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The motion prevailed, and Messrs. CUNNINGHAM, HARDING and BURCHARD were appointed said committee.

On motion of Mr. HAYES, it was

Resolved, That the Regent be required to make an actual test of all the oil to be used in this building, and that none be used which is less than one hundred and ten degrees, fire test.

At seven o'clock the Board took a recess until eight.


Board re-assembled at eight o'clock, REGENT in the chair.

On motion of Mr. QUICK, the Corresponding Secretary was instructed to embrace in his annual report an account of the Inauguration ceremonies.


Mr. BURROUGHS, Chairman of Committee on Library and Cabinets, made a special report, as follows:

1st. The committee recommend that the subject of further appropriation to the exploring expedition of Major Powell, be referred to the Committee on Library and Cabinets, with power.

2d. That the initiation fees of students, for the present term, be appropriated to apply the immediate wants of the library.

The report was adopted.


Mr. FLAGG moved that the words "Farmers and Mechanics" be stricken out from the outer circle of the seal of the Board; which was so voted.

Mr. HAYES moved that the seal be so amended that the words "Illinois Industrial University" be put into the outer circle above, with the inscription "Chartered in 1867," placed in the outer circle below; which was agreed to.

Mr. MCMURRAY moved that the motto upon the seal be changed from the words "Onward and Upward," to the words "Learning and Labor." This motion prevailed.

The Board voted to instruct the Treasurer to have a new seal prepared, in accordance with the plan just adopted.

Mr. FLAGG moved that the present seal continue to be the seal of the University until the new one is prepared. Carried.


Mr. GOLTRA, Chairman of Committee on Buildings and Grounds, reported the following:

Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds, to whom was referred that part of the Regent's report relating to front portico, beg leave to report, that they recommend that the Regent cause the portico to be finished in accordance with the design furnished by J. M. VanOsdel, and adopted at a former meeting of the Board.

They also recommend that approved jacks be placed on all the chimneys of the rear extension of the College building; also, that the roof of the said rear extension be covered in the best manner with the best quality of roofing tin.

They also recommend that a sufficient number of lamps be obtained and arranged in the halls and passages of the College building, to properly light the halls, passages and stairways, when required.

We also recommend that a bell be placed in the cupola, suitable for the use of the Institution.

The expense of such improvements, exclusive of portico and bell, will be about $800.


Respectfully submitted,


The report was adopted.

On motion of Mr. JOHNSON, the REGENT was instructed to purchase a suitable eight-day clock for the use of the University.


The REGENT called Mr. MAHAN to the Chair, and, as Chairman of the Committee on Faculty and Courses of Study, repor ed verbally, presenting the name of Willard F. Bliss, of Nokomis, Ill., as a suitable person to fill the Chair of Professor of Agriculture-moving the passage of the following resolution:

Resolved, That Willard F. Bliss be and he hereby is elected for one year to the Chair of Professor of Agriculture, his term of office to commence with the fall term of this Institution, at a salary of $2000 per annum.

Mr. BLISS was unanimously elected.

The REGENT yielded the floor temporarily to Mr. BURCHARD, Chairman of the Committee on Salaries of Secretaries and Treasurer, who reported as follows:


The Special Committee, to whom was referred the matter of compensation for the services of Secretaries and Treasurer of the Board, recommend that, for services to this date, there be allowed

To the Treasurer, the sum of..

To the Recording Secretary....

To the Corresponding Secretary ...

To Mr Scrogge, as Secretary of the Executive Committee

..$600 00

325 00

100 00

15 00


And that warrants be drawn in their favor for the several amounts.


The report was adopted.


The REGENT then offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That John A. Warder, of Cincinnati, be and hereby is appointed as Lecturer upon the subject of Pomology. His term of service to commence with the college year in September next.

Dr. Warder was elected unanimously.


By a similar resolution, Mr. Edward Eggleston, of Evanston, was elected unanimously as Lecturer on English Literature. term of service to commence with the College year.

Professor John W. Powell, of Normal, Ill., was also unanimously elected to the Professorship of Natural History, his term of service to commence at such time as may be agreed upon between himself and the Committee on Faculty and Courses of Study. REGENT offered the following recommendations, viz:

Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville, Ill., as Lecturer upon such subjects connected with Agriculture as he may select. Also, Dr. J. A. Sewall, of Normal, Ill., as Professor of Chemistry, and S. A. Peabody, of Chicago, as Profesor of Mechanical Science and Engineering.

The names of Prof. Turner, Sewall and Peabody were referred back to the committee, with power to act.


The Auditing Committee, to whom was referred the report and accounts of the Treasurer and Regent; also, certain unpaid bills and accounts, respectfully represent that they have examined the books of the Treasurer and the accounts of warrants paid by him, and find that he has paid the warrants drawn by the Regent and Recording Secretary, to the amount of $34,713 70, being warrants from No. 1 to No. 153, inclusive, except warrants Nos. 16, 34, 58, 105, 145, 151 and 158, which

have been issued, but have not been, as yet presented, amounting to $363 20; which, added to the amount of the warrants paid by him, makes a total of $35,076 90, and agrees with the detailed statement of warrants issued and submitted to the Board by the Regent.

The Committee further report, that they have examined the list of warrants issued by the Regent since the last meeting of the Board, and find the same to have been authorized by the Board for the objects specified, and that the accounts of the Regent are correct.

There has been expended of the $1500 drawn by the Regent, pursuant to the order of the Board, with warrant No. 98, the sum of $1081 77, as per vouchers and detailed statement furnished by the Regent, leaving a balance in his hands of $418 23; which will be needed for general incidental expenses and liabilities already incurred.

Your Committee further report, that they have examined, and recommend the allowance of the following bills and accounts against the University, submitted to them, and that warrants be issued on the Treasurer for the several amounts of the


J. M. Gregory, for balance of expenses in procuring the Library... ... ... ... ... ....

$18 67 200 00

M. C. Goltra, for services in locating scrip.......

J. C. Larned & Co., furniture....

Robert Peacock, lumber.....

Bradler & Brother

Porter, Thayer & Co...

Walker, Lepman & Co.......
Joseph McCorkle....

Dopan & Hodges.

George K. Hosford.

Flynn & Scroggs...

Walker & Bro's...

Prairie Farmer Co....

J. C. Cunningham, insurance and incidentals..


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The report was adopted.

The REGENT stated that Prof. Atherton's term of service commenced with the month of February last, and that there was no provision, as yet, for his payment for said month, whereupon;

Mr. HAYES moved that the Regent be authorized to draw a warrant on the Treasurer, in favor of Prof. Atherton, for the month of February last.

Which was agreed to.


Mr. COBB, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented his annual report, as follows, viz:

To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University:

GENTLEMEN-The Finance Committee, in accordance with our by-laws, would submit the following report:

At our November meeting we gave a detailed statement of the expenses up to that time, which appears fully in the published proceedings of that meeting.

In making up our exhibit for the past year, we give the gross expenditures according to the November statement

Warrants drawn since that time..

.$25,622 35

[blocks in formation]

Making the total of expenditures...

The Treasurer's report shows the receipts, as follows:

Sale of Champaign county Bonds, as per order of the Board
Interest on Illinois Bonds..

Rents of farm

Making the balance in Treasurer's hands $10,173 10.


.$40,000 00

3,750 00

1,500 00

$45,250 00

Prior to our November meeting we had disposed of 280,000 acres of scrip, realizing therefor $162,192 41.

At our November meeting we made a further sale of 100,000 acres, at 90 cents, or for $90,000. Making the total amount received for land scrip $250,192 41.

The Treasurer, according to the terms of the last sale, does not get the total proceeds until about the first of May, there being about $50,000 back at the present time.

Your Committee, in conjunction with the Treasurer, have deemed it wise to put the proceeds of the land scrip in Illinois bonds, as fast as they could be obtained, at par and interest, thereby having our funds in such form that we could, from time to time, re-invest in securities bearing a larger rate of interest, when good and safe investments of that kind presented themselves.

We hope to put the most of the fund in such securities in a very short time.

By referring to the minutes of the November meeting you will also see that under various resolutions, this Committee had located 25,000 acres of land scrip. We passed a resolution at that meeting to locate 25,000 additional acres. This has not been done as yet. We would ask further instructions in regard to this. We now have on hand 50,000 acres of scrip unprovided for by entry or sale.

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