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place he was not able to hear any more W. J. Adcock of Ipswich to be the about the doctrines of the New Church leader of the Society for the present, until 1872, when, through the assist- and at the same time to prosecute his ance of Mr. Mittnacht, the remaining studies, with a view to studentship next works of the New Church came into his year. This arrangement seems to be a hands. Soon afterwards, filled with the satisfactory one. The Society at Lowesspirit of the New Church, he resolved toft is at present without a minister, to give up his office of schoolmaster, but has invited the Rev. John Elstob and to devote himself to the spread of to preach there on Sundays, November the New Church by lecturing and col- 23rd and 30th. Mr. Gunton's visit there portage. The district in which he extended over two Sundays, and emlabours is in the eastern end of braced three lectures, all of which were Prussia, near the Russian borders, and satisfactorily attended. The following the members of the New Church are letter appeared in the Lowestoft News scattered over an area forty miles long and Observer for November 8th :and ten miles wide. Over this dis- "A course of lectures and sermons trict he constantly travels, visiting the has just been delivered in the above scattered members, and preaching at place of worship by Mr. R. Gunton of various stations. As Mr. Schiwek is London, one of the missionaries of this advanced in years he is over sixty body. The views of these people are years' old-most of his journeys he has comparatively little understood. I to accomplish by waggon, travelling will, therefore, to the best of my each Sunday between fifteen and twenty ability, enunciate a few of their leading miles. As he does not derive any income principles as given in the lectures. from the two Societies, which consist The foundation and distinctive characmostly of poor people, he has to live on teristic is their belief in the absolute the produce of a patch of ground, which unity or oneness of God. They do he tills with his own hands, and which, not say 'The Father is God, the Son is with his advancing age, he is unable to God, and the Holy Ghost is God,' and do without interfering largely with his then contradict it by saying, and yet ministerial work. The Committee on there are not three Gods, but one God; Foreign and Colonial Missions have re- but they say that the Lord Jesus is solved to assist Mr. Schiwek to the the manifestation of the One only God,' same amount which he receives from as Paul expresses it. 'In Him '-Jesus the German Conference, viz. £15, and Christ-' dwelleth all the fulness of the your assistance is kindly asked to aid Godhead bodily.' Thus they unite the the committee in its endeavours to sup- Old Testament with the New without port the first New Church mission in confusion. They contend that 'JePoland. hovah the Creator, the One only God, is also the Redeemer and Saviour,' as expressed in Hosea xiii. 4, 'I am Jehovah thy God; thou shalt know no God but Me, for there is no Saviour beside Me; and in Luke i. 68,

All of this is submitted to your friendly consideration. Any assistance which you feel inclined to send to the Foreign and Colonial Missions you will kindly address to Mr. R. Gunton, Treasurer of Conference, 205 Tufnell Park Road, London, N.-Yours in the Lord's New Church, R. L. TAFEL,

Secretary of Colonial and Foreign
Missions Committee.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He hath visited and redeemed His people.' The Lord Jesus, therefore, is absolutely One with the Father, and is the manifestation of that Divine Father, as the body of a man is the NATIONAL MISSIONARY INSTITU manifestation of the man, for the body TION. The National Missionary is not the man. The man is the reports that since the Conference he conscious being, which loves, thinks, has visited the following places: Mel- feels, and acts; and as the body, soul, bourne, Horncastle, Brightlingsea, and spirit together make one human Lowestoft, Norwich, and Bristol. He has also preached at Camden Road, Argyle Square, Dalston, Deptford, Islington, and Brixton. At Horncastle an arrangement has been made for Mr.

being, so the essential Divine-the Father-the Divine Human-the Sonand the Divine Proceeding-the Holy Spirit, together constitute One Divine Being in the one Divine Person of the

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their sins.'

Lord Jesus. As the Lord said, 'He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works.' The commonly received doctrine of 'Substitution,' these people say, has no foundation in Scripture. The Scriptures, they say, teach that redemption is the liberation of man's spirit from the bondage of Satan and the evil influences of wicked spirits, as Luke expresses it (i. 74), 'Being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, we might serve Him'-the Lord-'without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life;' so that they teach that redemption is the restoration to man of spiritual liberty; and salvation is through faith in the Lord, and a life according to His commandments, or through repentance-a turning away from evil-Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. The Lord Jesus, who is 'God with us,' came not to appease the supposed wrath of some supposed other Divine Being, but to 'save His people from Now the question is, Are their views true? If they are, would it not be as well for other denominations to teach them? What is the use of teaching doctrines which have no foundation in Scripture; and if they are not true, why don't some of the ministers attend the lectures and ask such questions as would show their erroneousness? Then, again, they say the Scriptures teach that man has a spiritual body as well as a material body, and that there is a spiritual world as well as a material world, and that the Almighty created both in the beginning, and that one is called heaven and the other the earth, and that all men who have died, which is nothing more than the separation of the material body from the spiritual body, still continue to live in the spiritual world, having spiritual bodies, just as Paul puts it, Absent from the body, present with the Lord.' And as the Lord shows clearly by the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. They lived on at once-immediately-and they had bodies, of course, spiritual bodies; the same sort of bodies that the multitude, which no man could number, had, as seen by John, and the 144,000 which had been redeemed from the earth.

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“Really, Mr. Editor, I think these

people speak the truth so far as I have been able to compare their views with Scripture, and I intend to make myself further acquainted with them. Yours, etc., A Born Wesleyan."

SWEDENBORG SOCIETY.-Dr. John Jackson of Elk Horn, Oregon, has added to his already numerous gifts to the Society one for £100, the interest of which is to be used for general purposes. In his letter he significantly adds, "When I hear from you I will send another." It will be heard with regret that the Doctor's health is very frail, and that it is with difficulty that he is able to write.

Mr. Dadoba Pandurung of Bombay in a recent letter refers to the wide circulation the committee has given to his " Reflections" in the following words: "The name of Swedenborg, which was not even heard in this country (India) two years ago, is now in the mouth of every young and old native student. Even many Europeans here say the same in their own case. only the other day that I received from a European friend of mine the enclosed scrap, which he had cut from a Madras paper.

It was

The notice is evidently sent from some missionary of another denomination. I must confess I do not quite understand the purport of the somewhat threatening prophecy, as I take it for, with which the writer concludes his notice of my pamphlet." The following is an extract: "The author, who writes from the non-Christian standpoint with a certain pleasantness and frankness of utterance, and does not make his opinions offensive to any one, has covered many pages with his thoughts of how much better Christianity might have been if he had had the invention of it. The 'mild Hindu' has often a tendency to pick out the most diluted form of Christianity as something that may, according to his ideas of faith and morals, be tolerable in the East, and capable of recognition side by side with the multifarious rites associated with the existing traditions of Vedic religions. He, therefore, makes an invitation to the Swedenborgians to enter the lists of missionary controversy with the other divisions of Christendom, each of which have, since the days of St. Francis Xavier, contended with some success against the idolatry of the Hindus. We doubt if the Swedenborgians, who derive a

simple and sincere faith from a learned teacher, will be induced to embark in an expensive missionary scheme in the East, where they will find many 'coloured persons' ready to help them to spend their money. However, we are always glad to hear what the Hindus can say of us, though they may probably have within the next few years in India subjects of consideration which may engross their attention to such an extent that missionaries may fail to make their voices heard."

Mr. L. P. Ford of Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, advocate, has recently applied, on behalf of the Pretoria Public Library, for a grant of works. The library was established in 1878, and the first annual report states that the subscribers number 160, that the books, formerly belonging to the library of the High School, had been handed over by the Government to the care and for the use of the subscribers, and that the Council felt that the present scope of the undertaking is but the germ of something yet greater and of larger usefulness. Under these circumstances the committee made a liberal grant of the works, which was supplemented by one from the Missionary and Tract Society. Mr. Ford was baptized into the New Church by the Rev. T. Chalklen at Cross Street Church in 1847. He states that, "coming out to the Cape Colony, as my parents and I did, while I was very young, I have had very little opportunity of enjoying New Church preaching and society. However, before leaving Cape Town, some thirteen years ago, my parents, brother, and a few others, with myself, formed a small Society, which is still in existence, but not increasing; and again, in the Diamond Fields I, by advertising, mustered about eight New Church people and formed another Society; but, unfortunately, one by one we were compelled to leave, and the result is that the Society is no more. In the Transvaal I am not aware of there being another New Churchman besides myself; but when the Swedenborg Society's donation of books arrives for our library I intend advertising their being here, which will, I trust, discover to me some isolated receivers. And in the meantime I wish to set about spreading a knowledge of our Church writings."

To assist Mr. Ford in his worthy labours the Swedenborg Society has

granted him 5 copies of the "New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrines," and 250 copies of the "Annotated Catalogue;" and the Missionary and Tract Society 20 "Silent Missionaries" and 1000 tracts, and it is hoped that much good will result from this new effort.

Sufficient funds having been provided by the accumulated dividends from the estate of Mr. Tonslanovsky, the committee have asked Mr. Mittnacht to place in the printer's hands the MS. of the "Heaven and Hell" in Polish. Five hundred copies will be printed at a cost of about £80. These will be stitched only, not bound. Mr. Mittnacht is of opinion that this work will sell more readily than the “Divine Providence," and he will do all he can to circulate it as widely as possible as soon as he receives it.

The Society was represented at the funeral of the late Mr. Watson by the chairman, treasurer, secretary, and the Rev. W. Bruce; and a resolution was unanimously passed by the committee expressive of the feelings of condolence with Mr. Watson's family and the sense of loss the committee has sustained in Mr. Watson's death. This resolution was suitably acknowledged by Mr. T. G. Watson on behalf of the family.

AUXILIARY NEW CHURCH MISSIONARY AND TRACT SOCIETY.-The fifth annual festival of this Society was held on the 23rd October in the Lecture Hall of the church in Camden Road. The first part of the programme was devoted to an explanation of the objects of the Society by the president, Mr. Charles Higham, the secretary, Mr. H. T. W. Elliott, Mr. Denny, and Mr. E. C. Clarke. Dr. Tafel read an address to the members, explaining very lucidly the true spirit in which all missionary operations should be conducted; and Mr. Gunton also addressed the meeting, offering, on behalf of the Missionary Society, any pecuniary assistance that might be requisite. A selection of vocal music under the direction of Mr. C. J. Whittington followed, and the friends present then adjourned to the room below to partake of the refreshments provided for them. Amongst those present on the occasion were the Revs. Dr. Bayley, J. Presland, and W. C. Barlow, M.A.; and the Rev. Wm. Bruce wrote regretting that he was pre

vented by indisposition from taking part in the proceedings.

DERBY.-The harvest thanksgiving services at this church were held on Sunday, October 19th, the minister, the Rev. J. Ashby, preaching morning and evening. The church was decorated with various fruits, and collections, amounting to £5, 4s. 9d., were made in aid of the General Infirmary.


On October 21st a lecture was given by the Rev. W. O'Mant of Nottingham "Authors, Books, and Reading. ." There was a good attendance, and the meeting was distinguished by the presence of ministers of other denominations. The Rev. W. Wilkinson (Congregationalist) was in the chair, and opened the proceedings in a cordial and sympathetic address. The Rev. J. H. B. Shaw (Methodist Free Church), in proposing a vote of thanks to the lecturer, congratulated the Mutual Improvement Society on being able to obtain a lecture from a gentleman so well able to teach. The world had need of such teaching, and he felt certain that the young people would not be slow to profit by it. He also intimated that he had invited Mr Ashby to visit and address his people on some week day evening. The lecturer commenced by saying that a lecture on the subject announced was like a man swimming in the sea. He will not swim all over it, but then he has plenty of room for his exertions and enjoyment. It was impossible to read all the books on any one subject. The lecturer gave a selection of works in the several departments of literature, with interesting illustrations, ending with present-day books in theology, in which he recommended Bushnell on the "Supernatural," Grindon on "Life," and the works of Swedenborg. Of the latter he would say what Emerson said of Euclid and Laplace, "If you have not read Euclid and Laplace, you have no right to give an opinion on geometry.' So on theology; if a man has not read Swedenborg he has no right to give an opinion on theology. In conclusion, he paid a high tribute of veneration to the Bible. Its value as a Divine revelation was unspeakable, and he exhorted his hearers to become well acquainted with its contents and laws of construction, and they would be able to repel all modern attacks upon its inspiration.


IPSWICH.-Two lectures were delivered to crowded audiences in the Lecture Hall of this town-a building capable of seating 750 persons-on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 10th and 11th, by the Rev. J. Deans, Brightlingsea. The subjects being, "If God is Love why is there a Hell?" and "Is Hell eternal?" One of the clergymen in the town having announced a course of lectures on the Non-eternity of Hell," it was thought to be a good opportunity to make our views known. The various points were ably and lucidly explained. The audience sat with wrapt attention, and evinced their approbation by their cheers. Many were present both evenings, and as every seat was occupied not a few stood throughout. Sixty copies of the "Silent Missionaries" were sold, and about 1500 tracts given away. The meetings were the largest and most successful ever held in Ipswich.

LEEDS.-The Yorkshire Independent of October 17th contains a short article entitled "With the Swedenborgians." After a description of the old chapel in Albion Walk, Leeds, the writer says: "Like the rest of their co-religionists, our friends, the Leeds Swedenborgians, are liberal in theology and charitable in spirit. They are also noted for their efforts at proselytizing; but they are equally famous for the manner in which they go about it. Though they lose no opportunity of converting people to their views, I always find them as little obtrusive as possible. They buttonhole you, it is true, but their manner is gentle and suasive, as if they were sure of their ground, and that they could afford to wait until the seed sown shoots up the green evidence of truth as it is in Swedenborg. They are wonderfully systematic in the distribution of their literature-which, by the way, is very voluminous-and to their credit be it said, they have full confidence in its truth and power. It is, perhaps, as transcendental as it is voluminous, and as a consequence it is difficult to summarize the doctrines taught, but there is no gainsaying their founder's religious and philosophical capacities. His scientific and literary attainments were simply miraculous. His definition of religion is sublimely unique and worthy universal acceptation. Here it is: All reli


gion has relation to life, and the life of meaning made plain. As a Society of the New Church they were the privireligion is to do good.' leged custodians of this lamp, and it was their bounden duty to spread its light far and wide. Several other members and friends of the Society afterwards addressed the meeting. proceedings were also enlivened by a choice selection of music by Mr. Skeaf, the several pieces being very effectively rendered by Mrs. Skeaf, Miss Price, Miss Rhodes, and other musical friends. The young minister has now, therefore, entered on his work with the hearty congratulations of the members of his flock, and we sincerely wish for him an abundant success in his labours.

The preacher on Sunday night, when I visited Albion Walk Chapel, was the Rev. E. Jones of Embsay, who read a manuscript sermon, founded on the first five verses of the 13th chapter of Luke. It was a powerful blow at the practice of praying for fine weather, and a vindication of the wisdom of God's inscrutable providence. In the afternoon, under the presidency of the Rev. E. Jones, a service of song entitled 'Samuel' was given by the efficient choir, ably conducted by Mr. Wm. Dyson. The connective readings were given by Miss White. Mr Thomas Heaton presided at the organ, and the violinists, whose names we missed, rendered effective service."

making the meeting a thoroughly enjoyable one, and which, from the heartiness and earnestness which characterized it, argues well for the future progress and prosperity of the New Church in Nottingham.

NOTTINGHAM.-On Monday, October 6th, a social tea - meeting was held in the schoolroom to welcome the LIVERPOOL.—On Wednesday even- Rev. W. O'Mant to the Nottinging, October 15th, a special social meet- ham Society. A large number of ing was held in the schoolroom of the members and friends were present, Bedford Street Church to give Mr. R. including several from the Society at J. Tilson a hearty welcome as the pastor Derby. The chair was taken at 7.30 of this Society. Tea was provided at by Mr. J. H. Whyte, when the Revs. seven P. M., to which a large company P. Ramage of Kearsley, R. Rodgers of sat down. After tea Dr. Sheldon was Birmingham, J. R. Boyle of Hull, J. unanimously chosen to occupy the Ashby of Derby, and other gentlemen, chair. After the address of the chair- addressed the meeting. The Rev. W. man, in which he remarked on the O'Mant, in an able and characteristic early introduction of the doctrines into speech, thanked the Society for the Liverpool, and offered a warm welcome warm welcome which it had accorded A variety of musical selections to the newly-appointed minister, the him. secretary read an address of welcome. given during the evening assisted in This was followed by an appropriate and interesting address by the Rev. P. Ramage, after which Mr. Tilson rose to reply. After referring to local circumstances, and especially to the loss he and the Society had sustained in the departure from this life of Mr. Andrew RADCLIFFE.—The Society at this place Pixton, he said that concerning the work that now lay before him as the some time since entered on engageleader of their Society, he promised ments to enlarge their church, which them that by Divine assistance he would have ended in its removal and the erecdo his best to further the cause he had tion of a larger and nobler building in undertaken. He must ask them to its place. To aid in obtaining funds give him their sincere and earnest co- for this purpose a bazaar was opened operation, for without that there would in the Co-operative Hall on Wednesday be little chance of success. United the 22nd October, and kept open to the they would stand, divided they must end of the week. The opening service, fall. As their preacher he placed himself under the authority of the doctrines of the New Jerusalem as contained in the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, the chosen servant of the Lord in effecting His Second Advent. In those doctrines they had a lamp by which every page of Holy Writ was illumined and its

in the partial blindness of the esteemed pastor of the Society, the Rev. Mr. Boys, was presided over by the Rev. R. Storry, who, after the singing of the 274th hymn and prayer by Mr. Boys, gave an address suited to the occasion. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Boys, after which R. Leake, Esq., who had

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