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References are to pages

tive, referendum, and recall, 380; | Citizens, defined, 24 note; privileges
educational rank of, 411.
and immunities of, 45, 442, 449; con-
Campaign, political, funds for, 236, troversies between, 194, 447.
237; expenditure, 237, 238; local Citizenship vs. suffrage, 352;
methods, 366.
qualifications for federal office, 429,

Canals, federal power to construct,
82, 118; Panama, 223; Panama tolls,
118 note.

Candidates, presidential, nomina-
tion of, 107. See Convention, and
Primary, direct.

Capital punishment, State law, 292,
293 (2); English, 299.
Capitals, State, 267.

Capitation tax. See Poll Taxes.
Caucus, federal legislative, 100;
State legislative, 257; New England
town, 316; political, 367.
Census, cost, contents, and impor-
tance, 9, 10; Bureau of, 173; consti-
tutional provision, 430.
See Committee,



Civil procedure. See Procedure,


Civil rights, defined, 206; beyond
control of Congress and States, 206;
beyond control of Congress, 208;
beyond control of States, 209: be-
yond control of State legislatures,
210; religious liberty, 210; freedom
of speech and press, 211; right to
assemble and to petition, 211; ha-
beas corpus, 212.

Civil service, city provisions for,
337, 339.

Civil Service Commission, 182.
Civil service rules, 183.
na- Claims, Court of, 193, 199, 202.

tional; State.
Charities, city federated, 426 (1).
Charter, colonies, 29; village, 328;
city, home rule, 341; Galveston, 335,
Dayton, 339.

Checks and balances, system of,
47; criticism of, 47.
Chemistry, Bureau of, 173.
Chief Justice of Supreme Court,

197, 431; picture of, frontispiece.
Children's Bureau, 176.

Chinese excluded, 175.

Chisholm vs. Georgia, 194 note.

Cincinnati University, industrial
training in, 406.

Clerks, of federal courts, 202; of
State courts, 291; county, 310–312;
town, 318; village, 329.
Cleveland, short ballot, 377.
Coast Guard Service, 136 note, 140

Coins, currency, 142-144; purchase
of metal for, 143; subsidiary,
144; minor, 144; profit on, 137
note; constitutional provisions, 434,

Colonial government in America,
28, 29.

Colonies of the United States,
216, 225.

Circuit courts, federal, abolished, Colorado, constitutional amendment

196 note; State, 279.

Circuit Courts of Appeals, federal,
193, 196.

Cities, defined, 330; growth of, 330;
government of, 330-348, 380 note;
council-mayor type, 331-334; com-
mission type, 334-338; manager type,
338-340; mayor, 333, 336, 340; coun-
cil, 255, 331-335, 338; ordinances,
247, 332, 335, 339; home rule, 341;
problems of, 341, 351, 400; taxes in,
388; industrial training in, 405.

[blocks in formation]

References are to pages

386; interstate, 70, 386; interstate
commission, 73-75; federal regula-
tion of, 70-75, 434, 436; tonnage,

Commerce, department of, 173; sec-
retary of, 173.

37; Second Continental, 31, 37; Con-
federate, 31.

Congress, United States, 53-65;
composed of two houses, 53-55;
sessions of, 55; House of Repre-
sentatives, 56-61; Senate, 61-63;
compensation of members, 63-64;
convenes, 65, 89; number of, 66, 67;
sole powers, 47, 65; powers of, 69-
84; in action, 89-100; rules of pro-
cedure, 91; investigations for, 188,
190; restrictions on, 208-210; ad-
journment, 432, 440; constitutional
provisions, 429-437; searchlight on,
101, 265 (9).

Commission, 179-190. See Interstate
Commerce, District of Columbia,
Civil Service, Federal Trade, and
Commissioner, of Indian affairs,
169; of Porto Rico, 221.
Commissioners, district court, 202;
of the Philippines, 223; county board
of, 304, 305 (table).
Commission government, advo-
cated for States, 261, 262; of cities,
334-338, 341; Galveston, 334-336;
Des Moines, 336-338.
Commissions, President's power to Congressional townships, 321.
grant, 440.

Committee (party), National, 227,
232, 235-237; Congressional Cam-
paign, 236; State, 227, 232, 236;
local, 236.

Committees, in Congress, 92-94;
clerks of, 64; Ways and Means, 93,
95, 96, 97, 99 note, 190; of the Whole,
96, 96 note; appropriating, 98.
Committees of National Conven-
tion, 234.

Committees, State legislative, 257;
city council, 332.
Common law, 247, 248, 447.
Common Pleas Courts, 279.
Compensation, of congressmen, 63,
432, 439; of federal judges, 201, 202,
440; of State legislators, 253, 254;
taking property without just, 255
note, 446.

Comptroller, of the Treasury, 141;
of the Currency, 145, 185; State, 274.
Compulsory education, 395.
Concurrent powers, 41 note, 51.
Concurrent resolutions, 433, 434.

Concurrent jurisdiction, 198.

Congressional Campaign Com-
mittee, 236.

Congressional Record, 95; reprints
of, 64 note, 67 (7),

Connecticut, colonial government
of, 29-30; ratified federal constitu-
tion, 37 note; colonial charter, 241;
constitutional amendment process,
244 note; legislature, 254; governor,
267; board of commissioners, 304;
county officers, 310; boroughs and
townships, 327; suffrage restric-
tions, 354 note, 360; educational
rank of, 411.

Constitutional Convention, fed-
eral, 34-36; State, 241.
Constitution, United States, origin
of, 28-38; ratification of, 37 note;
methods of amending, 48, 49, 231
(14), 443; interpretation of, 49, 69,
82; supremacy of, 43, 246, 247,

Constitutions, State, 241–248; origin
of, 241; analysis of, 242; revision of,
242-245, 250; present tendencies,
245; authority of, 246, 247.
Consular jurisdiction, 132.
Consuls, appointment of, 131; func-
tions of, 9, 132; cases affecting, 197,

Confederation, American, 31, 40; Continental congresses, 30, 31, 37.

Articles of, 31, 34, 37.

Conference of Governors, 273-274.
Congress, First Continental, 30, 31,

Contract labor, exclusion of, 175.
Contracts, obligations of, 209, 437.
Convention, Cook county, 367 note.

References are to pages.

Decree, in equity, 292.

Convention, federal constitutional, Declaration of Independence, 31,
34, 443; national party, 231-235,| 37.
Conventions, State constitutional,
242; present tendencies of, 245;
authority of, 246-248; New Jersey
party, 383 (7).

Copyrights, power of Congress over,
42, 435; defined, 81; foreign, 170;
register of, 190 note.
Coroner, 309-311; 282 note.
Corporations, federal tax on, 78;
contributions to campaign funds,
237; 289 note.

Cost of living, advance in, 147.
Council, village, 328; city, 331-333,
335, 338.

County, relation to State, 247, 255,
301; origin of, 301; functions of,
301; boards, 303-305; officers, 307-
313; county township system, 319-
321; taxes, 387.

County courts, 279; judges of, 310–

Court of Claims, 193, 199, 202.
Court of Customs Appeals, 193,
200, 202.

Deed, of conveyance, 324 note.
Defendant, 199, 199 note.
Defense, 429, 434.

Delaware, colonial government of,
29, 30; ratified federal constitution,
37 note; legislature, 254; governor,
267; board of commissioners, 304;
county officers, 310; constitutional
amendment process, 244 note; hun-
dreds, 319 note; suffrage restric-
tions, 354 note, 360 note; educational
rank, 411.
Delegates, territorial, 218, 219; to
national convention, 232; House of,
252; to State conventions, 242.
Democratic party, platform, 229,
358; finance, 236, 237.
Departments, executive, 127-190;
heads of, 121; constitutional provi-.
sion, 439.

Depositions, 291.

Des Moines, commission govern-
ment in, 336-338.

Diplomatic Service, 129–131.

Court of Small Claims of Chicago, Direct legislation, 261, 379.

Courts, federal, 193-202; District
Courts, 195, 201; Circuit Courts of
Appeals, 196, 201; Supreme Court,
197; special, 199–201.
Courts of Appeals, State, 279.
Courts, State, 278-286; dual system,

278; organization, 278-282; Jus-
tices', 278, 284; judges, 282; juries,

Crimes, definition, 292; felonies, 278
note, 292; misdemeanors, 278 note,
293, 294; constitutional provision,
440, 441, 446.

Criminal procedure, 294–298, 444.
Critical period, 32-34.
Currency, federal, 142-146; paper,
144-146; metallic, 142.
Customs duties, 77, 78, 137-140, 434.

Dead letter office, 163.
Debt. See Public debt.

Direct primary. See Primary,


Direct taxes, 276, 277.
District attorney, federal, 201;

State, 295, 308, 310, 311.
District courts, federal, 193-195,
202; commissioners for, 202; State,

District of Columbia, power of
Congress over, 81, 179–181, 232 note;
commission for, 179; government of,
179-181; receipts of, 137 note; ap-
propriation for, 98 note, 141; con-
stitutional provision, 435.
Domestic Relations Courts, 280.
Due process of law, 207, 208 note,
210, 446, 449.

Duties, 434, 436, 437. See Taxes.

Education, expenditure for, 8;
United States Bureau of, 169; State
superintendent of, 274; public, 394-

References are to pages


Federal reserve banks, 184, 185.
Federal Trade Commission, 187,

Federalist, The, 36.
Federalist party, 36, 37.
Feeble-minded, care of, 418.
Felony, defined, 292; 278 note, 432,

412; elementary, 394-398; compul- Federal Reserve Act, 184; board,
sory, 395; year-round schools, 396;
Gary plan, 396; secondary, 398; high
schools, 358, 397-399; higher, 400-402;
map of institutions of higher, 401;
coeducation, 400; administration of
schools, 402; revenue for, 403; in-
dustrial, 404-410; rank of States,
410-411; student loan funds, 414
Elastic clause, 82. See also "Nec- Feminism, 360.
essary and proper clause."
Filibuster, 91.
Election, of representatives, 57-60,
431; of senators, 61, 451; of presi-
dent, 104-109, 438.

Electors, meaning of, 429 note; presi-
dential, 104-109, 437, 438, 448, 450.
Ellis Island, 6, 174, 176.
Embassy, 130, 131.

Emergency fund, federal, 133.
Eminent domain, 83, 83 note, 351

Employees, federal, 112, 113.

Engraving and Printing, Bureau
of, 144, 162.
Enlistments, regular army, 153, 154;
national guard, 154; navy, 157.
Equalization of taxes, 390.
Equal protection of the laws, 210,

Equity, origin and character, 289;
suit in, 291.

Excises, 76, 77, 434, 449.

Executive, president, 46, 104–124, 437,
439; federal departments, 127-190;
governor, 266–274.

Export taxes, prohibited, 76, 386,

Ex post facto law, 206, 436, 437.
Extradition, 46, 442.

Extra legal, defined, 228 note.

Farm loan banks, federal, 141, 186.

Federal Advisory Council, 185.

Federal Bd. of Voc. Ed., 404.

Finance, party, 236-238; State, 384-
392. See Taxes.
Fines, 294, 447.
Florida, constitutional amendment
process, 244 note; legislature, 254;
governor, 267; board of commis-
sioners, 305; county officers, 311;
suffrage restrictions 354, note; di-
rect primary, 368 note; educational
rank, 411.

Foreign affairs. See State depart-
ment; also Treaties.

Foreign commerce, 70, 132, 386,

Foreign possessions, Porto Rico,
219-221; Philippines, 221-223; Pan-
ama, 223-225; Guam, Samoan,
Wake, Midway, Howland, Baker,
Guano, St. Thomas, St. Croix, St.
John, 225.

Franking privilege, 64, 68 (13),

Fraud order, 163.

Freedom of speech, 211, 214 (5 and
6); in Congress, 64, 432; in States,

255 note.

Full faith and credit clause, 44,

Galveston, commission government
in, 335, 336.

General Assembly, 251.

General Board, navy, 158.

Federal courts. See Courts, fed- General Court, New Hampshire and


Federal law, supremacy of, 43, 444;
relation to State law, 246, 247, 278,

Massachusetts, 251.
General Land Office, 167.
General property tax, 387–392.
General Staff, 152, 153.

References are to pages

Geological survey, federal, 168.
Georgia, colonial government of, 29,
30; ratified federal constitution, 37
note; constitutional amendment
process, 244 note; legislature, 254;
governor, 267; grand jury, 283 note;
ordinary, 305; county officers, 311;
militia districts, 319 note; suffrage
restrictions, 354 note, 360 note;
direct primary, 368 note; educa-
tional rank, 411.
Gerrymandering, original, 60; in
congressional districts, 59, 60; in
State legislative districts, 253.
Girls' Canning Clubs, 410.
Gold, coins, 142; purchase of, 143;
standard, 146; relation to prices,
147; legal tender, 209, 437.
Government, defined, 24, 383 (8);
importance of, 1-16; creation of a,
1; cost of national, State and local,
2; how borne, 2; increased cost of,
3; benefits of, 3-16; ownership, 23,
24; republican form of, 24, 25, 352
note, 443; democratic, 25; colonial,
28-30; federal system of, 40-50; con-
federate, 40; county, 301-314; city,

Government Printing Office, 190.
Governor, colonial, 266, 268; State,

266-274; term and salary, 267; table
of State governors, 267; executive
powers of, 268-271; messages, 271;
power to call extra sessions of legis-
lature, 272; veto power, 272; par-
doning power, 272, 273.

Governor, of Hawaii, 217; Alaska,
218; Porto Rico, 220; Panama, 225;
-General of Philippines, 222.
Governors' Conference, 273.
Grandfather clauses, 361.
Grand jury, 282–284, 446.
Greenbacks, 144.

Habeas corpus, defined, 436 note;
writ of, 45, 111, 210, 212, 255 note,

Hawaii, territorial government of,
216-218, 230, 232 note.

Health, federal protection to, 5;

State protection, 7; county protec-
tion, 7; city protection to, 7, 346–
348; United States Public Health
Service, 136 note, 422; conservation
of, 422-425.

High schools, enrollment, 358; sec-
ondary education, 397-399; agricul-
tural, 407-409; Farragut School,
407-409; student government in, 414
(4); trip, 415 (13).

Home rule, for cities, 341; for
prisoners, 427 (5).

Hospitals, county, 306, 307; town-
ship, 315; for insane, 417.
House of Representatives, federal,

35, 53, 56-61; membership, 56; elec-
tion of, 57, 65; floor plan, 57; quali-
fication of members, 60-61, 65;
term of, 57, 65; speaker, 65, 89; or-
ganization of, 89; rules of procedure,
91, 92; committees of, 92-94; journal
of, 95; first woman member, 430
note; constitutional provisions, 429–
434, 448, 450.
House of Representatives, State,
28 note; membership, privileges and
immunities, term, and salary, 252-
254; sessions of, 253, 254; powers
of, 255; organization of, 256; com-
mittees of, 257, 258.

[blocks in formation]

process, 244 note; constitution, 265
(13); legislature of, 254; governor,
267; board of commissioners, 305;
county officers, 311; suffrage re-
strictions, 354 note; woman suf-
frage, 355; direct primary, 368
note; initiative, 380; educational
rank, 411.

Illinois, constitutional amendment
process, 244 note; legislature, 254;
governor, 267; legislative power of
governor, 271; board of supervisors,
304; board of commissioners, 304;
county officers, 310; county-town-
ship conflict, 320; suffrage restric-
tions, 354 note; woman suffrage,
355; direct primary, 368 note; edu-
cational rank, 411.

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