That we hold the right of private judgment in matters of religion, to be equally sacred in others as in ourselves. Resolved therefore, That as men and as Irishmen, as Christians and as protestants, we rejoice in the relaxation of the penal laws against... Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - ²Ä 140 ¶1886§¹¾ãÀ˵ø - Ãö©ó¦¹®Ñ
| Charles Henry Wilson (of Dublin.) - 1782 - 472 ¶
...the Britifh Empire. Refolved (with two difTenting voices only, to this and the following refolution) That we hold the right of private judgment, in matters of religion, to be equally facred in others as in ourfelves. Refolved therefore, That as Men and as Irifhmen, as Chriflians and... | |
| C. H. Wilson - 1782 - 468 ¶
...the Britilh Empire. Refolved (with two diifenting voices only, to this and the following refolution) That we hold the right of private judgment, in matters of religion, to be equally facred in others as in ourfehres. Refolved therefore, That as Men and as Irifhmen, as Chi illians and... | |
| Francis Dobbs - 1782 - 186 ¶
...Britiih Empire. ** Refolved (with two diffenting voices only to this and the following refolution) that we hold the right of private judgment in matters of Religion, to be equal* ly facred in others as in ourfclves. " Refolved therefore, That as men, and as Irifhmen, as... | |
| William Crawford - 1783 - 404 ¶
...following refolutions. " RESOLVED, with two diffenting voices only to this and the following refolution, that we hold the right of private judgment, in matters of religion, to be equally facred in others as in ourfelves. " RESOLVED, therefore, that as men and as Irifhmen, as Chriftians... | |
| William Crawford - 1783 - 396 ¶
...following refolutions. " RESOLVED, with two diffenting voices only to this and the following refolution, that we hold the right of private judgment, in matters of religion, to be equally facred in others as in ourfelves. " RESOLVED, therefore, that as men and as Irifhmen, as Chriftians... | |
| William Crawford - 1783 - 400 ¶
...following refolutions. " RESOLVED, with two diflenting voices only to this and the following refolution, that we hold the right of private judgment, in matters of religion, tobe equally facred in others as in ourfelves. " RESOLVED, therefore, that as men and as Irifhmen,... | |
| William Bruce - 1794 - 348 ¶
...fubmit to take any military oath or obligation therefrom." (DUNGANNON MEETING, FEBRUARY 15, ' RESOLVED, that we hold the right of private ' judgment in matters of religion, to be equally ' facred in others as in ourfelves. ' RESOLVED, therefore, that as MEN, and as IRISH' MEN, as CHRISTIANS,... | |
| William Wenman Seward - 1801 - 460 ¶
...(hall be received into the kingdom of Portugal, as the mamifjctures of part of the BritifJb empire. *£áThat we hold the right of private judgment in matters of religion, to be equally facred in others as in ourfelves. ¡X Refolved, therefore, that as men, and as Irifhmen, as Chriftians... | |
| John Adolphus - 1802 - 630 ¶
...any enfuing election, but thole who had fupported or would fupport their refolutions. They refol ved the right of private judgment in matters of religion, to be equally facred in all; and therefore as Iriflnnen, Chriftians, and Proteftants, rejoiced in the relaxation... | |
| John Adolphus - 1802 - 626 ¶
.... any enfuing election, but thofewhohadfupported or would fupport their refolntions. They refolved the right of private judgment in matters of religion, to be equally facred in all; and therefore as Iriihmeu, Chriftians, and Proteftants, rejoiced in the relaxation of... | |
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