Clerk-Joseph L. Gill; terms expire on first Monday of December in year indicated Circuit Court of Cook County Terms of justices six years; all terms expire June, 1945, headkuarters County Building. National 1941 Cornhusking Championship The 18th annual corn husking championship of the United States was held (Nov. 3, 1941) in Tonica, Ill., and was won by Floyd Wise, Prairie Center, Ill., who picked 45.37 bushels of corn in 80 minutes-a rate better than 60 ears a minute. A crowd of 115,000 persons viewed the test. Twenty-two pickers from 11 States were entered. Second place was taken by Leland Klein, of Metamora, Ill., with 45.21 bushels. Next came Ivyl Carlson, of Madrid, Ia., with 44.36 bushels, third for the second consecutive year in national competition. Donley Martin, of Buffalo, Minn., was fourth with 43.25 bushels; Cameron Krauel, of Grey, Ia., fifth with a load of 41.89; and Kenneth Johnson, of Lakefield, Minn., sixth with 41.63. The all-time record was established (1940) by Irvin Bauman, an Illinois farmer with a count of 46.71. 195,427 Forest Fires Reported in 1940 The Department of Agriculture reported (Oct. 4, 1941) that the nation's 146,749,000 acres of unprotected forest lands suffered $35,877,000 damage in 1940. There were 195,427 forest fires that year. compared with 212,671 in 1939 when the damage reached $40,000,000. 2,512,738 1914 (*) Does not include $1,700,000 expended in building Chatham Village as a demonstration investment in large-scale housing. The permanent purpose of The Rockefeller Foundation, New York City, is "to promote the well being of mankind throughout the world. Its program, in terms of broad objective, is the advancement of knowledge, with emphasis at present upon certain specific fields: Medical sciences (psychiatry); natural sciences (experimental biology); public health (development of general public health activities and study and control of certain diseases); social sciences (international relations, social security, public administration); the humanities (efforts tending to raise the general cultural level and to promote cultural interchange between countries). Except to a limited extent in public health, the Foundation is not an operating organization. Its activities are confined to the support of other agencies and to the training, through post-doctoral fellowships. of competent personnel in the various fields of knowledge. Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York City, was established by Andrew Carnegie for the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding among the people of the United States and the British Dominions and Colonies. The present program of the Corporation includes the support of educational and scientific research, publications of professional and scholarly societies and associations, fine arts education through educational institutions and national organizations, adult education, library service and training, and support of various related projects which give promise of providing new knowledge. The General Education Board was endowed by John D. Rockefeller with the stated object of "promoting education within the United States of America, without distinction of race, sex or creed." The present program concentrates on southern education. It takes the form of assisting state governments and higher institutions to undertake studies, experiments, and demonstrations in public education; studies of significant southern interests and problems; qualitative development of selected ⚫ institutions; improvement of personnel. Special programs in Negro education relate to supervision and promotion of public schools, basic development of selected higher institutions, and training of staffs. Hayden Foundation. The Charles Hayden Foundation, founded in 1937, aims to assist needy boys and young men; to aid clubs, gymnasia and recreation centers in this country for the training and development of boys and young men; and to place within their reach the privilege of education, mental recreation and coordinate physical training. Administrative offices are located at 25 Broad St., New York City. The Duke Endowment was established by James Buchanan Duke to promote "the needs of mankind along physical, mental and spiritual lines" in the South. Duke University (former Trinity college) is the chief beneficiary of the Endowment. Other schools in the Carolinas also receive funds. Other objectives of the trust are the maintenance of hospitals, the care of preachers and orphans. To the original endowment superannuated Methodist was added $10,000,000 and two-thirds of the residuary estate. The main office of the endowment is in New York City. The Julius Rosenwald Fund, Chicago, in 1940 completed the twenty-third year of its work. The year's activities included: Experimental work in rural schools, especially in the South, with a view to improving rural education and so improving rural life itself. Fellowships for advanced study by exceptionally able Negroes and white southerners. Aid to the most important Negro universities. General study of race and culture and particular activity in this racial field toward improving the opportunities and conditions of Negroes in America. Julius Rosenwald provided that capital as well as income may be spent at any time in the discretion of the trustees, and that the entire fund. both capital and income, must be spent within twenty-five years of his death, which occurred Jan. 6, 1932. The Russell Sage Foundation, New York City, was created by Mrs. Russell Sage in 1907, as a memorial to her husband. Its purpose is for the improvement of social and living conditions in America." Its departments give special attention to studies in the social work field and to research concerning various problems in the more general field of the social sciences. Its staff interprets these findings-makes the information available through publications, conferences, and other public education, and in various other ways stimulates action for social betterment. means of The Trustees of the Horace H. Rackham and Mary A. Rackham Fund have disbursed all the capital funds left by the will of the late Mr. Rackham. Within a short time the corporation will be dissolved. Mary Louise Curtis Bok Foundation, Philadelphia, was created in 1931 by Mrs. Edward Bok, for the "support of music and musical education, support and promotion of the fine arts, science, scientific research, invention, discovery, or general education." The principal beneficiaries are: Curtis Institute of Music and the Settlement Music School, both in Philadelphia, and the Research Studio, Maitland, Florida. The purpose of the Buhl Foundation, Pittsburgh, is to stimulate the advancement of human welfare cipal grants have been to existing agencies or by experiment, demonstration, and research. Prinespecially established agencies for promotion of ley, for charitable, civic and eleemosynary purposes within the State of North Carolina. by a grant of all the property received by them from the estate of their late brother, Zachary Smith Reynolds of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The first project undertaken by the Foundation was the inauguration of a campaign for the control of venereal disease in the State of North Carolina through a donation to the State Health Department. nationally significant programs in the Pittsburgh | Reynolds Babcock and Mrs. Nancy Reynolds Bagdistrict in regional economic, social, and historieal research, higher education (including social work training at the graduate level), public health, and mental hygiene. The Foundation built Chatham Village at a cost of $1.700.000, seeking to show the commercial practicability of building for long-term investment and management of large-scale garden home communities, and to promote new and higher standards in urban "white-collar" housing. Largest appropriation is $1,081,000 to build Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, opened in 1939. The Children's Fund of Michigan, Detroit, was founded by the late United States Senator James Couzens to promote the health, welfare, and happiness of the children of the State of Michigan, and elsewhere in the world." Principal as well as earnings are to be spent within twenty-five years from the date of the gift. The work is confined to Michigan, where the Fund carries on directly local public health organization, health education, pediatric clinics in rural areas, oral hygiene, rural nursing, eye correction, child guidance through mental hygiene, and medical research. The Fund makes grants to other agencies in dependency and recreational fields. The Juilliard Musical Foundation, New York City, was set up by Augustus D. Juilliard to extend musical education and recreation. The general purpose of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D. C., is "to hasten the abolition of international war." The activities of the Endowment are of an educational nature and are conducted through the issuance of publications, arrangements for lectures and meetings of individuals and groups in the United States and other countries to advance the cause of peace among nations, to hasten the renunciation of war as an instrument of international policy., to encourage and promote methods for the peaceful settlement of international differences, and for the increase of international understanding and concord, and to aid in the development of international law and the acceptance by all nations of the principles underlying such law. The purposes of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, New York City, include providing "retiring pensions without regard to race. sex, creed, or color, for the teachers of universities, colleges, and technical schools in the United States, Dominion of Canada, and Newfoundland" and in general to do and perform all things necessary to encourage, uphold, and dignify the profession of the teacher and the cause of higher education" in those countries. For these purposes the Foundation has paid retiring allowances to 1,945 former teachers and pensions to 1,083 widows. Through its Division of Educational Enquiry it has studied and reported upon numerous problems of higher education in the United States and Canada. The object of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C., is to encourage investigation, research and discovery, and the application of knowledge to the improvement of mankind. The Institution desires to advance fundamental research in fields not normally covered by other agencies, and has organized its own departments of research in astronomy, in the terrestrial sciences, in the biological sciences and in historical research. Cranbrook Foundation was established in 1927 with an endowment of $6,682,055 from George G. and Ellen S. Booth, to be devoted to the completion of the religious, educational and cultural projects begun by the founders at Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. The principal purposes of the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, Pittsburgh, as expressed by the founder, Andrew Carnegie, are: "To place those following peaceful vocation, who have been injured in heroic effort to save human life, in somewhat better positions pecuniarily than before, until again able to work. In case of death, the widow and children, or other dependents, to be provided for until she remarries, and the children until they reach a self-supporting age. For exceptional children exceptional grants may be made for exceptional education. Grants of sums of money may also be made to heroes or heroines as the Commission thinks advisable-each case to be judged on its merits. A medal shall be given to the hero, or widow, or next of kin, which shall recite the heroic deed it commemorates, that descendants may know and be proud of their descent. The medal shall be given for the heroic act, even if the doer be uninjured, and also a sum of money, should the Commission deem such gift desirable." The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York City, grants fellowships to citizens and permanent residents of the United States, to assist research in any field of knowledge and creative work in any of the fine arts. The Fellowships are awarded to men and women who have demonstrated unusual capacity for productive scholarship or unusual creative ability in the fine arts. The Fellowships are granted for varying periods, long or short, depending on the amount of time needed by the Fellows for the work they propose. The stipends granted Fellows are normally $2,500 a year. Fellows may go to any part of the world where their work can best be done. Foundation also offers a limited number of Fellowships, for work in the United States, to Canadians and, on its Latin American Fellowship plan. to Puerto Ricans, and to citizens of Argentina. Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. The purpose of the Foundation is "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding and the appreciation of beauty, by aiding without distinction on account of race, color or creed. scholars, scientists, and artists of either sex in the prosecution of their labors." The The John and Mary R. Markle Foundation, New York City, has limited its new interests to support of research programs in the medical sciences. Prior to 1935 the Foundation was interested in the field of social welfare and there are a few organizations outside of medical research to which fairly substantial support has been given for a number of years, which it has been felt expedient to continue temporarily. The Commonwealth Fund, New York City, was founded by Mrs. Stephen V. Harkness. Its activities have been largely concentrated in the fields of edu-established and endowed by Mrs. Elizabeth Milcation, health, including hospitals in rural districts; medical education, medical research, and mental hygiene. The Fund also makes small grants in the field of legal research and occasional miscellaneous grants for philanthropic and social welfare pur poses. The Spelman Fund of New York was chartered in 1928. Its present program is centered upon the improvement of methods and techniques in public administration. Support is extended to public and quasi-public agencies for dissemination of information on current administrative developments; for study and improvement of administrative practices; and for testing new methods and devices under actual operating conditions. The Maurice and Laura Falk Foundation, Pittsburgh, confines its activities to the making of grants to economic research studies. Within this field, it makes its appropriations to established economic research organizations; the Foundation, itself, does not conduct research. The grants are for the specific budgets of studies which deal directly with matters affecting American trade, industry and finance. It is the purpose of this research to result in publications which are addressed to the lay audience of the general public. The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation was established in 1936 by Richard J. Reynolds. Mrs. Mary The Milbank Memorial Fund, New York City, was bank Anderson in 1905 as a memorial to her father and mother, Jeremiah and Elizabeth Lake Milbank. with an initial gift of $3,000,000. The general purpose of the foundation is to improve the physical, mental and moral condition of humanity and generally to advance charitable and benevolent objects." Mrs. Anderson increased her gifts from year to year until they amounted to $9,315.175 at the time of her death in 1921. The Fund assists official and private agencies and institutions in the field of public health and medicine, education, social welfare and research. Emphasis is given to activities which are preventive rather than palliative. The Permanent Charity Fund was organized in Boston in 1915 to accept gifts to the fund, the principal to be held invested and income each year to be applied to charitable purposes. The committee consists of 7 residents of Massachusetts and no person seeking or holding public office is eligible. The first funds were received in 1917 and amounted to $2,836,553. The general purposes of the Kresge Foundation, Detroit, as set forth in the declaration of trust by S. S. Kresge, are: "The purposes for which this Foundation is created are the promotion of eleemosynary, philanthropic and charitable means of any all of the means of human progress, whether they be for the benefit of religious, charitable, benevolent or education institutions or public benefactions of whatsoever name or nature." The discretion of the Trustees regarding disposition of the income from the Fund, for purposes indicated, shall not be questioned, except for a flagrant abuse thereof. The Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation, New York City, has for its objects "the promotion, through charitable and benevolent activities, the well-being of mankind throughout the world." W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Mich. Purpose: To advance the health, education and well-being of children without regard to race, creed or geographical boundary. The present program is made up of national and international health promotion activities, the granting of fellowships and administration of the Michigan Community Health Project which involves seven counties in southwestern Michigan.. The New York Foundation was incorporated in 1909. Its objects, for which the income may be expended, are "to receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply the income thereof to altruistic purposes, charitable, benevolent, educational or otherwise within the United States of America, as the Trustees may determine." Phelps-Stokes Fund, of New York City, incorporated in 1911, to improve housing conditions in New York City and to encourage practical education for handicapped people. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is confining its present activities to the field of economic research and education. Within this field it makes grantsin-aid to fully accredited educational institutions of recognized standing to carry out specific projects. Among its current beneficiaries are: The University of Chicago for its Round Table of the Air; New York University for its Educational Film Institute: Stephens College at Columbia, Mo., for its Institute for Consumer Education; the Public Affairs Committee of New York for its pamphlet series; the University of Pennsylvania, for its Tax Institution; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Denver, for special groups of sponsored fellowships. The Cleveland Foundation, a community trust, is an agency organized for the permanent administration of funds placed in trust for public educational or charitable purposes for benefit of inhabitants of Cleveland and vicinity and other communities within Ohio as designated by donors. Illustrative purposes are: assisting public charitable or educational institutions; promoting scientific research for the advancement of human knowledge and the alleviation of human suffering; providing scholarships to young men or women of slender means; care of the sick, aged and helpless; care of needy men, women and children; improvement of living and working condition; providing facilities for public recreation; promotion of social and domestic hygiene, promption of sanitation and measures for the prevention of disease; research into the causes of ignorance, poverty, crime and vice. The Henry C. Frick Educational Commission was set up in 1909 in Pittsburgh with an original fund of $250,000, later increased to $2,500,000, by Henry C. Frick for improvement of the teaching in Pittsburgh public schools. Assets at last report were $2,810,159 and the amount expended $1,379,293. The A. W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust founded by Andrew W. Mellon in a deed of trust dated Dec. 30, 1930, with an indenture dated June 6, 1935, is to be administered and operated exclusively for the benefit of such religious, charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes as shall be in furtherance of the public welfare and tend to promote the well-doing and well-being of mankind, or for the use of the United States, any state, territory, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, for such exclusively public purposes as the Trustees shall determine. National Best Sellers, 1940-1941 1940 Fiction Source: The Publishers' Weekly How Green Was My Valley, by Richard Llewellyn: 176,280 in 1940. Kitty Foyle, by Christopher Morley; not available. For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Ernest Hemingway: Stars on the Sea, by F. van Wyck Mason; not Oliver Wiswell, by Kenneth Roberts; 300,000 in 1940. The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck; 473,324 Night in Bombay, by Louis Bromfield: not available. Non-Fiction I Married Adventure, by Osa Johnson; 200,000, including book club copies, in 1940. How to Read a Book, by Mortimer Adler; 72,000 in 1940. A Smattering of Ignorance, by Oscar Levant; not Country Squire in the White House, by John T. Land Below the Wind, by Agnes Newton Keith; not American White Paper, by Joseph W. Alsop, Jr.. As I Remember Him, by Hans Zinsser; not avail- Bet It's a Boy, by Betty B. Blunt: 134,140 in 1940. H. M. Pulham, Esquire, by John P. Marquand; 223,000, including book club copies, to April, 1941. This Above All, by Eric Knight; not available. Delilah, by Marcus Goodrich; 40,000 to March, 1941. Sapphira and the Slave Girl, by Willa Cather: 285,000, including book club copies in 1940 and to February, 1941. Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, by Isabel Scott Rorick; not In This Our Life, by Ellen Glasgow; 50,000 to Mrs. Miniver, by Jan Struther; 250,000, including Non-Fiction Out of the Night, by Jan Valtin; 347,000, including The White Cliffs, by Alice Duer Miller; 118,000 to Blood, Sweat and Tears, by Winston S. Churchill; The Wounded Don't Cry, by Quentin Reynolds; not available. A Treasury of the World's Great Letters, ed. by M. Lincoln Schuster; 270,000 in 1940 and to April, 1941. The Time Is Now! by Pierre Van Paassen; 50,000 to June, 1941. Come Wind, Come Weather, by Daphne du Maurier; 162,000 to April, 1941. $76,000,000 Tolls Paid in Year to Cross Rivers The Federal Works Agency announced (March | The agency reported that about one-fifth of the 31, 1941) that approximately $76,000,000 was col lected in 1938 from the public in tolls for using 242 bridges, 660 ferries and five tunnels to cross rivers. toll facilities were publicly owned and gradually might become free as their original cost and maintenance are paid. Source: U. S. Farm Credit Administration1 Farmers' Marketing and Purchasing Cooperatives in the U. S. Estimated Business4 Total marketing Purchasing.... Total marketing and purchasing. 130 135 134 8,300 8,100 8,051 2,500,000 2,410,000 2,300,000 2,050,000 1,765,000 1,729,000 2,600 2,600 2,649 900,000 890,000 900,000 $350,000 $335,000 $358,000 10,900 10,700 10,700 3,400,000 3,300,000 3,200,000 2,400.000 2,100,000 2,087,000 1Based on data collected by mail surveys for specified marketing seasons which include the periods during which the farm products of specified crop years were moved into the channels of trade. "Includes independent local associations, federations, large-scale centralized associations, sales agencies, independent service-rendering associations, and subsidiaries whose businesses are distinct from those of the parent organizations. Includes members, contract members, and shareholders, but does not include patrons not in these categories. Includes some intra-association transactions, also the value of commodities for which associations render essential services either in marketing or purchasing and the value of commodities sold by associations either on a commission or a brokerage basis. Includes associations handling commodities not specified above, those handling several types of commodities, and those furnishing special marketing or other services. "If adjustments are made for the marketing business handled by the purchasing associations and the purchasing business of the marketing associations, the revised figures for purchasing for the 3 periods are $440,000,000, $416,000,000 and $448,200,000. COOPERATIVES IN THE U. S. AND THEIR OPERATIONS Operations of Credit Unions in United States Source: United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1 Most of the difference between the total number of associations and the number reporting is accounted for by associations chartered but not in operation by the end of the year and associations in liquidation which had not relinquished their charter. 2 Revised figure. 3 Partly estimated. 4 Federal credit unions only. 6 State credit unions only. No Federal credit unions in operation although 1 had received a charter. |