
"Yes, plenty of them, such as they are; we've twenty of the ship's company, and twenty-five passengers from Malta." After breakfast, the captain ordered up the small arm men: five seamen and fifteen of the passengers made their appearance with their muskets, which were examined, and they were dismissed. At eleven o'clock, as we neared the land, the men were ordered to quarters; the guns cast loose, and they were exercised as on board of a man-of-war; the captain giving his orders with his speaking trumpet. "Doubleshot your guns! Run out! Point your guns! Fire! Repel boarders on the bow! Repel boarders on the quarter!" &c. This continued for more than two hours, when the guns were again secured.

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"Well, pilot," said the captain to Bramble, "what do you think? do you fancy a privateer could take us in a hurry?" Why, captain, if the men fight, I should say not; but you see, these guns, handsome as they are, won't fight of themselves."

"I'll answer for the men fighting; they 'll have but their choice,-fight, or the contents of my pistol through the first man's head who quits his gun. I'll nail the colors to the mast, and see who will be the man who will haul them down. Why, pilot this vessel is insured at £30,000."

"Then she 'll be a famous prize, if they could contrive to take her, that's all," said Bramble. "Halloo! what vessel's that coming down? Tom, hand your glass here."

"I hav' n't got it with me.'

"Well, give me that one on the skylight. I can't make

her out-but I do n't much like the looks of her."

"Heh! what's that?" said the captain. "Let me look: oh, she's a square-rigged vessel, a'n't she?"

"Can't tell," said Bramble.

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"I know that," replied Bramble, with a wink.

The captain returned, probably satisfied that it was only a coaster, but he did not choose to say so. "Well, I don't know what to make of her; but at all events there's nothing like being ready. She's coming down fast upon us; Mr. Stubbs we 'll beat to quarters."

Again the people were called up and the guns cast loose; the powder was handed up, and all was preparation. I did not think, however, that the passengers appeared at all zealous; but that I was not surprised at: the captain harangued them, calling them Britons, &c., and, hoping that they would show what stuff they were made of; talked about the honor of Old England, and a great deal more, and then examined the vessel again with his glass. "We'll give her the starboard broadside, and then wear round his stern and give her the other. Hoist the colors!"

As soon as we hoisted the colors, the schooner hoisted English colors also.

English colors, sir," said the mate, grinning. "English colors, heh! Very well; but that may be a feint-keep to your guns, my lads."

The vessel now ran by us; she was deeply laden, and as broad as she was long.

"No privateer this time, captain," said Bramble, laughing. "No, all's right; secure the guns, my lads. We'd have given her a nice peppering if she'd been a French priva


The captain then went down below to put away his sword and pistols, which the cabin-boy had brought on deck. "It's my opinion, Tom," said Bramble, "that this skipper a'n't quite so fond of fighting as he pretends to be. I'll see if I can't frighten him a little."

As soon as the captain came on deck again, Bramble said, "We'll go about, if you please."

"What! about already? why, we 're good three leagues from the shere."

"Yes, sir, but the tide has made, and we must now make a long stretch-out towards the French coast. We won't tack again till about dark."

"Not tack till dark, pilot? surely we will do better keeping on the English coast.'

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"No, no, sir; if we were not so well manned and so well

armed I should do it; but, as we are a match for any privateer,

why, we may as well make a long leg-we shall be up char nel sooner."

"Well, I don't know what to say; I've a heavy responsi bility with such a valuable cargo.'

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"Well, tack if you please, sir," said Bramble, shortly. "Oh, certainly; hands about ship!"

The vessel's head was put off shore, and, with a smart breeze, we walked away fast from the land. At twelve o'clock the captain proposed standing in-shore again, but Bramble reand expos fused. At three o'clock he became very uneasy, tulated with Bramble, who replied, "Well, sir, I'm doing all for the best; but if you are afraid

"Afraid!" cried the captain; "afraid of what, I should like to know? No, I'm not afraid; but it appears to me that we ought to make the land again before night."

"I'll answer for knowing where we are, sir, if that is your reason; at all events I wish to stand out till six o'clock." "Well, do so then, if you choose-I'm sure I do n't care if you stand to within gun-shot of the French coast;" and the captain, evidently very much annoyed, went down into the cabin.

About half-past four o'clock the mate came aft and took up the glass, saying that there was an awkward-looking craft on the weather-bow. He came aft again, and said, " Pilot, I wish you would take a squint at that craft, for I don't much like the look of her."

Bramble went forward, and I followed him. "I say Tom, that's a French privateer, as sure as we stand here," said he. "Look at her. Well, now we shall see what these guns are made of."

"Don't put too much trust in them," said the mate; "I know what sort of people we have here. Had we only ten good men, I wouldn't care for a privateer; but I'm afraid that we have not many we can trust to. However, we 'll do our best, and we can do no more. I'll go down and tell the captain."

"It is a Frenchman," replied I, "and no mistake-every

rope and every sail on her are French;" for the vessel, which

was a lugger, was not more than four miles from us.

"Well," replied Bramble, "it would be odd if we were to be taken into a French port after all, would n't it?-not very pleasant, though.'

"We've men enough to beat her off, or two of her, if that's all," replied I.

"Yes, Tom, but I doubt the captain; and without example men don't fight well. However, we'll do our best; and if he flinches, we won't."

The captain now came forward as red as a turkey-cock; be said nothing-looked at the vessel-and then turned as white as a sheet.

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"She's more than our match, if she 's an enemy," said he. I should rather think not, sir," replied Bramble. "All you have to do is to make your men fight, and nail your colors

to the mast."

"That's very true when there's a fair chance of success, but it's useless sacrificing the men against so very superior a force," replied the captain.

"But it a'n't superior, nor in guns is she your equal, if I know anything about a vessel. At all events, I suppose you have a trial for it? Won't you beat to quarters, captain?" Oh, to be sure; Mr. Stubbs, beat to quarters. I think it would not be a bad thing to fire off our broadsides now, and let them see that we are well armed."

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The men were summoned up to quarters, and very unwillingly did they obey; some said that they did not come on board to fight; others, that they had agreed to work the pas sage home but not to stand to be shot at; and some were actually going down below again, when Bramble and the mate spoke to them and persuaded them to remain on deck. Still there was no willingness shown; and although Bramble told them how many privateers had been beaten off, and y tioned particularly the Leith smack having the other day fought with one an hour and a half, and knocked her all të pieces, they still appeared uneasy and wavering.

In the mean time the privateer was within a mile of us, and

hoisted French colors.

"We'll keep away and give her the first broadside," cried

the captain.

"You'd better hoist your colors first," observed Bramble, quietly.

out, my men! Point the guns to the object! Fire
"Hoist the colors, Mr. Stubbs! Port the helm! Look

Off went all the guns, not only on the starboard side, in the

direction of the privateer, but all those on the larboard side as
well; and this circumstance probably gave the people on
board of the privateer some idea of the state of confusion we
were in. She now rounded to, and gave us her broadside of
three guns: they were well directed, and did us some dam-
age in the upper works and rigging; but still more in fright-
ening the people, who were now running down below, not-
withstanding the exertions of the mate, Bramble, one or two
of the seamen, and myself; but our fate was soon decided by
the captain, who cried out, "It's useless contending against
such a superior force." With this observation he ran aft and
hauled down the colors. As soon as the men perceived this
they all left the guns: at another broadside from the privateer
they all scampered down below, and at the same time the
captain went down into his cabin. There was none but the
mate, the boatswain, Bramble, and myself left on deck.
"Pleasant," said Bramble. "I thought as much. Well,
Tom, here we are in for it. Come with me to the helm, for
these French fellows will board, and they make very free with
their cutlasses, even after colors are hauled down. Well,"
said he, as he walked aft, "I did not think to see the English
flag so disgraced. Poor Bessy, too! Well, never mind. I
say, mate, just let go the weather main braces and bow lines,
and square the yards, for it's better to be as humble as pos-
sible, now that we can't help ourselves; and do you and the
boatswain go down below, for they cut right and left, these fel-
lows. They do pay a little more civility to pilots, as they
ar' n't belonging to the ship."

This advice of Bramble's, which was very good, was followed by the mate and boatswain.

"Shall I run down and look after our kits?" said I to Bramble.

"No, Tom, do n't have any thing in your hand, or they will take it from you, and most likely give you a rap on the head with a cutlass at the same time; for privateer-men of all nations are little better than pirates, and do n't know how to behave in victory. Just keep where you are-look as if you had nothing to do with the ship, except the steering of her. Here they come !"

As he spoke, the lugger touched our weather side, at the same time lowering down her foresail and mainsail with no little noise and confusion; in a second or two there were thirty of their men on our decks, flourishing their cutlasses, and looking round with their pistols ready cocked in their left hands for somebody to let fly at. At last they came aft."Pilot!" cried Bramble, taking off his hat. I did the same. With reiterated sacres and diables of every description, some now rushed down the cabin, while others went down the forehatchway, while more of the men from the lugger poured upon our decks; but none of them molested Bramble or me, as we continued standing at the wheel. In about ten minutes order was to a certain degree restored by the captain of the privateer, who had come on board. I perceived him express his surprise to his officers who were with him at the armament of the ship, and he appeared very much pleased: it was not necessary to understand French for that." He then came up to Bramble, and spoke to him in French; but Bramble only pointed to me and then to himself, and said “pilot.” The captain called for a young Frenchman who could speak English, and then asked Bramble what was the cargo. Bramble, to please him, replied that it was silk and other goods to the value of £30,000 English. "How many men?" "Forty-five men."

The French captain rubbed his hands with ecstasy, as well he might. Just at this moment, the English captain came upon deck, followed by two of the privateer's men, one of whom had taken possession of his laced cap, and the other of his silk sash. He brought his sword in his hand, and presented it to the captain of the privateer, saying, “It is no disgrace for one brave man to deliver up his sword to another."

Bramble and myself. As soon as the vessels were clear, they made sail, running about two points free for the French

"Que dit il?" said the Captain of the pirate to the young man who interpreted. The young man translated this fine speech, upon which the French captain called the English one by a very contemptuous title, and turned away. The privateer's men now made their appearance below, having helped themselves to every thing they could find: the orders were then given for the prisoners to be brought upon deck; they were driven up, many of them bleeding from wounds received in attempts to rescue their personal property, and were handed over to the lugger. A prize master with twenty men were put on board; the lugger was hauled off, the only Englishmen allowed to remain in the captured vessel being


CHAPTER XXXV....We have great hopes of not seeing the inside of a French prison, but we are disappointed.

"Well, Tom, this is a bad job," said Bramble to me, taking his seat upon the hencoop aft. "By to-morrow at noon, unless we fall in with a cruiser-and I see little chance of that-we shall be locked up in a French prison; ay, and Heaven knows how long we may stay there! What's to become of poor little Bessy? I'm sure I don't knew. I must contrive to write over to lawyer Wilson, and put him in charge of every thing; but I'm sorry for you, my poor ladit's hard for you to be locked up, perhaps for years, when you might have been making money for yourself."

"Well, it can't be helped, father; we must make the best of it," replied I, with a deep sigh; for I was any thing but happy at the prospect.

"If it had not been for that swaggering coward, this night not have happened," replied Bramble: "it's somewhat my own fault-I was so anxious to frighten him about nothing; but at last I run us into real danger; and I might have known that he never would have fought, although I certainly had no idea of falling in with a privateer. Well, Tom, we must not lose a chance."

"How do you mean?"

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'I mean that, if there is any possibility of getting away, I shall; and you, of course, will not stay behind. I don't know where they are going to; but you see, Tom, our only chance of getting off is while we are on the coast; if once we are marched into the interior, why then it will be almost hopeless. What we must try for is, to get away at the port where we land. We shall see."

"I am afraid that there's very little chance for us," replied I; "but I'm ready to attempt any thing."

"We shall see, Tom-where there's a will there's a way: however, it's no use talking about it just now." Here Bramble filled his pipe, took out his flint and steel, and lighted it.

After smoking for ten minutes, during which I stood by him, he said "I wonder where they will take us to, St. Malo's or Morlaix, for the course they are steering will fetch, I should think, thereabouts. One thing is certain-they've got a good prize, and they mean to keep it if they can; and, my eyes! if they won't make a fuss about it! A ship with twelve guns taken by a lugger with only six! They'll make the ship mount eighteen or twenty guns, and have a hundred and fifty men on board, and they'll swear they fought us for three hours. They have something to boast of, that's certain; and I suspect that French Captain is a brave sort of chap, from the sneer he gave when our cowardly English lubber gave him so fine a speech. "Well, it's our disgrace!"

Here Bramble was silent for some time, when I said to him, "You were stating to the men how a Leith smack beat off a privateer the other day; I never heard of it." I met

"Yes, 1 heard it when I was up above Greenwich. an old friend who was on board of her, for he took his passage in her from London."

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'Why,' says he to me, 'Bramble, I thought we never should have got away from the river, for the old captain, who was as big round as a puncheon, and not unlike one, declared that he would not sail until the powder came up from Woolwich; for the Queen Charlotte (that was the name of the smack) carried six eighteen pound carronades. We waited nearly a week for the powder, and many a laugh we all had about it, thinking old Nesbitt was not much of a fighter, from his making so much fuss. Well, at last we boomed her off from the wharf, and about seven that night got clear of the Thames; it was a fine breeze all night, and we ran through the Swin by the lead, which is what every one won't attempt; next morning we were off Yarmouth Roads, with the water as yellow as pea soup; never saw it otherwise, and I'm an old collier; reason why, the swells of the ocean thrashes up the sands off there-ay, and shifts them too, occasionally, which is of more consequence. Well, Bramble,' says he,

well, on we went; hauled in through Harborough Gut; then the sun had so much power-for it was in the dog daysthat it eat up the wind, and we were obliged to content ourselves with getting four knots out of her. Just as we made the Dudgeon Light-boat, old Nesbitt's son comes aft to his father, who was steering the craft, and says, "Father, do you see that 'ere brig crowding all sail after us? I think it be the New Custom House brig trying his rate of sailing with us.”

Poor Jack.

Never you mind what she is, boy," says the captain, "but
away up and furl the gaff-topsail."

Meanwhile the brig overhauled us fast, and old Nesbitt
kept a-looking round at her every two or three minutes.
last he says to the mate, "Take the wheel a bit," and he goes
first and looks over the quarter.
you sergeant and corporal," (for we had a recruiting par
"I see," says he; "I say,
board,) "suppose now you just help us to load our guns and
work them a little, for I expect this here craft will give us
plenty to do."


"Well, Bramble, as I stand here, if six of them lobsters did n't say nothing, but just walk down below: but the sergeant was a trump of a fellow, and so was his wife; he threw off his coat and cap covered with ribands, tied a handkerchief round his head, and set to work with a will; and his wife backed him to the last, handing the powder and every thing else. Well, we had with us ten men who all stood to guns; but the passengers went down below with the soldiers. Well, on comes the brig upon our starboard quarter as if to board; all her forerigging, and forechains, and forecastle, being full of men as bees in a swarm."

"Are you all ready, my men?" said the captain.
"Yes, all ready, sir."

"Yes, and I be ready too, massa!" cried the black cook,
bringing out from the caboose the red hot poker.
"Well, then, up on the wind with her, and fire when the

guns bear."

"Fire!" the cook set them all off, one after another, with the The men kept their eyes on the guns; and when they cried hot poker, and no small mischief did these three guns do.His forecastle was cleared of men in no time; down came his gaff and fore-topsail, and being now right on our beam, he put his helm up to lay us on board; but we were too quick for him-we wore round too, and gave him the three other guns, which did him no good.


"Well, he came after us on the other tack, and pelted us with musketry in a cruel way. The mate was hit in the head, and taken down below; and poor old Nesbitt, who was at the wheel, steering the craft beautifully, had a bullet right into his bow-window, as they call it. says, "here's a shot between wind and water, I reckon-we Well," the old fellow must have a plug;" so he puts his flippers into his waistband, and stuffs his flannel jacket into the hole. her up into the wind again, and rakes him with our three guns Then we throws well into him, and carries away more of his gear, and stops his sailing, and so we goes on for a whole hour and thirtyfive minutes; and, to make a long story short, we beat him off, and he turned tail and ran for it with both pumps going.' "Now you see, Tom, that's the account of the affair given to me by a man who I can trust; and there you see what can be done if men are resolute and determined to fight. Some little difference between that affair and this one, Tom." "Did old Nesbitt die or recover?"

"I asked that question: he was doing well when my friend left; somehow or another no vital part was injured, and he has had many presents made him for his gallant conduct; and the sergeant was well rewarded also. Well, my pipe 's out, and it's not far from midnight; I should think we may just as well try for a little sleep, Tom, for perhaps we may not get any for some time to come.'

Bramble coiled himself up under the bulwark; I did the same; and in a few minutes we both had forgotten whether we were in our beds at our house at Deal, or prisoners bound for the French coast.


At daylight the next morning Bramble roused me up. Here we are now, Tom! here's the French coast not four leagues from us; but it's hazy, and I cannot make it out very clear; however, the sun will soon drive all this away, and we shall have a fine day; but the wind has gone down, and I think we shall have still less of it."

And so it proved; for, as the sun rose, the wind became very light, so that we did not go through the water more than three knots. We were looking at the coast, when the report of a gun saluted our ears; it was from the privateer; we turned to that quarter, and found that there was a cutter about two miles from the privateer, crowding all sail towards us.

tain of the French privateer with twenty of his best men, and
the boat was then dropped astern.
The Frenchmen immediately cast loose the guns, went
down for the powder, and prepared for action.

"I see, Tom," said Bramble, "he 's a clever fellow, this skipper; he knows that this ship and cargo is worth a dozen of his little privateer, and his object is to get her in-so he's come with all his best men on board of us, leaving his first officer to make the best fight with the privateer that he can. prison, I wish he may succeed, for he has got sense as well Well, he 's right; and if it was n't that I do n't like to go to as courage, I think."

might go through the water as fast as she could; and in the The ship was now kept away two points more, that she meantime the action commenced between the English cutter and the French privateer, the latter evidently attempting to however, steered right for us, and evidently came up fast; the cripple the masts and rigging of the former. The cutter, haved very well, throwing herself across the cutter's bows, French privateer, weak handed, as she must have been, be and doing every thing she could to prevent her coming up with us: both vessels were very much cut up before the cutcaptain ordered French colors to be hoisted, and, rounding to, ter came within three cables' length of us, when the French English privateer, who imagined that we were an unarmed poured in a well-directed broadside, which quite astonished the merchantman. The action now became very warm; we standbroadside. The French captain was abaft, giving his orders ing on, and every now and then rounding to and raking the cutter, while the French privateer engaged her broadside to knocked him down on his back. with the greatest coolness and ability, when a shot from the him and helped him up-we could not help it, although he cutter came in on deck, and a large splinter which it tore off Bramble and I both ran to was an enemy. He was not hurt, and as soon as he was on his legs he laughed, and thanked us in French. The cutter the coast, when, all her spars and sails being cut to pieces, still continued the fight until we were within three miles of she hauled to the wind and stood out to the offing.

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good fight on both sides.'
'Well, Tom, there's all our hopes ended," said Bramble;
so now I'll light my pipe. Well, I will say it's been a

tank you.'
Here the captain came up to us and said, "Bien oblige-

minutes, when she hove to and repaired damages, evidently
The cutter did not, however, stand out for more than a few
intending to renew the action. I pointed this out to Bran.ble.
from Morlaix, which is to windward, and oblige us to fight or
"I see, I see," replied he;
run for St. Malo's, which is a long way to leeward; in either
"she intends to try and cut us off
perhaps the fight is not over yet."
case she will be able to attack us again, as she outsails us:

But the Frenchman also understood what he was about,
miles from the land, and about the same distance from the
and he now steered a course.
cutter, the latter kept away so as to oblige the ship to come
When we were about two
closed with us, we discovered that we were entering a small
to action again before she reached Morlaix; but, before she
French port, which had not been visible to us, called (I
think) Lanion, situated between Isle Bichat and Morlaix.-
When within half a mile of the land, French over English
lish pennant at our main.
was hoisted at our peak, and a French pennant over an Eng-

"I told you so," said Bramble; "they have made a manof-war out of us, and now there'll be no end to the lies that quite so well as we do, at lying they'll beat us hollow, any they will tell; for though these French fellows do not fight day of the week. Never mind, Tom! we must keep a sharp look out, and there's no saying-keep your eyes open as we go into the harbor ;-I never was here before, but I suspect it's nothing better than a poor fishing town."

made fast to an old stone pier which ran out from the town; In a quarter of an hour, the ship and privateer were both but there were no other vessels in the harbor except two small coasting chasses marées, and about a dozen fishing boats.

which ran down through a very narrow alluvial flat, backed The harbor was formed by the mouth of a small river, "Tom!" cried Bramble, "there's a chance for us yet-ing, and on the level ground above mentioned, which extended by precipitous rocks. On the right side of the river on enter that's an English privateer, and she will try to retake us for back perhaps two hundred yards, until it was met by the rocky the sake of the salvage. But here's a boat coming from the cliffs, was situated the village which, centuries back, must Frenchman-what can that be for?" The boat rowed alongside of us, and out jumped the cap-hundred to one hundred and twenty houses, few of them of have been the town of Lanion. It consisted of perhaps one

any size, the major portion with walls built of mud and whitewashed over. The only remains of the former town were a stone built market-place, the portion of the Hôtel de Ville in which the mayor resided, and the old church, which, although perfect in its walls, was sadly dilapidated in the roof. It had long been deserted, and a small chapel had been built in lieu of it, in which the only curé of the place performed the service. The massive stones of which the now neglected pier had once been built proved that at one time considerable expense had been incurred in the formation of this small harbor.

A battery mounting two guns at the end of the pier protected the mouth of the harbor; and there was a guard of a sergeant and twelve invalids, who were stationed there to man the guns upon the approach of an enemy.

It would be difficult to describe the confusion which took place as soon as the two vessels were fairly alongside the wharf, and made fast with hawsers to the massive iron rings which had for centuries been fixed in the ponderous stones of which the pier was composed. There was the mayor with his cocked hat on, but his leather apron still tied in front, for he had been working at his calling; there was the sergeant of the invalids, who, perhaps, was a greater man than the mayor, all beard and mustachios, but so thin in his person, that he looked as if a stout breeze would have blown him away; and there were the soldiers leaning on their muskets. These were the most important personages, but they were backed by the whole population of the town, amounting to about three hundred men, women, and children, all talking, jabbering, and screaming: add to them the captain of the privateer, so important that he could not attend to even the mayor or the sergeant; and the privateer's men, dressed in every fashion, armed to the teeth, all explaining, or pushing away, or running here and there obeying orders; then the wounded menfor they had several men killed, and others hurt in the conflict with the cutter-handed up one by one, bandaged here and there, and exciting the compassion and even screams of the women; the prisoners, who had been ordered to come on deck, half dressed and chopfallen; the sails of the vessels only clewed up, and still fluttering; ensigns and pennants hoisted upon every mast, and waving over the heads of the crowd assembled at the pier, and you may have some idea of the confused and bustling scene.

At last as there appeared no chance of any thing being arranged while the people crowded round, the captain of the privateer ordered his men to draw their weapons and drive back the crowd,-which was soon effected, notwithstanding many oaths and more screaming on the part of the fairer sex; and when the crowd had been thus driven, the men were stationed so as to keep them back. At first, this gave offence to all parties;-to the crowd, because they did n't like to be driven away-to the mayor, who remained with the sergeant and invalids in the area which had been cleared by the privateer's people, because he thought that they had interfered with his civil authority--and to the sergeant of invalids, because he thought that the marine force had interfered with his military authority; but the captain of the privateer having taken off his hat and bowed, first to the mayor and then to the sergeant, and saying how much he was obliged to them for their assistance, both parties were satisfied: and now a consultation was held between them how to proceed; while the privateer's men, who kept back the crowd, amused them by giving a detail of the two desperate actions which had been fought, no two accounts agreeing, certainly; but that was of no consequence.

The first question to be canvassed was, what was to be done with the prisoners? Morlaix was the nearest town in which they would be under safe keeping, but that was twenty miles distant, and it would be necessary to send over an express, so that a sufficient force might be despatched to Lanion to escort the prisoners there. This Mr. Mayor undertook to do immediately: a boy was summoned to take over the communication, and the mayor went up to write his letter to the authorities, while the wounded men were carried away, and, by the direction of the curé, who had just arrived and joined the consultation, billetted upon different houses in the town. The express having been despatched, and the wounded safely housed and under the care of the village Esculapius, who never had such a job in his whole life, the next point of consultation was how to dispose of the prisoners until the force should arrive from Morlaix. Here the sergeant became the principal person, being military commandant: forty-seven prisoners were a heavy charge for twelve invalids; and as for the privateer's men, there was no dependance upon them,

for, as the captain said, they had had enough to do to take them, and it was the business of the authorities to look after them now, while the privateer's men made merry.


I....The Arrival.

A light travelling-carriage drew up before the hotel of the Three Lions in Prague. Several servants rushed out; one opened the door of the carriage, and assisted a young lady to alight. She sprang out, and was followed by a young man, humming a cheerful tune.

"St. Nepomuck!" cried the landlord at the inn-door; "do I see aright? It is Herr von Mozart?"

"You see I keep my word," answered Mozart, with a cordial nod. "Yes; 't is I once more: you may keep me till harvest, and, as a surety for my good behaviour, I have brought my wife along with me."

The landlord bowed low to the fair lady, and begun a set speech; but Mozart interrupped him with

"Leave off talking, my man, and show us our quarters; and let us have some refreshment; and send a servant to Signor Guardasoni, to tell him I am here."

He gave his arm to his wife, and walked in; the host followed him with alacrity, and soon after the servants, carrying trunks and band-boxes, which they had unpacked from the carriage.

A handsome young man, who at that moment was crossing the market, as soon as he heard from one of the footmen the name of the newly arrived guest, rushed up the stairs into Mozart's chamber, and threw himself into his arms with an exclamation of joy.

"The wizard seize thee-wild fellow!" cried the composer; "you half frightened me!" Then, turning to his wife, presented the intruder, saying, "Well! how do you like him? This is he-Luigi Bassi, I mean."

II.....The Libretto.

"I sing the Count this evening in your 'Figaro,' Master Mozart," cried Bassi.

"Very well," was the reply; "and what say the Prague folks to my opera?"

"Come to-night to the theatre, and you shall hear for yourself. This is the twelfth representation in sixteen days! and we have it this evening at the request of Duke Anthony of Saxony."

"Ho! ho! and what says Strobach?"

"He and all the orchestra say after every representation, that they would gladly play it over and over again—though it is a very difficult piece."

Mozart rubbed his hands with satisfaction, and said to his wife, "See-I told you aright; the good people of Prague will make me amends for my vexation with the Viennese. It is well! I will compose an opera for them, such as one does not turn out every day.-I have a capital libretto, Bassi! a bold, wild thing, full of spirit and fire, that DA PONTE wrote for me.He says he would have done it for no one else; none other would have had courage for it. Oh! 't was just the thing for me! The music has long run in my head; but I scarce knew how to produce it, for no other text would have served me! You find sounds in 'Idomeneo' and 'Figaro,' but not just of the right sort; in short, it was with me as if the spring should and would come-but cannot! On all the bushes and shrubs hang myriad buds, but they are closed. Then comes the tempest-and the thunder cries, Burst forth!' and the warm rain streams down, and leaf and blossom burst of a sudden into bright luxuriance! The deuce take me, if 't was not just so with me, when Da Ponte brought me the libretto! You shall take the chief part, and-the deuce take you!"

Bassi wanted to know more of the opera, but Mozart assumed an air of mystery, and laughing, counselled him to have patience.

III.....Fin Chan Dal Vino.

On the evening of that day, when Mozart appeared in the theatre in the box of Count Thurn, he was greeted by the audience with three rounds of applause. During the representation of his "Figaro," this testimony of delight was repeated after every scene. The applause was the more gratifying to

the author, as " Figaro" had met with but indifferent success in Vienna. Through the ill offices of Saliert, the piece was badly cast and worse performed, so that Mozart had sworn never to write another opera for the Viennese.

Prolonged vivats! accompanied Mozart's carriage, as he drove to the hotel; there he met his friends :-the leader, Strobach, Duscheck, and the impressario Guardasoni, who had ordered a splendid supper. Soon after came Bassi, Bondini with his wife, and the lovely, spirited Saporitti. Much pleasant discourse on their art ensued, and sportive humour enlivened the repast; their mirth, however, though it rose as the supper ended, and the champaigne circulated freely, never passed the bounds of decorum.

In his festive humor, Mozart proved not so impenetrable to the questions of Bassi as he had been in the morning, but gave him a sketch of the part designed for him in the new opera, of which he showed him three airs completed.

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Very good, Master Amadeo," said Bassi; "but these airs are, with deference, rather too insignificant for me!" "How?" asked the composer, looking at him with laughing eyes.

"I mean," answered Bassi, "that there is too little difficulty in them-they are all too easy."

"You think so?"

"Yes; exactly so, master! You shall write me some grand, difficult songs, or give me some you have ready; eh, master! will you?

"No!" replied Mozart, with his peculiar smile; "no, my good Bassi, that I will not!" Bassi's face visibly lengthened; but the master continued goodhumoredly, "Look you, tesoro! that the airs are not long, is true; but they are just as long as they ought to be, and neither more nor less. As to the great, the too great easiness of which you complain, it signifies nothing. I am sure you will have enough to do if you sing them throughout as they should be sung.' "Hem!" mused Bassi.


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For example: sing me once this air, Fin chan dal


He went to the piano-Bassi followed him somewhat out of humor, and merely glancing at the notes, began hurriedly, and with not too gentle touch.

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Gently, gently!" cried Mozart, laughing, and stopping him: "not so con furio over hedge and stone! can you not wait and keep pace with my music! Where I have written presto, must you sing prestissimo, and pay no heed at all to forte and piano? Ha! who sings here? A drunken landlord, or a merry Spanish cavalier, who thinks more of his love than of the wine, and revels in luxurious fantasy, doubling his enjoyment? I entreat you-drink a glass of champagnethink upon your sweetheart, and mark me when it begins to tingle in your ears, in the softest most aerial tempo-pianopiano-crescendo forte piano-till at the last all crashes together in the loud wild jubilation-that is what I mean!"

And Bassi, animated by the exhortation of the master, sprang up, poured down a glass of champagne, snatched a kiss from the beautiful Saporitti, and began anew; this time with such success that the whole company were electrified, and encored the song with enthusiam.

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"Well," said Mozart, after Bassi had three times rehearsed it; "well-said I not truly-goes it not charmingly?

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Before he could prevent it, Bassi seized his hand, kissed it, and answered modestly, "I will do my best to have you satisfied with me!"

IV....Herr Von Nepomuck.

uation, while he made the sneak Salieri leader, though he could not but know who you are-and who is Salieri. And the Viennese looked quietly on-oh, fie!"

"Nay-nay," interrupted Mozart; "'t was not quite so bad; Joseph has more important affairs to occupy him than mine-and you know he has his counsellors, on whom he depends-for they understand how to get the right side of him. As to the people of Vienna-I still maintain-they are brave fellows! When I came from Salzburg, where my lord the prince-bishop had treated me like a dog, the Viennese received me so cordially, it seemed to me as if I had stepped out of hell into paradise. Look you that I remember now and ever! They are oft, indeed, a little stupid, and always willing to be told they are magnanimous and have the best taste: yet if one looks them boldly in the face and tells them the truth, they will listen and applaud him, and grant him whatever he will. But that can I not do; I would rather take a box on the ear than thrust my praise into any man's face. I have held a wheedler all my life long for a mean fellow-and shall I turn out one at last! Salieri makes nothing of it; he is an Italian, and they besmear each other without conscience. Bah! let the Viennese prefer him to me-let them stuff him with confections. Give me a glass of Burgundy!"

Before Duscheck could hand his friend a glass, a tall, corpulent man, of a red, shining visage, offered a goblet of the sparkling wine, with a smile and a low bow, to the master.

Mozart took the goblet, drank, and turning to the colossal Ganymede, addressed him a few extempore lines of verse, with droll earnestness of expression.

"The master recollects me, then?" asked the man, his eyes flashing joy.

Mozart answered, smiling, "Could I forget my excellent trumpeter, Nepomuck Stradetzky?"

"Herr Von Nepomuck," said the trumpeter, gravely cor recting him; but with the softest tone and attitude of humanity. "Pray-pray-Herr Von Mozart-Von!"

The master nodded good naturedly, and reached him his hand.

When the company reassembled in the evening, they were unexpectedly entertained with pieces from "The Marriage of Figaro," by a chorus of Prague musicians. Mozart listened well-pleased, and thanked them cordially when they ceased.

"But, if you will do me a very great pleasure," said he, "I entreat you, gentlemen, sing and play us the noble old song of the Prague musicians. You know which!"

Highly pleased at this request, the worthy band sang the song of the Prague musicians. At the close they went off blowing their trumpets; the music sounded softer as they receded; the moon came up over the hills, the Muldan murmured its low mysterious hymn; and, filled with emotion, Mozart arose, wished his friends good night, and retired to his chamber, where, till near morning, he continued playing on the piano.

V....The Distribution.

Mozart gave his concert, and reaped therefrom not only rich applause, but no contemptible store of gold. When Duscheck wished him joy of the last, and added,

"I know, indeed, you write rather for fame than moneyparticularly at Vienna-"

Mozart interrupted him with, "For what do I write-fame, gold? Truly not-for in general I get neither! I write for Art; and for her sake alone."

Meanwhile the master worked assiduously at his "Don Giovanni ;" and on the 4th of October, 1787, showed it to the impressario, complete except the overture, and a few breaks in the instrumentation.

Guardasoni was overjoyed at the information, and directly counted out to the master the stipulated number of ducats. When Mozart, however, began to speak of the distribution of parts, the poor impressario confessed in dismay, that he had been for weeks afraid to enter on his business; owing to the unusual strife among singers, each one, male and female, as

At Duscheck's pressing invitation, Mozart left his abode in the city, and went to Kosohirz, the country-seat of his friend. He arrived there on a lovely morning in September. Duscheck had quietly arranged a little fete, and the master was surprised and gratified to find himself welcomed to his new home by his most esteemed acquaintances and friends. To add still further to his pleasures, his host handed him a peti-piring to a principal part. tion, signed by many of the most distinguished citizens of Prague, "that he would soon give them a concert."

For this purpose the theatre was placed at his disposal, and Count Von Thurn offered to defray the expenses. In the

overflow of his feeling, Mozart could not help observing, "The Viennese did not thus to me!"

"It seems, friend," said Duscheck, "that your good folks of Vienna, as you always call them, knew not rightly what they had in you-still less what they should do with you.

Heaven forgive the emperor for having left you without a sit

"My people, thank fortune," said he, "are none of the worst-and Bassi is goodnature itself; but in certain points, they can manage to give a poor impressario enough to do. The fair Saporitti and the little Bondini in particular, are the

very mischief when in their obstinate humors.

"Do not let them see your apprehension," said Mozart."They are friendly to me-that I know; you shall soon see how I will bring them all under my thumb.' "Between you and me," observed Guardasoni, with a

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