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a. occurring

once in seven years Se-ren-i-ty, s. calmness

Ser-vil-i-ty, s. meanness
Se-ver-i-ty, s. rigour
Sig-nif-i-cant, a. expressive
Sin-cer-i-ty, s. candour
So-li-ci-tude, s. anxiety
Spon-ta-ne-ous, a. voluntary

Sta-bil-i-ty, s. firmness
Ste-ril-i-ty, s. barrenness
Sub-or-di-nate, a. inferior
Sub-stan-ti-ate, v. to establish
Su-per-flu-ous, a. more than
enough, needless [higher
Su-pe-ri-or, a. preferable,
Su-per-la-tive, a. highest, best
Sus-cep-ti-ble, a. capable of

Sus-pi-ci-ous, a. distrustful
Sy-non-y-mous, a. of the same


Sa-cer-do-tal, a. belonging to
the priesthood

Su-per-vi-sor, s. an inspector
Sup-ple-ment-al, a. additional


Tem-per-a-ment, s. bodily or
mental constitution

Tem-po-ra-ry, a. for a time
Ten-ant-a-ble, a. inhabitable
Ter-ri-to-ry, s. a district
Tes-ti-mo-ny, s. evidence
Tol-er-a-ble, a, passable
Tran-si-to-ry, a. passing away
Trib-u-ta-ry, a. paying tribute
Tu-te-la-ry, protecting


Te-mer-i-ty, s. rashness
Tem-pest-u-ous, a. stormy
Te-na-ci-ous, s. holding fast

from the hinder part of the back to the thighs, so that the animal has the appearance of being clad in armour. The nose is thick and bulky, reaching from the beginning of the horn to the upper lip. The upper lip resembles that of a horse, and is used to gather grass from the ground. The animal can extend this lip six or seven inches, and draw it to a point, and, with the help of its tongue, break off the tender branches of trees which it uses for food. nostrils are low, and the eyes very small in proportion. The horn is about six inches long by four inches wide, and is so connected with the skin as to be capable of motion; it is used both for defence, and for obtaining food.


The Rhinoceros lives in forests adjoining rivers, or in swampy places, where it loves to wallow in the mud. It grunts like the hog, whose flesh also it nearly resembles. It is a solitary animal, and the female produces one at a birth. Though possessed of strength sufficient to attack a tiger or an elephant, it is quiet and inoffensive when unprovoked; but when enraged, it becomes very furious. Its flesh is considered excellent food by the natives of India and Africa; and the skin, hoofs, teeth, and dung, are used medicinally. Of the horn, goblets and handles of swords are made, and the hide is in great request for the manufacture of shields. The Rhinoceros is supposed to be the Unicorn mentioned in Scripture, and possesses all the properties ascribed to that animal.


Te-nu-i-ty, s. thinness

Ter-ra-que-ous, a. consisting
of land and water
Ter-res-tri-al, a. earthly
Tim-id-i-ty, s. fearfulness
Tran-quil-li-ty, s. quiet
Trans-pa-ren-cy, s. clearness
Tri-en-ni-al, a. occurring once
in three years

Val-u-a-ble, a. precious
Va-ri-a-ble, a. changeable
Va-ri-e-gate, a. v. to diversify
Ven-e-ra-ble, a.worthy ofreve-
Vol-un-ta-ry, a. willing [rence
Vul-ner-a-ble, a. that which
may be wounded


Va-cu-i-ty, s. emptiness

Va-lid-i-ty, s. certainty

Va-ri-e-ty, s. difference

Ve-lo-ci-ty, s. quick motion
Ve-ra-ci-ty, s. truth

Vi-cin-i-ty, s. a neighbourhood
Vi-cis-si-tude, s. change
Vi-va-ci-ous, a. sprightly
Vo-cif-e-rous, a. noisy
Vo-lup-tu-ous, a. given to ex-
cess of pleasure
Vo-ra-ci-ous, a. greedy
U-bi-qui-ty, s. omnipresence
U-nan-i-mous, a. of one mind
Ur-ban-i-ty, s. courteousness
U-til-i-ty, s. usefulness

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A-cri-mo'-ni-ous, a. sharp, tart | Con-san-gui'-ni-ty, s. relation

Ad-van-ta'-ge-ous, a. profitable
Af-fa-bil'-i-ty, s. courteousness
A-li-ment'-a-ry, v. nourishing
A-ni-mos'-i-ty, s. hatred
Ar-ti-fi'-ci-al, a. made by art
As-si-du'-i-ty, s. diligence
Av-a-ri'-ci-ous, a. covetous
Au-then-ti'-ci-ty, s. genuine-

[blocks in formation]

ship by blood Con-tin-u'-i-ty, s. connexion Con-tra-ri'-e-ty, s. opposition Con-tro-vert'-i-ble, a. dispu



Con-tu-ma'-ci-ous, a. selfCon-tu-me'-li-ous, a. reproach

ful Cu-ri-o'-si-ty,s. inquisitiveness De-bil'-i-ta-ted, a. enfeebled De-fam'-a-to-ry, a. slanderous De-rog'-a-to-ry, a. detracting De-le-te'-ri-ous, a. deadly Dis-in-gen'-u-ous, a. insincere Dis-o-be'-di-ent, a. undutiful E-ma'-ci-a-ted, a. wasted away E-pis'-co-pa-cy, s. government by bishops [explanation Ex-plan'-a-to-ry, a. containing

[blocks in formation]


E-qua-nim'-i-ty, s. evenness of
E-qui-lat'-e-ral, a.having equal
E-qui-lib'-ri-um, s. balance
Ex-com-mu'-ni-cate, a. v. to

Flex-i-bil'-i-ty, s pliancy
Ge-ne-al'-o-gy, s. pedigree
Ho-mo-ge'-ne-ous, a. similar in


Hos-pi-tal'-i-ty, s. kindness Hy-per-bol'-i-cal, a. exaggerated

In-con-so'-la-ble,a. comfortless
In-di-vid'-u-al, s. one person
In-ex-pe'-di-ent, a. unsuitable
In-ge-nu'-i-ty, s. invention
In-sin-cer'-i-ty, s. duplicity
In-stan-ta'-ne-ous, a. immedi-
In-tel-lec'-tu-al, a. mental [ate
In-tre-pid'-i-ty, 8. courage
Ir-re-triev'-a-ble, a. irrecover-
Lib-e-ral'-i-ty, s. generosity
Mag-na-nim'-i-ty, s. greatness
of mind

Me-di-oc'-ri-ty, s. middle state Me-ta-mor'-pho-sis, s. change of shape

Mis-cel-la'-ne-ous, a. mixed


Hy-per-crit'-i-cal, a. too critical | Mu-ta-bil'-i-ty, s. changeable-
Hyp-o-chon'-dri-ac, a. melan-
choly; of disordered mind My-tho-lo'-gi-cal, a. fabulous
Hyp-o-crit'-i-cal,a.dissembling Non-con-form'-i-ty, s. refusal


Hy-po-thet'-i-cal, a. supposed I-ma'-gin-a-ble, a. conceivable In-cen'-di-a-ry, s. a wilful burner of property In-cor'-ri-gi-ble,a. past amendIn-dis'-so-lu-ble, a. firm In-ex'-o-ra-ble, a. not to be moved by entreaty In-ex'-pli-ca-ble, a. not to be explained [flame In-flam'-ma-to-ry, a. apt to inIn-sa'-ti-a-ble, a. not to be satisfied, greedy In-suf'-fer-a-ble, a. unbearable Ig-no-min'-i-ous, a. disgraceful Il-le-git'-i-mate, a. unlawful Im-be-cil'-i-ty, s. feebleness Im-me-mo'-ri-al, a. past me



Im-mo-bil'-i-ty, s. want of moIn-a-bil'-i-ty, s. want of power In-ad-vert'-en-cy,s. inattention In-con-gru'-i-ty, s. inconsistency

[blocks in formation]

scented Op-por-tu'-ni-ty, s. fit time Par-tic'-u-lar-ize, v. to mention distinctly [money Pe-cu-ni-a-ry, a. relating to Pre-lim'-i-na-ry, a. introductory Pro-fi'-ci-en-cy,s.advancement Pa-ne-gy'-ri-cal, a. complimentary [ancestors Pa-tri-mo'-ni-al, a. derived from Pe-ni-ten'-ti-al, a. v. sorrowful Per-spi-ca'-ci-ous, a. quick or sharp sighted

Per-ti-na'-ci-ous, a. obstinate Plau-si-bil'-i-ty, s. speciousness Pri-mo-ge'-ni-al, a. first born Pro-ba-bil'-i-ty, s. likelihood Pro-blem-at'-i-cal, a. questionaPu-er-il'-i-ty,s. childishness[ble Pu-sil-lan'-i-mous, a. mean spirited, cowardly

Re-ca-pit'-u-late, v. to sum up | Ta-ci-turn'-i-ty, s. habitual si

Rec-ti-lin'-e-al, a right lined Ri-si-bil'-i-ty, s. the quality of laughing

Sa-tis-fac'-to-ry, a. giving con



Vo-cab'-u-la-ry, s. a dictionary
Un-ac-cept'-a-ble, a. displeas-
ing; not well received
Un-civ'-il-i-zed, a. barbarous

Un-ut'-ter-a-ble, a. not to be

[blocks in formation]

Sub-ter-ra'-ne-ous, a. being Un-pa'-ral-lel-ed,a.unmatched

Sen-si-bil'-i-ty, s. feeling

under ground

Su-per-cil'-i-ous, a. haughty

Su-per-fi'-ci-al, a. on the surface Sys-tem-at'-i-cal, a. methodical


An-te-di-lu'-vi-an, a. existing | In-com-pre-hen'-si-ble, a. not

before the flood

An-ti-mo-nar'-chi-cal, a. opposed to monarchy A-poc-a-lyp'-ti-cal, a. contain. ing a revelation A-ris-to-crat'-i-cal, a. relating to the aristocracy Cir-cum-loc'-u-to-ry, a. with many words Dis-ci-pli-na'-ri-an, s. one who strictly maintains discipline Ec-cle-si-as'-ti-cal, a. relating to the church E-ty-mo-lo'-gi-cal, a. relating to the derivation of words Ex-tra-or'-di-na-ry, a. uncom


[blocks in formation]

to be comprehended Im-mu-ta-bil'-i-ty,s. constancy Im-par-ti-al'-i-ty, s. equal



Im-pro-ba-bil'-i-ty, s. unlikeIn-de-fat'-i-ga-ble,a. unwearied In-sig-nif-i-can-cy, s. worthlessness, unimportance In-stan-ta'-ne-ous-ly, ad. immediately In-a'-li-en-a-ble, a. that which cannot be transferred [quacy In-suf-fi'-ci-en-cy, s. inadeIn-ter-ro'-ga-to-ry, s.a question Ir-re-co'-ver-a-ble, a. not to be recovered

Ir-re-me'-di-a-ble, a. incurable Pu-sil-lan-im'-i-ty, s. cowardice Re-com-mend'-a-to-ry, a. recommending [habitation Un-in-ha'-bit-a-ble, a. unfit for Un-in-tel'-li-gi-ble, a. not to be understood

[blocks in formation]

ABATE'MENT, (L.) the removal of any nuisance, the ending of a suit; (Co.) ar allowance made in the price of goods.

ABDOM'EN, (An.) the lower part of the belly.

ABEY'ANCE, (L.) a standing over, as when the heir to a title is not known, it is in abeyance. ABDUCTION, (L.) the crime of stealing a man, woman, or child. [beginning.

AB INI'TIO, (inisheo) from the AB'LUENTS, diluting medicines which dissolve and carry off impurities.

Med. Medicine.

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Po Poetry.
Ph.... Physiology.
Zo..... Zoology.

ABSOLUTION, an acquittal from guilt; forgiveness.

ABSORPTION, (Ph.) the taking up by minute vessels certain substances, or liquids, and distributing them for the nutrition of the body.

ABUTMENT, (Me.) the solid support at the ends of a bridge or arch. In engineering, it is any part at which a moving power rises or stops.

ACA'CIA, (akashea) the American thorn which produces the Gum Arabic; the name of a genus of plants.

ACADEMY, a general name for

ABORIG'INES, the first inha- schools or learned societies*.

bitants of a country.

ABORTION, an untimely birth; any design or production that does not come to maturity.

ABRA'SION, (Me.) wearing away by friction; the crumbling of earth by frost.

AB'SCESS, an inflammatory tu


ACAN'THUS, a thorny plant: an ornament in the capital of a Corinthian pillar.

ACAS'TA, a genus of shells found in sponge, and never affixed to hard bodies.

ACCEL'ERATE, to increase the speed of any movement. ACCEPTANCE, (L.) the acknow

* ACADEMY.-This word is frequently used as synonymous with school. A Seminary is literally a place where seeds are sown; but it is used to describe any place where the seeds of knowledge are sown. A College is a higher school, where professors teach different branches; a University is a seat of learning, authorized to confer honours upon such as have studied in it.

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