Whiting & Branston, Printers, Beaufort House, Strand.
ACROPLIS of Athens, Siege of; in the years 1821-22, 193-Those who planned the revolution of Greece, could not have chosen a better moment, 193-Con- dition of the inhabitants of Athens, 194 -The camp of Menidi, 194-Attack and taking of Athens by the Greeks, 195 A Turkish woman burned by the Greeks as a witch, 195-Inef- fectual sally of the Albanese, 196- Omer Pacha and Mehemet Pacha come with five thousand men to the relief of the Turks, 196-The Greeks are forced to raise the siege and leave Athens, 197-The monument of Lysicrates, 197-Athens is taken again by the Greeks, 198-Great events in the Morea, 199-Arrival of Ypsilanti, 199 -Antiquities of Athens, 200-Begin- ning of the bombardment of the Acro- polis, 200-The Turks are in want of water, 202-Suspension of hostilities, 203-Two chiefs of the Turks come from the citadel, for the purpose of treating with the Greeks, 203 -Sur- render of the fortress, and its condi- tions, 204.
Books, Monthly Advice to Purchasers of, 121, 267, 422, 560-Finlayson's Mission to Siam and Hué, 122- Granby, a novel, 124-Butler's Life of Erasmus, 125-Poole's Essay on Education, 125-Pandurang Hàrí, 126 -Brady's Varieties of Literature, 127 -Clara Gazul's Plays, 127-Olinthus Gregory's Mathematics, 132-Hyman Hurwitz's Hebrew Tales, 270-Ad- ventures of a Young Rifleman, 422- Cradock's Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs, 560.
Brambletye House, reviewed, 318. Brydges, Sir Egerton, and the New Monthly Magazine, 382.
Butleriana, from unpublished manu- scripts, 94.
Butterflies, the Temple of, 495..
Cambridge University, the, 229-289. Cant, progress of, 45. Characters from unpublished manuscripts of the author of Hudibras, 401-An usurer, 401-A catchpole, 401-A sailor, 402-The modish man, 403- An impostor, 403-A gamester, 404- A merchant, 404-A player, 405. Charles II. manners of the court of, 105. Chateaubriand's Sketch of the Roman History, 394-Cæsar, 394-Augustus, 394-Tiberius, 394-Caligula and Claudius, 395- Nero, 395— Galba, 395-Otho, 396 Vitellius, 396- Marcus Aurelius, 396-Commodus, 397-Pertinax, 397-Didius, 397- Severus, 397-Caracalla, 397-Ma- crinus, 398- Heliogabalus, 398- Alexander Severus, 398-Maximinus, 398 Gordianus Pius, 399-Philip, 399-Decius, 399- Invasion of the barbarians, 400.
Courtship and Marriage, 37. ·Currency, Proceedings in Parliament re- lative to the, 413.
Diary of a Constant Reader for the month of December, 76-For the month of January, 209-For the month of February, 369-For the month of March, 518.
Dilettante Physic, 87.
Done's Imprisonment in France, Narra-
tive of, 26-Is destined for the fortress of Bitche, 27-Returns to Verdun, 28-Anecdotes between British and Verdunians, 29-He escapes from Verdun and is retaken at St. Maloes,
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