IN ELOCUTION, OB, A SELECTION OF PIECES, IN PROSE AND VERSE, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF YOUTH IN READING AND SPEAKING, BY WILLIAM SCOTT. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED ELEMENTS OF GESTURE, ILLUSTRATED BY FOUR PLATES; AND RULES FOR EXPRES- ALSO, AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING LESSONS ON A NEW PLAN. MONTPELIER, Vt. PUBLISHED BY E. P. WALTON, CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. Page. 1. ON the speaking of speeches at schools, Walker, 11 ib. 21 3. Rules for expressing with propriety the prin- cur in reading or public speaking, Burgh, 28 4. Rules respecting elocution, Walker, 46 PART I.-LESSONS IN READING. SECTION I. 1. to 5. Select sentences, 6. The fox and the goat, 7. The fox and the stork, 8. The court of death, 9. The partial judge, 10. The sick lion, the fox and the wolf, 14. Beauty and deformity, Dodsley's Fables, 66 15. Remarkable instance of friendship, 16. Dionysius and Damocles, 17. Character of Cataline, ib. 68 Sallust, 69 Tattler, 71 |