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The Secretary of the Treasury's Report to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund.

THAT at the close of the year 1801, the unexpended balance of the disbursements made out of the treasury, for the payment of the principal and interest of the public debt, which was applicable to payments falling due after that year, as ascertained by accounts rendered to the treasury department, amount to That during the year 1802, the following disbursements were made out of the treasury, on the same account, viz

I. There was paid on account of the reimbursement and interest of the domestic funded debt, the sum of

II. On account of domestic loans
obtained from the bank of the
United States, viz.

On account of the principal
Ditto interest,

Dollars 1,085,997 60

4,618,021 39



III. On account of the domestic unfunded debt, viz.

On account of the debts due to foreign officers

7,994 92

Ditto certain parts of the Dutch


14,966 84

[blocks in formation]

Which Disbursements were made out of the following funds, viz.

I. From the funds constituting the annual appropriation of seven millions three hundred thousand dollars, for the year 1802, viz.

* From the fund arising from interest on the debt transferred to the commissioners of the sinking


From the fund arising from payments into the treasury, of debts which originated under the late government

326,449 92

888 79

[blocks in formation]

From the fund arising from the sales of public lands, being the amount of monies paid into the treasury, in the year 1802, From the proceeds of duty on goods, wares, and merchandise, imported, and on the tonnage of ships and vessels,

II. From the proceeds of duties on goods, wares, and merchandise, imported, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels advanced in part and on account of the annual appropriation of seven millions two hundred thousand dollars, for the year

[blocks in formation]


79,575 52

6,759,125 77

745,807 40

119,592 78




Dol. 9,453,000 18

10,538,907 78


est of the public debt, as as-
certained by accounts rendered
to the treasury department
amount to seven millions seven
hundred and seventy-two thou-
sand eight hundred and fifty-
four dollars and seventy cents,

I. Paid in reimbursement of the
principal of the public debt 3,638,744 63
II. On account of the interest

and charges on the same, 4,134,110 07

III. The balance remaining unex pended at the close of the year 1802, and applicable to payments falling due after that year, as ascertained by асcounts rendered to the treasury department, amounted to

Two millions six hundred and fiftysix thousand, nine hundred and thirty-three dollars and eight

7,772,854 70

2,656,933 08



10,538,907 78

That during the year 1803, the following disbursements were made out of the Treasury, on account of the principal and interest of the public debt, viz.

[blocks in formation]

Which disbursements were made up of the following funds, viz.

I. From the funds constituting the annual appropriation of seven millions three hundred thousand dollars for the year 1803, viz.

From the fund arising from interest on the debt transferred to the commissioners of the sinking fund, as per statement (N)

From the fund arising from payments into the treasury, of debts which originated under the late government, as per statement (O)

From the fund arising from the sales of public lands, being the amount of monies paid into the treasury in the year 1803, as per statement (P)

401,355 5

135 46

158,949 65

From the proceeds of duties on
goods, wares, and merchan-
dise imported, and on the ton-
nage of ships and vessels

Amounting altogether to
Which sum of

together with the sum advanc-
ed during the year 1802, on
account of the appropriation
for the year 1803, and amount-
ing, as above stated, to

Make in the whole the annual ap-
propriation of dollars, for the
year 1803

II. From the proceeds of duties on goods, wares, and merchandise imported, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels advanced in part, and on account of the annual appropriation for the year

[blocks in formation]

5,993,752 44

6,554,192 60

6,554,192 60

745,807 40


15,335 43

753,236 40



purchase of remittances for the
foreign debt, being the amount
paid at the treasury during the
year 1803, for that object

That the abovementioned disburse-
ments, together with the above
stated balance of dollars
which emained unexpended at
at the close of the year 1802,
and with a further sum aris-
ing from the profits made on
remittances made to Holland,
by the way of London, which
is estimated at

And amounting altogether to nine millions nine hundred and fifty thousand eight hundred fiftyfour dollars, sixty-seven cents, will be accounted for in the next annual report, in conformity with the accounts which shall then have been rendered to the treasury department.

That in the mean while, the manner in which the said sum has been applied, is from the partial accounts which have been rendered, and from the knowledge of the payments intended to be made both in Holland and in America, estimated as follows, viz.

I. The repayments in the treasury have amounted to

II. The sums actually applied, during the year 1803 to the payment of the principal and interest of the public debt, are estimated as follow, viz.

I. Paid in the reimbursements of the principal of the public debt

On account of interest and
charges on the same

Amounting altogether to
III. The balance remaining

4,528,196 74

3,903,144 11


pended at the close of the year
1803, and applicable to the
payments falling due after
that year, is estimated at

4,957 1

7,327,721 59



Dollars, 9,995,854 67

13,117 43

[blocks in formation]

Dollars, 9,995,857

That no purchases of the debt of the United States have been ma since the date of the last report to congress.

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