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" English corn and manufactures to Edinburgh, necessarily replaces, by every such operation, TWO British capitals which had both been employed in the agriculture or manufactures of Great Britain. "
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - 第 425 頁
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An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 第 2 卷

Adam Smith - 1811 - 538 頁
...commodities. When both are the produce qf domestic industry, it necessarily replaces, by every . uch operation, two distinct capitals, which had both been...productive labour, and thereby enables them to continue tha. support. The capital which sends Scotch manufactures to London, and brings back English corn and...
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An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 第 2 卷

Adam Smith - 1811 - 532 頁
...value of commodities, it generally brings back in return at least an equal value of other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry, it necessarily replaces, by every such op«ration, two distinct capitals, which had both been employed in supportingproductivelabour,andthereby...
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An Inquiry Into the Various Systems of Political Economy: Their Advantages ...

Charles Ganilh - 1812 - 520 頁
...value of commodities, it generally brings back in return at least an equal value of other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry, it...enables them to continue that support. — The capital employed in purchasing foreign goods for home-consumption, when this purchase is made with the produce...
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A Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the ..., 第 1 卷

Joseph Chitty - 1824 - 1090 頁
...value of commodities, it generally brings back in return at least an equal value in other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry, it...Scotch manufactures to London and brings back English corn and manufactures to Edinburgh, necessarily replaces by every such operation two British capitals...
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Essays on Political Economy: In which are Illustrated the Principal Causes ...

G. Robertson - 1830 - 480 頁
..." commodities, it generally brings back in return " at least an equal value of other commodities. " When both are the produce of domestic industry, "...every such operation two " distinct capitals which had been employed in " supporting productive labour, and thereby en" ables them to continue such support."...
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The State of the Science of Political Economy Investigated: Wherein is Shewn ...

William Atkinson - 1838 - 96 頁
...value of commodities, it generally brings back in return at least an equal value of other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry, it...Scotch manufactures to London, and brings back English corn and manufactures to Edinburgh, necessarily replaces, by every such operation, TWO British capitals...
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An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith - 1838 - 476 頁
...both are the produce of domestic industry, it necev«arily replaces, by every such operation, tu o distinct capitals, which had both been employed in...enables them to continue that support. The capital which tends Scotch manufactures to London, and brings back English corn and manufactures to Edinburgh, necessarily...
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Fleet Papers, 第 2 卷

1842 - 678 頁
...of commodities, it generally brings back, in return, at least an equal value of other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry, it necessarily replaces, by every sucb operation, TW,O distinct capitals, which had both been employed in supporting productive Jabour,...
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The American Laborer: Devoted to the Cause of Protection to Home Industry ...

Horace Greeley - 1843 - 394 頁
...of commodities, it generally brings back, in return, at least an equal value of other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry, it...which had both been employed in supporting productive labor, and thereby enables them to continue that support. The capital which sends Bcotch manufactures...
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The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, 第 8 卷

1843 - 590 頁
...of commodities, it generally brings back, in return, at least an equal value of other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry, it...which had both been employed in supporting productive labor, and thereby enables them to continue that support. The capital which sends Scotch manufactures...
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