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kind, unless we observe a capacity for mastication; without which we must declare it exclusively carnivo


Some object to the carnivorous nature of the mammoth from its not having cutting or canine teeth. To this it may be replied, that if we form our rule of judgment, as to what constitutes a graminivorous animal, from the construction of an ox's jaw, the elephant would certainly be excluded, because it has not incisores at least in the lower jaw: the fact is, that all carnivorous as well as graminivorous animals differ among themselves with respect to the number and situation of their teeth; and hence they afforded to the sagacious and celebrated Linnæus the most infallible method of classification, which has since been adopted, either wholly or partially, by all naturalists. The proboscis of the elephant answers the purpose of incisores: he therefore requires no others than grinders, which entirely fill his jaws : hence he is completely graminivorous. And although the mammoth is deficient in cutting teeth, and has no other canine teeth than his enormous tusks,the deficiencies of which may have been supplied by a pair of large and powerful lips, indicated by the uncommon sinuosity on the front of the lower jaw; yet I am decidedly of opinion, since it cannot be contradicted by a single proof or fact, that the mammoth was exclusively carnivorous; by which I mean, that he made no use of vegetable food, but either lived entirely on flesh or fish; and not improbably upon shell-fish, if, as there are many reasons to suppose, he was of an amphibious nature. I therefore only require assent to these facts: 1st, The teeth are certainly of the carnivorous kind: 2dly, They are not of the mixed kind, because they have not the least rotatory motion, and so completely Jock together; 3dly, Since, therefore they are not graminivorous, since they cannot be of the mixt Kind, from a defect in motion, they

must be exclusively and positively carnivorous.

Independently of the teeth, the under jaw of the mammoth differs most essentially from that of the elephant, which in its outline is semi-circular, from the condyle to the chin; whereas in the mammoth the outline is distinctly angular, and is much greater in the length than it is in the height, which is the reverse in the elephant; besides several other striking distinctions in both jaws.

When the skeleton was first erected, I was much at a loss how to dispose of the tusks; their sockets showed that they grew out forwards, but did not indicate whether they were curved up or down. I chose, therefore,first to turn them upwards, not because they produced the same effect as in the elephant, for it is evident they could not in any position, owing to two circumstances. In the elephant, taking the level of the teeth for a horizontal base line, the condyle of the neck is at right angles with it; and the perpendicular, one third longer than the base line: hence they are useful on every occasion, the tusks themselves being nearly straight, and pointing down wards; whereas in the mammoth, taking the level of the teeth for a base line, the condyle of the neck is situated but a few inches above it: consequently the sockets for the tusks and the condyle of the neck are in a horizontal direction: this eircumstance, together with the extraordinary curve of the tusks, would raise the points in the air, directed in some degree backward over the head, twelve feet from the ground, and never could have been brought lower than six or seven feet from it. This position was evidently absurd: I therefore resolved on reversing them; in which position, in consequence of their twist or double curve, they appear infinitely more serviceable.

Six miles from the spot where this skeleton was discovered we found two entire tusks, in form exactly like those in the skeleton,

ment can be formed from the quantity of vegetable soil which has accumulated over their bones. Certain we are, that they existed in great abundance, from the number of their remains which are found in America: we are likewise sure that they must have been destroyed by some sudden and powerful cause: and nothing appears more probable than one of those deluges or sudden irruptions of the sea, which have left their traces in every part of the globe, and which are in amazing abundance on the very spot where these bones are found: they consist of petrifactions of sea productions, shells, corals, &c. It is extremely probable that, whenever and by whatever means the extirpation of this tremendous race of animals was effected, the same cause must have operated in the destruction of all those inhabitants from whom we might have received some satisfactory account of them.

but very much worn at the extremities (the point of one I have with me), and worn in so peculiar a manner, considering their form, as could not have happened in an elevated position; unless on the absurd supposition, that the animal amused himself with wearing and rendering them blunt, by rubbing them against high and perpendicular rocks: this in a state of nature can never be supposed, whatever habits may be acquired when in a narrow confinement. There can be no doubt, then, of their having been used against the ground, and not improbably in tearing up shell-fish, if, as we have many reasons to suppose, he was of an amphibious nature: for this species of food his teeth seem admirably adapted. All animals of similar habits have similar teeth: this animal has teeth unlike any other with which we are acquainted: there is much reason, therefore, in supposing his food to have been different; especially when we consider the thickness of enamel which covers DIMENSIONS OF THE SKELETON. the teeth, the peculiar manner in which they are worn, and the small opening for the throat. But, whether amphibious or not, in the inverted position of the tusks he could have torn an animal to pieces held beneath his foot, and could have struck down an animal of common size, without having his sight obstructed, as it certainly would have been in the other position.

The tusks themselves are composed of two very distinct substances: the internal bony or ivory part, which we find in the greatest state of decay; and a thick, distinct coating, doubtless having undergone some decay, yet at present absolutely heavier and harder than the freshest ivory. No part of the skeleton is petrified, but all in their present state of preservation from having been surrounded by a calcareous soil, composed principally of decayed shells, and covered with water even in the driest seasons.

How long since these animals have existed, we shall perhaps ever remain in ignorance; as no judg

Ft. In


9 0


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Height over the shoulders 11
Ditto over the hips
Length from the chin to
the rump
From the point of the tusks
to the end of the tail, fol-
lowing the curve
Length in a straight line
Width of the hips and
Length of the under-jaw
Weight of the same 63116.
Width of the head
Length of the thigh-bone
Smallest circumference of
the same

Length of the tibia
Length of the humeras, or
large bone of the fore-
Largest circumference of
the same
Smallest ditto ditto
Length of the radius


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33 33

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[blocks in formation]


2 10

3 2


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Circumference round the


Length of the scapula, or shoulder blade Length of the longest vertebra, or back-bone Longest rib, without cartilage

Length of the first rib Ditto of the breast-bone Length of the tusks, de

fences, or horns Circumference of one tooth or grinder

Weight of the same, four pounds ten ounces The whole skeleton weighs about 1000 pounds.

3 8



2 3

4 7 2 0


With these they descend from the mountains into the plain country, whenever they think they can do it with safety. To prevent their being suddenly surprised by their enemies, they place guards in every direction around them, and on the first appearance of danger, retire again to their mountains. The number of these nomades decreases however, every year, especially in the province of Mascara, where the present dey has made many conquests. The Arab tribes subjected to the Algerines, pay a 61 small tribute, and are treated with great lenity, for fear of irritating them to rebel and join the Cabyls and independent Arabs.


10 7




(Concluded from p. 124.)

AMONG the Mahometan inhabitants of the Algerine dominions, may likewise be reckoned some Arabian tribes, who, without mingling with the Moors, or most ancient possessors of the country, have to the present times, preserved themselves separate from all others, partly in a state of independence, and partly as tributaries to the dey. They are distinguished from the rest by their language, by their rude manners, a peculiar mode of living, and by their pride, deeming themselves better and nobler than others. Not less characteristic is their love of liberty. They live either in the desert, or in inaccess'ble ridges of mountains, divided into families and clans, under the patriarchical government of a Sheic who may be considered as at the same time judge, instructor, and leader of his tribe. Their wealth consists in their flocks and herds.

The number of Jews in the territory of Algiers is not great: but it is difficult exactly to determine it, as it is kept secret by themselves, for the purpose of preventing an augmentation of the tax, which is regulated according to the number of families settled in the Country. Jews cannot acquire landed property in Algiers. They are likewise oppressed and des pised, being obliged to distinguish themselves from the other inhabitants by their dress, especially by wearing clothes of dark colours. In this respect the women enjoy greater indulgence; even they, however, are forbid to appear in public with a veil. Nor is any Jew permitted to ride through the city gates, or in the city. A Christian slave may, in case he be at tacked by Moors, defend himself; a Jew, on the contrary, would not so easily escape with sound limbs, if he should dare to put himself in a posture of defence against the mis-usage of the Turks and Moors. Rich Jews therefore, purchase the protection of powerful Turks, and of the European consuls. The Algerine Jews are, generally speaking, ignorant, superstitious, and fanatical in the highest degree: and, moreover, cowardly, baseminded, perfidious, avaricious, and addicted to cheating: on their premise in pecuniary transactions, no

one can place confidence; and the greatest cheats are found among the most wealthy. In affairs which concern only themselves, they are judged by their own tribunals and an elder, who is known by the name of a king of the Jews. One of the most pernicious customs prevalent among them is, that parents form marriage contracts for their yet infant children, who, in that case, are even married at the age of four or six years; and in their ninth or tenth year cohabit as man and wife.

The number of negroes annually imported as slaves into Algiers, amounts to from 150 to 180. Their price varies from 50 to 150 zechins. The female negro-slaves are in greater request, as attendants on the Moorish ladies, and as domestic servants, and therefore fetch a higher price than the males. Many of the negresses are likewise very frequently purchased and kept as concubines by the wealthy Turks and Moors, and not seldom preferred to the fair natives of the country. It however happens very rarely that a Turk actually marries a negress: but such intermarriages


more frequent among the, Moors and Coloris. Although all' the negroes came into the country as slaves, yet the greater part of them are, either gratuitously, or in consideration of a large sum of money, manumitted by their masters. Nor are they here, in general, so badly treated as in the WestIndian colonies of the Europeans: they enjoy, on the contrary, a considerable portion of liberty, are not confined, or in a cruel manner overwhelmed with excessive labour. Any over-rigid or unjust treatment of them is even punished by the government. Negro and christian slaves are, at Algiers, employed in the same offices as our domestic servants. But Jews and christians are not permitted to keep negroslaves who profess the Mahomedan religion. As soon as a negro acquires his freedom, which is often granted on occasions of rejoicing,

or on the decease of his master, he is esteemed equal to, and is entitled to the same privilege as the Moors. They may then even intermarry among themselves, and with the Moors. The negresses are generally the confidantes of the young ladies in their master's house, in which case their situation becomes very comfortable. They have likewise a great influence on the education of youth, as they are employed as attendants on the children, who, in their tender years, are with them more than with their parents. But they spoil the children by over-indulgence, as they are apt too much to give way to and flatter the desires of these their future masters.

We now come to the christians, but who, on account of their transitory residence, can hardly be said to constitute part of the preper inhabitants. It is almost in the cities only that we meet with christians, but very rarely in the open country. On the western coast, the Spaniards occupy Oran and Masalquivir: the citizens rẻsident there, for the most part fugitives from their native land, derive their subsistence from the garrison, and live in indolence, misery, and poverty, being destitute of trade, agriculture, and manufactures. The christians who are met with in the other cities (a few travelling merchants and literati excepted) are all slaves: but treated with a great deal more lenity than themselves and the missionaries pretend. There are two classes of christian slaves. To the first belong all those who are captured by the Algerine corsairs: these are preferred to the others, and are truly worthy of commiseration. On their arrival at Algiers, they are separated into divisions, and conducted to the palace of the dey, that he may select whomsoever he pleases from them; the remainder are taken to the marketplace, and sold to the highest bidder. The captains and chief officers of ships, and all persons of

distinction and of a better appearance, are placed in the first division of prisoners, and treated with greater mildness than the rest, because it is expected that they will purchase their liberty. In the day time they must work in the sailmagazines belonging to the navy, and at night they are shut up with the other slaves in the bagnios. The children and women are kept as servants in the palace of the dey: or purchased by other grandees, to attend on their wives. If among the female captives there happens to be a lady of high rank, she remains indeed the property of the dey, but is permitted to reside in the house of some of the free christians. The remainder of the ship's crew are publicly sold to the highest bidder, and become the property either of the state or of private individuals.

The second class of christian slaves at Algiers consits of (what will appear strange to many of our readers) persons who of their own accord enter into a state of slavery. They are, for the most part, deserters from the Spanish garrison in Oran and Masalquivir, who from fear, despair, ignorance or precipitancy, make their escape. Oran, then, is the nursery of this kind of christian slaves: and the number of such runaways is reckoned to amount annually to about one hundred. Among them are natives of almost every country of Europe. While the author, from whom this account of Algiers is extracted, resided there, the German Oranites were for the most part men, who, in their native country, had been forced or inveigled to enter into the army....had deserted....been picked up by Spanish or French recruiting parties, and at last, after various intermediate adventures, been sentenced to transportation to Oran. They were almost all addicted to drunkenness, but in other respects faithful, good-natured, well-behaved, laborious, and not so abandoned as the rest of their companions. Those who were natives of France were adventurers,

or had been ruined by gaming, and thus incited to the commission of crimes, which obliged them to fly. Few of them had reformed. They were almost without exception of a volatile and daring disposition, careless, lazy, and adepts in char latanry and knavery. The greater part of the Spanish Oranites were transported smugglers. Among those from Italy were found the most abandoned wretches, and the most atrocious criminals, and even among these the Neapolitans and Genoese distinguished themselves by their superior wickedness. Most of them had been banditti, highway robbers and murderers, and been forced to fly to Spain, where, even after their transportation to Oran, they pursued their old practices, and on that account made their escape to Algiers, to avoid the punishment due to their crimes. They related with the greatest unconcern and frankness all the deeds of horror they had formerly perpetrated: the oldest were the most hardened and shameless, probably because they had lost all hope of ever returning to Europe. The younger among them were not so communicative; but sufficiently indicated by their gestures that they were not much better than the others. They believe that they are now doing penance for their sins, diligently attend the confessional, and are scrupulously observant of the fasts enjoined by the church. Among the Oranites there were very few English, Portuguese, Swiss, Poles, and Prussians: but no Dutch, Swedes, Russians, and Danes; and only one Norwegian. All these deserters know beforehand what doom awaits them on their arrival: they, however, prefer a state of slavery to that of a Spanish soldier at Oran, as in Algiers they are better treated, and flatter themselves with the hope of being ransomed, in which expectation they very frequently find themselves deceived.

With respect to the treatment of the christian slaves, no particular distinction is made between the de

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