
churchyards in Paris were removed into them; they were brought by night, on funeral cars, covered by a pall, while priests followed, chaunting the service of the dead. At first the bones were heaped up without any order; but, in 1810, they were all cleaned and arranged the arm-bones being put in one place, and the thigh-bones in another; they were intersected by rows of sculls, tastefully arranged for the French display taste in everything.

Another object of great interest in Paris, or rather a little out of Paris, is the Church of St. Denis, which is about six miles to the north of the city. It is a noble church, and may be called the Westminster Abbey of France. Here lie the bones of St. Denis, and here are the tombs of Guesclin and Turenne. Here are to be seen the standard of Clovis, the sceptre and sword of Charlemagne, the portrait and sword of the Maid of Orleans, the bronze chair of Dagobert, and an immense number of relics and curiosities, but many more were dispersed at the Great Revolution. The tomb of St. Dagobert is a beautiful specimen of pointed architecture, and close by it are the magnificent tombs of Louis XII. and Henry VI. On the opposite side is the tomb of Francis I., and on the side of the northern door, a column to the memory of Henry VII., who was assassinated in 1589, on the other side is one to the memory of Francis I.

This abbey was elaborately restored by Louis Phillippe, and the effect of the painted glass, gilding, tracery, and various architectural displays is wonderful. Below the church the scene is, if anything, more interesting, for there are hundreds of monuments to dead kings and heroes. Their remains once rested there, but, in the fury of first Revolution,

the sacred ashes were all dug up, and scattered to the winds.

The principal church within the city of Paris, is that of the Madeleine; it is built in the form of a Grecian temple, and is 326 feet in length, 150 in breadth, and about 300 feet high. The bas relief in front represents the Madeleine at the feet of Jesus, supplicating the forgiveness of sinners, supported by Faith, Hope, and Charity. Below the pediment are a pair of beautiful bronze doors, ornamented with bassi relievi of the judgment of God, and other subjects. The interior of this celebrated church is very elegant and beautiful; the high altar is most grand, and the sculpture upon it represents a Magdalen carried to heaven by angels; on pedestals on each side of the front angles is an archangel in prayer; around the chapel, in arched spaces under the ceiling, are frescos, illustrating the life of the Madeleine. It is impossible to describe all the paintings and ornaments that glow from the splendid roof and sides of this wonderful edifice, and of the beautiful pillars, arches, friezes, entablatures, all glowing with gold, and rich with the most beautiful coloured marbles: this church alone is worth the trouble of going to Paris to see. The roof is composed entirely of iron and copper-not a splinter of wood being used in the whole construction; and, as a whole, is a most beautiful specimen of architecture.


I next went to view the porcelain manufactory at Sevrés, museum of which delighted me exceedingly. It contains an enormous quantity of foreign china, and of the materials used in the mannfacture in general. In addition to the productions of modern art, there are Etruscan vases and antique

pottery of all kinds, Greek, Roman, and Gallic. Some of the cabinets contained beautiful specimens of the porcelain of China, Japan, and India; others those of England, Saxony, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, &c. There are other cabinets full of articles made on the spot, and the whole is a fine treat to witness.

Another wonderful place in Paris is the Jardin des Plantes. (Garden of Plants.) This, however, is an ill-chosen name, as the whole establishment includes natural history, anatomy, and mineralogy. The botanic Garden contains upwards of 20,000 plants, arranged according to the system of Jussieu. Every specimen is labelled. In another part of the garden are to be seen the most beautiful trees of New Holland, the Cape of Good Hope, and America. There is also a menagerie, which is, however, a poor affair compared with the one we have in the Regent's Park. At the end of the garden is the museum, containing a large collection of works in Natural History. There are a large number of M S S., and paintings of fruits and flowers which are very good; they are upon vellum, and fill a hundred portfolios, with upwards of 6,000 drawings.

The cabinet of zoology is 390 feet in length, and here are 500 species of stuffed mammalia, 5,000 fishes, 1,800 reptiles, and 25,000 invertebrated animals, besides shells, tubipores, madrepores, millepores, corallines, and sponges, in all nearly 20,000 specimens.

The most celebrated feature of the Museum is the cabinet of comparative anatomy, which is said to be the richest in existence. On the ground-floor are the skeletons of various marine animals, and many skeletons of the human species,

from all quarters of the globe; and after these are skeletons of nearly the whole of the known quadrupeds. A suite of nine rooms, contain the heads of birds and fishes; another room contains nothing but teeth. Another room contains a collection of sculls, and casts of the sculls of celebrated characters; and another, preparations of the internal parts of animals, or models in wax. Iu another room are the several periods of the formation of the chick within the egg.

The collection of minerals and fossils is very good, and numbers above 70,000 specimens. The botanical gallery is a general display of herbs, and would have astonished old Culpepper. It contains nearly 100,000 specimens. Below the upper shelves of the ores is a collection of woods of all kinds, with specimens of the bark, leaves, roots, and fruit; and in the centre of the rooms, under glass-cases, are models of all the fungus family, in wax. There is also a collection of fossil plants, from the coal formations. The total number of specimens of dried plants is 1,000,000.

There are many other noble sights to be seen in Paris; and I regret my space will not allow me to say more concerning them; and as the trip to Paris is a very cheap one, I should advise all my young friends to buy a little volume on the subject, not long since published, called “Peter Parley's peep at Paris," which they may take as their hand-book, and go to see Paris for themselves to advantage.

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The King and the Miller of Mansfield.


HAVE often remarked that it has been a favourite subject with our English Balladmakers to represent our Kings conversing, either by accident or design, with the meanest

of their subjects. Of the former kind, beside this story of "the King and the Miller," we have others, such as "King Edward IV. and the Tanner;" "King Henry VIII. and the Cobbler;" and "James I. and the Tinker." One of the best for young people is the following.

The King and the Miller of Mansfield.


HENRY our royal king, would ride a hunting
To the greene forest so pleasant and faire;
To see the harts skipping, and dainty does tripping;
Unto merry Sherwood his nobles repaire ;
Hawke and hound were unbound, all things prepar'd
For the game, in the same, with good regard.

All a long summers day rode the king pleasantlye,
With all his princes and nobles eche one,
Chasing the hart and hind, and the bucke gallantlye.
Till the dark evening forc'd all to turn home.

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