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(Specially from Paris.)

Steel is growing more and more popular, even bonnets and paletots are ornamented with it, the latter have patterns worked on them with steel beads; and steel tags, tassels, and buttons will no doubt be much used for ornamenting both robes and outside garments.

FIRST FIGURE. INDOOR TOILET.-Grey- tuft of flowers, is posed in the centre, and takes silk skirt, ornamented at the bottom with a deep off the rather severe effect of the flat bandelette. band of velvet or pou-de-soie. Muslin under- Sometimes the band is formed entirely of body, corselet waistband of blue velvet. Figaro feathers. jacket of the same. Muslin under-skirt, ornamented with two plaited flounces. Louis XV. slippers, with pompadour rosettes. The above toilet may be very prettily varied as to colours, and is very elegant even in less expensive materials; but whatever colour is made choice of for the jacket, and trimming of the skirt, must also be made use of for the head-dress. The latter is simply a torsade or bow of velvet in front of the head, with long ends behind or at

the side.

SECOND FIGURE OUT-DOOR TOILET.Dress of black pou-de-soie, powdered with white or yellow stars. Albanian body. Sleeves halftight, ornamented at top and bottom with tassels and gimp, the same colour as the pattern of the dress. Black velvet jacket, trimmed with fur. Empire bonnet composed of black velvet with a row of straw sequins along the edge of the front; the crown is of figured tulle, and has a narrow curtain ornamented with sequins; long square veil of figured tulle, bordered by a narrow lace.

The Empire bonnet (in its greatly modified form) seems destined to become popular, it is

now made of velvet as well as of straw, and is found not only comfortable but in a general way becoming. Bandelettes quite flat to the head and formed of velvet are much worn in place of bonnet-caps. Occasionally a butterfly, humming-bird, jet ornament, a bow of ribbon, or

Chenille of bright colours is now often used instead of ribbon in the hair, either as a Greek fillet, or in tying the waterfall. It is also worn round the neck tied at the back in long loops and ends, finished with tassels, or very large ornamental buttons.

The ever pretty, and convenient Figaro, has been renewed in favour, and promises to be the pet form of jacket for this antumn and

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POETRY received, with thanks.-"Rain;" "Troubled;"
"Dead;" "The Maiden;" "The Mother's Fore-

RECEIVED, but not yet read." Carpentium."
PROSE accepted.-"The Mice;" "Miss Peckham."
We are overwhelmed with continuous stories, which
are useless to us, and in want of short tales,
sketches, &c., which are always in request.
Declined, with thanks.-"A Word in Season" (re-

turned to author); "May Goldsmith;"" The Balti-
more's;" "The Parsee at Home;"
66 Anecdotes of
Elephants" (returned); "The Prediction;" "Miss
Joyce in the Federal Camp."

*** Books, Music, &c., for notice or review, must
be forwarded by the 10th of the month, to appear
in the following number.

All unaccepted MSS. will be returned on the receipt of stamps for the purpose.

London: Printed by Rogerson and Tuxford, 246, Strand.

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