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"I have listened to and

examined the Aeolian, and was surprised and pleased by it."-JEAN DE RESZKE.


EVERAL especially if there happens to be a house-party to entertain.



ago the world

was sur

prised and musicians astounded by a new type of musical instrument which would enable any one, without musical training or practice, to produce the most difficult classic, as well as the simplest ballad-in fact, any composition desired.

While it releases the player from the necessity for technical execution, it leaves him full control over expression, and therefore the full enjoyment of producing the music himself.

This instrument is known as the Aeolian, and its history, although short, has been an effective demonstration of the practicability of its principles and the perfection with which they have been applied. It has aroused interest, skepticism, discussion, and enthusiasm.

To refer to the special subject of this article, it is in the summer home that the enthusiasm for the Aeolian is most strongly emphasized.

The Aeolian and the Pianola gain popularity because they are actually needed. They were needed long ago, before ingenuity devised a means for supplying the deficiency.

In no place has the popularity of these instruments proved their value so much as in the summer home. During the warm evenings they will provide an accompaniment for a college "sing," an impromptu dance, or a concert with a Paderewski or Hofmann program, grand or light operas, or the latest coon songs on the veranda.

When every one is driven indoors by cool or stormy weather, the instruments are perhaps most appreciated,

Since the Aeolian was first introduced, there have been continual developments by those whose ingenuity evolved the principle itself.

The highest point of perfection is reached in the Aeolian Orchestrelle, which is a veritable solo orchestra.

The Pianola is a piano-player-or, rather, an instrument providing the means by which any one can play the piano.

The prices of the instruments are as follows:
Aeolians, $75 to $750.

Aeolian Orchestrelles, $1,500 to $2,500.
Pianola, $250.

Any of these instruments can be bought by moderate monthly payments if desired.

All of the instruments have distinctive features, and have received the commendation of such eminent musicians that all doubt as to their artistic value is dispelled.

If you are unable to call at our warerooms in person, we shall be pleased to send you a descriptive catalogue. Kindly specify the instrument in which you are particularly interested.

The Aeolian Company

New York, 18 West Twenty-third Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., 500 Fulton Street
Cincinnati, O., 124 East Fourth Street
Philadelphia, C.J. Heppe & Son
Chicago, Lyon & Healy
Boston, The M. Steinert & Sons

Montreal, The L. E. N. Pratte Co.

Baltimore, Wm. Knabe & Co.
Cleveland, The B. Dreher's
Sons Co.

Pittsburg, C. C. Mellor & Co.
St. Paul, W J. Dyer & Bro.
Albany, Cluett & Sons.
Troy, Cluett & Sons
Duluth, Duluth Music Co.

St. Louis, Bollman Bros. Co.
Detroit, Grinnell Bros.
San Francisco, Kohler & Chase
Minneapolis, Metropolitan Mu-
sic Co.

Newark, Lauter Co.

Portland, Ore., M. B. Wells Co. Los Angeles, Southern California Music Co.

New Orleans, Philip Werlein Toronto, The Mason & Risch Piano Co.

Salt Lake City, Daynes Music Co.

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(Fleming & Carnrick Press, New York)

Mention the American Monthly Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers.



Our property is improved in exact accordance with City Specifications. Streets 60, 80 and 100 feet wide, built to city grade, bordered on each side by 5 feet granolithic cementine walks, flower beds and shrubbery, city water, gas, etc., all at our expense. For $10 down, and $6 per month until paid for, we sell you a regular New York City lot, subject to the following guarantees from us:

If, at the expiration of the year 1901, this lot is not worth $500, based on the price at which our salesmen will then be selling similar lots, we will refund all of the money you have paid us, with 6 per cent. interest additional. If you should die at any time before payments have been completed, we will give to your heirs a deed to the lot without further cost.

If you should get out of employment or be sick, you will not forfeit the land.

Titles are guaranteed to us by the Title Guarantee & Trust Co. of New York.

You will note three distinct points of advantage in this proposition. First, it is a Life Insurance for your family. Second, it enables you to pay in small sums as you would in your savings bank, and cannot cramp you; and, Third, it enables you to participate in the great growth of values in New York real estate, which are due to natural conditions; furthermore, the three advantages are absolutely without risk.


Our guarantee of 25 per cent. increase in one year in the value of lots is a simple one and should not be misunderstood or misconstrued. It means, that the regular prices pub-
licly marked on our property (every unsold lot being plainly tagged and priced), and at which our large corps of salesmen will be then selling these lots for ourselves and our customers,
will be 25 per cent. in excess of the prices at which we now offer them.

IT DOES NOT MEAN, that we can or will assume the responsibility of selling customers' lots except incidental to our business of development, or that we will take them off
their hands; this obviously would be impossible in the great work of development we are undertaking. This is intended as a straight business agreement of an honest increase in
value, and that only.
N.B.-Our Non-Forfeiture Agreement prevents the loss of your lot through misfortune.


As a further guarantee of good faith, we agree with all persons, living East of Chicago, to pay
you in cash the cost of your railroad fare to New York and return, if you visit our property and find
one word of this advertisement a misrepresentation; or, in case you buy. to credit cost of your rail-
road fare on your purchase; to those living farther away than Chicago, we will pay that proportion
equal to cost of fare to Chicago and return. We would advise you, if you are satisfied, to send first
payment, $10 in cash, at our risk, immediately, and we will select the very best available lot for you.
Or, if you desire further particulars, to write immediately for maps, details and information. It
will cost you nothing to find out and thoroughly satisfy yourself-we solicit closest investigation.
References by hundreds-our reputation is national.


A cordial invitation is extended to all strangers to make their headquarters with us when they
come to New York City. Our offices occupy 9 rooms-nearly the entire 6th floor of the handsome Home
Life Building, opposite City Hall. One of these rooms is fitted up expressly as a library and rest room
for the convenience and comfort of our out-of-town customers, or any other visitors to New York, to
whom we can be of service. It is equipped with the latest magazines, books, writing materials, etc.
Have your mail directed in our care, drop in for rest, letter-writing, package-checking, directions
about the city, or any desired information. All are welcome at any time. Lady's maid in attendance.
DEPT. 101,

Wood, Harmon & Co., 256-257 Broadway, New York.


The Commercial Agencies, 20 National Banks, and 30,000 customers all over the United
States. The following is but one of thousands on file from banks, public officials, and appreciative

"There is no doubt, the property offered by Wood, Harmon & Co. in the Twenty-ninth Ward represents one of the best investments a man of limited income can possibly make within the corporate limits of Greater New York. It can be said without hesitancy that Wood, Harmon & Co. are perfectly reliable and are worthy the fullest confidence of the investor, whether he resides in Greater New York or any other section of the United States. "THE NASSAU NATIONAL BANK OF BROOKLYN."


Corner of Utica Avenue and Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn. Lots here -within five minutes of Rugby, on same avenue and trolley line-are $1,500 to $2,500. RUGBY LOTS, $420.


Mention the American Monthly Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers.

In Greater New York.


This Map will convince every thinking man and woman in America that
our announcement embodies a proposition never equalled in the history
of this country and one which, in the very nature of New York's present
conditions, and the limited area of Brooklyn itself, can never again occur.
NOTE THE MARVELOUS COMPARISON! Lots at 100th Street, $25,000 to $75,000
each; Lots at Rugby, $420. The same distance; the same running time; the same street-
car fare (5 cents); the same city government, schools, police, and fire protection. What
creates the difference? Simply this: that before Consolidation, Brooklyn had
provincial government and wretched transportation facilities. Consolidation into one
city government and equal transportation facilities existing to-day MUST ultimately
equalize the value of property equally accessible. This is an axiom-a self-evident truth.
No such opportunity since New York began its wonderful growth as a world me-
tropolis. The Astors, even, had no such combination of circumstances to operate in their behalf, as two years have ac-
complished greater changes than a decade did in those days. Every lot is guaranteed to increase 25 per cent. during the
first year-an increase equalling your first year's payments-and $2,000,000 insures your purchase.

Wood, Harmon & Co., the largest, most responsible, and most successful Real Estate Company in the world, are so
positive that the values of their lots will increase 25 per cent. during the year 1901 that they will guarantee this increase to any
investor, and in case they cannot show it they agree to return all money paid them, with 6 per cent. interest. This guaran-
tee, however, should not be misunderstood and is fully explained below.

We have one of the grandest opportunities of a lifetime for the small investor to make money-we give as good security
as the strongest savings bank, and, instead of the 4 per cent. interest on deposits, we can guarantee over 25 per cent. We
thoroughly believe the lot which we now sell for $420 will in 10 years bring $4,000, in 20 years from $20,000 upwards. If you
will carefully study this communication, you will see our reasons.
Our wealthiest families like the Astors have made their money from the increase in value of New York real estate-
New York City property has increased in value more than that of any other place in the world, because of its immense growth
in population; and this growth is still going on-in fact, at the present time we are starting on a new and greater era than
ever before known in New York's history. Let us see:

New York City, as every one knows, is crowded to the bursting point. Since the consolidation of New York and
Brooklyn, the increased facilities of rapid transit by bridge, trolley, and elevated have turned the immense tide of increased
population Brooklynward. The public have been quick to recognize this as the only and the perfect solution of their
problem, and Brooklyn is receiving a tremendous influx from overcrowded New York City. As a result, Brooklyn Bridge has been so severely taxed that new bridges are being built
(one of which is nearly completed), and tunnels are being dug beneath the East River. Not only is Brooklyn Borough the only section in which New York can grow, but property in
Old New York City the same distance from City Hall (as our map clearly shows) would cost 20 to 100 times the money.


As Real Estate is our business, we study the conditions existing or possible in the various cities of the United States. We have aided in the development of 25 of these cities, and have opened 75 distinct properties. After carefully studying New York 12 years before purchase, we, in 1898, saw the immense possible advancement in values, and before the consolidation of New York and Brooklyn-before the Rapid Transit had made Brooklyn so accessible-we bought 1,100 acres of the choicest land in Brooklyn, which is now in the heart of that Borough, only 3%1⁄2 miles from Brooklyn Bridge, and only 35 minutes from New York City Hall We invested over $2,000,000 in this land, and are developing our properties in the most beautiful manner of any about New York. The growth of the city, together with our improvements, has increased the value of this property over 25 per cent. since a year ago, and we feel so sure that the increase will be at least the same that we assume the risk of guaranteeing it for the next year.


Mention the American Monthly Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers.



One Night From Chicago to Denver

Colorado with its exhilarating air and the grand scenery of the Rockies, is an ideal summer resort. There will be very low rates this summer, via CHICAGO, UNION PACIFIC AND NORTH-WESTERN LINE. The Colorado Special leaves Chicago every day; arrives Denver early the next afternoon. The best of everything. Particu lars of any agent. Send 4c. postage for illustrated booklet.

PRINCIPAL AGENCIES:-461 Broadway, New York; 601 Chestnut St., Philadelphia; 368 Washington St., Boston; 301 Main St., Buffalo; 212 Clark St., Chicago: 435 Vine St., Cincinnati; 507 Smithfield St., Pittsburg; 234 Superior St., Cleveland; 17 Campus Martius, Detroit; 2 King St., Toronto, Ontario.

Chicago & North-Western Railway

Mention the American Monthly Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers.

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