=: ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO VOL. IV. NEW SERIES. 31-Is ordered to Briançon, 33-His 37. Elephant, Destruction of an, at Geneva, France, Sketch of the remarkable Persons Fraser's Journey to Khorosan, reviewed, 406. Funds, Prices of English and Foreign, 144-288-436-576. Germany, Extracts of a Correspondence Greece in 1825, a Picture of, 1-Nature 6-Napoli di Romania, 7-Scene of Irish Law-Students, Calamities of, 553. Italian Literature, 18-Distinction be- Klaproth's Asiatic Magazine, reviewed, Lady's Maid, the Duties of, reviewed, 177. Margravine of Anspach, her Memoirs, Saint Germain's Tale, from the Memoirs Shares, prices of, in the principal canals, Sketch Book, the Naval, reviewed, 173. Sonnets-Day-break-Morning-Noon 393. Table Talk, 133–273-422-563. University Intelligence, 138-284. Waterton's Wanderings in South Ame- Whist Players, hint to, 102. Works, List of Projected, 142-286- Works published during the month, 143 Yankee Notions, 437-Reputation of the THE LONDON MAGAZINE. JANUARY 1, 1826. GREECE IN 1825.* Of all the various books which have been written upon Greece and its Revolution, by much the best, in every point of view, is Waddington's "Visit." It is full of instruction; it is sensible, amusing, and impartial; calm, enquiring, and well-informed. Mr. Waddington examined Greece without yielding to the delusion of imagination, and without permitting himself to be disgusted with inevitable vice and misery, or to be deceived by the artful and interested representations of a wily people. Why or wherefore his book has attracted but little notice we are not aware, unless it be, as we believe it is, that truth is not the thing sought after. Romance readers, and half-informed admirers, love nothing so well as a fine story; and even the more rational lovers of liberty and of civilization, have not always the courage to look a plain unvarnished statement in the face. If, instead of being a vigilant observer, a faithful narrator, and an excellent scholar, this writer had proved himself a flighty worshipper of ancient glory, an easy dupe of interested knaves, and above all a fine writer, and a sentimentalist, his book would have been in every drawing-room of the country, in every circulating library, well thumbed by all, down to the milliners and linendrapers' apprentices. We refer all those who wish for real information concerning Greece up to the middle of the year 1824, to Waddington's "Visit." The history after that is pretty well taken up by the two volumes entitled Greece in 1825, by Messrs. Emerson, Pecchio, and Humphreys. The journal of Mr. Emerson is the most instructive-its details of the events of 1825 are clear, and his supply to the general stock of information concerning the Greeks is considerable. Count Pecchio is more flashy and rhetorical; there is more composition in his narrative, but much less information-indeed, it is almost entirely superseded by Emerson's Journal, which occupies the first volume. A picture of Greece in 1825; as exhibited in the personal Narratives of James Emerson, Esq. Count Pecchio, and W. H. Humphreys, Esq. comprising a detailed Account of the Events of the late Campaign, and Sketches of the principal military, naval, and political Chiefs. 2 vols. 8vo. London, Colburn. An Autumn in Greece; comprising Sketches of the character, customs, and scenery of the Country; with a View of its present critical State, in Letters addressed to C. B. Sheridan, Esq. by H. Lytton Bulwer, Esq.; to which is subjoined, Greece to the close of 1825, by a resident with the Greeks, recently arrived. 8vo. London, Ebers. JAN. 1826. B Mr. Humphreys' share in the work brings up the rear; and though he is evidently not accustomed to writing, his experience is a valuable addition to our previous knowledge. Mr. Bulwer's book is of a slighter nature. It'scarcely pretends to communicate information. Much space is taken up by its epistolary form; much with his journey there and journey back by routes perfectly well known. He discloses, however, good intentions and amiable dispositions. Fresh from school and college, (places which ought to teach better things,) Greece and her struggles suggest little to his mind but butt-ends of classical verse, and scraps of ancient fribble and fable. It is a lamentable thing to see men of good feelings, of wealth and leisure, turned out of our places of education adults in age, and infants in every thing else. Mr. Bulwer will, however, we hope, improve; indications of future usefulness are visible in his book. The year 1825 has been a very eventful one to Greece. In February and March the Egyptian troops were disembarked in the Morea, and in no long time relieved the garrisons still in possession of the Turks, and succeeded in gaining possession of the best harbour, and the strongest fortress in the hands of the Greeks. Since that time Ibrahim Pacha has marched about the Morea exactly as it suited him, and very lately, even so late as November, he received a reinforcement of twelve thousand men, which additional force must render him at the present moment irresistible in the field, if a winter campaign has been resolved on. The successes of the Greeks have been confined to a fortunate attempt against the Egyptian fleet, a very considerable part of which was burnt by the fire-ships under Miaulis, in the bay of Modon, and to the resistance of Missolonghi against the Turkish army. The latter, however, had mastered the greater part of Western Greece, while, in the Eastern, Goura was employed in chasing his former General, Ulysses, from post to post, and, after capturing him, in very imperfectly supplying his place as the Commander of Eastern Greece. The Turks were, during the late summer in this quarter, masters of the country up to Athens, as they were masters of the western division up to Missolonghi. But when winter approaches, the Turks march off, and the Greeks resume the country as if nothing had happened. All this looks exceedingly ill. For three or four years the Grecks have been very nearly without an external enemy; and they have had money enough from this country to raise a fleet, levy an army, and not only drive out the few lazy Turks starving in Patrass, Modon, and Coron, the only places held by the Porte in the Morea, but likewise put into tenable condition every fortress in the kingdom. While the prisoners taken at the fall of Navarino were filing off before Soliman Bey, (the French Major Séve, the lieutenant of Ibrahim,) he turned to those around, saying: "These are your sons of liberty! what have they done during the last four years? They have not built a single ship of war, they have not organized a regiment, they have only thought of making war amongst themselves and destroying one another." Why and wherefore? The Greek character is the solution of the enigma. The character of the people has brought them into these straits; and, joined to the natural character of their country, must, and probably will, help them out of it. Nothing has been done since they were out of fear for their lives, for this plain reason-that pretty nearly every man in the land is a clever |