25 Mysteries of Life and Matter A gathering of college students was told recently by Charles F. Kettering, of the research laboratories of the General Motors Corporation, that there are 25 unanswered problems relating to life on this earth. They are as follows: 1. How to cure many diseases colds, cancer, ills of old age, etc. 2. How plants fix sun's energy. 3. What is friction? 4. What makes glass transparent, metals opaque? 5. How do fuels burn in an engine cylinder? 6. What is magnetism? 7. What is electricity? 8. What is fatigue of metals? 9. What is the nature of light and other electromagnetic waves? 10. What is the nature of the atom, molecule and the electron? 11. What are proteins, carbo-hydrates and fats? 14. How to use farm products more effectively. 16. How do catalysts work? 17. The what and why of solubility. 18. What is energy? 19. What is the photo-electric effect? 20. What can be done with chemiluminescence? Rate of Speed of a Falling Body Source: Aviation and Army Records The speed of a falling body is regulated by the force of gravitation. Theoretically, the drawingdown power of the earth is modified by the pull of the moon and the sun. The experimental department at Wright Field of the Army Air Corps has stated that a man falling from any altitude with a parachute pack attached never attains a velocity of greater than 118 miles per hour and does not lose consciousness. In the first second of its descent a body falls 16 feet; second second, 16+ 32 48 feet; third second, 1664 80 feet; fourth second, 1696 112 feet; fifth second, 16+128=144 feet; nth second, 16 + 32 (n-1) feet. The total distance fallen by a body at the end of the nth second is given in feet by multiplying the square of the time in seconds by 16. Thus at the end of the first second it has fallen 16 feet, at the end of the second second 2 X 2 X 16 =64 feet, at the end of the third second 3 X 3 X 16 =144 feet; at the end of the fifth, 5 x 5 X 16 = 400 feet. Conversely, to find the time in seconds to fall any distance, divide the distance in feet by 16 and extract the square root; thus to fall a mile divide 5,280 by 16, which gives 330, and the square root of 330 is a little over 18, the number of seconds which is the vacuum time to fall a mile. Owing to the resistance of the air, it takes about 19 seconds for a bomb to reach the earth when dropped from an airplane a mile high. The Dionne Quintuplets The Dionne quintuplets-Emilie, Yvonne, Cecile, Marie and Annette-were born to Mr. and Mrs. Oliva Dionne (May 28, 1934) in Callander, Ontario, Canada, Dr. Allan R. Dafoe, a country doctor, delivered the babies all of whom were born within a half hour in the log farm home of their parents. The aggregate weight of the babies at birth was 13 pounds 6 ounces but they have developed in weight until they are about 30 per cent heavier than the average child of their age. Dr. Dafoe reports they have grown into normal, healthy children with all the likes and dislikes of any other child. The children enjoy good health and the only ailments to bother them have been colds. Their health improved after their tonsils and adenoids were removed by operation (1938). By act of the Ontario legislature the quintuplets are wards of the Crown. Technically, under this act, their affairs are run by a board of four guardians, including their father. The others are Percy D. Wilson, official guardian for the province of Ontario: Dr. Dafoe, and Judge J. A. Valin. In their charge are the children's regimen, living conditions, entourage, consisting of nurses. guards and servants. and the administration of the estate, estimated (1940) at $750,000. Through also negotiate the various commercial contracts a business manager, Keith Munro, the guardians which bring the children additional income varying from five to six figures in amount. Premier Hepburn informed the father (Sept. 12, 1941) that the Ontario Government had "accepted in principle" the suggestions of Dionne that the family be reunited under one roof. The quintuplets have lived apart from their parents and seven sisters and brothers since their birth. The Premier indicated that the entire family would live together again as soon as a new home could be constructed. Sound-How Far, How Fast, Does It Go? Source: Scientific Records. On a day in Dec., 1933, a dynamite explosion set off on the Arctic island of Nova Zembla was detected at Berlin, more than 2,000 miles away. Thunder, which is the loudest common noise, never has been heard unmistakably more than about 20 miles from the flash. Continual cannon fire has been heard 100 miles away and somewhat doubtfully as far as 300 miles. The landing of the great Siberian meteor, which fell on June 30, 1908, was heard 400 miles away and affected weather instruments in Europe. The world's loudest noise, the volcanic explosion of the Island of Krakatoa in 1883, was heard by human ears as far off as Bangkok, something more than 1,400 miles. At La Courtine in France, in 1924, tons of excess war munitions were exploded, under scientific control and reports obtained from listeners and instrument stations in all directions over Europe. The maximum distances unmistakably recorded in this instance were but little more than 200 miles. This distance was separated from the actual ex plosion by one of the "zones of silence" usually encountered in such experiments, a zone in which the noise is unheard although it is heard both closer to the explosion and farther away. This also explains longer distance records, such as the one from Nova Zembla. the ordinary air close to the ground but in the rarer Such long-distance sound waves do not travel in and less resistant air 50 or 60 miles up. These highlevel sound waves gradually bend downward again toward the earth, so that they travel in a vast bowshaped curve. "How far away was that flash of lightning?" is a common question. The answer is that sound travels through hot summer air (100°) at 1,266 feet a second. In zero weather sound flies through dry air at 1,088 to 1,150 feet a second. Speed of sound (feet per second) in other mediums-ice-cold vapor, 4,708; vapor at 60 degrees, 5,657; ice-cold water, 4,938; granite, 12,960; iron (hot), 15,480 to 17,390; steel, cast, 16,360; wood (oak), 12,620; brick, 11,980; glass, 16,410 to 19,690; clay rock, 11,420; gold, 5,717 to 6,890; silver, 8,658. The Apostles' Creed The English form of the Apostles' Creed, as now sald in the Roman Catholic Church, is as follows: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven; sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. Catholic Church; the communion of saints; the I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body. and life everlasting. Amen." Important Tunnels of the World Source: Railroad and Other Records (Figures in parentheses show length and year completed or put in operation) UNITED STATES Washington, Taft (8,750 ft.) In the Bitter Root Mountains. Alameda-Oakland, Calif.; vehicular, under Inner Constructed in 1908-1909 for the Chicago, MilHarbor, 4,500 ft. waukee & Puget Sound Railroad. under Mt. Baltimore, Md., railroad (Baltimore & Ohio)-Pittsburgh-Vehicular, Under Howard St., over 7,000 ft., 1894; (Pennsylvania), under Hoffman St., 3,400 ft., 1871; under Wilson St. 4,960 ft., 1873; under Winchester St., 2,190 ft., 1873. Bitter Root Mountains, Mont.-Idaho, railroad, 10,100 ft. Busk-Ivanhoe, Colo.-Originally railroad, but now automobile highway, 9,600 ft., under Rocky Mts., at Continental Divide. Cascade, Wash.-Railroad (Great Northern), under Cascade Mts., 41,152 ft. (7.79 miles), straight as a rifle bore, 1929. Cumberland, Tenn.-Under Cumberland Mts. 8,000 ft. Detroit-(1) railroad (Mich. Central), under Detroit River to Windsor, Can., 2,668 ft. excl. approaches, 1910; (2) vehicular, under Detroit River, to Windsor, Can., 2,200 ft. excl. approaches, 1930. Gallitzin-Railroad (Pennsylvania), under Allegheny Mts. at Gallitzen, Pa., 3,600 ft., 1854; also a parallel tube, 3,600 ft., 1904; also new Portage Tunnels, 1,610 ft., 1855. Gunnison, Col.-Irrigation, 6 miles, 1909. Hoosac, Mass.-Railroad, under Hoosac Mts.. 434 miles, 1873. Moffat, Colo.-Railroad (6.1 miles) (Denver & Salt Lake)-under James Peak, Rocky Mts., at Continental, 1927. East end of tube is 9,198 ft. above sea level. The railway cut-off leading to the tunnel was opened in June 1934. In driving the Railroad Tunnel the pioneer bore type of construction was used, in which a small tunnel parallel to and 75 feet from the Railroad Tunnel was driven simultaneously, with the heading in the Railroad Tunnel and used for power lines, transportation, etc. When the Railroad Tunnel was completed the Pioneer Tunnel became available to Denver for use as a water tunnel. Mt. Roberts, Juneau, Alaska-13 miles. New York City-Railroad, 3 (6 tubes) under Hudson River, 10 (22 tubes) under East River, 2 under the city, river to river, and 3 (6 tubes) under Harlem River. Vehicular, 2 (3 tubes) under Hudson; under East River, 1 (2 tubes). There are 118 miles of tunnel now in use in the New York City water supply system. On the completion of the Delaware system this will be increased to 235 miles. The new Croton aqueduct from Croton Lake to the 135th St. (Manhattan) gate house is 3034 miles long, of which 2911⁄2 miles is tunnel, driven from 42 shafts and inclines from 21 feet to 391 feet deep, and from six portals. The two longest tunnels are respectively 812 and 9 miles long. The maximum depth of tunnel is about 500 feet. Put in service in 1890. Shandaken tunnel of the Catskill water supply system carries the water of Schoharie creek under the Catskill mountains from the northerly side to the southerly side. It is 18 miles long, was driven from 1 portal and from 8 shafts from 260 to 647 feet deep. The maximum depth of the tunnel below the surface is about 2,200 feet. Put in service in 1924. At the other end of the Catskill system, deep under the Boroughs of The Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn, there are two distributing tunnels (called City Tunnels), which now distribute Catskill water and will distribute Delaware water to the different parts of the City. City Tunnel No. 1 is 18 miles long and from 15 feet to 11 feet in diameter. It was driven from 25 shafts and is from 200 feet to 750 feet deep. Connections to street mains are made through 22 shafts. Put in service in 1917. City Tunnel No. 2 is 20 miles long. generally 17 feet in diameter, driven from 18 shafts and is generally 520 feet to 750 feet deep. Connections to street mains are made through 15 shafts. Put in service March 31, 1936. Franklin-Railroad, A. T. & S. F.. (5600 ft.) opened 1900; 30 miles east of San Francisco. New Musconetcong-Railroad, Lehigh Valley, (4895 ft.), near Pattenburg, N. J. Constructed 19261928. Bergen Hill-Railroad, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western (4280 ft.) in N. J. New Kingswood-Railroad, Baltimore & Ohio, (4211 ft.) In Allegheny Mountains, W. Va. Constructed in 1910. Kennerdell-Railroad, Pennsylvania (3500 ft.), in Pennsylvania, constructed 1913-1915. 5,889 ft., 1924. St. Clair Under St. Clair River from Sarnia, Ont., to Port Huron, Mich., 2 miles; opened 1891. Southern Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad tunnels: Chatsworth Park, through Coast Range Mountains, in Los Angeles County, Cal.. 1.4 miles; San Fernando, through Spur 1.32 miles; Siskiyou, on Shasta Line, 3,107.7 ft. long: began operation Oct. 5, 1887; Shasta, 3,654.6 ft. long: operation began Sept. 1, 1926; Norden, on the Ogden route, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, between Norden and Eder, built on a tangent; 10,325 feet long, opened to traffic on Oct. 15, 1925. Strawberry-Through the Wasatch Mountains. Sutro-Drains the Comstock Lode in Nevada, 41⁄2 miles; opened 1879. CANADA Connaught-Through Selkirk Mountains, under Rogers Pass, British Columbia; on Canadian Pacific Railway, double track, five miles long, completed 1916. Spiral-The tunnels on the Canadian Pacific Railway, between Hector and Fields, B. C., consist of two spiral tubes, the westerly, 3,255 feet long, under Cathedral Mountain; and the easterly, 2,921 feet long, under Mt. Ógden, with the Kicking Horse River between. ENGLAND Liverpool-Birkenhead Vehicular-Under the River Mersey. Opened by the King in 1934: bored through solid rock; distance from Old Haymarket, Liverpool, to Chester St., Birkenhead, 2.13 miles. Blackwell-Under River Thames, England, 12 miles; opened 1897. Severn-From Monmouthshire to Gloucestershire, CONTINENTAL EUROPE Alberg-Under the Alps at the Arl Mountains and extends from Langen to St. Anton, 64 miles; opened 1884. Col des Montets-On the electric railway from Fayet, France, to the Swiss frontier; length. 1882 meters (about 1 1/6 miles); opened in 1918. Loetschberg-Through the Alps, in Oberland, Switzerland, 47,685 feet; opened June 20, 1913, costing nearly $10,000,000. Mont Cenis-Italy to France, under the Col de Mont d'Or-Between France and Switzerland, Frejus, 42,150 feet, opened 1871. was bored through October 2, 1913. The tunnel pierces the Jura Mountains from Fresne to Vallorbe, and is 334 miles long. Nice-Cuneo-Under the Alps; opened for rail traffic in 1928. There are 2 tunnels on the line; one of 5,939 metres, at the Col de Braus; one of 3,888 metres under Mont Grazian. Samport-In the Pyrenees Mountains, from Pau. France, to Canfranc, in Spain; over 4 miles: opened in 1928. St. Gothard-Through the Alps, connects Goschenen with Airolo, in Switzerland, 48,927 feet: begun in 1872, opened on May 27, 1882; cost, $23,800,000; now electrified. Simplon-Through the Alps, 64,971 feet; opened 1905; twin tunnel opened in 1921; electrified. the Alps, between Bunnadern Wasserfluh-In and Lichtensteig, Switz., 2 miles, opened 1909. Italy-Railway double-track tunnel under Etruscan Appennine Mountain range; length, 11.3 miles; begun in 1920, finished in 1930: cost $100,000,000, including the other tunnels on the 61 miles of electrified railway connecting Bologna and Florence; dedicated in April, 1934; 98 workmen lost their lives during construction. Vosges-In France President Albert Lebrun formally opened, on Aug. 8, 1937, the Vosges Tunnel, which provides a new access to the recovered province of Alsace. The tunnel is nearly seven miles long and was bored for approximately two miles through solid granite. It extends from Saint-Die to Sainte-Maria-Aux-Mines, is 25 feet wide and 20 feet high and is equipped with a single track. The maximum grade is 15 per cent. Trans-Andine Ry. (South America) Tunnel-3.463 yards long, 10,512 feet above sea level and affords direct communication between Valparaiso and Buenos Aires; opened April 5, 1910. Khojak Pass-India, Quetta to Landabar, 2 miles. Otira-In New Zealand, 51⁄2 miles. Fastest Scheduled Trains in the World Source: The Railway Gazette, London, England. Figures are based on runs in Europe through 1938, and in United States through Summer of 1940. DIESEL TRACTION (over 72 m.p.h.) June, 1932 Great Western (England) July, 1934 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul.. Oct., 1934 Union Pacific-C. & N. W.. Jan., 1935 Pennsylvania. Jan., 1935 Pennsylvania. April, 1935 N. Y., N. H. & H. (New Haven).. April, 1935 N. Y., N. H. and H Oct., 1936 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy May 1937 Santa Fe.. May 1937 Santa Fe Swindon-London Edgebrook Oakwood, Dix-Potter-Nebraska. Nov. 1939 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific.. Rock Island, Ill -Chicago... Denver Chicago (non-stop) Chicago-Milwaukee. Bell's fundamental telephone patent, No. 174,465, for an "improvement in telegraphy" was issued to him on March 7, 1876. It is the one referred to in the American table above. According to the Georgia Legislature, Dr. Crawford W. Long of that state discovered ether as an anaesthetic in 1842. A bust of Dr. W. T. Morton, a Boston dentist, is in the Hall of Fame, N. Y. University, as the pioneer in the use of ether as an anaesthetic. This was in 1846. The first patent to S. F. B. Morse was issued June 20, 1840, for Telegraph Signs. First testing of his apparatus was made in 1835. In Sept., 1837, he exhibited the telegraph at New York University to visitors; in Oct., 1837, he filed his caveat at the Patent Office; first message sent over 10 miles of wire at New York University. Jan. 24, 1838, "Attention the Universe! By Kingdoms Right Wheel!" The first public message was sent over the line Espenschied Feedback amplifier (telep.) Black. between Baltimore and Washington, May 24, 1844. "What hath God wrought." Prof. Joseph Henry of Princeton University said he, Henry, invented the electro-magnetic telegraph, when at the Albany Academy, in 1830. In July, 1786, John Fitch moved a small skiff by steam on the Delaware River at Philadelhpia. The engine had a 3-inch cylinder which moved a screwpaddle an endless chain with paddles fixed on it and placed on the sides of the boat. Later Fitch tried oars in the sides of the skiff which were moved by cranks and beams. This gave a speed of 7 miles an hour. In 1788 he got a patent. In Aug. 1787 he gave a trial of a boat at Philadelphia with a 12-inch cylinder engine and with 6 oars working perpendicularly on each side of his new 45-ft. boat which had a 12-ft. beam. In 1796 on Collect Pond, N. Y. City he exhibited a yawl which had a screw propeller at the stern. The experiments were then under the patronage of Robert R. Livingston. |