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NEW SERIES. No. 3-VOL. IV.] BALTIMORE, MARCH 13, 1819. [No. 3-Vol. XVI. WHOLE No. 393



We present our readers with a half sheet SUPPLEMENT, containing as much matter as is generally compresse into a whole sheet, to preserve for reference, a detailed account of the proceedings of congress. We do not suppose that many will read this supplement now, but the things recorded in it could not be dispensed with, without great injury to our REGISTER of facts; and we have, therefore, incurred the expense of it.

Corrupt, and had partially estimated the growing power of the rich and avaricious. We knew that few men were able to restrain, as they ought, any degree of authority which they might acquire overtheirfellow beings, or apply the compass to prescribe a line beyond which their unruly passions should not pass: still, we thought such might be checked, confused, and dismissed, by a redeeming spirit in the people, to whom all were accountable for their conduct in the public affairs.

Having so long entertained such opinions as inSovereignty of the States.-No. 1. controvertible truths, and as a weak, but honest An insidious dilapidation or violent dismemberapostle in the cause of mankind, endeavored to imment of the American union, together with a consolidation of the reserved rights and powers of the press them upon all within our reach, the horror of an apprehension that we have deceived ourselves states, is the darling hope that the enemies of liber- and others, may be better felt than described: it is ty, at home and abroad, have hugged to their heart like to a man discovering the infidelity of his wife with demoniac fervor and constancy. They have whilst she reposes on his bosom, and heart seems hated and still hate, the freedom of the people of united to heart! A deadly blow has been struck at the United States, on the principles with which the sovereignty of the states, and from a quarter so Satan regarded the happy condition of our first pa- far removed from the people as to be hardly accesrents in the garden of Eden-their own perverse sible to public opinionit is needless to say that dispositions not being fitted to participate in an we allude to the decision of the supreme court, in equality of rights, or their inordinate pride reject-the case of McCulloh versus the state of Maryland, ing every measure calculated to do away distinc-by which it is established that the states cannot tions among men, save in virtue and usefulness. tax the bank of the United States. No part of our editorial duty has been performed We are yet unacquainted with the grounds of with more alacrity than to combat with such, and this alarming decision, but of this are resolved that to encourage a confidence in the perpetuity of the nothing but the tongue of an angel can convince us confederacy, in its present super-excellent form of its compatibility with the constitution of the U. to descant upon the inestimable advantages that nited States, in which a power to grant acts of inmust flow from a well-balanced system, with an ho- corporation is not delegated, and all powers not des nest administration of its principles for the common good; shewing how every part transmitted intelli- legated are retained. Far be it from us to be thought as speaking dis gence and strength to a general point, from whence respectfully of the supreme court, or to subject our the collected wisdom of the nation, with collected selves to the suspicion of a "contempt" of it. We force, was re-transmitted to benefit every part of the do not impute corruption to the judges, nor inticommon family. But, we always contended that the mate that they have been influenced by improper living principle was in the virtue of the people, and feelings-they are great and learned men; but still, the sovereignty of the states and that these were only men. And, feeling as we do-as if the very so closely united in giving order to the system, that stones would cry out if we did not speak on this neither could be dispensed with. The individuals subject, we will exercise our right to do it-and deof this country having, by the favor of Providence, clare, that if the supreme court is not mistaken in and patience and perseverance, worked out their its construction of the constitution of the United emancipation from British despotism, gave up to States, or that another definition cannot be given their state governments certain of their rights for the to it by some act of the states-their sovereignty is better preservation of those that they thought proper at the mercy of their creature-congress. It is not to retain; and the states, in like manner and for like on account of the bank of the United States that purposes, agreed to establish a national head, to we speak thus-though we shall be sick enough of direct the general affairs of the confederation, in that tremendous institution before its charter expeace and in war. Here was a system that we confi-pires, (and which will not be renewed, unless the dently trusted was to confer happiness on many people lose their virtue and self-respect)-it is but millions of freemen, to the thousandth generation. a drop in the bucket compared with the principles We discovered nothing which had happened to jeo-established by the decision, which appears to us to pardize this most splendid inheritance-and never be these:

suffered the idea to prevail that the RESERVED 1. That congress has an unlimitted right to grant
rights of the people, or of the states, could be seri- acts of incorporation!

ously compromitted by any act of the national admi- 2. That a company incorporated by congress, is ex-
nistration, trusting in the virtue of the ballot to re-empted from the common operation of the laws of the
form abuses and punish those guilty of them. It was state in which it may be located!!
that thus influenced, we have labored so faithfully As to the first-as there is no power dele-
to build up a NATIONAL CHARACTER, to inspire a home gated to congress to pass acts of incorporation at
feeling, a proud and jealous regard of our rights as all, and yet that power exists, cities and towns and
en-rights which the people, in obedience to the land companies,may as well be incorporated as bauks,
will of GOD who created them free, cannot legally and ten thousand such acts be gr nted as well as one,
transfer to the keeping of others. We were aware, and for any purpose whatsoever.
Bevertheless, of the intrigues of the ambitious and
VOL. XVI.-4.

And secondly, such acts of incorporation being

had, and a consideration paid therefor, (one cent States desired even to erect a fort, manifestly inor one million of dollars, at the discretion of congress), tended for the common defence, that an act of the the houses and lands, or other property of the incor-state in which it was to be built, was necessary to poration, is in no wise liable to the local laws of the release the land occupied by it from the jurisdiction states-i, e. a sort of sovereignty is established with- of the state: but now, if the corps of engineers in the state sovereignties,and without their consent.* were incorporated for the general purpose of erectThese propositions and general deductions ap-ing forts, the useless ceremony of consulting the states pear to be reasonable. Indeed, we cannot see how might be at once dispensed with! the decision will, or can, admit of any other. Con- When the people of a territory have been authogress has very few incidental powers these be-rised to form a constitution, and establish a state golong to a state of sovereignty The congress is not vernment, a provision has always been inserted in sovereign except in the cases delegated. To raise the act of congress therefor, as a condition, that the an army, it necessarily follows that they may enlist new state should not tax the lands of the United men and organize and support them; but a bank, or States-this condition may be rendered unnecessaany thing like an incorporation, is not hinted at in ry by incorporating the land officers and their sucthe whole instrument;-still we see that they may cessors! make corporations, and the pretext will never be But, the right to "REGULATE commerce” is specially wanting to make any sort of them, and ten thou-delegated to congress-and the national government sand may be made as well as one. But to this con-is sovereign in all that relates to the collection of structed power is attached another which is terrible duties on goods imported. After this decision, to think of the exemption of those incorporated, as well as their property, from the operation of the laws of the states! Why, congress then has the power to grant a travelling charter, with wh ch those associated under it may pass from place to place, buy lands and build cities where they please, without being responsible to any authority but that of con-mal-practices! How is it possible that one monopoly gress itself!! We solemnly assure the reader that may be constituted and another denied, if the bonus, we mournfully believe this is not the extent to which the price of the privilege, is paid, or without any the evil may proceed, if it is not checked at its be- bonus at all if the government is disposed to be liginning--and that the rights of the states will not be beral? And assuredly, such monopolies of trade may worth a "pepper corn," in a very few years, if it is be easily granted-the right to "regulate commerce" is granted; and any thinking man will feel more reaHitherto, it has been supposed that if the Uniteddily reconciled to the idea that congress may sell the

not done.

shall any one believe that acts cannot be legally passed incorporating one company to import East India goods, another West India, a third British, a fourth French, &c. Pretexts are easily affordedgoods are smuggled, the public is defrauded of its just revenue, and these things are to prevent such

because they may dispense with them-but every man must have something to do, or, in one way or another, be affected by the circulating medium of his country; a monopoly of which is the most hateful, because the most injurious of any monopoly that can be devised, except monopolies of the common indispensable articles of food and clothing.

right of trading to the East Indies, &c. to one set *We are told that, in the opinion of the supreme of nabobs, than grant the virtual power of regulating court, the real property held by the bank is liaole the "national currency" to another. As to the forto taxation by the states, according to their rate and mer, the people might produce a re-action by socustom of taxing real property, but that the person-lemnly refusing to purchase the goods imported, al property of the bank is not subjected to the operation of the same rules in the states, which tax the capital, or dividends, of their own local banks! Capitai, no matter how it is vested, is equally within the right of a sovereign-England taxes the light of heaven, and Spain the products of the bowels of the earth; and most nations, we believe, in one way or another, strike at incomes or profits of property, without any sort of regard to the quality of the things The principle might, perhaps, go even to thisfrom which they are derived. The bank of the if congress were disposed to farmout the direct taxUnited States is specially authorized to hold "landses, excises and other internal revenues, all they rents and hereditaments," &c. as well as paper mo- could have to do would be to incorporate a company ney and specie, to the amount of fifty five millions, to collect them, and the articles so taxed-lands and and no other limit is given-it may all be in lands, houses, &c. could not be taxed by the states! all be in "stock notes," or all in cash. Whether it The bank of the United States is authorised "to is one or the other, or a mixture of all, it is equally HOLD lands, rents, temements, hereditaments, goods, the legal capital, or legal property of the bank, and chattels and effects," "of whatsoever kind, nature and we cannot conceive how it is that a distinction has quality," and to "sell and dispose of the same," to been made, seeing that the right to hold either is the amount of fifty five millions of dollars, and the derived from the same act. We will not therefore,be-power to grant this privilege to the amount of one lieve that the supreme court has contradicted itself, thousand millions is the same-suppose, therefore, until we see the opinion at length. If it is so-we that the bank thought fit to vest a part of its capiexpect to be astounded by the force of an argument tal in lands, how can these lands be taxed by the to prove that a thing is and is not; to find it like any states Certainly, personal property may be as lethat can occur about the boundaries of space-i. e.gally taxed by a sovereign as real property, though incomprehensible. But perhaps, as some people tell it is not so often done on account of the difficulty of us of what they call the mysteries of religion, the common people are not to understand them, such things being reserved only for the priests!! Thank heaven, the day of such mummery has nearly gone by, and the honest ploughman believes that he has a natural right to think for himself; and, uninflueneed by sinister views, he will nine times out of ten, decide more fairly than citers of cases at the bar or trafficers in dogmas in the pulpit.

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causing such a tax to bear equally-and we cannot see how, if the office at Baltimore were to purchase all the houses and lots on Market street,those houses and lots should be subjected to the state or city taxes. In Philadelphia-if the bank of the United States ever completes its moderate plans of building a property for a banking bouse, to cost a mme of dollars, i have no sort of doubt but that that pr. Der ty must remain untaxed, while heid by the co-para

tion, the house being as much a part of the capital of the bank as the gold and silver in its vaults, and which has paid a bonus to the United States to exempt it from the usual laws of Pennsylvania! It is no matter whether the bonus is one dollar or twenty millious-the principle of it is the same. But, in the case of the bank,the bonus was paid for other considerations that of receiving the public deposits, and for using the public money to make discounts upon.

principle of it that alarms us, as operating against the unresigned rights of the states.

Though we do not believe in the wholesale saying of sir Robert Walpole, the prototype of Pitt and Castlereagh, that "every man has his price," we are not without our fears that corruption may so far be extended as to take into its grasp a majority of those vested with power. It is notorious that the members of the legislatures of two very important states were literally purchased, or positively influenced by considerations of self-interest, to do that which they knew to be wrong-and besides, we have the bank litters of Pennsylvania and Kentucky star ing us in the face. What hope have we that the congress of the United States is composed of differ ent materials; and how can we believe that if they can grant exclusive privileges to one body of men, for an object unknown to the constitution, a majo

Where are these things to end, and what will be the consequences of them? Every person must see in them a total prostration of the state rights, and the loss of the liberties of the nation, unless the decision turns upon some point of common (not coxSTITUTIONAL) law, in the special case that has been before the supreme court. But we believe that the broad question is settled; for the National Intelligencer of Monday last, giving an account of the pro-rity may not be induced to grant the like to others? ceedings of the supreme court on Saturday, says― "Mr. chief justice MARSHALL delivered the unanimous opinion of the court in the case of Mc Culloh against the state of Maryland.

1st. That congress had, constitutionally, a right to establish the bank of the United States.

If they grant—if they incorporate, the business is at an end, the curse is entailed upon us: it is true, we may, as in Georgia, burn their acts by the common hangman, but the act will have force, and the judiciary, we suppose, must say that it is binding on the people for the time of its limitation-one year or five hundred.

constitution of the United States, declaratory of its original meaning, as we understand it, saying

"Congress shall not have power to grant acts of incorporation, or vest monopolies, in any person or persons, for any purpose whatsoever, except within the district of Columbia.

2dly. That the bank has authority to establish branches in such states of the Union as it thinks fit. There is no power vested in a sovereign autho3dly. That the state of Maryland has no right to rity that has been so much abused as that of granttax the branch of the bank established in that state." ing acts of incorporation: the effects of this are felt We are awfully impressed with a conviction that every where in the United States, through the acts the welfare of the union has received a more dan- of the states. But we have not room to expose gerous wound than fifty Hartford conventions, hate-this thing now, as we intend to do. Our chief purful as that assemblage was, could inflict-reaching pose at present, is to suggest an amendment to the so close to the vitals as seemingly to draw the heart's blood of liberty and safety, and which may be wielded to destroy the whole revenues, and so do away the sovereignties of the states. In the progress of this principle, we can easily anticipate the time when some daring scoundrel, having fortified himself by soul-trading incorporations, may seize We fearfully acknowledge there are some who upon these fair countries for a kingdom, and, sur-desire a consolidation of the states. The idea is alrounded with obedient judges and lying priests, pu- most as tremendous as that of the annihilation of nish his opponents, after the manner of European the commumty. But this subject will naturally be despots, with fines, imprisonment and tortures here, discussed, and we shall say nothing about it at this and the terrors of the lower world hereafter. But time. It is a thing that "to be hated needs not to we will not despair of the republic, nor yet give up seen." the ship; no alternative, however, is left to preserve the sovereignty of the states but by amending the constitution of the United States, and more clearly defining the original intentions of that instrument in several respects, but especially in regard to incorporations:-these are evidences of sovereignty; congress has not a sovereign power, except in the cases specially delegated.

We repeat it-it is not on account of the bank of the United States that we are thus moved. Our sentiments are on record, that we did not wish the destruction of that institution; but, fearing the enormous power of the corporation, we were zealous that an authority to arrest its deleterious influence might be vested in responsible hands, for it has not got any soul. Yet this solitary institution may not subvert the the liberties of our country, and command every one to bow down to it as Baal; it is the

*Not because we thought it rightfully constituted and much less properly conducted; but, because it was established and in operation, yielding to the doctrine of expediency from the force of our ideas on the necessity of the case. We now almost regret that we did not decidedly advocate the dissolution of the bank; not that we should have influenced a different result, but for the sake of the fitness of the thing itself.


Since the year 1798, the editor of the REGISTER has been a pretty careful observer of men and things, and sometimes mixed considerably in what is called the political world; but from that day to this, he thinks that there never was a period so hostile to the principles of the constitution, nor so dangerous to his country, as the present.

It has for some time been the opinion of politi cians,that there would be a new organization of parties; but as he cared neither for the ins nor the outs, the editor never troubled himself to find out from whence they could spring. But now, if he knows the disposition of the American people, the point from whence new parties will start is easy to be dis covered. New men, and under new names, without much regard to the party feelings of '98, will nearly go over the same ground as was then contended for one will support the old "energy" doctrines of that period, when a senator of the United States advised that the constitution should be burnt at the point of the bayonet, and many persons openly advocated a consolidation of the states- --the other will cleave to the belief of the fathers of the revolution, that the people may most safely be trusted with the manage ment of their own affairs, and that the sovereignty of the states is indispensable to the preservation of li berty. The former, as in days past, will have the

undivided aid of all speculators in politics, money or divinity; and the latter, in like manner, be composed chiefly of those who desire nothing but the good of their country. The means of one, which as in the time alluded to, will nearly dungeon the press, are exceedingly powerful-but the other will have! the physical force. We shall see these things come to pass in less than two years. The REGISTER will will not take a part in respect to individuals, but will always be found on the side of the constitution, and the PEOPLE, who established it for their own benefit.

The Floridas.

Bocca Grande, of the Spaniards, or Charlotte har bor, of the English, is said to have 15 feet over the bar and good anchorage within. There are several other harbors that we hear of, to receive coasting craft, not drawing more than from 7 to 9 feet water

The rivers appear to be very numerous on the map, and some of them extensive-but little is known of them except the great branches of the Appalachicola, the Flint and Chatahoochie, some of the branches of the latter appearing to head in the mountains of Tennessee. In consequence of the late military movements of the United States troops under general Jackson in this quarter of the country, we know that these rivers are navigable a great distance into the interior, and that the country bordering upon them is good.

and other timber fit for ship building and other purposes; of which, for many years, a plentiful supply may be had without leaving a navigable stream any considerable distance. Excellent springs of water are said to exist on many parts of the sea coast.

East Florida, though chiefly of a sandy soil, contains many extensive tracts of first rate land, and West Florida is intersome elevated situations.

A more particular account than any which we have received of the territories lately ceded by Spain to the United States, is desirable. Every one has There are many islands stretched along the coast, seen, for several years past, that they were destined which are exceedingly rich, and abounding, as nearto become a part of this republic, by contract or byly all the country does, with live oak and red cedar, force. During the late war, and indeed, antecedent to it and up to the late capture of Pensacola by gen. Jackson, they were to us as an enemy's country, though we had not any open quarrel with Spain. The British, and British traders, recruited men, built forts, established military depots, distributed arms, raised the tomahawk, and gave the word to destroy in them, just as if they had been their own possessions-the local Spanish authorities were un-sected by extensive swamps, many of which, it is bewilling or too weak to resist them, and even Ferdi- lieved, may be drained-the greater part of the dry nand himself never even remonstrated against this in- land is fine. vasion of his sovereign rights. The United States committed one great error in respect to this territory-every law of nature, reason and common justice, demanded that we should have taken possession of it several years ago-as much so, as of a stick (neutral property), which any man had raised up to knock us down with.

The political and commercial advantages to be derived from this acquisition, are of high consideration. It seems to give the command of the gulphfurnish us with several most excellent harbors, and supplies of the best ship timber in the world, which may be easily transported to any point desired-open a vast intercourse with the interior, and to afford, Florida has several very fine harbors, and, with at no distant day, an inland communication from the a respectable naval force, is appointed to command Atlantic states to Louisiana--free us from Indian the trade of the Gulph of Mexico: the only superi-wars, and drive off scalp-dealing monsters from this or point presented for this is the port of Havana, quarter-nake a valuable addition to our lands fitone of the best in the world. But the trade matted to raise cotton and sugar, to which it is believed pass within striking distance of Pensacola, St. Jo- coffee will very soon be extensively added: thus reseph's, the bay of Appalachicola, Tampa bay, Bocca leasing us from a dependence on foreign countries Grande, or Charlotte Harbor, and perhaps several for those valuable articles, and adding the amount other places with which we are unacquainted; and,heretofore paid o foreigners for them to the dowhen we reflect upon the vast rich territory that is mestic circulation. watered by mighty streams falling into this gulph, This slight sketch is chiefly derived from some we may partially calculate the present and future late conversations which the editor has had with seimportance of its trade. Pensacola will, probably, veral intelligent gentlemen who have recently visitbecome the greatest city in the south-west, after ed the Floridas. One of whom, a man of the first New Orleans-its harbor is one of the most beau- character, intimated the idea of an interior commutiful that is known, having about 24 feet over the nication from Darien, in Georgia, to New Orleans, bar, and room enough within for many hundred as a thing very easy to accomplish, "within a line of sail of the line. It is quite hea thy, and most abun-military defences." dantly supplied with pure spring water; enough of it from two springs, as a gentlemar. of great respectability informs us,to supply two millions of peo ple! A very short canal, which may be cut for four The article which appears in this sheet, vindior five thousand dollars, will throw into it all the catory of the conduct and character of this officer, trade of the Alabama and other great rivers, running against the charges contained in a report of a comthrough some of the richest parts of the United mittee of the senate, may be presumed to have St. Joseph's is described to us as having received his sanction, and to contain what he would the deepest water-30 feet over the bar, and as pro- have said under his own signature, had the condition bably to become the great naval depot on the gulph. of things admitted of an appea to the people. And The bay of Appalachicola is also a fine harbor which truly, when we consider the time at which the rewill receive much trade from the interior, and be port was produced, at so late a period in the session the seat of a large commercial city-lock at the map. as to preclude the possibility of a discussion of its meTampa bay, we apprehend, has not so much water rits, and see also that to so much accusation no vote atntrance as has been reported, (24 feet), but of censure,or resolution is attached, no point presenit is a secure harbor, and certainly has depth e-ted to argue upon, we are almost ready to believe nough over its bar for common merchantmen, and that he would have been justified in openly making the saler classes of armed vessels; but the coun-such an appeal, though, probably, it is best as it is. thy about it is r. presented as being sandy and poor. The report is handled very freely, and we think sa


General Jackson.


tisfactorily, to all who are willing that the general government and the approbation of the people.-should stand justified, or excused, to his fellow-citi- We know that the conduct of men are too often canvassed according to their success; but had Jackson The Richmond Enquarer, speaking about the re- failed in any of his enterprizes, he would have failed maks m our paper of the 6th inst. wherein we gave like a man, and still have had the support of those it as our opinion that the charges of the committee whose nterests he endeavored to sustain, against of the senate were either "untenable by proof, or to the broad destruction threatened by the "invinci be excused, as to the general himself, by the sanc-bles" of the old world, and the more crafty and tion of his superior, the president," &c.-says, more fearful depredations of the savages of the new. "We beg leave to ask Mr. Niles how any one can make out that general Jackson's extraordinary order to general Gaines to occupy St. Augustine, is eitner untenable by proof or excused by the sanction of the president? General Jackson's own letter is proof enough of the first; and the countermanding letter of the secretary at war, refuses all sort of sanc

tion to this unwarrantable order."

The documents accompanying the report of the senate, together with those that belong to the vindication of the general, shall appear hereafter. It is desirable that the whole ground, on both sides, should have been presented at once; but if we had excluded every thing else from our paper, we could not have done it.

The British minister.

A splendid ball has been given to Mr. Bagot and

This "unwarrantable order" is so small a point in the heap of censure of the committee of the senate that, diverted to what appeared more serious objects, we had not specially thought of it at all. But, as it seems to be the only point that Mr. Ritchie his lady at Georgetown, previous to their departure urges against our general observations, we shall briefly advert to it.

for England. This gentleman and his lady have afforded much satisfaction to those who have had inGeneral Jackson, considering Pensacola as the tercourse with them, by the amenity of their man. head quarters of the savage enemies of the United ners and uniform politeness-and, together, have States, captured that town, and by violence, took perhaps served their country more beneficially than possession of its fortress, the Barancas. Before he any former ministry in the U. States; for Mrs. B. has, knew the decision of his government in respect probably, done as much good to Great Britain in ento this matter, he issued a conditional order to gen. couraging the use of her manufactures, as her hus Gaines, directing, if evidence was obtained that the band, in his peculiar walk. Though she has been agents of Spain at St. Augustine, were exciting the reported to us a plain woman, at home, as in short, Indians to hostilities and supplying them with the such a wife as every considerate man would desire means of war, he (gen. G.) should endeavor to take to have-yet abroad, and on all fitting occasions, her possession of that place as he himself had done of nice taste has been exerted to give an impulse to Pensacola, and for the same reason--the cases being fashion, and spread a desire for new things from the entirely analagous to each other, as to the right, or of the United States. It is thus that the lady is redrawing-rooms at Washington to the remotest parts pretence, to occupy either. But it seems that general Jackson kept the government well advised of his ported to us, and to her great credit, though she proceedings for he immediately communicated a may have cost us a million a year for new and useless copy of his order to the secretary at war, dated at articles of the manufactures of her country. Wc Nashville the 9th of August, so that on the 1st of applaud her for it-she has done her duty as fully s September, the executive having determined on the Mr. Bagot did his-we blame only those who so eacourse it would pursue in regard to Pensacola and sily followed her leadings. We wish to the minister St. Marks, countermanded his order, as t e general and his lady a pleasant voyage home, and so happy a designed there should be an opportunity to do, if meeting of their friends there, that they may never thought most expedient. Gen. Jackson has been visit the United States but as private persons, resolvjustified by the president for the occupancy of Pen-ed to reside among us—as such, they shall be hear sacola by force,ecause he beli: ved it was the head-tily welcome. quarters of the I dian warfare from West Floridahow then, can he be reprehended for directing a subordinate officer to take possession of St. Augustine, if it were in like manner the head quarters of the same warfare from East Florida? If the one was right, the other cannot be wrong in the general; and the secretary of war, in countermanding his order, passes no sort of censure upon him; but presumes it to have been issued in consequence of the general's ignorance of what had been resolved upon about Pensacola. The act and the intention to act, in either case, were built upon the same principles there is not the slightest shade of difference in their character; and how it is, that the act really committed may be excused, while the act designed to be done is condemned, we cannot tell,

Inventions and Improvements.

In this department of our Register, we are proud to record an improvement, by Williamson and Mayfield, ingenious machenists of Baltimore, on the PATENT LAMP. This improvement, which has been examined and approved by men of science, is the more valuable, as its simplicity tends in the most agreeable way, to aid and facilitate the national and domestic retrenchments so essential in the present state of trade.

The patent lamp is well known to prudent house and storekeepers. Its great security against many ofthe chances of fire, deservedly places it among the preservatives of property; while its neatness recommends it to the patronage of a judicious public. We think that we have made out the case beliey-Many have been the melancholy results of careless. ed to be so difficult by the editor of the Enquirer. ness, by accidental conflagrations from candles, where The fact is that ninety nine hundredths of the the use of patent lamps might have saved large people believe that general Jackson acted on every amounts of property. Hence the efforts of genius occasion for the good of his country, and success to produce the best and cheapest forms of lamps; universally crowned his efforts. He has suffered and hence the distinguished patronage conferred more hardships and encountered higher responsibi- on those in present use. Better than these are now lities, than any man living in the United States, to to be found in the recent improvements by Williamserve us-and has his reward in the sanction of his son and Mayfield of Baltimore.

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