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tary Prince Harold, was born (Feb. 21, 1937) and two daughters, Princess Ragnhild Alexandra, (June 9, 1930) and Princess Astrid, (Feb. 12, 1932). Germany invaded and occupied Norway (April, 1940). The war, following the invasion, lasted until mid-June when the Allied forces evacuated. King Haakon, the Crown Prince, the Government and all military forces that could be accommodated on board ships and airplanes at their disposal, evacuated Norway to continue the fight from Allied soil. The seat of the Norwegian

Government is in London, and Norwegian military training camps are maintained, mainly in Canada. The Crown Princess and her children, at the invitation of the President of the United States. came to America (Aug. 23, 1940) aboard the American Legion. The German Governor General of Norway is Joseph Terboven.

The monetary unit is the krone with a value of $.20 based on the official German rate. The budget (1940-1941) was estimated to balance at 790,000,000. kroner.


Spitzbergen. a mountainous group of islands in the Arctic Ocean between 76° 26' and 80° 50' north latitude and 10° 20' and 32° 40' east longitude, the largest being West Spitzbergen (12,000 square miles), lies about 370 miles due north of Norway, half-way to the Pole. Discovered by Norsemen (1194) and rediscovered by Barents (1596,) the islands had been the resort of whalers of several nations. Norway has periodically asserted (since 1261) her claims to the islands, and from 1870 the demand became more insistent, increasing as Norwegian exploration discovered rich outcropping seams of coal-a necessary which Norway lacks.


Jan Mayen, a desolate area of 144 square miles between Greenland and Northern Norway and about 300 miles north of Iceland. The Norwegian Meteorlogical Institute established (1921) a weather station there. Otherwise Jan Mayen is uninhabited.

The war ended the negotiations, but, following action by the Peace Conference (1919) a treaty was signed in Paris (Feb. 9, 1921) by the United States, Great Britain, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, which put Spitzbergen under the flag of Norway. The area is about 24.290 square miles; the population around 2,700.

The development of the coal fields has proceeded rapidly. The resources are estimated at 9,000,000,000 tons. There are large deposits of low-grade iron ore and gypsum, and signs of oil have been reported.

[blocks in formation]



Capital, Jerusalem-Area, 10,429 square miles-Population (est. June, 1940), 1,529,559 Palestine, the Holy Land, lying between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan, was formerly a vilayet of the Turkish province of Syria. It was conquered during the World War by British troops under General, later Field Marshal, Viscount Allenby, Jerusalem being surrendered (Dec. 9, 1917). Jerusalem had been in Moslem hands since 1244. had been conquered and reconquered in the Crusades, and had been under the rule of the Turk since 1517. It remained under British Military Administration until July 1, 1920, when Sir Herbert L. Samuel was appointed High Commissioner and a civil government set up. The country has been governed (since Sept. 29, 1923) by Great Britain under a mandate granted by the League of Nations. The present High Commissioner (appointed March 1, 1938) is Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael. Palestine is primarily an agricultural country. the growing of citrus fruit being the most lucrative commercial activity. The principal crops include wheat, barley, durra, olives, kersenneh, melons and watermelons, grapes, figs, tomatoes. The citrus fruits are chiefly oranges and grapefruit. Bananas are also grown. Wine making is an extensive industry. Minerals found are limestone, sandstone, gypsum. The valley of the Jordan and the shores of the Dead Sea yield rock salt and sulphur. The center of the wine-making industry is in the Jewish villages of Zichron Jacob and Rishon le Zion. Soap-boiling is chiefly centered in Nablus, Jaffa and Haifa; olive oil in Nablus, Acre and Jaffa, and cement in Haifa.

as a Jewish homeland in accordance with the "Balfour Declaration" has met with much opposition from the Arabs, and outbreaks of violence have marked the history of the country for the past 18 years.

The Balfour declaration (Nov. 2, 1917) was: "His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of that object. It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

The Jewish population in Palestine (1920) was estimated at 66,574 urban and 15,000 rural. It was estimated (June 30, 1940) that there were 941,362 Moslems, 456,743 Jews and 119,007 Christians. The official languages are English, Arabic and Hebrew. There were (1938-1939) 1,482 schools with 7,088 teachers and 166.646 pupils. A dual system of education, Arab and Hebrew, prevails. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem (established 1925) has (1939-1940) 133 teachers and 1,106 students.

Legal immigration into Palestine was cut off (Oct. 1, 1939) for a period of six months by orders of the British Government. Immigration was resumed (April, 1940) at the rate of 1,000 a month. Before the World War there were in Palestine 1,235 industrial undertakings, most of them Arab; there were (1933) 5,290, of which nearly 3,000 were Jewish, employing 16,000 workers. The number of Jewish enterprises (1937) was 5,606, employing 30,040. The area of land in Jewish possession has increased from 102,150 acres (1920) to 378,000 acres (1939).

There has developed considerable trade in manufactured commodities, both in local and imported raw materials. Small scale industries and handicrafts still predominate although there has been a flow of capital equipment for industrial enterprises.

The effort of Great Britain to establish Palestine

Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Colonial Secretary (Oct. 31, 1933) restated the policy of the Mandatory Power: "There is under the Mandate the obligation to facilitate the establishment of a National Home for the Jewish people in Palestine, but at the same time there is an equally definite obligation to safeguard the rights of all inhabitants of Palestine. Both obligations will be most carefully observed." Lord Passfield in a White Paper (Oct. 20, 1930) announced that "no margin of land available for agricultural settlement by new immigrants remained," therefore it was the duty of the mandatory power to suspend such immigration until the unemployed portion obtain work."

Both civil and religious courts have been established. A new code of commercial law has been enacted, and many laws modernized. The official languages are English, Arabic and Hebrew.

The British Government and the Administration in Palestine recognize the Jewish Agency (composed of Zionists and non-Zionists) as the agency of the Jewish people in building a National Jewish Home.

Great Britain announced (Feb. 28, 1940) new restrictions on the sale of land by Jews to Arabs. The new regulations divide the country into three areas as follows:

First, Zone A, in which the transfer of land to any one other than a Palestine Arab is prohibited except in exceptional cases, includes the Hill Country as a whole, together with certain areas of the Gaza and Beersheba subdistricts where the land available already is insufficient for the support of the existing population."

Second, Zone B, in which the transfer of land to Jews is forbidden except under certain conditions, includes "the plains of Asdraelon and Jezreel in Eastern Galilee, the maritime plain between Haifa and Tantura and between the southern boundary of the Lamleh subdistrict and Beer Tuviya and the southern portion of the Beersheba subdistrict [the Negeb]."

Third, the zone in which Jews may purchase any land available includes all the rest of Palestine not included in Zones A and B, the unre

stricted zone including "all municipal areas, the Haifa industrial zone and, roughly speaking, the mariti ne plain between Tantura and the southern boundary of the Remleh subdistrict."

Jerusalem, the Holy City, is visited annually by large pilgrimages of Orthodox Greek Christians. The Mosque of Omar occupies the site of Solomon's Temple. It contains the sacrificial stone of Abraham and a relic of Mahomet. Bethlehem is also visited, the Church of the Nativity being reputed the oldest Christian church in existence. Jerusalem has (1940) a population of 135,900.

On the west is the coastal plain a hundred miles long and 15 wide, fertile and well watered. In the center is the plateau of Judea. The eastern border drops sharply into the depressed valley of the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, 46 miles long, with

an average width of eight miles, 1,292 ft. below sea level.

An income tax was imposed (1941) for the first time since the days of the Biblical tithe. The levy is 10 per cent of company earnings for the previous year.

The principal imports are cotton, textiles, sugar, petroleum, cigarettes and rice; and the chief exports are oranges, soap, wines, melons, apricots, port and almonds.

The chief ports of Palestine are Haifa and Jaffa with light draft vessels going to Tel-Aviv, Gaza and Acre.

The unit of currency is the Palestine pound, equal in value to the British pound. The budget (1940-1941) estimates revenues of £8,435,836 and expenditures of £8,857,584.


Transjordan is an Arab state set up within the Palestine Mandate yet separate from Palestine (since Sept. 1, 1922). It is under the responsibility of the High Commissioner for Palestine, who has a British agent there, in accord with an agreement concluded between the British Government and the Emir (signed Feb. 20, 1928) and ratified (Oct. 31, 1929). Under the Organic Law the Emir administers the country under a council of advisers. The first legislative assembly, of 22 elected deputies was opened (April 2, 1929).

The Emir is Abdullah, second son of King Hussein of the Hejaz, and brother of King Feisal of Iraq, (born in Mecca in 1882) and became ruler (April, 1921).

The boundaries of Transjordan have not been determined, but roughly, on the west the line separating it from Palestine runs from the Lake of Tiberias down the Jordan to the Dead Sea and thence south across Wadi el Araba to Marashash on the Gulf of Sinai; on the north it is separated from Syria by the River Yarmuk, thence eastward to Imtar and thence a straight line northeast to

ward Abu Kamal on the Euphrates; on the east the boundary between it and the Iraq runs south from Abu Kamal to the junction of the boundaries of the Iraq and Nejd; on the south lies the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The area is approximately 34,740 square miles, and the population is estimated at 300,000, chiefly nomad Arabs, of whom about 260,000 are Mohammedan, 30,000 Arab Christians, and 10,000 Circassians. The official language is Arabic.

The King of the Hejaz (1924) transferred Akaba, Maan and Tebuk to Trans jordan.

The country is largely desert except for a 30-mile strip between the Jordan and the Hejaz railroad which traverses the country from Dera to Maan, its present terminus. A road fit for motor traffic extends from Jerusalem to the capital, Amman, where there is a British aerodrome and air-force detachment.

The Transjordan frontier force numbers 47 officers and 1,577 men. There is an additional force of some 700 men raised in Palestine and Transjordan, and officered largely by the British.


(REPUBLICA DE PANAMA) Capital, Panama-Area, 33,667 square miles-Population (1930), 467,459 In 1513 Vasco Nuñez de Balboa forced his way through the jungles to discover the Pacific Ocean. Spain's Emperor Charles V established (1858) the Real Audiencia de Panama with jurisdiction over Nicaragua to the north and all the Spanish Provinces to the south as far as the Strait of Magellan, including the Provinces of Cartagena, Peru, Chile and what is now Argentina. Panama became independent from Spain by a movement of its own (Nov. 28, 1821) and subsequently joined the Great Colombian Confederation formed by Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Panama broke away from New Granada (Colombia) on several Occasions but always joined her again until (Nov. 3, 1903, it finally seceded from Colombia and became an independent Republic and was recognized (Nov. 13) by the United States. It occupies the entire isthmus of that name connecting North and South America, lying between the Caribbean Sea on the north and the Pacific on the south. The Costa Rican boundary was settled by a treaty signed May, 1941). The Colombian boundary line to the east was determined by a boundary commission appointed by both governments which fixed the boundary and whose work was finished (1938). By treaty (Nov. 18, 1903) ratified (Feb. 23, 1904) and with a supplemental (Taft) agreement (1904) the United States acquired the right to construct the Panama Canal across the Isthmus, a strip (the Canal Zone) extending for five miles on each side of the Canal, the terminal cities of Cristobal, adjacent to Colon, and Balboa, adjacent to Panama, and islands for defensive purposes in the bay, in perpetuity and exclusive control for police, judicial, sanitary and other purposes. The United States also has complete jurisdiction over sanitary and quarantine matters in the two cities of Colon and Panama and owns and operates the Panama Railroad, 47 miles long, connecting these cities. In return the United States paid Panama $10,000,000 outright, and $250,000 gold a year rental, beginning after the lapse of nine years.

the Taft agreement (abrogated June 1, 1924) was signed in Washington (March 2, 1936). by which the United States renounced its guarantee of Panaman independence specified in the treaty of 1903, also the right to intervene to maintain order in the cities of Panama and Colon. The annual rental charge of $250,000 in gold was changed (retroactive to Feb. 26, 1934, in consequence of the dollar devaluation) to 430,000 balboas, the currency of Panama. The treaty further provided that no new private business be established in the Canal Zone, and only Government employees allowed to reside there.

Of the total area of Panama, five-eighths are unoccupied and only a small part of the remainder is properly cultivated. Immigration is restricted. The forest resources are great. Stock raising is extensively carried on. The chief exports are bananas, cacao and coconuts.

A new treaty with the United States replacing

A new Constitution (adopted in a plebiscite Dec. 15, 1940, and put into force Jan. 2, 1940), extends the term of the president to six years and bars reelection. It continues the National Assembly, composed of 32 members, elected for four years on the basis of one for each 15,000 inhabitants. The Cabinet of six members is continued. There are three vice presidents, chosen by the National Assembly. Arnulfo Arias was elected president (June 2, 1940) and fled the country (Oct. 7, 1941) after failure to collaborate with the United States on foreign policy. The Panama Supreme Court declared the post vacant and Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia was sworn in two days later. The Roman Catholic religion prevails, but religious freedom is guaranteed. Primary education is free and compulsory. There is no army; the national police has the dual role of Army and police and numbers 2,500 officers and men. Spanish is the official language and its use is compulsory. Women have the ballot.

The silver balboa is the unit of currency. The budget (1939-1940) was estimated to balance at 22,795,000 balboas.



Capital, Asuncion-Area (including Chaco), 174,854 square miles-Population (est. 1940), 1,000,000
Paraguay, one of the two inland countries of
South America, is bounded on the north by
Bolivia and Brazil, on the east by Brazil and
Argentina, on the south by Argentina, and on the

west by Argentina and Bolivia. The extensive
plains are excellent for pasturage and agriculture,
and the mountain slopes are covered with luxuriant
forests. It is one of the best watered countries in

the world. The Paraguay River, the Republic's most important waterway, is navigable for vessels of 12-foot draft as far as Asuncion and Concepcion, and beyond for smaller craft for practically its entire length (1,800 miles).

Regular steamer service is maintained from Buenos Aires on the Parana-Paraguay Rivers as far as Asuncion, where extensive port improvements have been made, including the dredging of an adequate river channel and the construction of fireproof warehouses and railway terminals. There are air mail and passenger services between the two cities.

The population is chiefly white. There are about 20,000 aborigines in the wilds, and Negroes are unknown.

The area of Paraguay was increased 91,800 square miles (Oct. 10, 1938) by the terms of the Gran Chaco Peace Settlement by which almost the entire Chaco country was awarded to Paraguay, thus ending a dispute with Bolivia since 1870. Shortly after the war (1870), a constitution, modeled after that of the United States, providing for a republican form of government, was adopted.

A new constitution (accepted in a plebiscite 163,628 to 13,521, Aug. 4, 1940) is designed to eliminate anti-social abuses, regulate national economic life with a view to preventing monopolization of consumption goods and artificial price fixing. The new constitution retains the fundamental rights of the 1870 constitution and restrains Congress from endowing the president with extraordinary powers. The new pact is designed to eliminate oligarchic or other anti-social conditions, gives to all citizens the right to work, to meet peacefully, to petition the authorities, to publish their views in the press without previous censorship, to dispose of private property as the owner sees fit and to form associations for legitimate ends.

Congress is composed of one Chamber, with the members elected one for each 25,000 inhabitants. A Council of State succeeds the Senate and the members are nominated by the Government on a corporative basis. The President is elected for five years and appoints a Cabinet which exercises all the functions of the Government. It informs the Chamber and Council of State of its policies. Private property is guaranteed by the constitution,

but the State has the right to regulative economie activities.

Felix Paiva became President (Aug. 15, 1937) by a military junta that displaced Col. Rafael Franco. The National Congress of Paraguay (Oct. 11, 1938) elected Paiva President for an indefinite term. Gen. Jose Felix Estigarribia was elected President for a 4-year term (April 30, 1939) in the first presidential election since the beginning of the Chaco war in 1932. He was inaugurated (Aug. 15, 1939). Estigarribia was killed in an airplane accident (Sept. 6, 1940) and was succeeded by Gen. Higino Morinigo, Minister of War.

All citizens from 18 to 22 years of age are subject to obligatory military service. In case of general mobilization all citizens from 18 to 45 are subject to conscription. In the peace-time army there are 5,000 men and 250 officers. A modernly equipped naval fleet patrols the rivers.

More than sixty colonies of various foreign peoples are settled in various parts of the Republic, engaged in developing agriculture and stockraising, and have their own schools, churches, hospitals and stores. One of these is the colony of Mennonites (about 6,000), mostly from Canada, but a few from western parts of the United States and others from Europe as well.

The Roman Catholic religion is established, but others are tolerated. Primary education is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 14. There are six normal schools, one in the capital and five throughout the country, and a university in Asuncion. Spanish is the universal language.

Tobacco is one of the leading crops. Cotton raising possibilities are great, the fertile soil assuring large yields. The livestock industry is growing. Latest statistics show that Paraguay has about 4,000,000 cattle, excluding hogs and other livestock. Several saladeros, or beef curing establishments, are located near Asuncion.

The chief exports are oranges, yerba mate, timber, hides, tobacco, beef products, quebracho wood, cotton, tannin, lace and vegetable oils. Chief imports are textiles, foodstuffs, hardware, fancy goods, wines and spirits, pharmaceutical products, automobiles, ready-made clothing and hats.

The monetary unit is the Argentine peso with an average value of $.24. The budget (1936-1937) balanced at 10,732,862 gold pesos.


With a

(REPUBLICA DEL PERU) Capital, Lima-Area, 532,000 square miles-Population (1940) 7,000,000 Peru, situated on the Pacific coast of South America, is bounded on the north by Ecuador, on the northeast and east by Colombia and Brazil, and on the southeast by Bolivia; at its southernmost tip is the narrow Republic of Chile. Pacific coastline of 1,410 miles and an extreme width, from coast to eastern jungle, of about 800 miles, it is the fourth nation in population and third in size in South America. Culturally it is the oldest of the South American nations, having been for centuries the leading political power on the continent, first as the center of the Inca Empire; later as Spain's foremost viceroyalty in the New World.

sugar production was 389,080 metric tons. Wheat, rice, potatoes, beans, barley and quinua are also raised. Corn, native to Peru, is grown throughout the country, forming a staple food for a large part of the Indian population.

Here the Andes reach their highest altitudes. seven peaks towering above 19,000 feet. The 30mile wide strip of land along the Pacific is a desert except as it is irrigated from streams from the mountains; the uplands or western slopes of the Andes are well watered and also the eastern descent to the Amazon basin, tropical lowlands, very fertile, thickly wooded in parts with much wild rubber, and thinly populated. Iquitos, the capital of this district, is over 2,000 miles up the


Lima, the capital, has a population of 500,000. Called "City of the Kings", it is the most important commercial center of the country. Callao (80,000 population), important industrially and the chief seaport, is connected with the capital by two railroads and three highways. Arequipa (75,000) ranks third in commercial importance, being surpassed only by the Lima-Callao district in manufacturing.

Though agricultural and pastoral products comprise only 40% of the value of the total exports, 85% of the population is dependent, directly or indirectly, upon them by agriculture and stock raising.

The chief crop and leading agricultural export is cotton and averages 20% of the country's total exports. About 100.000 persons are engaged in the industry. Second only to cotton as a money crop is sugar. With 130.000 acres devoted to sugar cane, the production of cane amounts to more than three million metric tons; 80% of the crop is exported. For the same period (1937)

Of the total arable area of 29,460,000 acres it is estimated that only 3,617,000 acres (12%) are actually under cultivation.

The mountains are rich in minerals and many valuable mines, some dating back to the Incas. are being worked. The country is the largest producer in the world of vanadium. Petroleum and its derivatives account for nearly half of the value of total mineral production. Copper, gold and silver are also mined and (1937) the country ranked fourth in the world production of silver. Mineral production (1937) was valued at $72,042,782.

An effort to revive the production of rubber was made (1941) with the help of the United States. There are thousands of rubber trees in the forests near the Amazon and experienced workers have been sent to these districts to train natives in the tapping of the trees and routine plantation rubber production.

The chief exports are crude petroleum and petroleum derivatives, sugar, copper bars and cotton; imports are machinery and vehicles, foodstuffs, textiles, metals and products, chemicals, dyes and paints.

The President, Manuel Prado, was elected (Dec. 8, 1939) to succeed Gen. Oscar Benavides, who was elected by Congress (1933) to fill out the unexpired term, three and a half years, of President Luis M. Sanchez Cerro, who was assassinated that day, to succeed him. His term expires July 28, 1945.

By the Constitution (April 9, 1933) the government consists of a President and two Vice-Presidents, elected by direct suffrage for a period of six years and are barred from re-election. National legislative authority is vested in a Congress composed of a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate. The number of members in each determined by law, and elections are for six years. Chamber members must be at least 25 years of age: Senate members at least 35 years of age, and all must be native-born Peruvians and in possession of the right to vote.


Religious liberty prevails but the Roman Catholic religion is protected by the State.

Suffrage is granted to literate citizens, and, in municipal elections, to adult or married women. Voting is compulsory for literate males between the ages of 21 and 60.

Education is free and compulsory between the ages of 7 and 14. There are over 470,000 pupils in the elementary schools. The University of San Marcos (founded May, 1551) is the oldest institution of higher learning in the Western Hemisphere.

About sixty per cent of the population is Inof dian; the white, (10%) is predominantly Spanish descent. The remainder are chiefly mestizos.

Spanish is the official language, but a large part

of the Indian population still speaks Quechua or Aymara.

Military service is compulsory in event of war with two years in the active army between the ages of 18 and 20; between 20 and 29 in the active army reserve; between 29 and 39 in the national guard and between 39 and 45 in the territorial guard. The Army consists of approximately 10,000 men. The Navy is composed of two cruisers, two destroyers, four U. S. built submarines and gunboats and river craft. The Air Force has 140 planes. The Navy and Air Force are advised by U. S. missions.

The monetary unit is the sol with an average value of $.155. The budget (1940-1941) is estimated to balance at 279,375,300 sols.



Captial, Warsaw-Area, 150,470 square miles-Population (Jan. 1, 1939) 34,775,698 Poland, a kingdom whose history dates from 966, and a great power from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century, in four partitions (1772, 1793, 1795 and 1939) was apportioned among Prussia, Russia and Austria and Germany and Russia. Overrun by the Austro-German armies in the World War its independence (self-declared on Nov. 9, 1918) was recognized by the Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1919) by the Council of Ambassadors' orders under it and by the Treaty of Riga. The territory detached from Prussia and returned aggregated 6,973 square miles and included Pomorze, the Polish Corridor, and, by plebiscite, Upper Silesia; from Russia, 101,196 square miles; and from Austria, 30,914 square miles. When Polish Gen. Zeligoroski seized Vilna (Wilno) the old capital of Lithuania with its surrounding territory by a raid in (October, 1920) the Council of Ambassadors finally handed it over to Poland (March 15, 1923). This added 11,140 square miles. Poland annexed from Czecho-Slovakia (1938) 419 square miles with a population of 241,698.

with a population of approximately 22,500,000-all the territory ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles. To the U. S. S. R. went some 78,000 square miles of territory with a population of 12,775,000. The territory gained by Russia comprised portions of White Russia and the Western Ukraine, all of which was annexed by the U. S. S. R.

Poland and Russia signed an agreement, in London (July 30, 1941) abrogating the GermanRussian accord partitioning Poland.

Poland is bounded on the north by Germany, the Baltic Sea, Danzig, East Prussia, Lithuania and Latvia; on the east by Soviet Russia, on the south by Rumania, Czecho-Slovakia and Germany, and on the west by Germany.

Access to Free City of Danzig (Gdanski), formerly of the German Empire. as a port on the Baltic Sea, was granted by the Treaty of Versailles. and Danzig was brought (1922) within the Polish customs frontier.

Sixty-five per cent. of the population engages in agriculture. There are approximately 44,478,000 acres arable; 13,000,000 pastures; 22,153,000 forests; uses. The chief 9,000,000 gardens and other crops are wheat, rye, barley, oats, potatoes, sugar beets, flax, hemp, hops and chicory. Forests cover 23% of the country and contain Scotch pine, spruce, fir, larch; deciduous trees, beech, oak, Woodand others. alder, birch, elm,


working industries are important.
Poland possesses great mineral wealth, particu-
larly coal, besides iron, lignite, petroleum, natural
gas, salt, potassium salts and zinc.

Germany and Russia invaded and conquered
Poland (Sept. 1-27, 1939). A treaty of partition
(the fourth partition of Poland) was signed by
Germany and the U. S. S. R. (Sept. 29) by which
It is es-
they divided the country between each.
timated that Germany received 72,500 square miles

Silesia, one of the countries returned to Germany, was divided (1941) into two provinces, Upper Silesia and Lower Silesia. The population of the two provinces (1941) was estimated at 7,500,000. Kattowitz is the seat of government of Upper Silesia, which includes the districts of Kattowitz and Breslau is the seat of Lower Silesia, Oppeln. which includes the districts of Breslau and Liegnitz. About one-third of the German-occupied area of Poland has been incorporated into the Reich as the districts of Danzig-West Prussia and Warthe. The rest of German-occupied Poland was made a "Governor-Generalcy". Dr. Hans Frank is the German Governor-General.

The German Government expropriated (1940) all landed estates. The section awarded to the U. S. S. R., with Warsaw as the capital, was occupied by the Germans (1941) in the war between Russia

and the German Reich.

A Government-in-Exile was formed by Poles in Paris (Sept. 30, 1939) with Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz as President and Wladyslaw Sikorski as Premier. The new Government moved to Bordeaux with the French (June 14, 1940) and later estabItshed itself in London. Poland participated for the first time (April 23) in the deliberations of the Allied Supreme War Council. The Poles have formed a Polish Legion attached and fighting with the Allies against the Axis Powers. A military agreement of cooperation was signed between Great Britain and Poland (Aug. 5).

Education was free and compulsory in the Polish
There were universities in Warsaw,
Lwow, Cracow, Posnan (Posen), Wilno (Vilna),

and Lublin.

The Polish Census (1931) reported 20,670,100 (64.8 per cent) Catholics; 3,336,200 (10.4 per cent) Greek Catholics: 3,762,500 (11.8 per cent) Orthodox: 3,113,900 (9.8 per cent) Jews: 835,200 (2.6 per cent) Protestants and other religions, 197,900 (.6 per cent).



Capital, Lisbon-Area, 35,490 square miles-Population (est. 1939), 7,460,195 Portugal occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, being bounded on the north and east by Spain and on the south and west by the Atlantic Ocean. The Azores and Madeira Islands, in the North Atlantic, are politically an integral part of the republic. The country is mountainous. About one-third of the land is cultivated. Vineyards abound, and wines, olive oil and fruit are largely produced.

drove King Manoel II, from the throne and a republic was proclaimed.

Wine-making is the chief industry. Forests of pine, oak, cork and chestnut cover 19% of the country, and cork, of which the average annual production is 140,000 metric tons, is the second largest industry. Portugal has much mineral wealth (including coal, pyrites, lead, copper, tin, wolfram, kaolin, sulphur, lithium, titanium), which is undeveloped because of a scarcity of electric The sardine fisheries power and transportation. are important. Hides and wool are exported. Portugal, an independent state since the twelfth century, was a kingdom until a revolution (1910)

The new constitution (1934) replacing one adopted by plebiscite (1933) provides some features of "Corporative State." At the election (Dec. 16, 1934) only one list of candidates selected by Government committees was presented. Republicans and Socialists abstained. Two assemblies of 90 members each were chosen-the first, the National Assembly, to exercise legislative and financial powers. by direct election by heads of families regardless of sex: the second, the Corporative Chamber, chosen through a system of guild or syndical representation. The Corporative Chamber deals with economic and social matters, and reviews some legislation. The Assembly may override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds vote. A Council of National Defense was created and a Council of the Colonial Empire to co-ordinate activities. The President has a Council of State to advise him, consisting of the Premier, the

Presidents of the National Assembly and the Supreme Court, the Procurator General, the VicePresident of the Supreme Council of Public Administration and five life members named by the President.

The President is General Antonio Oscar de Fragoso Carmona; (elected Nov. 29, 1926) (re-elected March 25, 1928) and (Feb. 17, 1935) for a 7 year term.

Suffrage is extended to males and females with certain educational or tax payment qualifications. Military service is compulsory between the ages of 17 to 45. The total peace time strength (July, 1939) was 2,551 officers and 26.424 in other ranks. The navy consists of seven escort vessels, seven

PORTUGUESE Portuguese India includes Goa (capital, Nova Goa or Pangin), on the Malabar coast; Damao, near Bombay; and Diu, a small island 140 miles from Damao. There is a total area of 1537 square miles and a population of 601,000. Salt is produced in Goa and Damao, and manganese near Mormugao, where there are 200 mines. Other exports are cocoanuts, fish, spices, caju-nuts, and copra.

Macao, China, with an area of six square miles, is on an island of the same name at the mouth of the Canton River. It has 200,000 population, 4,000 of which are Portuguese; the rest Chinese.

Portuguese Timor is the eastern part of the Malay Island of that name, off the north coast of Australia, Holland having the western part. The area is 7,330 square miles and the population (1936) was 463,796. Exports are coffee, sandalwood, sandal root, copra and wax.

The Cape Verde Islands in the North Atlantic, longitude 25, latitude 15°, are 15 in number. The total area is 1,557 square miles and the population (1936) 162,055, of which about 6,318 are white. Chief products are coffee, medicinal products, hides, fruit and grain.

Portuguese Guinea, on the coast of Senegambia. (chief port, Bissau) has an area of 13.944 square miles and a population (1938) of 415,220. Chief exports are rubber, wax, oils, ivory and hides.

The Islands of San Tome (population, 1936, 52,100) and Principe (population, 6,900), about 125 miles off the west coast of Africa in the Gulf of Guinea, form a province under a Governor. The islands have an area of 384 square miles. Chief products are cacao, coffee, rubber and cinchona. Angola, Portuguese West Africa, has a 1,000-mile

gunboats, six destroyers, three submarines, and minor craft. There is a navy flying service with 24 planes (Dec., 1938). The navy personnel is 6,250 officers and men.

The dominant religion is Roman Catholic; there is freedom of worship. There are three universities. The monetary unit is the escudo with an average value of $.04. Government revenue (1941) is estimated at 2,783,700,000 escudos with expenditures of 2,783,200,000.

The area of the Azores is 922 square miles with a population (1930) of 232,012. The area of the Madeira Islands is 314 square miles with a population (1930) of 211,610.


coast line stretching south from the mouth of the
Congo. It is governed by a High Commissioner,
with large powers. The Portuguese have owned it
since 1575. Its area is 481,226 square miles.
The capital was moved (1928) from unhealthy
Loanda where it had been for 350 years to Nova
Lisboa, nearly a mile above sea level and 225 miles
inland on the railway.

The native population numbered (1936) 3,484,300 and there are about 59,000 Europeans.

Chief products are coffee, rubber, wax, sugar, oil seeds, cocoanuts, ivory, cattle, fish, tobacco for local use, cotton, petroleum and asphalt. Diamonds are mined and exported principally to Belgium. There are large deposits of malachite copper, iron and salt, and gold has been found. Portugal supplies from 45% to 50% of the imports.

The unit of currency is the angolar, which equals one escudo; a thousand are known as a conto. The budget (1939) balanced at 255,990,232 angolars.

Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, extends from Cape Delgado (10° 40' south latitude) to the Union of South Africa. To the west lies the Union of South Africa and Rhodesia (British). On the north is Tanganyika, formerly German East Africa, but surrendered to the British (November, 1919). More than 400 square miles of that territory, the Kionga Triangle, was transferred to Mozambique (1919)

Mozambique has 297,654 square miles, and a population (1936) of 4,995,750, of which 120.750 were Europeans. The capital is Lourenco Marques. The budget (1939) balanced at 589,383,545 escudos. Chief products are sugar, cocoanuts, and beeswax. Coal deposits exist. It has vast natural resources practically untouched.



Capital, Bucharest-Area, 75,400 square miles-Population (1940) 14,098,850 Rumania, whose history began in 101 A.D. with the Roman colonization of the Dacian Kingdom, was formed by the union (Jan. 24, 1859) of the principalities of Wallachia (Muntenia) and Moldavia; proclaimed her independence (May 10, 1877) during the Russo-Turkish War from Turkish suzerainty, acknowledged through mutual assistance pacts in the 16th century, and by the Treaty of Berlin (1878) lost for the second time Bessarabia to Russia, receiving in compensation Dobrudja from Turkey. The World War, which she entered on the side of the Allies (Aug. 28, 1916), resulted in the return of Bessarabia, the addition Transylvania with part of the Banat of Timisoara, the Crisana and Maramures from Hungary (which the latter held from Austria since 1867), and the restoration of Bukowina lost to Austria in 1775. Bessarabia (17,325 sq. mi.) and Northern Bukowina (2,035 sq. mi.), with a combined population of 3,748,063, of whom 52.4% are Rumanians and 10.5% Russians, were occupied by the U. S. S. R. armies following an ultimatum (June, 1940). Rumania returned to Bulgaria (1940) the two Southern Dobrudja counties won by the Treaty of Bucharest (1913) with an area of some 3,000 sq. mi... and

Rumanian territory. The Carpathian mountains extend southward from Bukowina to Buzau, thence westward to Orsova on the Danube.

According to the Constitution (Feb. 27, 1938) the Government is vested in a King, a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies. The King of Rumania is Michael I (born Oct. 25, 1921), only son of exKing Carol II, who abdicated (Sept. 6, 1940), and of Princess (now Queen-Mother) Helen of Greece. Under the Constitution all citizens, irrespective of race or creed, are equal before the law. Rumanian may undermine the established Government, advocate the seizure of personal property and exemption from taxation, or foment class struggle. Political propaganda through the churches is also prohibited. Freedom of thought, education, press and peaceful assembly is guaranteed to all.


& population (1930) of 408,900. By the German-Italian arbitration decision of Vienna (Aug. 30, 1940), Rumania lost to Hungary the entire Transylvanian counties of Salaj. Satu Mare, Maramures, Nassaud, Ciuc and Trei Scaune, with parts of five other districts, area 17,300 sq. mi.. population 2,395,153, of whom 50.2% are Rumanians and 37.1% Hungarians.

Rumanía is bounded on the north by the U. S. 8. R., on the east by the Ukraine and the Black Sea, on the south by Bulgaria, and on the west by Yugoslavia and Hungary. For 243 miles the Danube forms her southern boundary; for 190 miles, from Calarasi to the Black Sea. it flows through


Qualified citizens, male and female, over 30 years old, elect every six years by secret ballot a Chamber of Deputies as popular representatives of agriculture and labor, commerce and industry, and the professions. Nine-year term membership in the Senate is half elective, half appointive, among the appointed members being the royal family, the Patriarch and diocesan bishops of the State Orthodox Church, heads of other creeds with at least 200,000 communicants and former high State dignitaries. The judiciary, headed by a High Court of Cassation and Justice, are non-removable.

The government of Octavian Goga (Dec. 29, 1937-Feb. 11, 1938) followed the liberal Tatarescu cabinet that failed to obtain a parliamentary majority in the elections (Dec. 20, 1937). Gogo in turn was succeeded by Patriarch Dr. Miron Christea, upon whose death (March 7, 1939) VicePremier Armand Calinescu became Prime Minister. Calinescu, who insisted on neutrality in the war between Germany and Poland, was assassinated by a youthful band of Iron Guardists, a German sympathizing political organization, and was suc

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