Thy banks with pioned and twilled brims,' Whose shadow the dismissed bachelor loves, To come and sport: her peacocks fly amain; Enter CERES. 5 Cer. Hail, many-color'd messenger, that ne'er Who, with thy saffron wings, upon my flowers It is conjectured that by pioned and twilled brims Shakspeare meant banks fringed with pionies and thicklymatted grass, resembling the stuff called twilled cloth, in which the cords appear closely twisted together. 2 Command. 3 Forsaken of his mistress. The pole embraced by the vines. 5 With vigor. • Woody. And some donation freely to estate1 Cer. Tell me, heavenly bow, If Venus, or her son, as thou dost know, Do now attend the queen? Since they did plot Be not afraid I met her deity Cutting the clouds towards Paphos; and her son Dove-drawn with her: here thought they to have done Some wanton charm upon this man and maid, Her waspish-headed son has broke his arrows, rows, And be a boy right out. Cer. Highest queen of state, Great Juno comes; I know her by her gait. Enter JUNO. Juno. How does my bounteous sister? Go with me, To bless this twain, that they may prosperous be, And honor'd in their issue. SONG. June. Honor, riches, marriage-blessing, Juno sings her blessings on you. Cer. Earth's increase, and foison plenty; Vines, with clustering bunches growing; Scarcity and want shall shun you; Fer. This is a most majestic vision, and Sɔ rare a wonder'd 2 father, and a wife, Make this place Paradise. [Juno and Ceres whisper, and send Iris on employment. Pro. Sweet now, silence: Juno and Ceres whisper seriously; There's something else to do: hush, and be mute, Or else our spell is marr❜d. Iris. You nymphs, call'd Naiads, of the wandering brooks, With your sedged crowns, and ever-harmless looks. Abundance. 2 Able to produce such wonders |