In such low mood it chanced I gazed, Where o'er the arch a tablet saith How Frederic had that garden raised For his young bride Elizabeth.
That name had sacred powers to wake Such thoughts in me as could none other, If 'twere but for the honored sake Of her and of her martyred brother.
For she was child of England's king, And to her home beyond the water, A high-enduring soul did bring,
As might beseem a Stuart's daughter.
And many an uncomplaining year She bore her heritage of woes; But 'twas more dear a memory yet Which at that name's sweet bidding rose.
Thou gentle soul, so early gone!
'Twas thou didst look upon me then,
And I was glad I was alone,
A wanderer among foreign men.
THOU wert the first of all I knew To pass unto the dead, And Paradise hath seemed more true, And come down closer to my view, Since there thy presence fled.
The whispers of thy gentle soul At silent lonely hours,
Like some sweet saint-bell's distant toll Come o'er the waters as they roll Betwixt thy world and ours.
Oh! still my spirit clings to thee And feels thee at my side, Like a green ivy, when the tree It's shoots had clasped so lovingly, Within its arms hath died:
And ever round that lifeless thing Where first their clusters grew, Close as while yet it lived they cling,
And shrine it in a second spring Of lustre dark and new.
The following Latin lines were written by Lord Wellesley, for his own Epitaph, and given to Dr. Goodall, Provost of Eton College.
"FORTUNE rerumque vagis exercitus undis,
" In gremium redeo, serus, Etona, tuum:
Magna sequi, et summæ minari culmina famæ,
"Et purum antiquæ lucis adire jubar,
"Auspice te didici puer; atque in limine vitæ "Ingenuas veræ laudis amare vias.
"Siqua meum vitæ decursu gloria nomen "Auxerit, aut siquis nobilitaret honos,
"Muneris, Alma, tui est: altrix da terra sepulchrum, "Supremam lacrymam da! memoremque mei!
"Kingston-house, January 5, 1842."
"THRO' life on fortune's varied waters cast, "To Eton's bosom I return at last-
"By her in childhood taught the steep to climb "Of lofty fame-to search the 'olden time'- "And, led by virtue's pure and fostering rays, "To track the ascending path of well-earned praise. "If glory's beams have played around my name, "And made me soar aloft on wings of fame- "Nurse of my youth! the praise be wholly thine! "The peaceful nook of earth and parting tear be mine!"
THIS cannot be the sleep of death, Or sure it must be sweet to die; So soft, this holy roof beneath, On such a quiet couch to lie.
Each gently pressing, gently prest, To slumber in each other's arms; This shrinking to her sister's breast, For shelter from all earth's alarms,
With such entire and perfect rest, That e'en in sleep she seems to say, " I shall rest safe, I know I must, My Ellen holds me night and day."
The other with maturer grace,
In dawn of thoughtful womanhood, Half upwards turns her fair, meek face, As if an angel o'er her stood.
As calm her brow, as sure her faith, But more than infants use, she knew (If right I guess) of life and death, Of death and resurrection too.
Already now her ear began
The depth of solemn sound to trace, The thrilling joys that round her ran, When music filled this holy place.
Yon dark-arched galleries, high aloof, The glory and the mystery Of "long-drawn aisle and vaulted roof Already caught her wondering eye.
And she would gaze when morning's glow Through yonder glorious panes was streaming, As if in every niche below
Saints in their glory robes were gleaming.
To thee, dear maid, each kindly wile Was known that elder sisters know, To check th' unseasonable smile
With warning hand and serious brow.
From dream to dream with her to rove, Like fairy nurse with hermit child, Teach her to think, to pray, to love, Make grief less bitter, joy less wild :
These were thy tasks; and who can say What visions high, what solemn talk, What flashes of unearthly day
Might bless those infants' evening walk.
Oft as with arms and hearts entwined, They mused aloud, this twilight hour, What awful truths high God hath shrined In every star, and cloud, and flower.
But one day, when the glorious theme Seemed but to mock their feeble sight, As they looked up from earth's dark dream, To worlds where all is pure and bright,
Strong in the strength of infancy, In little children's wisdom wise, They heard a voice say "Come to me; Yours is the kingdom of the skies!"
They speed them home, one prayer they breathe, Then down in peace together lie : This cannot be the sleep of death, Or sure it must be sweet to die.
[N.B. The figures within Crotchets refer to the History.]
ABDUCTION of Miss Crellin at Liver
pool, 63 Accidents by pistol-shot at Liverpool, 8; at Liverpool, four lives lost, 14; in Drury-lane, by falling of houses, 21; at Liverpool, by fall of a cask, 22; on the Medway, 26; in escaping from a workhouse, 37; explosion of D'Ernst's firework factory, four lives lost, 38; at Wombwell's menagerie, 56; on Fish-street-hill, 62; at South- western Railway tunnel, 62; to Mr. Burton in Hyde-park, 71; to Rev. W. Jeans, at Cumæ, 73; from lock- jaw, 75; from machinery at Kenning- ton, 80; explosion of a distillery, 81; frightful railway accidentat Versailles, 83; on the Thames, 89; the sons of Mr. Justice Pennefather drowned near Dublin, 92; from fire-arms at Ches- terfield, 93; on Milnthorpe Sands, 95; at Beaumaris, fourteen persons drowned, 99; explosion at Apotheca- ries' Hall, 101; H. R. H. the Duke of Orleans killed at Paris, 124; at Liverpool, curious escape, 142; to rt. hon. W. E. Gladstone, 151; to Mr. Hardinge, 151; boiler explosion, 165; to Sir W. Geary, 165; on Brand. ling Junction Railway, 170; at a pa- per-mill, 184; from an attack of a ram, 184; to the Cheltenham Hunt, 191; at Galway, by panic, many lives lost, 199
Acrs, list of, Session, 1842, 361 AFFGHANISTAN-See INDIA Affray with poachers, 185 Agricultural Association, at Bristol, 122 Antiquities: ancient Highland dungeon, 39
Assets and liabilities of the Bank, 379
Bankruptcy Act, legal appointment, 167
Bankruptcies and insolvencies, 1842, 378
BAVARIA Inauguration of the Valhalla, its object and origin, [305]
Benevolent Institution, receipts of for the year, 129 Bills of mortality, 378 BIRTHS, 204
Bishops for the Colonies-Pastoral Let- ter of the Bishop of London, 39; de- claration at Lambeth respecting it, 41; consecration of, 138; recep- tion of the Bishop of New Zealand, 186
Burglary, in Cheapside, 79
Calcutta, cathedral of, 57 Cambridge, H. R. H. the Duke of, loses his star at Cambridge, 121 CANADA - Principles of Lord Syden- ham's Administration, State of Par- ties, [332]; Sir C. Bagot appointed Governor-General, [333]; opens United Parliament, [333]; attempt at conciliation, [333]; dangerous ill- ness of Sir C. Bagot, and death, [304]; Canada Corn-duties, [335] Census of Ireland, 384 Chartist Demonstration, 77; camp- meeting near Blackburn, 102; near Burnley, 107; leaders arrested, 157; female, 163; Miss Mary Anne Wal- ker, 187
Chatham, outrage on military at, 111 Chimney-Sweepers Act, 81 CHINA-British squadron sails from Hong Kong, attacks and captures Amoy, [264]; Sir H. Pottinger's Proclamation, [266]; arrives at Chu- san and takes Tinghae, [266]; takes Chinghae by assault, [267]; and Ningpo, [268]; attack of the Chinese on Ningpo defeated, [269]; takes Chapoo, enters the Yang-tse_river, [270]; takes Chin-keang-foo, [273]; prepares to attack Nankin, suspension of hostilities, [274]; Negociations for peace, terms of the treaty, [275]; report from the Chinese Commis sioners to the Emperor, [275] Church-building, interesting anecdote, 197
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