Swift's Poetry, 1900-1980: An Annotated Bibliography of StudiesGarland Pub., 1982 - 185 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 25 筆
第 73 頁
... Strephon and Chloe , and Cassinus and Peter , but gives attention also to The Problem , Phillis , Or , the Progress of Love , The Progress of Beauty , and several of Swift's prose works . This essay is essentially a denunciation , by a ...
... Strephon and Chloe , and Cassinus and Peter , but gives attention also to The Problem , Phillis , Or , the Progress of Love , The Progress of Beauty , and several of Swift's prose works . This essay is essentially a denunciation , by a ...
第 75 頁
... Strephon that sublimation is still possible . " In Strephon and Chloe , " sublimation must be cultivated at all costs , even at the cost of repression . ' In Cassinus and Peter , however , " even this solution is exploded . " Also ...
... Strephon that sublimation is still possible . " In Strephon and Chloe , " sublimation must be cultivated at all costs , even at the cost of repression . ' In Cassinus and Peter , however , " even this solution is exploded . " Also ...
第 77 頁
... Strephon and Chloe , and Cassinus and Peter , the basic incongruities are between fantasy and fact , sublimation and reality , the standards of pastoral romance or polite society and the need to evacuate waste . In Cassinus and Peter ...
... Strephon and Chloe , and Cassinus and Peter , the basic incongruities are between fantasy and fact , sublimation and reality , the standards of pastoral romance or polite society and the need to evacuate waste . In Cassinus and Peter ...
allusions anti-poetry Augustan Baucis and Philemon Beautiful Young Nymph bibliography burlesque Cadenus and Vanessa Cassinus and Peter century City Shower couplet David David Sheehan Day of Judgement Dean Swift Death of Dr Dissertation Abstracts International Dublin early odes Edited by John edition of Swift's Eighteenth Eighteenth-Century English Studies Epistle essay Fable Fischer and Donald Going to Bed Gulliver's Travels Horace Huntington Library imitations item 16 James John Irwin Fischer Jonathan Swift Lady Lady's Dressing Room Lady's Ivory Table-Book Legion Club Literary Supplement London and Toronto London Times Literary M.A. thesis Norman Jeffares Notes and Queries Oxford Panegyric Ph.D poet poetic Poetry of Jonathan Pope printed Progress of Beauty prose raillery Rapsody reader Reprint Review of English satire Satirical Elegy scatological Schakel Scriblerian Sir Harold Williams Stella poems Strephon and Chloe Studies of Swift's Swift's poems Swift's poetry Swift's satire Swift's verse tion Vieth Woolley York Young Nymph Going