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AUSTRIA. The following letter from the accredited Protestant Churches the secretaries of the Evangelical Alliance regularly attended. A Government has appeared in the Standard, and is delegate usually was present, and it inserted also, somewhat abridged, in the would appear, therefore, in these cases Guardian and other papers: "Sir,-We that the proceedings of Government are are instructed by the Council of the not only in the highest degree arbitrary, Evangelical Alliance to solicit your aid but in violation of its own laws. In in directing attention to the present none of these cases has it been attempted condition of religious liberty in Austria. to bring any charge of a moral or poliCommunications just received from the tical character against any individual. most trustworthy sources state that a We feel assured that, when attention is 'torrent of persecution is sweeping these directed to the matter, public opinion lands. It seems to be the determinate will not fail to detect the anomalous resolution of the Austrian Government position in which Austria is placed by to stamp out the young Christian life these acts of intolerance within her emthat is springing up on every side.' The pire, while she has been, in conjunction most conspicuous facts are the following: with England and the other Great At a place near Prague, a few people Powers, demanding the establishment calling themselves the 'Old Re- of religious liberty in Servia, Roumania, formed Church' have been forbidden to Bulgaria, and other places.' admit to their family worship any individual who is not strictly a member of BRADFORD, YORKSHIRE.-The annual the family. The police have forced their report of this Society gives evidence of way into their houses, and have ordered quiet, persevering work. Both minister even the servants out of the room whilst and people have laboured during the family prayers lasted. The Attorney- year with cheerful activity and devotion. General at Prague, in connection with The Society has also been largely helped the case, boldly and publicly maintains in the effort to raise funds for the purthat it is not even lawful to say grace chase of their place of worship by at meals if any stranger is present. members of the Church in other towns. Last autumn the adherents of the so- With the exception of one Sunday, when called New Church at Vienna, who the church was closed on account of have had public worship for ten years, cleaning, Divine service has been rewere forbidden to hold any meetings at gularly held morning and evening on all; and another Protestant community the Sabbath. The severity of the winter, in the same city received orders not to combined with the additional labours of admit strangers (non-members) to their the congregation for church purposes services. Last March the Congrega- during the week-days, led to a slightly tionalists connected with the American diminished attendance on the services. Mission were forbidden to hold meetings With occasional interruptions the for Divine service either at Prague or Wednesday evening reading meeting Gratz, in Styria. It was intimated to was continued during the winter months. them that not even in their own houses The subject chosen for reading was the might they invite friends for religious "True Christian Religion." The prepurposes; and the leading members were sent number of members in the Society threatened with a fine of £10, or twenty- is forty-eight, five having been added one days' imprisonment, if they dared during the year and one removed by to be present at any service held beyond death. During the year the Society has the pale of the Churches recognised by seen great changes in its social position the State. The services of the Free and prospective usefulness. The ConChurch of Scotland were equally forbid- ference having complied with the appliden if conducted in any but the English cation for Mr. Rendell's ordination, Dr. language, and notice to the same effect Bayley was invited to conduct the was given to the Baptist Church at ordination service, which took place on Vienna. Bible-readings, which for many the 21st of August. A social character years have been held weekly in a private was imparted to the service by the house, and also in public halls, have meeting to tea of a large number of the been suddenly and peremptorily stopped. members of the church and relatives of The meetings were entirely free from the minister on the evening of the all denominationalism, and members of service. It is a new and advanced

absolute necessity of a daily life in harmony with the Divine truth. The idea of faith alone being the one essential of salvation was conclusively shown to be a complete fallacy, and in its stead was placed the true doctrine of the Word, "He that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me." The musical arrangements were ably superintended by Mr. K. C. Richardson, and gave great satisfaction. A social and musical meeting was held on the Tuesday evening following, when, in addition to songs by Mr. Richardson and the Misses Clark, some capital recitations were most effectively rendered by our worthy friends, Messrs. Jocelyn Fisher and T. C. Dando. The success of its first anniversary services augurs well for the future prosperity of the Society.

position of the Society to have the salvation of the human soul. Out of services of a regularly ordained and the obscurity in which it has so long highly cultured minister; and the lain hid he brought clearly to view the members have reason to hope that under his pastorate the Society will continue to increase in numbers, and progress in the spiritual life. During the year the Society has also come into full possession, by purchase, of the freehold building in which they have long assembled for public worship. The bazaar held in the saloon of St. George's Hall in the month of December has materially assisted in this purchase. The profits arising from it, together with the subscriptions towards the building fund, amounted to the sum of £470, which with £200 borrowed from the Building Funds of the General Conference and Sunday-School Union enabled the trustees to complete the purchase. The building, which was first erected for school purposes, has an ecclesiastical appearance, and the interior has been fitted up in a neat and comfortable manner. The Society is thus in possession of the most desirable elements of church life and religious progress. It is by the good Providence which is over the Church provided with the means of edification to its members, and of the promulgation of the truth to those who are around.

LONDON (Dalston).—On Sunday, May 25th, the anniversary services of this Society were held in the Albion Hall. The morning service was conducted by the Rev. R. L. Tafel, A.M., Ph.D., who preached from Matt. v. 7, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy." The sermon was a beautifully clear exposition of the great truth enunciated in these words of the Lord, and was listened to with rapt attention by a large congregation. In the evening the Rev. Dr. Bayley officiated, and in response to a strongly expressed desire selected as the theme of his discourse "Religion in Daily Life." Dr. Bayley is so well known and warmly appreciated in the eastern districts of London that it is hardly necessary to add that the hall in which the Society now worships was filled to overflowing. Many came long distances to hear their worthy friend once again proclaim the glorious truths of the New Dispensation; nor were they doomed to disappointment. Eloquently, calmly, and lovingly did the preacher enforce the 'one thing needful' for the

DEPTFORD.-We regret to learn that Mr. Rhodes, who has been mainly instrumental in forming this Society, has been compelled, by impaired health and increased secular engagements, to retire from its leadership. Hopes are entertained that he may be able to render occasional assistance in the pulpit, and that his lack of service may be supplied by the committee of the Missionary and Tract Society. Mr. Howe, of Argyle Square, and Mr. Waller, late of Bristol, have come to reside near, and have expressed their intention to identify themselves with the church. source or another it is hoped that the good work will be continued, and the neat church some years since erected by our friends continue to be usefully employed.

Thus from one

HEYWOOD.-A pleasant service is instituted in this Society in connection with the Whitsuntide festivities of the Sunday-school. A selection of hymns and anthems put to appropriate school music are taught the children, and these are repeated on a Sunday evening following in the church, when the parents are invited to be present. An annual sermon is preached on the occasion to the parents of the scholars. This service took place this year on the evening of June 15th, and was numerously attended by the scholars and their parents. After

the usual service of song, which was discourse was based on the 9th verse of very effectively rendered by the choir the 6th chapter of John. The lad with and children, the Rev. R. Storry the 'five barley loaves and two small preached from Luke xi. 13, "If ye then, fishes,' etc., received treatment altobeing evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?"

gether new to orthodox hearers, the preacher at the outset remarking that after the reading of the incidents recorded in the Bible as merely historical facts little of interest was felt in further KEARSLEY.-This Society, which is perusal. That was beginning and usually forward in good works which ending with the letter, whereas they extend beyond their own borders, has might go on to eternity learning its shown its sympathy with the persecuted import in its higher senses. Having Church at Vienna and its oppressed shown that the miracles were illustrative minister in a substantial manner. On or representative and full of higher Sunday the 1st of June a collection was meaning, the rev. gentleman described made at morning service on behalf of in able terms the Lord Jesus as the the Rev. H. Peisker, which amounted Great Feeder of the hungry. By to over £12. The sermon was preached numerous passages Mr. Bates clearly by the pastor, the Rev. P. Ramage, from pointed out that 'a lad' was repreJohn xxi. 6, "Cast the net on the right sentative of good natural affections such side of the ship, and ye shall find." as existed in youth, and which were the From this appropriate text the preacher basis upon which the Christian character was able to point out the true character could ultimately be built. Barley, like of Christian work, and to encourage his all other seeds, represented truth, and people to interest themselves in works as barley could be made into loaves, so of benevolence and usefulness outside truth, when applied, became goodness. their own immediate organization. The small fishes represented natural intelligence, memory being, as it were, an inland sea in which these intelligences were active. Having treated these natural affections as seen by the light of the doctrine of Remains he argued that from childhood man had in him the elements of his development, preservation, and regeneration. marvellous increase of the small portion of food was next treated of, and the manner of its distribution. Having instanced the breaking and distribution in the natural world as necessary to, and followed by great increase, he contended that pride of birth, talents, capacities, or worldly position would not benefit or bless, unless taken hold of by the Lord, acknowledged as from Him, and broken up, distributed, and applied to life, when, and when alone, they would increase in their hands. If they had only a little good or truth or talents they must learn this great lesson from the subject, and then would follow an increase, some thirty, some sixty, and some an hundred fold, and the fullest happiness and satisfaction would follow charity so practi cally applied. In the evening the rev. gentleman delivered an admirable discourse from Isaiah xi. 6, illustrative of the harmony following the coming of Christ. The congregations were very

LONGTON.-During the past two months missionary visits have been made to this Society by Mr. Henshall, Rev. Walter Bates, and the Rev. R. Storry, the superintendent of this mission. The attendance at these services, though not large, is encouraging. Several new members have entered the Society, one of whom is able and willing to render good service in conducting the public worship of the church. Through the liberality of the editor of the Potteries Examiner brief reports of several of the discourses given were inserted in that paper, and thus circulated throughout the Potteries, Mr. Bates has for some length of time paid a monthly visit to Longton, where his services have been warmly appreciated. As our obituary columns will show, he has now finished his work in outward connection with the Church on earth. We give, therefore, the brief report of one of his discourses, which, as the last we shall receive from him, will be interesting to his friends, and to many to whom he was only known by report: "Two sermons were preached in this (the Longton) place of worship on Sunday, May 4th, by the Rev. Walter Bates of Melbourne. The afternoon's


attentive to the eloquent remarks of the preacher."


On the 20th June, at 17 Tabley Road, Holloway, the wife of Frank Flowers of a daughter.


Elizabeth Janet Best, wife of Mr. Isaac A. Best, of 19 Summer Lane, Birmingham, departed this life on the 4th June, aged sixty-two. She was the daughter of earnest and worthy New Church parents (Mr. and Mrs. John Haseler), and was trained by them in the belief and practice of the doctrines that have been her delight through life. From her youth and through years of her married life she was a teacher in the Summer Lane Sunday-School, a regular attendant at meetings for instruction, and an active worker in every scheme of good. For a long series of years she played the organ in Summer Lane Church, and her name appears on some of the printed notices of those once famous musical services that celebrated its early anniversaries. Her activities in the Church were only equalled by her hospitalities to New Church strangers and visitors, and many will remember the unostentatious welcome they have received from her and her husband in St. Paul's Square, or afterwards at 19 Summer Lane, Birmingham. A very large circle of friends have been saddened by her removal, which was somewhat sudden and unexpected. Her remains were interred at the General Cemetery, Birmingham, on the 7th June, the Rev. R. R. Rodgers officiating. The coffin was literally covered with wreaths, crosses, and bouquets of white flowers, together with roses, forget-me-nots, and daisies, woven and sent by loving friends; in fact,

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Departed this life at Ashby Road, Melbourne, Derbyshire, on the 1st of June, the Rev. Walter Bates, in the thirty-sixth year of his age. In early life our esteemed friend was joined to the Wesleyan body, but becoming discontented with their doctrines and certain sermons that were at that time delivered, he was led to attend the services conducted by the late Rev. John Hyde, whose able and efficient sermons and lectures produced a lasting impression. It was during the pastorate of the Rev. J. F. Potts that he became a member of the New Church in this town. His great love and zeal for the doctrines caused him speedily to seek active service. The Nottingham Society invited him to occupy their pulpit, and he delivered there his first sermon from the words, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy word. His success as an occasional preacher induced him to accept the trying and arduous duties of missionary and colporteur to the Yorkshire Missionary and Colporteur Association. In this labour he was truly happy and very successful. His ready flow of ideas, together with his genial disposition, made him attractive and beloved whereever he travelled. When retiring from this office to that of stationary minister at Blackburn, he writes in his diary: "The work has been an arduous one. It has taxed every power of body and mind. No one but myself and the Omniscient One can possibly know or imagine how I have laboured and what I have striven to do. It has led me to know what human weakness is, and to perceive what Divine aid is. I have done my best, and hope and pray that the Lord in mercy will bless my feeble efforts." During his ministry at Black

burn he was ordained by the late Rev. E. D. Rendell in 1873. From circumstances over which he had no control he was compelled to leave the ministry and return to business in Melbourne. It was to support a helpless brother, to rescue a long-established business from dispersion, and to place his large family in a more comfortable position that he rent his heart to do his duty. While in business he was not in his element; though successful, yet his mind was ever turned towards the Church he loved so well. Once a month he preached at Longton, where his services were warmly appreciated and of undoubted use in building up the small congregation which attended his services. He also frequently visited other churches. His heart and mind were fixed, and his private determination was to enter again the service of the Church, and, whether in the pulpit or in the market-place, to proclaim the glorious truths of the New Church to the world. The call to the ministry was never recalled. But the Lord has been pleased to take him higher. He was taken suddenly ill with great languor and sleepiness, rarely waking during the whole fourteen days' illness unless aroused. After reading several psalms to him on one occasion, he rose and exclaimed, "Oh, that is just what I wanted, conjunction with heaven by means of the Word." There was no fear of death. "Perfect love casteth out fear." And with no unwelcome sound did the great Master's voice come to him, Friend, come up higher. The Sunday school has lost a teacher, the Church a friend, the widow a husband, the eight children a father. But what is our loss to his eternal gain?


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C. F.

REV. WALTER BATES.-The following circular has been sent to members of the New Church. We gladly give it the publicity of our pages, and very heartily commend the appeal to the attention of our readers :

"Mount Pleasant, Melbourne, Derbyshire.—It is with deep regret that the Melbourne Society informs you of the death of our brother, the Rev. Walter Bates. The circumstances under which the widow and eight children are left are such as to warrant the Society in

putting forth an effort to help to relieve them by some pecuniary aid. We propose to raise a fund for the education and clothing of the children, and, if such fund be large enough, to apprentice or put them to business as they arrive at mature age. We earnestly solicit your hearty support and kind recommendation. All subscriptions

should be sent on or before the 16th of August to Charles Fairweather, Secretary, or to Mr. W. Hall, Treasurer.

On the 31st of May Mrs. Mary Backhouse, of Thorner, near Leeds, passed into the spiritual world in the seventy. third year of her age. Among the earliest receivers of the heavenly doctrines in this part of the kingdom were a family of the name of Mawson, resident at Eccup. They were distinguished by their quiet and unobtrusive habits, their kindly disposition, and their superior intelligence. It was remarked by the Rev. E. D. Rendell, during a visit to this family, that to see a plain English farmer take from his book-shelf his Hebrew Bible, and intelligently read it, was certainly an unusual sight. Mrs. Backhouse was of this family, and she possessed many of their fine qualities. Quiet, affectionate, and thoughtful in her character, a good wife and mother, and an unobtrusive and exemplary Christian woman. On the departure of her husband, of whom a notice is inserted in our last number, she felt that her work in this world was accomplished, and she desired, though with submission and patience, to depart. Her desire has been fulfilled, and at the end of a very few weeks she has joined him in a higher sphere of being. For the state on which she has entered we have every reason to believe that she was well prepared, and that she will enter into the joy of her Lord.

In West Newton, Massachusetts, March 29th, Eliza C. Warren, wife of Herbert M. Warren, and daughter of Mr. James Copp, formerly of Bath, England, aged 50 years. From the "New Jerusalem Messenger."

On the 20th June, at 17 Tabley Road, Holloway, Amy, infant daughter of Frank and Ellen Flowers.

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