Born at East Machias, Me., Decem BEERS, ETHEL LYNN (ETHELINDA Born at Goshen, N. Y., January 13, ber 16, 1850; present address, Boston, 1827; died at Orange, N. J., October 10, Mass. Cyclamen, The Rose, A. Shadow Boat, A BATES, KATHERINE LEE 646 719 419 1879. The Picket-Guard. BEERS, HENRY AUGUSTIN 2427 13 1797 BEHN, APHRA 760 I'd be a Butterfly. 1654 Long, Long Ago 848 Mistletoe Bough, The 2648 BELL, JOHN JOY 1837 802 "Why Don't the Men Pro- Born at Glasgow, Scotland, May 7, 1871, and now living at Craigendoran, Dumbartonshire, Scotland. On the Quay BELLOC, HILAIRE 1559 An English writer, born July 27, 1870, and now living at King's Land, Shipley, Horsham, England. The Frog BENEDICT, HESTER A. No biographical details available. BENJAMIN, PARK 2013 1093 Born at Demerara, British Guiana, August 13, 1809; died in New York City, September 12, 1864. 784 The Old Sexton 3295 BENNETT, HENRY 783 Born at Clifton, England, July 20, 1803; died at Bâle, Switzerland, January 26, 1849. "If Thou Wilt Ease Thy Heart" 851 1547 610 An English writer, "gentleman pensioner" to Queen Elizabeth; the date of his birth is unknown; he died in 1613. The Lover's Choice....... 523 3229 |