Cousin, dejection of spirits, which I suppose may have prevented many a man from becoming an Author, made me one. I find constant employment necessary, and therefore take care to be constantly employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind sufficiently,... The Literary Magazine, and American Register - 第 138 頁1804完整檢視 - 關於此書
 | William Hayley - 1803 - 450 頁
...constantly employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind sufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many. But composition, especially of verse,...ask me where I have been this summer. I answer at Olney. Should you ask me where I spent the last seventeen summers, I should still answer at Olney.... | |
 | William Cowper - 1803 - 482 頁
...constantly employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind sufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many. But composition, especially of verse,...hours in a morning, and in an evening I transcribe. 1 read also, but less than I write, for I must have bodily exercise, and therefore never pass a day... | |
 | William Hayley - 1803 - 348 頁
...fufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many. But compofition, efpecially of verfe, abforbs it wholly. I write therefore generally three hours in a morning, and in an evening I tranfcribe. I read alfo, but lefs than I write, for I muft have bodily exercife, and therefore never... | |
 | 1804 - 552 頁
...fufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many. But compofition, efpecially of verle, abforbs it wholly. I write, therefore, generally three hours in a morning, and in an evening I tranfciibe. 1 read alfo, but lefs than I •write.' Vol. ip 147. In a preceding letter, he fpeaks of... | |
 | William Hayley - 1805 - 230 頁
...employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind 4 sufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many : but composition, especially of verse,...without it. You ask me where I have been this summer. I antwer at Olney. Should you ask me where I spent the last seventeen summers, I should still answer... | |
 | William Cowper - 1806 - 464 頁
...constantly employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind sufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many. But composition, especially of verse,...ask me where I have been this summer. I answer, at Olney. Should you ask me where I spent the last seventeen summers, I should still answer, at 320 Olney.... | |
 | William Cowper, William Hayley - 1809 - 460 頁
...constantly employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind sufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried -many. But composition, especially of verse,...ask me where I have been this summer. I answer, at Oln.ey. Should you ask me where I spent the last seventeen summers, I should still answer, at 324 Qlney.... | |
 | Elegant epistles - 1812 - 316 頁
...employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind sufficiently ; as I know by experience, having tried many. But composition, especially of verse,...ask me where I have been this summer. I answer, at Olney. Should you ask me where I spent the last seventeen last summers, I should still answer, at Olney.... | |
 | Mrs. Barbauld (Anna Letitia) - 1816 - 414 頁 not. engage the mind sufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many. Bat cornposition, especially of verse, absorbs it wholly. I write therefore, generally, three hours in the morning, and in an evening I transcribe. I read also, but. less than I write, for I must have bodily... | |
 | William Cowper - 1817 - 328 頁
...constantly employed. Manual occupations do not engage the mind sufficiently, as I know by experience, having tried many. But composition, especially of verse,...ask me where I have been this summer. I answer, at Olney. Should you ask me where 1 spent the last seventeen summers, I should still answer, at Olney.... | |
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