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How it Happened

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J. E. SMITH President National Radio Institute Established 25 Years


Here is a quick way to more pay. Radio offers the chance to make $5, $10 a week extra in spare time a few months from now. There is an increasing demand for full time Radio Technicians and Radio Operators, too. Many make $30, $40, $50 a week. On top of record business, the Radio Industry is getting millions and millions of dollars in Defense Orders. Clip the coupon below and mail it. Find out how I train you for these opportunities.

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Can you stand on your feet in a sales conference, a business men's luncheon, or a committee meeting and make a speech which holds your audience spellbound? Or do you envy the other man who, with ease, convinces the audience against their will, brings tears to their eyes, or makes them shake the building with laughter? Shrewd, brainy men with supreme ideas and judgment have been totally eclipsed because a less gifted man has cultivated one accomplishment-that of a clear-cut, confident, convincing speech.

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Why put up with days... months... YEARS of discomfort, worry and fear? Learn now about this perfected invention for all forms of reducible rupture. Surely you keenly desire-you eagerly CRAVE to enjoy life's normal activities and pleasures once again. To work.. to play. . . to live . . . to love with the haunting Fear of Rupture banished from your thoughts! Literally thousands of rupture sufferers have entered this Kingdom of Paradise Regained. Why not you? Some wise man said, "Nothing is impossible in this world"-and it is true, for where other trusses have failed is where we have had our greatest

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Beginner Earns $1819

Today I received a check for $165 for a story. Another I sold for $34. Not bad for a beginner! The other day I counted up just how much I have made. It amounted to $1,620." Mrs. L. L. Gray, 579 E. McHarg Ave., Stamford, Texas.


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If the latter course is the one of your choosing, you probably never will write. Lawyers must be law clerks. Engineers must be draftsmen. We all know that, in our times, the egg does come before the chicken.

It is seldom that any one becomes a writer until he (or she) has been writing for some time. That is why the Newspaper Institute of

Copyright 1941, Newspaper Institute of America

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Learn to write by writing

Newspaper Institute's New York Copy Desk Method starts and keeps you writing in your own home on your own time. You receive actual assignments, just as if you were right at work on a great metropolitan daily. Your writing is individually corrected and constructively criticized by veteran writers. You rapidly develop your own distinctive, self-flavored style-undergo an experience that has a thrill to it and which at the same time develops in you the power to make your feelings articulate. Many people who should be writing become awestruck by fabulous stories about millionaire authors and give little thought to the $25, $50 and $100 or more paid for stories, articles on business, fads.. travels, sports, recipes-things that can easily be turned out in leisure hours, and often on the impulse of the moment.

Let us help you test your native abilities. Our interesting Writing Aptitude Test will do it. It's free-entirely without obligation. Send the coupon today. Newspaper Institute of America, One Park Ave., New York. (Founded 1925)

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Learn Profitable Profession in 90 days at Home

Earnings of Men and Women in the fascinating profession of Swedish Massage run as high as $40 to $70 per week but many prefer to open their own offices. from Large incomes Doctors, hospitals, sanitariums, clubs and private patients come to those who qualify through our training. Reducing alone offers rich rewards for specialists. Tremendous opportunities lie before you in this uncrowded field which is now open to you without haying to leave your present work until you qualify as an expert and can command an expert's pay. Send name and address for FREE Anatomy charts, booklet with names and photographs of successful graduates and complete details of our offer. There is no cost or obligation.

THE College of Swedish Massage, Dept. 171 30 East Adams St.. Chicago, Ill

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