Enter SIR HUGH EVANS, like a satyr; MRS. QUICKLY, and PISTOL; ANNE PAGE, as the fairy queen, at tended by her brother and others, dressed like fairies, with waxen tapers on their heads. Mrs. Quick. Fairies, black, grey, green, and white, You moonshine revellers, and shades of night, You orphan-heirs of fixed destiny,1 Attend your office, and your quality.2 Crier Hobgoblin, make the fairy o-yes.3 Pis. Elves, list your names; silence, you airy toys. Cricket, to Windsor chimneys shalt thou leap: Where fires thou find'st unraked, and hearths un swept, There pinch the maids as blue as bilberry : Our radiant queen hates sluts, and sluttery. 4 Fal. They are fairies; he, that speaks to them, shall die: I'll wink and couch. No man their works must eye. [lies down on his face. Evans. Where's Pede ?-Go you, and where you find a maid, That, ere she sleep, has thrice her prayers said, Sleep she as sound as careless infancy; Orphans in respect of your real parents, and now dependent only on Destiny herself.'-Farmer. 2 Companions. 3 The usual proclamation. • A sweet shrub, called a whortleberry. But those as sleep, and think not on their sins, Pinch them, arms, legs, backs, shoulders, sides, and shins. Mrs. Quick. About, about; Search Windsor Castle, elves, within and out: The several chairs of order look you scour 2 The expressure that it bears, green let it be, And Hony soit qui mal y pense, write, In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue, and white; Evans. Pray you, lock hand in hand; yourselves in order set: And twenty glow-worms shall our lanterns be, Sinirke del MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR Sir John Falstaff, M Ford M Page Sir Hugh Evans Finter Anne Page &c. Act 7 Scer V To guide our measure round about the trec. Fal. Heavens defend me from that Welsh fairy, lest he transform me to a piece of cheese! Pis. Vile worm, thou wast o'er-look'd even in thy birth.1 Mrs. Quick. With trial-fire touch me his finger-end: If he be chaste, the flame will back descend, And turn him to no pain; but if he start, Pis. A trial, come. Evans. Come, will this wood take fire? Fal. Oh, oh, oh! [They burn him with their tapers. Mrs. Quick. Corrupt, corrupt, and tainted in desire! About him, fairies; sing a scornful rhyme : And, as you trip, still pinch him to your time. Evans. It is right; indeed he is full of lecheries Fie on lust and luxury! Lust is but a bloody fire,2 Kindled with unchaste desire, Fed in heart; whose flames aspire, As thoughts do blow them higher and higher. Pinch him, fairies, mutually; Pinch him for his villany; Pinch nim, and burn him, and turn him about, Till candles, and star-light, and moonshine be out. During this song, the fairies pinch Falstaff. Doctor Slighted as soon as born. 2 A fire in the blood. |