The Poetical Works of S. Johnson: With the Life of the AuthorC. Cooke - 84 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 19 筆
第 57 頁
... eternal Truth , Those who live well , and pious paths purfue , To man and to their Maker true , Let ' em expire in age or youth , Can never mifs Their way to everlasting bliss ; But from a world of mitery and care To manfions of eternal ...
... eternal Truth , Those who live well , and pious paths purfue , To man and to their Maker true , Let ' em expire in age or youth , Can never mifs Their way to everlasting bliss ; But from a world of mitery and care To manfions of eternal ...
第 65 頁
... Eternal God , almighty One , " Be thou for ever , and be thou alone , " By all thy creatures conftantly ador'd ! " Ineffable coequal Three , " Who from nonentity gave birth 270 275 " To angels and to men , to heaven and to earth , 280 ...
... Eternal God , almighty One , " Be thou for ever , and be thou alone , " By all thy creatures conftantly ador'd ! " Ineffable coequal Three , " Who from nonentity gave birth 270 275 " To angels and to men , to heaven and to earth , 280 ...
第 93 頁
... eternal vipers breed , " And , wasteless , their eternal hunger feed , " In fires too hot for falamanders dwell , " The burning earnest of a hotter hell ! " 396 400 May that vile lump of execrable luft , " Corrupt alive , and rot into ...
... eternal vipers breed , " And , wasteless , their eternal hunger feed , " In fires too hot for falamanders dwell , " The burning earnest of a hotter hell ! " 396 400 May that vile lump of execrable luft , " Corrupt alive , and rot into ...
Bold are thy ſtrokes and delicate each touch | 5 |
Confefs tis like the bright original | 11 |
THE Life of the Author 5 | 5 |
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beauty beſt beſtow boſom brave breaſt bright cauſe charms cloſe death defire Delia delight deſpair eaſe Engliſh eſſays eternal ev'ry eyes facred fafe faid fair falſe fame fate fatire fear fecret feems fighs fince fing firſt flain flame fome fons foon forrow foul fuch fure Gentleman's Magazine heaven houſe Johnfon juſt laſt leſs light live Lord Lord Chesterfield mifery mighty mind moſt mournful Muft muſic muſt ne'er noble numbers nymph o'er obferves paffion pain pity pleaſe pleaſure pow'r praiſe preſent publiſhed purfue rage raiſe reaſon reſt rife SATIRE OF JUVENAL ſcarce ſcene ſchool ſcorn ſenſe ſhade ſhall ſhare ſhe ſhews ſhine ſhore ſhould ſhow Sir John Hawkins ſkies ſky ſmiles ſome ſpirits ſpread ſpring ſtage ſtand ſtate Stella ſtill ſtrange STREPH Strephon ſuch theſe thoſe thou thought uſe vaſt virtue Whilft whoſe wife wretched youth