AFGHANISTAN, IN THE HEART OF, 81- the object of the Afghan Frontier Commission, 82-the natural features of the country, 83-the Helmund, 84 -the basin of the Farah Rud, 85-the Chahar Aimak tribe, 87-the Panjdeh incident, 88-Russian intrigue and the frontier question, 90.
Alison's, Sir Archibald, History of Europe,' 745.
'American Literature, Humorous Master- pieces from,' reviewed, 296. Amphion, the New,' reviewed, 147.
André Cornélis,' par Paul Bourget, re- viewed, 703.
Arab horses, the general quality of, 267. Armaments, Russian, 393.
Balfour, Mr A. J., the new Irish Secre- tary, 601.
Bell, the Song of the, translated by Sir Theodore Martin, 579.
Biography, the Dictionary of National,' by Leslie Stephen, reviewed, 310. BISON-STALKING, 795-natural history of the bison, ib.-a shooting expedition in Southern India, 796-interview with a Mysore prince, 799-tracking big game, 801-bagging a bison, 804. 'Books and Bookmen,' by Andrew Lang, reviewed, 298.
Brabourne's, Lord, Irish Articles, note on, 468.
Bread stuffs, duties on, prior to 1849, 492.
Bridal customs of the
Bright's, Mr, opposition to Home Rule, 600.
British Legation in Japan, attack on the, 45.
National Independence,' reviewed, 148. Burma,' Phayre's History of,' quoted, 230, 239 et seq.
![[ocr errors]](,458,7,8)
BURMA REFORMED, 711-recent guerilla warfare in Upper Burma, 712 et seq.— Burmese military tactics, 713-recent mtlitary operations, 714-total strength of the forces in Burma, 715-jungle warfare, 716 et seq.-the pacification of Burma, 717.
Burton, John Hill, as a historian, 749. Caldecott, Randolph, his early art career,' by Henry Blackburn, reviewed, 560.
Carlyle's, Thomas, historical works, 747. CATHAY AND THE GOLDEN CHERSONESE,
229-the relations of the Burmese and Chinese, ib.-division of the Shans into small states, 230-China and its peoples, 231-Kublai Khan, the famous Chinese Emperor, 233-Bur- mese collisions on the frontier, 236- the fall of the Pugan monarchy, 238- misunderstandings between Burma and China, 239-the development of British trade with South-Western China, 243. Childers, Mr, on Conservative boycot- ting, 729.
Churchill's, Lord Randolph, resignation, 316-his exposure of Sir George Tre- velyan, 869.
Cobden, Richard, bombastic predictions of, 495 et seq.
COLLINS, THE REV. W. LUCAS, 734. Colquhoun, Mr, on British trade with China, 243.
Competition in flax-spinning, 507 CORALIE, TO, 381.
Corn Laws and commercial prosperity, the alleged connection between the repeal of the, 496.
British trade, development of, with Cornwallis, Lord, and the Government of
South-Western China, 243.
Bronte, Charlotte, as a writer of fiction,
Browning's, Mrs E. Barrett, poetry, 745. Browning's, Robert, poetry, 743. Buckle, H. T., as a historian, 750. Bulgarians, the Struggle of the, for
Court and Private Life in the time of
Queen Charlotte,' reviewed, 441 DARKNESS, THE LAND OF, I. Darwin's, Charles, works, 752 et seq. Death Customs of the Transylvanian
Debates in the House of Commons, un- due lengthening of, 720. Democracy, and other Addresses,' by James Russell Lowell, reviewed, 291. DIANE DE BRETEUILLE: I-III., 173- IV.-V., 352-VI.-VII., conclusion,
Dickens, Charles, as a writer of fiction, 752.
Douglas Book, the,' by William Fraser, C. B., LL.D., reviewed, 338. DOUGLASES, THE, 335-the tradition of their origin, ib.-the annals of the Douglases, 336-Mr Fraser's series of family histories, 337-his 'Douglas Book,' ib.-the Douglas pedigree, 338- et seq.-the Earls of Douglas, 341- the Dukes of Touraine, 344-the.prob- lem of Rothsay's murder and the Douglases, 345-the first Marquis of Douglas, 347,-the first Duke of Doug- las, 348-Peggy Douglas of Mains, 349-the "Douglas Cause," ib. et seq. EDUCATION, SECONDARY, IN SCOTLAND, 824.
Eighty-five years of Irish History, 1880- 1885,' by W. J. O'Neill Daunt, re- viewed, 441.
Eliot, George, as a writer of fiction, 756. Emigration of farmers to Australia, 679 et seq.
![[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]](,853,415,658)
FREE TRADE AND DEPRESSED TRADE, 491—Our fiscal policy, ib.-duties on bread stuffs prior to 1849, 492-prices of farm produce in 1850 and 1885, ib -import of manufactured goods, 493- imports of farm produce, 494-good harvests and trade depression, 495- the alleged connection between the repeal of the Corn Laws and commercial prosperity, 496--increased output of pig-iron, 497-the German tariff, 498 -result of our open ports, 500-United States tariffs, 502-the Royal Com- mission and Free Trade, 502 et seq.- the dicta of the Cobden school, 504 -free labour and free trade, 505- competition in flax-spinning, 507- danger of depending for food-supplies on foreign countries, 510. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY
683. French invasion of Ireland, 163, 167 et
Froude's, J. A., historical works, 749. Gaskell, Mrs, as a writer of fiction, 758. German tariff, the, 498. Gipsies' religion, 637 et seq. Gipsy love of music, 643. Gladstone's, Mr, attacks on the Liberal Unionists, 320-his views on the Plan of Campaign, 459-his responsibility for the "regular Opposition," 720-his Irish opponents in 1881, 722-his present sympathy with the obstruc- tionists, 723-his efforts to protect life and property in Ireland, 724- his appeal to the masses, 725-his arraignment of Parliament before the mobocracy, 726-his attempt to over- awe the Liberal Unionists, 727-his attack on Lord Hartington at the
HAYWARD, MR, AND HIS LETTERS, 37— his literary career, 38 et seq.-his poli- tical position, 39-his devotion to Mr Gladstone, 41.
HER MAJESTY'S OPPOSITION IN 1887, 719 -Mr Gladstone's responsibility for the "regular Opposition," 720- undue lengthening of debates, ib.-develop- ment of obstructive tactics, 721- Mr Gladstone and his Irish opponents in 1881, 722-his present sympathy with obstruction, 723-his former efforts to protect life and property, 724-his ap- peal to the masses, 725-his arraign- ment of Parliament before the moboc- racy, 726-the attempt to overawe the Liberal Unionists, 727-Lord Spencer and the National League, 728-theatti- tude of Sir George Trevelyan, 729—Mr Childers on Conservative boycotting, ib.-the frantic efforts of the Glad- stonian-Parnellite confederates, 730- Lord Hartington on the Fenian leaders, 731-the majority for the second read- ing of the Crimes Bill, 732-Mr Glad- stone's attack on Lord Hartington at the "Eighty Club," 733.
High Life; or, Towers of Silence,' re- viewed, 567.
Horse-breeding in India, 269—the feed- ing of horses, 278. HORSE-SUPPLY IN INDIA, THE, 265-the land of mounted warriors, ib.
horses of the army, 266-the general quality of Arab horses, 267-the Tur- coman horse, 268-horse-breeding in India, 269-the importation of horses from Australia into India, 270-the native cavalry, 272-the Waler troop horse, 273-the remount department of India, 274-the work of the grass- cutters, 277-the feeding of horses, 278.
House of Commons, the deterioration of the, 593.
Hurrish a Study,' by the Hon. Emily Lawless, reviewed, 569.
India, History of, under Queen Victoria,' by L. J. Trotter, reviewed, 313. Indian Army, the horses of the, 266. • Industrial Ireland,' by Robert Dennis, reviewed, 570.
Institute, the Imperial, 451.
Invasion of Ireland, French, 163, 167 et seq.
Irawadi, Chinese immigration to the valley of the, 245. IRELAND, THE CAUSES OF THE UNION WITH, 154-the Union controversy, 155-the state of Ireland during the last quarter of the eighteenth century, ib.-the Irish demand for Free Trade, 156 the Grattan Parliament, 157—
![[blocks in formation]](,154,414,282)
Irish Land League, the agitation of, 319. "Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union " on Lord Brabourne's articles on Irish his- tory, 468. IRONCLADS DOOMED ? ARE, 519-our national wants, 520-defects of our naval policy, 522-the Navy estimates, 523-modern torpedo development, ib. -navies of England and other coun- tries, 527-need of torpedo vessels and torpedo boats, 530-the waste of money in building expensive ironclads, 531- the days of ironclads numbered, 532. JACK AND MINORY: a Tale of Christ- mas-tide, 58.
Jamieson, Mr Auldjo, on Income Tax
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Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, from 1852 to 1860,' by the late Charles C. F. Greville, reviewed, 432. Journalism, development of, 761. JOYCE, L.-IV., 603—V.-VIII., 770. JUBILEE LYRIC, A, LOVE THAT LASTS FOR EVER, 325.
Khorasan, fertile valleys of, 574.
Kinglake's, Mr, epic of a great campaign, 749.
Knox and the wrecking of ecclesiastical edifices in Scotland at the Reformation, 110, 111 et seq. Kublai Khan, 233 et seq.
La Bête,' par Victor Cherbuliez, re- viewed, 689.
-action of trades-unions in New South Wales, 678-the Colonial Government
and the employers of labour, 679-emi- gration of farmers and small capitalists, ib. et seq.-Colonial squatters, 682.
4 L'Affaire Froideville: Moeurs d'em- ployés, par André Theuriet, reviewed, 699.
LAND OF DARKNESS, THE, I. "LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT," Latine Reddi- tum, 80.
Le Cavalier Miserey, 21 Chasseurs,' par Abel Hermant, reviewed, 707.
Liszt's picture of a Hungarian gipsy, 631
Literature, a Look Round,' by Robert Buchanan, reviewed, 436. LITERATURE of the Last FIFTY YEARS, THE, 738.
Locksley Hall, Sixty Years after,' by Lord Tennyson, reviewed, 129. LOVE THAT LASTS FOR EVER. A JUBILEE LYRIC, 325.
Lytton, Lord, the late, as a writer of fiction, 760.
Macaulay's, Lord, historical works, 746. • Madonna of the Tubs,' the, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, reviewed, 297. MAGA'S LIBRARY, IN, 126. MAGNETIC MYSTERY, A, 648.
Maitland of Lethington; and the Scot- land of Mary Stuart,' by John Skelton, reviewed, 308.
Maitland of Lethington's mission to England, 117-his strategy in politics and religion, 122-effect of his irony on Knox, 124.
Manufactured goods, import of, 493. Mark of Cain, the,' by Andrew Lang, reviewed, 300.
MAR'SE DAB AFTER THE WAR: A Vir- ginia Reminiscence, 807.
Martin, Sir Theodore, on Spanish com- petition, 508.
Merry Men, the,' by Robert Louis Stev- enson, reviewed, 564.
Mill's, John Stuart, philosophical works, 751.
Mobilisation of the Russian army, 393. MOSS FROM A ROLLING STONE: XIV., The attack on the British Legation in Japan in 1861, 45.
Napier, Sir William, as a historian, 745. "Navies of England and other countries," 527.
Noir et Rose,' par Georges Ohnet, re- viewed, 686.
Northcote, Sir Stafford, the death of, 316.
Obstructive tactics in the House of Com-
mons, development of, 721.
Jan. Maga's picture-gallery, 126— Tennyson's Locksley Hall, 129-Pro-
fessor Dowden's Life of Shelley, 131— The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, 137-Remin- iscences and Opinions, by Sir F. H. Doyle, 141-Sketches from my Life, by Hobart Pasha, ib.-Sententiæ Artis, by Harry Quilter, 145-The New Amphion, 147-The Struggle of the Bulgarians for National Independence, 148-England's Case against Home Rule, by A. V. Dicey, M.A., 151.
Feb.: Democracy and other Aa- dresses, by J. R. Lowell, 291-Humor- ous Masterpieces from American Liter- ature, 296-The Madonna of the Tubs, by E. S. Phelps, 297-Books and Book- men, by Andrew Lang, 298-The End of Phoacia, 299—The Mark of Cain, 300-She: A History of Adventure, by H. Rider Haggard, 302-History of the University of Oxford, by Maxwell Lyte, 305-Maitland of Lethington; and the Scotland of Queen Mary, by John Skelton, 308-The_Dictionary of National Biography, edited by Leslie Stephen, 310-History of India under Queen Victoria, by L. J. Trotter, 313.
March: Parleyings with Certain People, &c., by Robert Browning, 417 -The Service of Man, by J. Cotter Morison, 423-Some Verdicts of His- tory Reviewed, by William Stebbing, 428-A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, from 1852 to 1860,by Charles C. F. Greville, 432-A Look Round Literature, by Robert Buchanan, 436 -The Life of Agnes Strickland, by her sister, 438-Court and Private Life in the Time of Queen Charlotte, 441— Eighty-five Years of Irish History, 1800-1885, 441.
April: James Fraser, Second Bishop of Manchester, by Thomas Hughes, Q.C., 552-Randolph Caldecott: his Early Career, by Henry Blackburn, 560- The Merry Men, by Robert Louis Stevenson, 564-High Life; or, The Towers of Silence, 567-Hurrish: a Study, by the Hon. Emily Lawless, 569 -Industrial Ireland, by John Dennis, 570.
MAY: FRENCH CONTEMPORARY NOV- ELISTS, 683-Noir et Rose, par Georges Ohnet, 686— La Bête, par Victor Cher- buliez, 689-Zyte, par Hector Malot, 694 L'Affaire Froideville Maurs d'employés, par André Theuriet, 699 -André Cornélis, par Paul Bourget, 703-Le Cavalier Miserey, 21 Chas- seurs, par Abel Hermant, 707.
June: THE LITERATURE OF THE LAST FIFTY YEARS, 738. POETRY, 740: Lord Tennyson, 16.-Robert Browning, 743 -A. C. Swinburne, 744-Mrs Brown-
ing, 745. HISTORY, ib.: Sir William Napier, ib.-Sir A. Alison, ib.-Lord Macaulay, 746-Thomas Carlyle, 747- John Hill Burton, 749. PHILOSOPHY, 751: John Stuart Mill, ib.-Herbert Spencer, 752-Charles Darwin, ib.— Huxley and Tyndall, 754. FICTION, ib.: Dickens, ib.-Thackeray, 756-George Eliot, ib.-Charlotte Brontë, 757-Mrs Gaskell, 758-Anthony Trollope, ib.- Charles Reade, 759-Lord Lytton, 760. CRITICISM, ib.: John Ruskin, ib. Velopment of JOURNALISM, 760. OPEN SPACES, the Need of, 446. Oxford, History of the University by Maxwell Lyte, reviewed, 305. Pagan rites and customs in Transyl- vania, survival of, 203.
Panjdeh incident, the, 88.
Parleyings with Certain People of Im- portance in their day,' &c., by Robert Browning, reviewed, 417. "Parnellism and Crime" debate, the, 865. PATMOS, REVELATIONS FROM, 368-the Monastery of St. John, ib.—the credulity of the Patmiotes, 371-the evil eye, 372-St. John's cave, 374-sacred relics, 377:
Persia, Russian designs on, 574-
Phæacia, the End of,' by Andrew Lang, reviewed, 299.
PICTORIAL ART OF JAPAN, THE, 281. Pitt, on the safety of the empire, 170. Plan of Campaign, the,' the repression of, 322.
Porter, Mr, on Free Trade and Protection, 502.
POSITION, THE, 316-the representatives of the different schools of Conservatism, ib.-the death of Sir Stafford North- cote, ib.-Lord Randolph Churchill's resignation, ib.-Mr Goschen joins the Cabinet as a Liberal Unionist, 317—his reasonable Liberalism, 318-the duty of Lord Hartington and his followers, ib.-the state of Ireland and the British Parliament, ib.-the agitation of the Irish Land League, 319-Mr Glad- stone's attacks on the Liberal Union- ists, 320-the difference between the Unionists and Separatists, 321-the repression of The Plan of Campaign,' 322-the duty of Liberal and Tory Unionists, 323.
Privilege degate, the, 855.
Produce, prices of farm, in 1850 and 1885, 492-imports of farm, 494.
PROGRESS OF THE SESSION, THE, 854. Prolongation of debates, the unnecessary, 591.
Railway system, rapid development of, 491.
Reade, Charles, as a writer of fiction, 758.
Recruiting in Russia, 383 et seq. Relics, sacred, 377.
Reminiscences and Opinions,' by Sir F. H. Doyle, reviewed, 141. Remount department of the Indian army, 274.
RESTORers of Florence, the, 76. Rosebery's, Lord, flippant speech on the Crimes Bill, 856-his ridicule of the Liberal Unionists, 857.
"Round Table" Conferences, the, 597. Royal Commission and free trade, 502. Ruskin, John, his work as an art critic, 760.
RUSSIA, THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEWER AND, 573-the possibilities of a Russian invasion of India, ib.-Russian designs on Persia, 574-mistakes as to the strength of the Russian army, 577- probable war between England and Russia, ib.
Russian armaments, 393.
Russian army, strength of the, 382 et seq. -mistakes as to, 577.
RUSSIAN SOLDIERS AND RUSSIAN ARMA- MENTS, 382-strength of the Russian army, ib.-how it is recruited, 383- the diet of Russian and British soldiers, 386-Skoboleff on the army, 389-the irregular troops, 390-the territorial disposition of the army, 391-mobili- sation, 393.
Salisbury's, Lord, Cabinet, the legislation of, 595.
Sarracinesca, XXV.-XXVI., 92—XXVII.- XXVIII., 247-XXIX.-XXXI., 394- XXXII.-XXXIV., 469.
"Saxon Bride, farewell song of the," 200. Scotch University system, the, and its alleged defects, 827.
V. THE REVOLUTION, 109-the ca- thedrals, churches, and monasteries in the country, ib.-wrecking of churches by the Reformers, 110-the iconoclasts aided by Knox, III-who was respon- sible for the "rascal multitude"? 112 -communications between the insur- gent Lords and the English Court, 114 -the siege of Leith and the Treaty of Edinburgh, 116-Maitland's mission to England, 117-the negotiations with France, 121-opening of Parliament by Maitland, 122-friction between Knox and Maitland, 124.
SECONDARY EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND, 824-the provision for elementary edu- cation, ib.-the decline of secondary schools, ib.-the teaching of "specific subjects" in board schools, 825-the grading of schools, 826-the Scotch University system and its alleged de-
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