INDEX. ~~~ Pago 2 The Form of Solemnization of Matri- 5 4 The Order for the Visitation of the 329 334 The Communion of the Sick 9 34. Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea 343 10 A Form of Prayer for the Visitation 12 18 19 23 40 A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving Selections of Psalms, to be used in- 53 Articles of Religion The Form and Manner of Making, Or- 72 The Order for the Adininistration of 350 357 359 363 399 617 626 647 651 Page Certificate The Preface The Order how the Psalter is appoint- The Order how the rest of the Holy The Calendar Tables and Rules for the Moveable Prayers and Thanksgivings upon sev- The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to . 281 The Ministration of Public Baptism of The Ministration of Private Baptism of Children, in Houses. . 312 The Ministration of Baptism to such as A Catechism; that is to say, an In- The Order of Confirmation, or Laying |