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63, 68, 92, 100, 104, 160; schedule
for organization, 53, 60, 101, 544;
rules, 16, 51-52, 68, 88-89, 92-93;
difficulties of, 91, 106; disputes in, 78,
89, 93, 174; appearance of, 13, 192;
visitors to, 26; death during, 39, 170;
adjournment of, 52, 54, 63-66, 78-
80, 88, 106-107, 122, 176; letters
from, 13-126; poem on, 624.
Constitutional Convention (second).
See Wisconsin Territory.
Contracts, impairment of, 115; sacred-
ness of, 422-23.

Coon, S. Park, favors ratification, 520,
563; on committee, 616; address,

Cooper, John, favors ratification, 207.
Copper mines, on Lake Superior, 657.
Cordes, J. H., on Democratic commit-
tee, 614.

Corporations, committee report, 24;

legislative power over, 62, 81; debate
on, 85, 190, 210-11, 692; no restric-
tions on, 482-83, 651. See also
Banks, Municipal Corporations, and

Counterfeit coin, in circulation, 660.
Counties. See Local Government.
County courts, establishment of, 48.
Crabb, George W., editor, 64.
Crary, L. P., favors ratification, 519.
Crawford, Gen. John, opinion on debt
collections, 20, 26, 38, 76, 119-20; on
banking, 24; on militia, 29; on cor-
porations, 86; on exemptions, 89;
favors ratification, 207, character-
ized, 26.

Crawford County, apportionment, 647-
50; on judicial circuit, 664.
Crocker, Hans, opposes ratification, 328,

Cruson, Thomas, on representation, 193.
Cushing, Caleb, visits convention, 26.
Cushman, P. N. Jr., opposes ratification,

DALLAS, George M., on capital punish-
ment, 135.

Dane County, Whig declaration, 210,
255, 340, 349, 375, 428-33; opinion
on banks, 347; on exemption, 143–
44, 255, 257; resolutions of citizens,
364-68; address to citizens, 433-35;
petitions from, 307; position on rati-
fication, 356, 371-73.

Dane County Constitutional Club,
organized, 364-68, 394-96.
Darling, Mason C., at Democratic
caucus, 320-21; in territorial coun-
cil, 388.

Davlin, Frank, Democratic delegate,

Debts, collection of, special committee
on, 20, 26, 76; provision defeated, 38,
119-20. See also Exemption.
"Democrat," article by, 196-97.
Democratic party, holds caucus, 14–15,
17, 62, 65, 99; majority in conven-
tion, 14-15, 113, 323, 354, 397, 552,
649; alleged conspiracy against, 23,
27-28; factions in, 68, 109, 117–20,
174, 176, 196–97, 238, 326, 345-47,
351, 541, 624; responsible for con-
stitution, 257, 344-46, 413-14, 427,
518, 546, 556, 691; position on banks,
148-51,314, 339-40, 346, 349-52, 495,
497-98; resolutions favoring ratifica-
tion, 204-207, 258, 320-21, 398, 491-
93, 619, 690-91; press favors ratifica-
tion, 560, 683; opposes ratification,
344-45, 373-75, 426, 513-14, 518-21,
537, 541, 617-24, 683; post-mortem
meeting, 614-16.
Denizenship, distinguished from citizen-
ship, 335-36.

Dennis, William M., opinion on bank-
ing, 21, 187; on disqualification, 61;
on state printing, 62; on members'
pay, 77; on preamble, 81; on rules,
93; on schools, 93; favors ratification,

Detroit (Mich.), bank failure at, 505.
Detroit Free Press, letter for, 348-52,
616, 623.

Dickinson, Nathaniel, favors ratifica-
tion, 207.

Disqualification, of members, 34-38, 48-
49, 51, 80-82, 91, 117-18; of officials,
61, 95, 118.

Distribution Act, of United States, 85,
112, 320; suspended, 29. See also
Congressional Land Grants.

Divorce, article on, 681.
Dodge, Gen. Henry, characterized, 19;
principles, 23, 28; opinion on bank
charters, 70; territorial governor,
82, 231; during ratification campaign,
347; proclamation, 697.
Dodge County, petitions from, 307.
Doran, J. L., Democratic delegate, 622.
Doty, James Duane, Whig leader, 15,

17, 19-20, 22-23, 28, 43, 111, 181;
intrigues, 42, 182; characterized, 44,
57, 531, 535; opinion on corporations,
41, 86; on boundaries, 55-57, 95, 111;
favors ratification, 349.

Dow, James, Dane County Whig, 435.
Drake, Jeremiah, opinion on capital

punishment, 50; on foreign suffrage,
103; on married women's rights, 59;
on representation, 83, 96-97; on
schools, 93; favors ratification at
first, 556; letter opposing ratifica-
tion, 397-99.

Dubuque (Iowa), bank of, 499, 515.
Dueling, article against, 61, 92, 602.
Dunn, Judge Charles, opposition to, 23.
Dunning, Abel, opinion on representa-
tion, 40; on banking, 61.

EAST TROY, letter from, 610–11.
Edgerton, Elisha W., opinion on dis-
qualification, 117-18; opposes ratifi-
cation, 526.

Education. See Schools.

Elkhorn Western Star, cited, 312-16,
330-33, 337-43.

Election of judges. See Judiciary.
Ellis, Pitts, favors ratification, 207.
Elmore, Andrew E., candidate for presi-

dency of convention, 14; opinion on
banking, 44; on minority rights, 68;
on representation, 96; on boundaries,
104; letter to, 399; letters, 556–58.

Eminent domain, report on, 19; debate,
28, 53; article passed, 54.

England, judicial precedents, 485-86;
banking in, 503; land question
agitated in, 577. See also Common

Erie Canal, improvement of, 253.
Executive, debate on, 34, 38, 81, 116,
119; articles concerning, 454-58,
600-602, 674.

Exemption of homestead, petitions for,
130-31, 143-44, 257; debate in con-
vention on, 59, 61-62, 64, 89, 99-100,
124-25, 174-75, 194-95; debate
during ratification campaign, 366–67,
381-83, 430-31, 466-68, 472-74, 551,
554-56, 575-81, 587-93, 604-609,
667, 669-70, 681, 684, 689; opposi-
tion to, 241-43, 292-96, 325, 339,
356-57, 395, 402-403, 410, 421-25,
526-36, 539-40; letters on, 369-71,
379-80; effect on ratification, 345-46,
351, 546-47.

FAIRCHILD, J. C., president of club, 368,

"Farmer of Grant," letters, 672–82.
Federalist, cited, 642.

Federalist party, principles, 550-51.
Fees for clerks of courts, 156-57, 602.
Fillmore, Maj. J. S., favors ratification,

Finance committee, reports from, 20, 31,
47-48, 85; debate on, 90-91, 602.
Finch, Asahel Jr., opposes ratification,

Fitzgerald, Garrett M., favors ratifica-
tion, 207.

Fitzpatrick, John, on Democratic com-
mittee, 614.

Fond du Lac, railway terminus, 651;
anticonstitution meeting at, 683-87.
Fond du Lac County, apportionment,

Fond du Lac Whig, articles from, 683–

Foreigners, suffrage provision for, 19,
26, 60, 73, 101–103, 109, 121, 151-54;
petitions for, 132–33, 544; debate on,
363-64, 488-90, 543-45, 546, 553–54,
602, 638, 645-46; appeal to, 543-45;
property rights of, 335-36; at anti-
constitution rally, 525. See also
Germans and Norwegians.

Fox, Dr. William H., opposes ratifica-
tion, 373, 410.

Improvement, land
grant, 41, 47, 85-87, 112, 320, 652;
and ratification, 546.
Fourierism, in Wisconsin, 329.
France, married women's property

rights in, 362, 684.

Franchise. See Foreigners, Negro Suf-

frage, and Suffrage.

Friends of the Constitution. See Pro-

GALENA (Ill.) Jeffersonian, editor, 63.
Gallagher, Patrick, Democratic dele-
gate, 622.

Geer, Isaac W., favors ratification, 493.
Germans, immigration of, 578-79, 638-

39; constitution printed in language
of, 104, 356, 631. See also For-

Gerrymandering, of districts, 53, 649.

See also Apportionment.
Gibson, Moses S., presents minority

report on banking, 19-20, 70;
opinion on banking, 21; on negro
suffrage, 25; opposes ratification,

Goggin, J., Whig leader, 622.

Goodhue, James M., portrait, 218.
Goodrich, Henry C., favors ratifica-
tion, 207.

Governor. See Executive and Salaries.
Graham, Wallace W., opinion on cor-
porations, 41, 86; on sectarian in-
struction, 95; on representation, 193;
favors ratification, 204, 520-21.
Granger, Benjamin, favors ratification,

Grant County, apportionment, 40, 648;
territorial representative, 303; bank-
ing sentiment in, 346; ratification in,
544, 628; Whig majority in, 629, 689;
roads through, 648; judicial circuit,

"Granville," letter, 523-24.

Gray, Neely, opinion on printing, 160.
Greeley, Horace, principles, 351.
Green, George W., in territorial legisla-
ture, 302.

Green, William C., favors ratification,

Green Bay, land office at, 652; road to
needed, 653.

Green Bay Advocate, reply to, 327-28;
articles from, 688-94.

Green County, in first judicial circuit,
30; petitions from, 307; apportion-
ment, 648-49.

Greves, J. P., opposes ratification, 543.
Guerin, Patrick, favors ratification, 521.

HACKETT, John, opinion on judiciary

50; opposes ratification, 526.
Haight, John T., in territorial legisla
ture, 308; secretary of caucus, 321.
Half-breeds, suffrage for, 74. See also

Hall, George B., favors ratification, 207.
Hall, James H., opinion on banking, 44.
Hammond, Sanford P., favors ratifica-
tion, 207.

Hardell, Richard, presides at meeting,

Harkin, Daniel, opinion on foreign suf-
frage, 26, 60, 102, 543-44; on state
debt, 32; on land leases, 39; on cor-
porations, 53; on representation,
58, 97; favors ratification, 207.
Hartell, Herman, on Democratic com-
mittee, 614, 616.

Haskell, Job, at ratification meeting,

Hawkins, W. A., opposes ratification,

Hays, James P., favors ratification, 207.
Head, C. R., opposes ratification, 409.

Helfenstein, Judge John P., presides at

meeting, 388-89, 518, 561, 564;
chairman of committee, 614.
Herriman, N. L., Democratic delegate,

Hesk, William R., favors ratification,

Hess, John, vice president of meeting,
614, 616.

Hicks, Franklin Z., opinion on banking,
21-22, 24-25, 43, 70, 72, 87, 108, 121,
173; on boundaries, 56; on represen-
tation, 96, 102; on foreign suffrage,

Hobart, H. C., in territorial legislature,

302, 304-306, 321.

Holcombe, William, opinion on bound-

aries, 53-54, 56, 58, 104; on schools,
95; favors ratification, 207.
Holliday, James, opposes ratification,
328-29, 518-21, 526, 621.

Holmes, John E., in territorial council,

235, 320, 388; chairman, 321.

"Home," letter by, 379-80.

school lands, 95; on representation,
97, 193; favors ratification, 207.
Hyer, George, opinion on representa-
tion, 97, 193; on banking, 187-88;
favors ratification, 207.

ILLINOIS, boundary dispute with, 55-56,
111, 449-51, 625; banking in, 198,
203, 499, 553, 599-600; funds, 500;
debts, 682; internal improvements,
508, 598-600, 666; office holders,

Immigration, importance of, 489;
sources of, 579; inducements for, 589.
Imprisonment for debt, abolished, 481,
551, 576; opposition to abolition,

Indiana, banking in, 506, 515; internal
improvements, 509, 666; office-
holders, 596.

Indians, suffrage for, 26, 74, 490, 553,
639; constitution in languages of,

Homestead exemption. See Exemp- Ineligibility. See Disqualification.


Hubbell, Levi, at proconstitution meet-
ing, 390, 561-62; on Democratic
committee, 614, 616; address, 616.
Huebschmann, Franz, member of ap-
portionment committee, 39; opinion
on foreign suffrage, 26, 60, 73, 101-
103; on corporations, 41, 86; on judi-
ciary, 49; on printing, 63, 104; on
disqualification, 118; favors ratifica-
tion, 207, 521; on Democratic com-
mittee, 614.
Hunkins, Benjamin, attacked by Ryan,

13; opinion on banking, 46; on
exemption, 59; on alien suffrage, 60;
on representation, 83, 96; gives
notice of caucus, 99; favors ratifica-
tion, 204, 207, 612.
Hurley, Charles S., secretary of meet-
ing, 614, 616.

Hustis, John, opposes ratification, 543.
Hyer, Nathaniel F., offers motion, 80;

opinion on judiciary, 48; on alien
suffrage, 60; on banking, 61; on

Inman, Israel Jr., favors ratification,

"Inquirer," letter from, 162-63.
Internal improvements, report on, 20,

38-39; debated, 40-41, 47, 75, 85,
112, 190, 210-11; resolutions con-
cerning, 321; and ratification cam-
paign, 343-44, 436, 508-509, 650-55,
666-67; land grant for, 490; in
Illinois, 598–600.

Iowa, precedents from, 36-37, 252;
banking in, 198; elective judiciary
in, 488; rejects constitution, 626.
Iowa County, representative, 289, 297;
banking sentiment in, 346; ratifica-
tion in, 355, 544; roads through, 648;
judicial circuit, 664.

Ireland, immigrants from, 578-79, 639;
evictions in, 591.

JACKSON, Andrew, and United States
bank, 497-98, 500, 507, 651; mes-
sage, 588.

James, Thomas, favors ratification, 207.

Janesville, anticonstitution meeting at,

411, 683.

Janesville Rock County Democrat, editor,
64; cited, 148-49, 180.

Janssen, Edward H., favors ratification,

Jay, John, on eligibility of clergymen,

Justices of peace, jurisdiction, 48, elec-
tion of, 250-51, 494, 560.

KELLOGG, Chauncey, presides in con-
vention, 173; opinion on banking, 21,
24; on capital punishment, 50; on
rules, 89.

"Jefferson," letter on capital punish- Kenosha, anticonstitution meeting at,

ment, 134-43.

Jefferson, Thomas, cited, 588; on banks,
340-41; elective judiciary, 493; will,
511; writings, 642.

Jefferson County, apportionment, 40;
banking sentiment in, 187-88.
Jenkins, James D., in territorial legisla-

ture, 306-307.

Jenkins, Thomas, opinion on bound-

aries, 55; on members' pay, 106.

Jillson, J. B., letter, 639–44.

Johnson, Daniel N., favors ratification,

Judd, Dr. Stoddard, offers motion, 14;

chairman of finance committee, 20,
47; makes report, 31-32, 87; pre-
sides, 46, 89; personal controversy,
75; opinion on rules, 16, 89; on
adjournment, 80; on banking, 21, 48,
50, 90; on capital punishment, 38,
50; on disqualification, 61; on exemp-
tion, 59, 536; on foreign suffrage, 60;
on judiciary, 45, 121; on married
women's rights, 59; on members'
pay, 105; on representation, 39–40;
on schools, 93-94, 97; reports un-
popularity of constitution, 173.
Judiciary, committee on, 19, 42, 92;

report, 26, 29–30, 44, 88; general
provisions, 48–50, 134, 156, 173, 192;
debated, 365, 376-79, 488, 601, 664,
675-76; election of judges, 30-31,
45, 54-55, 110, 129-30, 134, 245-52,
281-84, 626, 662-65, 686; favored,
355-56, 429, 468, 485-88, 493-95,
550-51, 559-60, 582-84, 590.
also Supreme Court..
Juneau, Solomon, presides at meeting,



Kilbourn, Byron, opposes ratification,
328, 519, 525-26; Democratic dele-
gate, 622.

King, H. U., opposes ratification, 543.
King, Rufus, opposes ratification, 543,
620; criticized, 550-51, 623.
Kinney, Joseph Jr., opinion on repre-
sentation, 193, favors ratification,

Knapp, J. G., favors ratification; 364,
368, 394-95.

Kneeland, Moses, Democratic delegate,

Know Nothing party, disappearance,

LABOR Vote, appeal to, 526-36.
La Crosse, road via, 657.
Lafayette County, banking sentiment
in, 346.

Lancaster, route via, 648.

Lancaster Wisconsin Herald, articles
from, 218-19, 624-32,

Land grants. See Canals and Congres-
sional Land Grants.
Land leases, limited, 34, 39, 83.
Lands, yet public, 577-78, 654; rapid

sale of, 586, 652; offices for sale of,
652. See also School Lands.
Lansing (man of National Hotel), R.
W., favors ratification, 364, 368, 389,

La Pointe County, in judicial district,
429, 664; population, 647-48.
Lawyers, opposition to, 31-32, 49;
oppose ratification, 358; criticized,
676; and exemption, 681; in the con-
vention, 682.

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