A certain Pasha, dead five thousand years. 2737 A cheer and salute for the Admiral, and here's to the Captain bold 2225 A chieftain, to the Highlands bound.. 2629 94 1279 2438 1607 436 A district school, not far away. 949 30 2068 A farmer went trotting upon his gray mare. 44 A fellow in a market-town. 2033 A fire-mist and a planet. 2757 A fleet with flags arrayed. 2354 A floating, a floating.. 163 A flock of merry singing-birds were sporting in the grove. A happy bit hame this auld world would be. PAGE A lively young turtle lived down by the banks. 1990 A lovely young lady I mourn in my rhymes. 1851 840 A man of words and not of deeds. бо A man said unto his Angel. . 2807 A man should live in a garret aloof. 2919 A melancholy little man was seated on the ground. 2019 A mist was driving down the British Channel. 3434 A moment on the bank to view. . 1733 A monk, when his rites sacerdotal were o'er. 1811 A nightingale made a mistake. A nightingale, that all day long. A place in thy memory, Dearest. A pretty task, Miss S to ask. A public haunt they found her in. A rose, as fair as ever saw the North. 139 169 851 1655 266 1786 1450 3033 A Scotch patrician, sandy haired. A sentinel angel, sitting high in glory. 1764 A shady freshness, chafers whirring.. A silly young cricket, accustomed to sing. A simple child.... A slumber did my spirit seal. A soldier of the legion lay dying in Algiers. A song to the oak, the brave old oak. A sonnet is a moment's monument. A star is gone! a star is gone.. A steed, a steed of matchless speed. A stone jug and a pewter mug. A street there is in Paris famous. A supercilious nabob of the East A swarm of bees in May.. A sweet disorder in the dress. A thousand miles from land are we.. A tutor who tooted the flute. "A temple to Friendship," said Laura, enchanted. A traveler on a dusty road. A viewless thing is the wind.. A voice from the sea to the mountains. A was an Archer, who shot at a frog. A well there is in the west country A wet sheet and a flowing sea. A whisper woke the air. A widow-she had only one. 2197 56 928 2630 2046 1546 2792 3326 A woman is a foreign land.. 373 A yellow moon in splendor drooping. 950 Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!). |