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KAY'S INSTANT CURE for Toothache, 91d.; postage, id. The Gobbler and the Gander, 24. A Christmas Card from the Brownies, 41. "The Way we do at School," 45- The Trout and the Gudgeons, 140. Willie Wonder; or, The Way to Fairyland (A Fairy The Kite-flyers and their Adventures, 169. What Happened in the Forest; or, Nothing is Use- Dewdrop, Beam, and Blossom, and their Adventures A Mistake, 375. HUMANE SOCIETY, THE "LITTLE FOLKS"— Lists of Officers and Members, 54, 118, 182,246,313,373. A Chat about some Curious Locks and Keys, 215. How the Letters of the Alphabet are used, 340. POCKET-BOOK, THE EDITOR'S JOTTINGS AND PENCIL- LINGS HERE, THERE, AND EVERYWHERE— The Natives of New Guinea, 50; The Queen's State Barge, 50; George Stephenson's "Rocket," 50; A Tricycle Boat, 50; The Great Bell of Moscow, 50; About the Cormorant, 51; An Eccentric Lamb, 51; Paganini and the Little Fiddler, 51; The Giant's Club, 51; The Preacher and the Coughers, 52; Kent Apples, 52; A Green Sun, 52; Carrier Ravens, 52; The Silver Medal of the LITTLE FOLKS Legion of Honour, 115; The LITTLE FOLKS Prize Competi- tions for 1883, 115; A Tamed Eagle, 115; An Intelligent Calf, 115; A Word for Pussy, 116; The Coral and Bells, 116; The Wily Woodchuck, 116; The Barber's Pole, 116; Punch and Judy Shows, 116; The Fox and his Hunters, 117; The Shetland Pony, 117; A Mandarin of Annam, 117; An Appeal for the Mellis Convalescent Home, 180; The Princess Victoria and the Giraffes, 180; A Shower of Fishes, 180; Military Eagles, 180; A Kindly Kitten, 181; A Useful Magpie, 181; Will o' the Wisp, 181; The Spaniel and the Baby, 243; The Oldest A, B, C," 243; The Camel's Hump, 243; Buying a Pig in a Poke, 243; An Heroic Cat, 243; Why Abbotsford is so Called, 244; John Hunter's Menagerie, 244; The Travellers' Tree, 244; The Pilot Whale, 244; A Curious Musical Instrument, 245; Glass Houses and Stone-throwing, 245; Why the Dauphin was so called, 245; Baksheesh,' 245 Two Anecdotes of Handel, 245; Begging Dogs, 309; The Hornbook, 309; Story of a Pet Rabbit Hunt, 309; A Famous Adventurer, 309; John Bull and the Lion, 309; High Steeples, 310; Wonderful Sleepers, 310; The Thames of the Past, 310; The Hunted Fox at Sandwich, 310; Fern- covered Trees, 311; Five Clever Wolves, 311; A Spanish Milkman, 311; What is the "High Sea?" 371; The Shrike's Larder, 371; The "Standard” Yard, 371; A Jealous Cat, 371; Carlyle and Little |