
Why art thou angry? quoth our king merrilye;
In faith, I take it now very unkind :

I thought thou wouldst pledge me in ale and wine heartily.
Quoth Dicke, You are liker to stay till I have din'd:
You feed us with twatling dishes soe small:

Zounds, a blacke pudding is better than all.

Aye, marry, quoth our king, that were a daintye thing,
Could a man get but one here for to eate;

With that, Dicke straite arose, and pluckt one from from his hose,

Which, with heat of his boote 'gan to sweate.

The king made a proffer to snatch it away;

'Tis meat for your master: good sir, you must stay.

Thus, in great merriment, was the time wholly spent:
And then the ladyes prepared to dance,

Old Sir John Cockle, and Richard, incontinent,
Unto their places the king did advance.

Here with the ladyes such sport they did make,
The nobles with laughing did make their sides ake.

Many thankes for their paines did the king give them,
Asking young Richard, then, if he would wed,
Among these ladyes free, tell me which liketh thee?"
Quoth he, Jugg Grumball, Sir, with the red head:
She's my love, she's my life, her will I wed;
She hath sworn I shall have her alive or dead.

Then Sir John Cockle, the king call'd unto him,
And of merry Sherwood made him o'er seer,

And gave

him out of hand three hundred pound yearlye; Take heed, now, you steale no more of my deer And once a quarter, let's here have your view, And now, Sir John Cockle, I bid you adieu !"

Something about the City of Berlin.


It is

CERLIN is the capital of the Prussian
Dominions, the principle residence
of the King, and seat of the highest
Council of the Kingdom.
situated in the province of Bran-
denburgh, on the River Spree, a
small stream with a sluggish
current, which however, by means

of canals, communicates with the Oder and the Baltic on one hand, and with the Elbe and the German Ocean on the other. It is about twelve miles in circumference, has a population of more than a quarter of a million, and has 22 squares and market-places, 15 gates, 27 parish churches, 37 bridges, and more than 7,000 houses. It consists of 5 towns. 1 Berlin Proper; 2 Koln or Cologne; 3 Friedrichswerder; 4 Neu or Dorotheenstadt: and 5 Friedrichstadt.

The City originally received its name from the dreary wildness of the country, and is situated in the midst of a barren plain of land, destitute of either beauty or fertility. But these things are nothing in the eyes of, what people call, "great men," who sometimes think they can do anything.

Berlin was, up to the reign of Frederick William I., a small town confined to the left bank of the Spree. But Frederick the Great being desirous to possess a capital, proportionate to the rapid increase of his dominions, at once issued his mandate, and enclosed a loose space within four walls, and ordered


it to be filled with houses. As the population was scanty, the only mode of complying with the wishes of the Sovereign, was by stretching the houses over as wide a space as possible. In consequence, some of the principal buildings are only two stories high, and many have as many as twenty windows in one line. The streets are also made very broad, and although a good many people may be seen in them, they generally appear meagre; and the flatness of the ground, and the sandy soil produce many inconveniences, for the water in the drains instead of running off, stops, and stagnates in the streets, and as most of these are unprovided with pavements, the noxious odours are very disagreeable.

Yet, notwithstanding, its many disadvantages, Berlin is a fine city. Some of the most splendid buildings are concentrated in a very small space. In the Friedrichswerder is situated the palace inhabited by the present King; the splendid arsenal, in the yard of which, the 365 famous heads of dying warriors, in relief, by Schluter, serve as key-stones in the arches of the windows.

Most of the buildings are situated in the street named "Unter den Linden," from a double avenue of lime trees, which form a shady walk in its centre, while on each side of it runs a carriage road. It is the principal and most frequented street in the City, and the view along it terminated by the celebrated Brandenburg Gate is very fine. This


It is

gate is said to be the most splendid portal in Europe. 195 feet in width, and was built in 1789 by Langhans, in imitation of the Propylæa at Athens, but on a much larger scale. Above it is the famous car of Victory, which

was carried to Paris as a trophy by Napoleon, but was recovered by the Prussians after the Battle of Waterloo, who bestowed upon the goddess an eagle and an iron cross, which she now bears.


The Royal Palace, or Schloss, is a very notable building. Within, it is sumptuously furnished. One of the most splendid of its apartments is the Rittersaal. (Knights' Hall.) There is a royal throne, and a sideboard covered with massive old plate of silver and gold. The most interesting rooms are, those inhabited by Frederick the Great. In the attic story of the palace is the Kunst Kabinet, or Cabinet of Art, the collections of which are well worth seeing. One room is. occupied by a collection illustrative of the manners and customs of different parts of the world, especially of savage nations. Among the curiosities here shown is a model of a Chinese lady's foot, and a filigree silver case, like a clove, nearly three inches long, worn by ladies of rank in China to protect their finger-nails, which it is the fashion to let grow to that length. Here, too, is a cigar smoked by the ladies of Lenia, a foot and a half long. There are also Australian,

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