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platform. The proceedings were commenced by singing the hymn "There is a land of pure delight," the Rev. J. F. Munro leading in devotion.

some rather spirited questioning fol lowed. The lecturer replied in a highly satisfactory manner, and a vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the The rev. chairman, as representing meeting. The second lecture was renthe donors of the free tea, gave a hearty dered more attractive to the general welcome to all present, and trusted that public on account of the Congregathey would spend a very pleasant even- tionalist minister, the Rev. A. B. ing together. The tickets had been Morris, having consented to preside. distributed to people of all churches, "The Second Coming of the Lord" was and people of no church. It had been its theme, and a most eloquent elucidatheir special desire, however, to reach tion of that subject was delivered. The the latter class. They had also invited chairman had intimated that he did not ministers of all denominations to meet approve of discussing religious subjects them, and in this they had given an on public platforms, and that questions example of that broad charity which would not be permitted. Although this was a marked feature in the faith they might have displeased some who came professed. Their earnest desire was to see to dispute, it did not hinder the them all happy, but they knew that there audience from manifesting their apcould be no happiness without goodness, preciation by hearty applause. A vote and no genuine goodness without com- of thanks to the lecturer was passed by munion with God, from whom all good- acclamation, replying to which the Rev. ness came. They had heard a great John Presland enlarged upon the kindly deal about bad trade and consequent spirit manifested by the chairman in distress, and it was not uncommon to occupying that place, which proved lay the blame of all this upon God. He that he recognised that Christian would like to impress them with the higher and truer belief that "God was love," and that all the misery in the world was the outcome of sin. They had broken the great laws of moral and spiritual health, and they were suffering in consequence. If they wanted to enjoy physical health they must obey the laws of health; and so if they desired to attain spiritual health they must obey the laws which God had given them in His Holy Word. During the evening pleasant and appropriate addresses were given by the ministers present and some influential laymen. The speeches were interspersed with music by the choir, and the fragments remaining after the feast distributed to poor families in the neighbourhood.

KEIGHLEY.—This Society, one of the oldest in the Church, though but little known, has recently received a stimulus by the visit of the Rev. John Presland, who delivered two lectures in the hall of the Mechanics' Institution on the evenings of December 18th and 19th. The first of these was upon "Heaven, Hell, and the Intermediate State," the chair being occupied by Rev. J. R. Rendell of Bradford. The audience listened with earnest attention to the very able exposition of the doctrines on this subject, and at its close

charity was broader than all the differences which might distinguish his denomination from ours, and concluded by moving a hearty vote of thanks. In his response the chairman said he need not hesitate to admit that he had for several years past been a reader of Swedenborg, and that he had the greatest respect alike for the man and his writings, and he thought that if people would read him they would be greatly benefited. The effort was a most decided success, the numbers present being between 300 and 400, and proving conclusively that the town presents a good opportunity for increased activity among the friends.

LONDON (Dalston).-The annual meeting of this Society was held in the Albion Hall on Monday, January 13th. Tea was provided, and largely attended, by the members and friends of the Society. The chair was taken at seven o'clock by Mr. S. B. Dicks, the leader of the Society. The reports of the Society's doings during the past year were very satisfactory. Fourteen new members have been added, and after deducting the names of those who, by removal or from other causes, do not now attend, a net increase of ten remains, the total number of members now being fifty-one, in addition to which a class


of eight junior members meets regularly friend. Loud and prolonged cheering under the tuition of Mr. Dicks. The followed when Mr. Jobson rose to thank treasurer's report was also very satis- the friends for their beautiful gift. He factory, as, notwithstanding the Society's assured them that he did not desire it largely increased expenditure in its new of them, neither did he consider himself place of worship, there remains a balance more worthy to be singled out for this in hand of nearly £6. The leader's honour than others who had worked report, and that of the superintendent perhaps harder than he had done. Still and treasurer of the Sunday-school, were he thanked them very heartily for their equally cheering, but perhaps the most kindness, and assured them that if any. satisfactory of all was that of the thing he could do would in any way librarian and book-steward, Mr. Pracy. help forward the good cause they all had Upwards of 2000 books, magazines, and at heart he should be delighted to do other New Church publications (tracts it. The meeting, which was of the most not included) have been sold by him in agreeable and harmonious character the Society during the past year, in throughout, was brought to a close about addition to which a large number of the 10 P.M. Silent Missionaries and other books were sold by him at the week-night lectures given under the auspices of the Missionary and Tract Society. It is hardly necessary to say that he was unanimously re-elected to the office for the ensuing year. The principal officers of the Society were re-elected, and the hope was cordially expressed that they might long be spared to continue their good and useful work on the Society's behalf. The pleasantest feature of the evening was the presentation to Robert Jobson, Esq., of a testimonial of the affectionate regard felt for him by every member of the Society. The gift consisted of a handsome walnut inkstand ornamented with bronze figures, silver-mounted ink-bottles, and a silvermounted pearl-handle penholder containing a gold pen. In the centre was a silver plate, on which was inscribed the following: "Presented to Robert Jobson, Esq., by the members and friends of the Dalston Society of the New Church, January 1879." In making the presentation on behalf of the Society Mr. Dicks alluded to the fact that from PAISLEY.-The annual soiree of the the time when at its first meeting in school connected with the church was 1870 Mr. Jobson took the chair, down held on the 26th of December. The to the time when they were now proceedings commenced at half-past five assembled with him again in their o'clock, when tea was served in the hall midst, Mr. Jobson had, through evil to one hundred and fifty children, and report and good report, in the face of between fifty and sixty visitors and difficulties that would have completely friends. After tea an adjournment was baffled a less noble heart, steadfastly made to the church, where after a hymn adhered to the pursuit of the end he had had been sung, "Let us with a gladin view, the establishment in that part some mind," etc., and an address had of London of a strong and useful Society been delivered by Mr. Allbutt on the of the Lord's New Church. Through- subject of "Christmas," the gas was out the whole of that time Mr. Jobson turned down, and a magic-lantern enterhad been their most genial counsellor, tainment commenced for the benefit of generous benefactor, and stanchest the young folks by Messrs. T. Downes

The Nun Street New Church Society held its New Year's social meeting on the evening of the 2nd January in its room at 23 Nun Street, which has been recently renovated and decorated, the minister, Rev. W. Ray, presiding. After singing and prayer the opening address was given by the chairman, treating of his personal history and introduction to the New Church thirty-six years ago, besides information regarding the history of the Newcastle Society, chiefly extracted from minutes of the Conference 1806-1825, and many interesting particulars and arguments, encouraging the meeting to persevere in the work of building up and extending the Lord's New Church in this town. Very appropriate addresses also were given by Messrs. Lynn, Jewitt, Bowman, and Buss. At intervals pieces of instrumental and vocal music were excellently rendered, and a pleasant and instructive meeting closed with the benediction.

and A. Eadie of Glasgow. The hearty roars of laughter and other demonstrations of joy with which the young ones greeted the appearance of the various comical and other pictures upon the sheet, especially when the figures moved, showed that they heartily appreciated this part of the evening's proceedings. After the magic lantern had been exhibited the children again went downstairs, and had a plentiful supply of apples, oranges, etc., dealt out to them. They then indulged in different games, and at nine o'clock returned once more to the church to receive the prizes they had merited by their attendance, behaviour, and attention to lessons at the school during the past half year. For the older ones beautiful books had been provided, while for the smaller children dolls and toys of every kind had been furnished. These latter had been hung upon the Christmas-tree, which was placed at the back of the pulpit; but after the distribution of books and a humourous speech by Mr. R. M. Paterson, the tree was dismantled, and the dolls and toys given to those for whom they had been set apart.

renewal and restoration of the mind, both internally and externally, to true order, and its more general fulfilment in the renovation of the Church by the general adoption of the principles and practices of the true Christian religion. On the Monday evening following the members and friends of the Society held a social meeting in the same room. Forty sat down to tea, and the number was increased by the presence of others later in the evening. The meeting was opened by an address from Mr. Storry, in which he dwelt upon the importance and usefulness of the New Church as a separate organization. The New Church, feeble as it appeared, was a beacon to the Churches. The doctrines the world needed it was our privilege to possess and duty to disseminate. Our organization had enabled us to accomplish works which without it we could not have attempted. Among these works was the wide diffusion of the writings of Swedenborg and the creation of a literature of wide extent and great value. And although it was discouraging to assemble in small rooms, and attend comparatively unattractive services, yet those who were so circumstanced were sustained by a sense of duty and a consciousness of use. The evening was pleasantly spent in social intercourse, diversified by speeches, recitations, and music.



SHEFFIELD. The small and struggling Society in this town was visited on the second Sunday in January, according to annual custom, by the Rev. R. Storry. The only announcement of the visit was an advertisement in the Saturday's papers. The services were SKIPTON.-The Craven Pioneer of held in the small meeting-room of the December 21st gives somewhat extended Society in Hanover Street, which was reports of two lectures at this town by comfortably occupied by very attentive the Rev. C. H. Wilkins of Manchester. audiences. The subjects of discourse The lectures were a reply to lectures prewere, in the morning, "The Word made viously given in the Temperance Hall, Flesh," and in the evening "The New Skipton, by the Rev. G. A. Brown. Heavens and the New Earth." In intro- "The lecturer," says the Pioneer, ducing the latter subject the preacher brought by the Swedenborgians of Embdwelt on the importance of a right say, and his utterances proved exceedunderstanding of prophecy. The want ingly telling, judged, of course, from of such understanding had led some to the Swedenborgian standpoint. Mr. question the truth of the prophetic Stephenson of Bradford occupied the Scriptures, and the mistaken inter- chair on both occasions." The first pretations of popular expositors were lecture was on "The Immortality of the not calculated to restore confi- Soul, the second on "Eternal Pundence. A true interpretation of pro- ishment." On each occasion there was phecy not only pointed to great a large attendance. The lectures to changes in the Church and in the which they were a reply seem to have world, but also made clearly manifest been from a Christadelphian source and some of the most important laws of the of a materialistic tendency. "In his spiritual life. The prophecy respect- first lecture the lecturer opposed the ing the new heavens and the new earth doctrine of the Christadelphians, and had its individual fulfilment in the that strongly, because it abused the com

mon feeling of the great masses of the common people. He first spoke of their doctrine with regard to the immortality of little children. He drew a beautiful and forcible picture of the deathbed of a little child, of the agony of the parent at the thought of parting with it, and of the hope of a future meeting, and strongly contended that there was not a broken-hearted father or mother in the land, however uncultured they might be, who would not shrink from, and at once condemn as false, the theory that their loved one, the nearest and dearest to them, was to die like a dog and be heard of no more."

In his second lecture Mr. Wilkins said in describing heaven and hell that "order was heaven's first law, peace, purity, and beauty its characteristics; disorder was hell's first law, and it constituted the whole secret of the discord, misery, and degeneracy of hell. Our God-given faculties were so great and rich that those which in one case made heaven, when perverted made hell. The laws of order concerning our relations to God and man could be summed up under two heads-Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength; and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.' That was the essence of Scripture; those two laws formed the very bases of heaven and hell. Heaven was heaven not merely because God happened to be there, but because every inhabitant of it was constantly and perfectly obeying those two great laws of Divine order, and hell was hell because those who inhabited it did not obey those two fundamental laws of order. The earthly home where these two great laws were observed was a little heaven below, and nothing could turn that little heaven into hell but a disposition on the part of the parents or the children to break those laws. He then drew a picture of an opposite kind of home, and added that those who had kept these two commandments, at death went to the Divine life as a natural consequence of the law of association: like seeks like in the future as in this world. Here nothing was more repulsive to a righteous man than the com-, pany of a thoroughly vicious, depraved, unrighteous man. Why should it be different hereafter? He contended that it was not, and that the constant breakers

of God's commandments after death found their way into the company of other confirmed breakers of the two laws he referred to. Thus it came to pass that God put no men into hell, neither did He keep any man there. He next showed at considerable length that wicked men went to hell and remained there because the misery of hell was a little less intolerable than the society of good men in heaven would be to them. Heaven was a place of general harmony, absolute order, perfect truth, and uni. versal love; and the wicked men shrank from it and went to hell as an escape from the terrible torment the society of good men would be to them. In a word, a man went to heaven because he was heaven-like while in this world, and he went to hell because he became hell-like by breaking the two commandments on which heaven is based-love to God and love to man. But the doors of heaven and the doors of hell were always practically open.' The interest excited by these lectures was manifested by the lengthened discussions which followed their close. A multitude of inquiries were made, and replied to by the lecturer in a manner which seemed to satisfy his audience.

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WIGAN.-On Christmas Day the annual congregational tea-party and distribution of prizes took place. The gathering, although not a very num. erous one, was nevertheless pleasant. The room was nicely decorated by a number of the young people. Mr. Johnson was called to the chair, and commenced proceedings by commenting upon the Christmas season. He said the customary compliments seemed rather out of place this year, for wherever they looked all was sad and gloomy. It did at times seem inconsistent to say "The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works," when they saw so much distress and sorrow amongst them. They should not, however, forget that the Divine Providence of God was ever working for the ultim ate good of mankind; they must put their trust in the Lord, and all would come out right. A number of Sunday scholars recited pieces, which elicited the applause of the audience. During an interval Mr. Johnson distributed a number of beautiful prizes to those scholars who had distinguished them.

selves during the year by regularity, good conduct, and repetition of Scripture texts. The secretary then reviewed the work of the church for the year, and showed that although they had only increased by three or four members still they had not been asleep. Their Sunday school had increased; they had commenced "cottage meetings for the study of the works of the Church; their Mutual Improvement Society was in its sixth session, and the syllabus was better than any of its predecessors; they had had a course of lectures by Mr. Gunton of London, and although their numbers as a sect had not been affected by them, still the large sale of New Church books during the lectures could not but cause the views of the Church to be better know in Wigan than they had been before. He hoped the forthcoming year would be marked by the greater success of every institution connected with the church.


On Saturday evening, December 28th, 1878, in her seventy-fifth year, Jane, the wife of the late Mr. Alderman Madeley of Derby, passed peacefully into the eternal world. Her illness, congestion of the lungs, was of a very brief duration. On the day of her departure, feeling her end was near, she desired to partake once more of the Lord's Supper; after doing so, being in a most composed and tranquil state, she gradually sank away, so quietly that even those watching scarcely knew when she was gone. Our friend's connection with the New Church commenced with her marriage, now some fifty-four years ago. Though soon surrounded by domestic cares, she was most active in the performance of every duty within her reach. Most truly was she a helpmeet for her husband. A loving mother, whose hand never wearied in ministering to her children; her energetic spirit found exercise in a variety of good works; her friends possessed in her a bright example of increasing industry; and many of them still left can look back to the time when her cheerful manner and friendly face brightened many a sickroom, and when her skilful hands brought relief to physical suffering. In the early years of her married life she was a busy worker in the Sunday school, and from

her some of the older friends connected with the Derby Society received their first lessons in reading and writing. Our friend's aim was continually to be a helper and an adviser in difficulties and a consoler in trouble. She was well known for many years to a wide circle of New Church friends, and was distinguished by the exercise of a graceful and liberal hospitality. Heavy trials, bereavements, and severe reverses she endeavoured to bear with patience and resignation, knowing that the Father's guiding hand was over all. Six of her children preceded her into the spiritual world. We are assured and believe that the Lord, who arranges all things for the best, is now doing for her more than her most sanguine expectations led her to anticipate. On Sunday evening, January 5th, the Rev. Joseph Ashby delivered a commemorative discourse to a respectful and attentive congregation from the words, "In My Father's house are many mansions."

removal of their friend. He had been


Departed this life on Sunday, 22nd December 1878, Mr. Thomas Sare, 16 Norfolk Buildings, Bath. The Bath Society has suffered a sudden loss in the in the Church for some forty years, and took a deep and kindly interest in its welfare generally, and particularly in the welfare of the Society with which he was connected. He had been a longstanding member of Committee. small branch Society at Tiverton (about younger days he was interested in the two miles from Bath), and used freand sometimes in the pulpit there. His quently to officiate at the harmonium, state of health was ordinarily delicate, being subject to a heart affection; but as well as usual. In the course of dresson the morning of his removal he was ing he had occasion to stoop downthat was all, but that was enough, the thread of life had snapped. He was put back into bed, and never spoke like his life-a quiet going. The quietagain. If it was a sudden going, it was ness and gentleness of his demeanour, and the kindliness which animated his who were near him, and highly respected nature, made him truly lovable to those by a wide circle of friends. sermon was preached on Sunday, Jan. 5th.

A funeral

Mr. John Bourne of Church Road, Ashford, Kent, the oldest member con

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