did not seem decreased. They were as yet small, but their devastations were most alarming, and it

was apprehended the heat would enlarge both their size and numbers. They had only attacked the grass, but the corn was expected to fall next a prey to their rapacity.

[ocr errors]

The government of Chili has instructed lord Cochrane to leave Payta or some other port of his selection, open for the whale ships to procure their necessary supplies.

La Fayette. In page 317 of the present volume, "The British merchants in Chili, were much disis a note of the illustrious Fayette to the attorney satisfied with the blockade, and in particular begeneral, requesting that a prosecution may not be cause no time had been allowed them to take away instituted on account of certain libels said to have their property-and they intend to make a remonbeen published against him. A Paris paper notic-strance about it to their government. ing that request, royally says-M. Bellart, the attorney-general, having seen the rhodomontading letter directed to him by the marquis de la Fayette, has sent an answer, in which he informs the sturdy republican, that the prosecution against the libeller had been undertaken, not on his account merely, but for the interest of society, which requires that libels should be punished. The letter concludes with a well merited sneer at the superabundant sensibility of the marquis. "The generosity of the marquis de la Fayette need not then be alarmed by an action over which he has no power, and in which the public administration counts private interest as nothing."

"Lord Cochrane is represented as hostile to the American interest, and encouraging desertion of their seamen, while his conduct in that respect to the British is said to be different.


A Paris paper says-A woman of Verdi, in Italy, was delivered of 5 male children, 2 of them are dead, but 3 of them are still living. In the time of Adrian, a woman of Alexandria was delivered also of 5 sons, all of whom lived to a good age.


A Halifax paper of the 21st ult. says that by the packet just arrived, orders had been received "for the immediate discharge of almost every person employed in his majesty's navy yard and hospital. -Those establishments are no longer to be kept up. The ships of war on this station are in future to receive at Bermuda whatever repairs they may require."


"The Macedonian, captain Downes, sailed from Valparaiso on the 25th of May for the gulf of Califormia.

"News has been received at Valparaiso of the American brig Cossack having been forcibly taken possession of in 1818, by the commandant at Marelian, the cargo disposed of and the captain and crew kept in captivity. It was supposed captain Downs would reclaim those persons and the property thus wantonly plundered, and punish the perpetrators.

"Before sailing, the government of Chili request, ed of captain Downes that he would not proceed to Lima, if he could for the present suspend it, consistent with orders from his government, and it was supposed he would comply with their wishes.

Constitution of the united provinces of Rio de la Plata. The following sketches of the new constitution, proclaimed on the 25th of May last, in the absence of the entire instrument, may be acceptable to all who are pleased to observe the march of this new people to a regularly organized and independent government. The outlines boldly strike for freedom.

“The legislative power is invested in a nationai congress, to be composed of two houses-a house of representatives and a senate. The house of representatives to be composed of deputies sent by the states, and each state is to elect a deputy for every 20,000 inhabitants.

We do not much like to give articles of news from Venezuela-both parties tell the most abominable falsehoods with the gravity of Castillians, and we know not what to believe: but it seems that gen. "None will be admitted to be a deputy if he has Marino lately defeated the royalists under col. Cor-not been seven years a citizen, 26 years of age, rea, and killed 1000 of them, besides the wound-owning property to the amount of 4000 dollars, or ed and prisoners. The battle took place at Chap-exercising an useful profession. paco, in Barcelona.

"The functions of a deputy will last 4 years. The A letter from St. Barts, gives news via St. Eusta. house of representatives only has the initiative in all aus, that Brion had lately touched at the latter in questions of taxes; has the power of accusing the a late English frigate of 32 guns (his flag ship) members of the three great bodies, the ministers of 9brigs, 11 schooners and a number of gun boats; state, the ambassadors, the bishops, the generals, reported to have on board 2500 English, Irish and governors, and supreme judges, for all crimes of Scotch,500 German, 350 Indian troops, all in fine or. treason, mismanagement of the public money, vioder, supposed to be destined to attack Laguira. Alation of the constitution, &c. The senators will be subsequent report states that the troops amounted to only 1100 men, aud that they had attacked and aptured Barcelona.

Com. Joley and gen. Arismendi are said to be under arrest, for conspiracy-the belief is given out that they will be shot.

named by the provinces, and each province will have an equal number of senators. None will be admitted to be a senator if he be not 30 years of age, has not been a citizen nine years, if he be not owner of some property to the amount of 8000 dollars, on does not exercise a profession commanding respect. Many prizes have recently been sent into Marga- "The functions of the congress to make laws, to retta-chiefly captured under the flag of Artigas. declare war, make peace, establish duties, to decree. A privateering vessel, under many names, carry-taxes to be levied equally all over the union for a ing the flag of Artigas and others, commanded by a time not to exceed two years.

villain named Alvara, among acts of supreme ras- "The supreme executive power of the nation ality, lately captured a Portuguese brig mounting will be invested in the person of a director. None 6 12 pounders, with a crew of 12 men and fifteen will be elected director if he does not enjoy the passengers, the latter chiefly women. After a varie-rights of a citizen, be not a citizen born, has not ty of usage disgraceful to the human character, been a resident for six years before his election, they forced the men and the passengers into an open and if he be not 35 years of age. The director is boat, and then set them adrift on the wide ocean the supreme chief of all the land and sea forces. with a very small stock of provisions, and at a moment before a tremendous gale came on, which it was evident was approaching!

"the nation has the right of amending the con stitution, taking care to observe the constitutional forms. All men are equal before the law. The

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