
UNCLE SAM. You honored him none too much and our gratitude is indeed large. We should be pleased to hear from Porfirio Diaz, President of the Republic of Mexico.

PORFIRIO DIAZ. Among the great men who have been created to elevate the United States of America to its place as a superior nation, Lincoln is one of those who have contributed most to its moral aggrandisement.

UNCLE SAM. Yes, to its moral aggrandisement-we realize that more and more as the years move on. Figueroa Alcorta, of

the Argentine Republic, now has the floor. FIGUEROA ALCORTA. From his origin till his sacrifice, Abraham Lincoln constitutes a perfect exemplar of democracy. From lowly birth he rose to be the emancipator of a race, a glory to his land, to America and to the world. He deserves the universal homage paid to him by men and peoples. I wish to add my tribute representing the sentiments of the Argentine people.

UNCLE SAM. A perfect exemplar of democracy is what he was. He has the universal homage of all nations. We should like to hear from our silver-tongued orator in regard to Lincoln's oratory-William Jennings Bryan.

WILLIAM J. BRYAN. There is nothing that could please me more than to speak of the oratory of the man I have so long admired and revered. Lincoln possessed the two things absolutely essential to effective speaking, namely, information and earnestness. His speeches were eloquent. He was thoroughly informed upon the subject; he was prepared to meet his opponent upon the general proposition discussed, or upon any deductions which could be drawn from it. He was epigrammatic. He gave expression to the thought of his followers and gave that thought felicitous expression. His Gettysburg speech is not surpassed, if equaled, in beauty, simplicity, force and appropriateness by any speech of the

same length in any language. It is the world's model in eloquence, elegance and condensation.

UNCLE SAM. On that speech alone can rest his reputation as orator. The Gettysburg Speech, Second Inaugural Address, Letter to Mrs. Bixby, and Emancipation Proclamation will pass down the generations as Lincoln Classics. They consist of gems of thought that should become a part of the thought of every person. We shall be glad to hear from General Horace Porter.

HORACE PORTER. When Grant arrived at Washington, to receive his promotion to Lieutenant-General, he called to pay his respects to President and Mrs. Lincoln. Lincoln was shaking hands with a vast crowd in the White House. Suddenly there was a commotion; the people stood back; Lincoln advanced, and Grant stepped forward; Lincoln seized him by the hand, exclaiming, "What a delight! What a surprise! Mother, here's General Grant." The chief magistrate of the nation, fifty-five years old and six feet four inches tall, and the victorious general, forty-two years old and five feet eight inches tall, standing there face to face, was an inspiring sight. UNCLE SAM. That certainly was an inspiring sight, and you, General Porter, are fortunate in having been an eye-witness to it. Now, I will call upon George B. McClellan, ex-Mayor of New York, and son of the famous general who at one time was at the head of the Union army, and who, in 1864, was the Democratic candidate for President, in opposition to Lincoln.

GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN. It gives me the greatest pleasure to do something to show my love for Lincoln. When I was requested to unveil a tablet bearing in letters of gold the golden words which closed his famous address, I was a proud man. [Steps forward and pulls aside American flag draped over an easel to the right of UNCLE SAM, Tablet discloses following, which MCCLELLAN reads:]







UNCLE SAM. If all the people in the world followed these sentiments, peace would be forevermore. I now ask for a tribute from Booker T. Washington, Principal of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, an institution that is doing much for the colored race. Mr. Washington, you bear an illustrious name, and you are considered by many Americans as the greatest living negro, what can you say about Lincoln? BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. You ask that which he found a piece of property and turned into a free American citizen to speak to you of Abraham Lincoln. I am not fitted by ancestry or training to be your teacher, for I was born a slave. My first knowledge of Lincoln came about in this way: I was awakened one morning before dawn, as I lay wrapped in a bundle of rags on the dirt floor of a slave-cabin, by the prayers of my mother just before leaving for her day's work, as she was kneeling over me, earnestly praying that Abraham Lincoln might succeed and that one day she and her boy might be free. You give me the opportunity here to celebrate with you the answer to that prayer.

UNCLE SAM. The nation is glad that you and your mother became free, and glad that your people have a chance to show what freedom will do for you. Many of your race have proven and will continue to prove that slavery was a cruel act, unworthy of man. We will now hear from Woodrow Wilson, President of Princeton University, on "The Man of the People."

WOODROW WILSON. What is a "man of the people," judged by the standard and example of Lincoln? He is a man with

rootage deep among the people of no class or specialized kind, but lifted above the narrowness and limitations of view of the mass by the insight and study which have enabled him to see what they did not see, and the genius which has fitted him to speak, not from them as if still one of them, but from them as if released from what holds them back from his leadership. God send us such men again! We are confused by a war of interests, a clash of classes, a competition of powers, an effort at conquest and restraint, and the great forces which war and toil among us can be guided and reconciled only by some man who is truly a man of the people, as Lincoln was. He must not be too hot or intense, must be large and genial and salted with humor, but as certain and definite as the veriest tool of precision in his penetration and in his exposition of all that he sees and knows; a man who speaks as fearlessly as he looks upon the affairs about him, and who never withholds himself from any use or declines the challenge of any call of duty; a man of universal sympathy and universal use, whom few men can approach in power, but to whom all men can feel akin and with whom all men can dare to be familiar.

UNCLE SAM. When needed, God will send such another man. We know not where or who he is, but at the proper time he will appear. We should be glad to have Julia Ward Howe, now ninety-one years old [in 1910], read her poem on Lincoln; or, if she prefers, we should be pleased to have her poem read by Rev. Lyman Abbott, D.D., who succeeded Henry Ward Beecher as pastor of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, and who is famous as theologian, editor and orator. LYMAN ABBOTT. Julia Ward Howe wishes me to read her poem, because in this "Circle of Tributes to Lincoln" only men have spoken, and she wishes this circle of men to remain unbroken, inasmuch as men were the ones who judged Lincoln the most harshly.

[blocks in formation]

A man of homely, rustic ways,
Yet he achieves the forum's praise,
And soon earth's highest meed has won,
The seat and sway of Washington.

No throne of honors and delights;
Days of distrust and sleepless nights,
To struggle, suffer and aspire,
Like Israel, led by cloud and fire.

A treacherous spot, a sob of rest,
A martyr's palm upon his breast,
A welcome at the glorious seat
Where blameless souls of heroes meet;

And, thrilling through unnumbered days,
A song of gratitude and praise;
A cry that all the earth shall heed,
To God, who gave him in our need.

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