Minnesota State Historical Society, St. Paul in the United States, which is supplemented by the special library of the Swedish Historical Society of America, on permanent deposit with the state society. In the society's division of manuscripts is a constantly growing body of letters, diaries, and other documents left by men and women who have played some part in the making of Minnesota. Source: Officials of the Institution Incorporated and chartered by the first Minnesota territorial legislature (Oct. 1849) the Minnesota Historical Society in St. Paul has accumulated one of the largest and best historical libraries in the West, containing approximately 197,000 books, pamphlets, and newspaper volumes. An important part of the library consists of materials on Minnesota history-the most comprehensive collection of its kind in existence. The library is strong in the general field of Americana, particularly in the subjects of the West, the Northwest and Canada. It has also one of the largest collections of genealogical and biographical publications in the United States; and an extensive collection of material relating to the Scandinavians Scarcely less important historically are the 19,500 bound volumes of Minnesota and other newspapers in the society's library, files extending from the first newspaper published in the territory down to the present. An historical museum visualizes the conditions of life in Minnesota's past. William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art Source: Officials of the Institution The William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, | Kansas City, Mo., is located on Rockhill Road at 45th St. The Atkins Museum of Fine Arts is a part thereof, The collection represents Italian, Flemish, Dutch, German, Spanish, French and English painters. American painters in the gallery are Earle, Stuart, West, Sully, Copley, Waldo, Morse, Fulton, Twachtman, Inness, Fuller. The European Period Rooms, showing furniture, etc., include Italian-Spanish, Renaissance French Regence, English Georgian, The City Art Museum of St. Louis Source: Officials of the Institution The Western paintings and prints range from In the Chinese and Japanese collections are Italian primitives to the work of modern American and European artists. The sculpture includes Gothic, Renaissance and modern examples. The collection of American and European decorative arts embraces textiles, furniture, ceramics and other objects, and centers about a series of some 16 period rooms fitted with original wood and stonework from Romanesque times in the early 19th century American period. ceramics, bronze, jades, textiles, paintings and sculpture representative of the historic periods of Oriental culture. From the near East are carpets, ceramics, metal work, etc. originating in Persia and the adjacent regions. The collection of Classical art contains Greek sculpture in marble and bronze, ceramics, glass, mosaic and gems, Roman portrait busts, ceramics, glass and metal work. The institution is situated in Forest Park. Layton Art Gallery, Milwaukee Source: An Official of the Institution The Layton Art Gallery, Milwaukee, founded by Frederick Layton, was opened to the public on April 5. 1888. In the Sculpture Hall are works by Albano, Fedi, Megret, Trentanove, Ciniselli, Hiram Powers and others. In the Picture Gallery are paintings by Hugh Bolton Jones (Salt Meadow); John Constable (English Landscape); Julien Dupre (Minding the Flock); Bonguerean (Homer and His Guide); Verboeckhoven (Summer Evening); G. H. Boughton (Departure of the Mayflower); Millet (A Hymn); Sir John Gilbert (The King's Trumpeter); East man Johnson (Old Stage Coach); Dupre (Landscape); Wyant (Summer Landscape); Pettie (Drumhead Court Martial); Winslow Homer (Hark, the Lark!); Bastjen-Lepage (The Wood Gatherer); A. B. Durand (In the Catskills); F. E. Church (a Passing Shower); A. Schreyor (a Wallachian Pcst Carriza); Rosa Bonheur (Two Goats); Cazin (Evening); Munkacsy (The Rivals). Several of the painters named above are represented by more than one canvas. There are also examples of Smillie, Alma-Tadema, Leighton. Corot, Bierstadt, George Junes, Harpignies, Blakelock, Thomas Moran, and others. Thayer Art Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence Source: Officials of the Institution The Thayer Art Collection, given to the University of Kansas by the late Mrs. William B. Thayer, of Kansas City, Mo.. illustrates the development of design in textiles, ceramics. glassware and costumes. It includes important paintings of the American school, Chinese and Japanese paintings and Japanese prints of exceptional merit. The collection of textiles includes examples of Coptic and Byzantine weavings, Venetian embroi dery of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, French and Spanish brocades of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Chinese tapestries and embroideries. Indian and Persian shawls and rugs, Paisley shawls and American quilts, counterpanes and embroideries. There are paintings by Innes, Murphy, Charles Partridge Adams, Mesdag, Ciardi, Thaulow, Leemputten, W. T. Richards, Charles Davis, Edward Gay, Green, Lambinet, Vrolyk, and others. John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis Source: Officials of the Institution The John Herron Art Institute, of Indianapolis, including an art museum and school in separate buildings, was erected in 1906 from funds bequeathed by John Herron to the Art Association of Indianapolis. That association, organized (1883) continues to be the controlling and administrative organization, composed of officers, a board of directors, and a membership of approximately 700 persons. The museum building, a modified Re naissance type, has two floors of galleries in addition to space devoted to a library, offices, storage rooms and carpenter shop. The collection contains more than 11,000 items. including loan or study material, and the following generic classification suggests the scope: arms and armour, book arts, coins, costumes, drawings, furniture, glass, jewelry, lacquer, metal objects, paintings; pottery and porcelain, prints, rugs, sculpture, textiles and laces. The Cleveland Museum of Art Source: Officials of the Institution Permanent collections include tapestries and armor; classical art; sculpture and metal work; prints; Italian Renaissance paintings; early American paintings; modern paintings of all schools; Egyptian, Japanese, Chinese and Near Eastern art: textiles and handicrafts. Two galleries are reserved for temporary exhibitions. The educational work covers a broad field. Free public lectures, concerts and entertainments, some especially for children, are given Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday afternoons during the season. Courses (some for university credit) are given for adults, on art history and aesthetics; clubs are conducted for sketching and crafts. Graded classes in comparative arts reach about 800 children each Saturday morning; drawing, painting. modeling, music theatre. and dancing are included. M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco Source: Officials of the Institution In the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, in Golden Gate Park, there are three rooms containing Egyptian, Greek, and Roman art. Two Medieval rooms adjoin a series of galleries containing Italian works of the Renaissance, the 17th and 18th centuries.. Dutch, Flemish and English works of art of these periods are shown together. An original 18th century French room. two galleries containing paintings, tapestries, and furniture and early German porcelain, and an Empire room are in the series, followed by five rooms containing English and early American furniture and furnishings. In the west wing is shown the California ma terial. Prints in the entrance gallery serve as an introduction to the early history, geography, and cultural background of the State. Four interiors illustrate milieux of the first four decades after the gold rush. The entire state was canvassed for material to provide furniture (with original upholstery), draperies, rugs and bric-a-brac for these four period rooms. In the northeast wing is shown Chinese, Japanese, Alaskan and Indian material, and also ethnographical collections from India, Tibet, Oceania, Australia. Java and Bali; musical instruments; textiles; plaster casts and bronze reproductions; and the Colonial Dames collection. San Francisco Museum of Art Source: Officials Opened Jan. 1935 in Veterans' Building, 14 galleries; sponsored by San Francisco Art Association; supported by privale contributions. The San Francisco Museum of Art, 14 galleries, owns large collections, prints and drawings, principally modern European and American; collection of paintings, by contemporary Western artists, also by contemporary European and Eastern American. All exhibitions, even those from Permanent Collection are changing. Each gallery changes on the average of once each month. Review of of the Institution contemporary movements of art is stressed, but at intervals an historic show building up the background of some phase of modern art is presented. Important exhibitions organized by the Museum: Evolution of Landscape Painting from 15th Century Through 19th; Paintings, Drawings, Prints by Paul Gauguin: Contemporary Landscape Architecture and Its Sources; Paintings and Drawings by Paul Cezanne. The Museum offers to San Francisco in addition exhibitions from The Museum of Modern Art in New York and other exhibitions of special interest in its field. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery Source: An Official The library art gallery and botanical gardens, founded by the late Henry E. Huntington, are located on his 200 acre estate at San Marino, near Los Angeles, Calif. Among the treasures of the library are: Bible. The Ellesmere manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, made about 1400. The Gutenberg Bible [Mainz, about 1450-55], first printed Bible and the earliest extant book produced with movable type in Europe. The first book printed in the English language, The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye. at Bruges, by Caxton & Mansion in 1475. Printed The Traveling Library of Sir Thomas Egerton (1540?-1617), founder of the Bridgewater House Library; 44 classics in a box designed to carry them. of the Institution A "first folio" of Shakespeare's plays, printed in 1623. Poems of Robert Burns, Edgar Allan Poe, and Rudyard Kipling, in the handwriting of the authors. Christopher Columbus' "Book of Privileges" granted to him by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain as a reward for his discovery of the New World, with marginal notes in his handwriting [Seville, 1502]. The "Richard King Portolano," about 1502, one of the earliest maps showing a portion of the American continent. The only known copy of the first pinted collection of the laws of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, printed at Cambridge, 1648. Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography in his own handwriting. Letter by George III, written in 1782, disclaiming all responsibility for granting independence to the American colonies. San Diego, Calif., Fine Arts Gallery Source: An Official The San Diego, Calif., Fine Arts Gallery, which dates from 1926, has a permanent collection valued at $1,500,000. First emphasis is placed upon contemporary American art and second upon Old Master paintings. Old Asiatic arts are receiving an ever-growing sponsorship. The Gallery's collection is most distinguished in its collection of Old Masters. The old Spanish painting, together with the contemporary work of Spain, is second only in this country, to that of the Hispanic Society of America, in New York City. Included is the portrait of the Marques de Sofraga, by Goya, as fine as any Goya in the world. The three Zurbarans already owned, and a fourth one which of the Institution California Academy of Sciences Source: An Official of the Institution The California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco incorporated in 1853 for the advancement of the natural sciences.through public education, exploration and research, is the oldest scientific institution on the Pacific coast. It maintains in Golden Gate Park a public museum of natural history, the Steinhart Aquarium, a scientific library, and research departments with large scientific collections. In its large halls of North American mammals and birds are preserved in permanent form some of the most beautiful and striking aspects of the natural history of the west. In an adjoining corridor are to be found exhibits of butterflies, flowers and minerals, especially the William B. Pitts collection of semi-precious stones. The latest edition to the Academy's group of buildings, the Simson African Hall, was begun in 1930 to accommodate the magnificent collection of African mammals contributed by the late Leslie Simson of Berkeley, California. The first unit of this hall, containing twenty-four groups of African animals shown in their natural surroundings, was opened to the public in 1936. The Steinhart Aquarium erected in 1923 with funds bequeathed by the late Ignatz Steinhart of San Francisco, is operated by the Academy with funds supplied by the City of San Francisco. The Academy's research collections include some 8,000 mammals, 57,000 birds, 69,000 reptiles and amphibians, 300,000 plant specimens, 1,000,000 insects, and 1,600,000 specimens in the field of paleontology. Its collections are especially rich in material from California, Alaska, and the Galapagos Islands The Philadelphia Museum of Art Source: Officials of the Institution The charitable and educational corporation which today bears the name of the Philadelphia Museum of Art was incorporated in 1875 and chartered in 1876 to establish . . . a Museum of Art, in all its branches." At the conclusion of the Centennial Exposition of 1876, the fine arts building there, Memorial Hall, was entrusted to the corporation. It still houses many of the study collections of the Museum. A new building, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, projected in 1907 in connection with the Parkway enterprise, was begun in 1919 by the Commissioners of Fairmount Park with funds provided by the City of Philadelphia. The shell of the whole building was completed in 1927 and the first section of the display galleries was opened to the public March 26, 1928. Arrangement of the Building and Collections The collections of the Philadelphia Museum of Art embrace the arts of Europe and Asia since the beginning of the Christian era, and of America from the time of European colonization. (The art of ancient and primitive peoples, East and West, is shown in Philadelphia at the University Museum, 34th and Spruce Streets). are On the second floor of the Museum is shown a display collection of the history of art, including many of the finest works, arranged in the general order of artistic evolution. On the first floor, beside galleries for transient exhibitions, specialized collections of paintings and prints, as well as of ceramics, glass, textiles, furniture and other objects of special interest to the craftsman, designer, manufacturer, amateur and student of single arts and crafts. One enters from the east the stair hall, dominated by St. Gauden's bronze figure of Diana; from the west, a foyer installed with works of French XVIII century sculpture, given in memory of Edward T. Stotesbury, and with oriental carpets of the Joseph Lees Williams Memorial Collection. On the staircase here is the tapestry, woven from Boucher's design, for the Prince's Chamber of the Hôtel de Soubise in Paris. Collection of the History of Art The scheme of the display collection is to exhibit, in the section devoted to each school, works of all the arts and crafts in association, as they were created to adorn the churches, the temples, the houses of nobles and of the people. In connection with these galleries there are antique architectural units which give the background and atmosphere of different periods. To the right, toward the north, are the sections devoted to Renaissance art and modern art in different countries; to the left. toward the south, those devoted to the arts of the Middle Ages and of the Orient. Art of the Middle Ages South of the stair hall is a Romanesque Cloister of the XI century from Saint-Genis de Fontaines on the northeast border of Spain. Adjoining, through two Romanesque doors, are units containing mediaeval glass, notably three rondels from the French royal abbey of Saint Denis, about 1250. The Romanesque Hall includes a portal from the Abbey of Saint Laurent (Nièvre), XII century. A suit of tournament armor here, formerly in the Imperial Collection at Vienna, was made by Lorenz Colman at Augsburg, about 1500. The French Gothic chapel of the XIV century from the Commanderie d'Aumonière at Pierrecourt (Haute Saône) has an altar from the Church of the Templars at Norroy-sur-Vair (Vosges), about 1400, and is installed with fine examples of glass, sculpture, and devotional objects. A French Gothic room of the XV century from near Le Mans (Sarthe) contains carved furniture formerly in the Figdor Collection in Vienna. From the Gothic Hall open five French Gothic doorways of the XIII to XV centuries, leading to Italian Gothic rooms from Florence and Venice, and to the collection of English Gothic woodwork. Renaissance and Modern Art North of the stair hall are the sections devoted to Renaissance and modern art, successively in Italy, in Spain and Germany, in Flanders and Holland, in France, in England and in America. Galleries devoted to these countries are flanked on either side by antique rooms of corresponding period. Conspicuous among the Renaissance objects from Italy and France are the sculptures and carv ings in marble, bronze and wood from the Foulc collection purchased by the Museum, including a Virgin and Child by Desiderio, an Adoring Virgin by Luca della Robbia and numerous XV century bronzes. Among the architectural units are elements from the Picolomini Palace in Siena, from Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome, and from the Château de Pagny, including its choir screen and the sculptured Virgin of Pagny. Beginning with the Dutch School there are paitings from the collections given by William L. Elkins and George W. Elkins, including also French, English and American works. Particularly interesting is the series of French rooms of the Louis XIV, XV and XVI periods, including especially the collection of French decorative art bequeathed by Mrs. A. Hamilton Rice. The north wing has at either side suites of antique English and American rooms, several of the former being hung with the British paintings bequeathed by John H. McFadden. Art of the Orient The south wing of the Museum is devoted to oriental art, beginning with the Near East. From Sasanian Persia comes an arched portal excavated at Damghan, as well as a series of bas-reliefs from Rayy. Islamic art of Egypt, Anatolia and Persia is represented, the last by a mosque revetment of mosaic tile and by a vaulted interior of painted stucco both of the Safavid period. The display of art of India includes an entire sculptured temple portico of the XV century from Madura, beside many works of the Graeco-Buddhist, Buddhist and Hindu periods. The section devoted to the art of China surrounds a large palace hall of the Ming period, and includes as other major units a stone tomb chamber of the T'ang dynasty, a Ming temple interior with carved ceiling and a Chinese scholar's study in lacquer of the reign of K'ang Hsi. The collection of Chinese sculpture, paintings, prints and ceramics is extensive. A Japanese temple and tea-house complete the series of architectural units. On the FIRST FLOOR of the Museum are the galleries devoted to paintings; those for transient exhibitions, for prints, and for the decorative arts. Department of Paintings THE JOHNSON and WILSTACK COLLECTIONS -The late John G. Johnson left his collection to the City of Philadelphia. which entrusted its administration to the Trustee of the John G. Johnson estate. By agreement with the Philadelphia Museum of Art it is now displayed in a suite of galleries at the Museum under administration of the trustee. It comprises over a thousand works comprehensively illustrating the evolution of painting, with many masterpieces of the first importance, especially in the Italian and Flemish schools, by such masters as Van Eyck, Van der Weyden, Masolino, Antonello da Messina Botticelli, etc. Founded by Anna H. Wilstach, that collection includes especially Italian and Spanish baroque paintings, characteristic works by many Dutch masters, English XVIII century portraits and landscapes, American paintings by Whistler, Sargent, Inness and Mary Cassatt, and a French XIX century group crowned by Cézanne's Grandes Baig neuses. DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS In its gallery is maintained a constant series of changing exhibitions. The large permanent collection, from which many of these are drawn, includes collections given or bequeathed to the Museum by the heirs of Charles M. Lea, by William S. Pilling, and by Ellis Ames Ballard, among many other donors. DEPARTMENT OF DECORATIVE ARTS-It comprises the arts of earth-ceramics and glass; the arts of fibre-textiles, embroidery, lace and costume; the arts of wood-carvings and furniture. Beyond will be galleries devoted to the arts of metal, still housed in the old museum building. Memorial Hall. LIBRARY-A reference collection of about 15,000 volumes, with its own photo-duplication facilities. AUDITORIUM-Seating 500. Free film-showings related to art-appreciation are held here every Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 and at 3:30. DIVISION OF EDUCATION-Including galleries for educational exhibitions, as well as lecture rooms, classrooms, and studios. Special leaflets regarding the free public educational work of the division, for adults and for children, are available on request at the information desk or at the offices of the division. PRESIDENT. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ..FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, of New York. VICE-PRESIDENT....HENRY A. WALLACE, of Iowa.... Salary, $75,000 15,000 (Terms of office, including re-election, from January 20, 1941, to January 20, 1945) Secretary of War-Henry L. Stimson, New York. Secretary of Navy-Frank Knox, Illinois. Secretary of Commerce-Jesse H. Jones, Texas. In the above list, the Cabinet offices are arranged in the order in which they succeed to the Presidency in case of the removal, death, resignation, or inability of both the President and Vice-President. The order of succession was established by an act of Congress, approved Jan. 19, 1886, and no mention was made of Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor, not then organized. THE WHITE HOUSE Secretaries to the President-Marvin H. McIntyre, Kentucky, and Stephen Early, Virginia ($10,000 each). Major Gen. Edwin M. Watson, Virginia, acting as Secretary to the President on detail from the War Department. Private Secretary to the President-Marguerite A. Le Hand. Director of White House Office Staff-Rudolph Forster, Washington, D. C. ($8,000); Executive Clerk-Maurice C. Latta, Oklahoma ($6,000). Physician to the White House-Rear Admiral Ross T. McIntire, Surgeon General U. S. Navy. Department of State Under Secretary-Sumner Welles (Md., $10,000). Assistant Secretaries-Adolf A. Berle, Jr. (N. Y.), Breckinridge Long (Mo.); Dean G. Acheson (Md.); G. Howland Shaw (Mass.) ($9,000 each). Legal Adviser-Green H. Hackworth (Ky., $9,000). Assistant to the Secretary of State-Cecil W. Gray (Tenn., $5,100); Special Assistants-Leo Pasvolsky (D. C.. $8,500); Lynn R. Edminster (III.), Thomas K. Finletter (N. Y.), Joseph C. Green (Ohio) ($8,000 each). Advisers on Political Relations-James Clement Director of Personnel-Edward Yardley (Mont., $5,600). Chiefs of Divisions-Foreign Service Administration, Monnett B. Davis (Colo., $9,200); Foreign Service Buildings Office, Frederick Larkin (Mich., $8,000); Foreign Service Personnel-John G. Erhardt (N. Y., $9,200); Foreign Service Officers' Training School, William C. Burdett (Tenn.. $9,200); Far Eastern Affairs-Maxwell M. Hamilton (Iowa, $8,000); American Republics, Philip W. Bonsal (Acting) (D. C., $6,500); European Affairs-Ray Atherton (Acting) (Ill., $10,000); Near Eastern Affairs-Wallace Murray (Ohio, $8,000); Caribbean Office-Coert du Bois; Current Information-Michael J. McDermott (Mass., $7,000); Coordination and ReviewBlanche Rule Halla (D. C., $4,800); Passport -Ruth B. Shipley (Md., $6,500); TreatyCharles M. Barnes (Va., $6,500); TranslatingEmerson Christie (D. C., $4,000); Communications and Records-David A. Salmon (Conn., $6,000); Visa-Avra M. Warren (Md., $9,000). Research and Publication-E. Wilder Spaulding (Conn., $6,500); Philippine Affairs-John K. Davis (Ohio, $9,800); Fiscal and Budget AffairsElla A. Logsdon (Neb., $4,800); International Conferences-Warren Kelchner (Pa., $8,000); Protocol-George T. Summerlin (La., $9,800): Cultural Relations-Charles A. Thomson (N. Y., $8,000); Editor of the Treaties-Hunter Miller (N. Y., $6,500); International Communications Thomas Burke (N. Y., $8,000); AccountsDonald W. Corrick (Md., $4,600); Commercial Affairs-Raymond H. Geist (Ohio, $7,200); Division of Commercial Policy and AgreementsHarry C. Hawkins (Mich., $8,000); Central Translating-Guillermo A. Suro (Puerto Rico, $5,600); Foreign Activity Correlation George A. Gordon (Acting) (N. Y., $9,000); World Trade Intelligence-John S. Dickey (Acting) (Detailed from Department of Commerce); Export and Defense Aid-Charles Bunn (Acitng); Foreign Funds and Financial-Frederick Livesey. Geographer of the Department-S. W. Boggs. Treasury Department Under Secretary-Daniel W. Bell (Ill., $10,000). Technical Assistant-H. Merle Cochran (Ariz., Coordinator, Treasury Agency Services-Elmer L. Directors: Research and Statistics George C. Defense Savings Staff-Eugene W. Sloan (Mo., $8,000); Personnel-Theodore F. Wilson (D. C., $6,500); Press Relations-Charles Schwartz (Ill., $6,000); Mint-Nellie Tayloe Ross (Wyo., $8,500); Bureau of Engraving and Printing-Alvin W. Hall (Pa., $9,000); Procurement-Clifton E. Mask (Mass., $9,000). Chief Clerk-Frank A. Birgfeld (Md., $6,400). Supt. of Treasury Buildings-Denzil A. Right (W. Va., $3,800). Comptroller of the Currency-Preston Delano (Mass., $15,000). Treasurer of the U. S.-William A. Julian (Ohio, $8,500). Chiefs: Secret Service Frank J. Wilson (N. Y., $8,000); Division of Disbursement-Guy F. Allen D. C., $7,500); Secretary's CorrespondenceGabrielle E. Forbush (N. Y., $4,400). Commissioners: Internal Revenue-Guy T. Helvering (Kan., $10,000; Narcotics-H. J. Anslinger (Pa., $9,000); Customs-William R. Johnson (D. C., $10,000); The Public Debt-William S. Broughton (Ill., $9,000); Accounts-Edward F. Bartelt (Ill., $9,000). Register of the Treasury-Edward G. Dolan (Conn., $6,000). Chairmen: Committee on Enrollment and Disbarment-Guy C. Hanna (Ind., $7,500); U. S. Processing Tax Board of Review-William Schwartz (N. Y., $8,000). Department of Justice Solicitor General-Charles Fahy (N. Mex., $10,000) Director, Bureau of Prisons-James V. Bennett Assistant Solicitor General vacancy. Asst. to the Attorney General-James H. Rowe. Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation-J. Ed- (Md., $10,000). Director, Immigration and Naturalization Service- Director, Bond and Spirits Division-Joseph Law- Administrative Assistant to the Attorney General- War Department Under Secretary of War-Robert P. Patterson (N. Y.); Assistant Secretaries of War-John J. McCloy (N. Y.) and (for Air) Robert A. Lovett (N. Y.); Chief of Staff-General George C. Marshall (Penn.); The Adjutant General-Major General Emory S. Adams (Kan.); Inspector General-Major General Virgil L. Peterson (Ky.); Judge Advocate General Provost Marshal General -Major General Allen W. Gullion (Ky.); Quartermaster General-Major General Edmund B. Gregory (m.); Surgeon General-Major General James C. Magee (Penn.); Chief of Finance Major General Howard K. Loughry (Ind.); Chief of Engineers Major General Eugene Reybold (Del.); Chief of Ordnance Major General Charles M. Wesson (Md.); Chief Post Office Department Assistant Postmasters General First - Ambrose | Solicitor-Vincent M. Miles (Ark., $9,000). Executive Assistant-William F. Cronin (N. Y., Administrative Assistant-William C. Lyons (Colo., $5.000). Chief Inspector-Kildroy P. Aldrich (Ill., $9,000). Navy Department Under Secretary of the Navy-James V. Forrestal Paymaster General of the Navy and Chief, Bu- Superintendent, Naval Observatory-Captain J. F. receive pay of their rank. Department of the Interior Directors: Geological Survey-Walter C. Menden- Department of Agriculture Under Secretary-Paul H. Appleby (D.C., $10,000). Special Assistant to Secretary-Robert M. Moore Economic Adviser to Secretary--Mordecai J. B. |