


[Enter IAGO and CASSIO. CASSIO has been discovered by his commander, Othello, while engaged in a drunken brawl.]

IAGO. What, are you hurt, lieutenant ?

CASSIO. Ay, past all surgery.


Marry, heaven forbid!

CASSIO. Reputation, reputation, reputation!

Oh, I have

lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part, sir, of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!

IAGO. As I am an honest man, I thought you had received some bodily wound; there is more offense in that than in reputation. There are ways to recover the Sue to him again.

general again.

CASSIO. I will rather sue to be despised than to deceive 80 good a commander, with so slight, so drunken, so indiscreet, an officer. Drunk? and squabble? swagger? swear? and discourse fustian with one's own shadow? O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee-devil!

IAGO. What was he that you followed with your sword? What had he done to you? CASSIO. I know not. I remember a mass of things, but nothing distinctly; a quarrel, but nothing wherefore. Oh, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains that we should, with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!

IAGO. Why! but you are now well enough. How came you thus recovered?

CASSIO. It hath pleased the devil drunkenness to give place to the devil wrath; one unperfectness shows me another to make me frankly despise myself.

IAGO. Come; you are too severe a moraler! I could heartily wish this had not befallen; but, since it is as it is, mend it for your own good.

CASSIO. I will ask him for my place again; he shall tell me I am a drunkard! Had I as many mouths as Hydra, such an answer would stop them all. To be a sensible man, by and by a fool, and presently a beast!

Oh, strange! Every inordinate cup is unblessed, and the ingredient is a devil.




HERE sat two glasses, filled to the brim,
On a rich man's table rim to rim.

One was ruddy and red as blood,

And one was as clear as the crystal flood.

Said the glass of wine to his paler brother:
"Let us tell tales of the past to each other.
I can tell of banquet, and revel, and mirth;
And the proudest and grandest souls on earth
Fell under my touch, as though struck with blight,
Where I was king, for I ruled in might.

From the head of kings I have torn the crown;
From the heights of fame I have hurled men down;
I have blasted many an honored name;

I have taken virtue and given shame;

I have tempted the youth with a sip, a taste,
That has made his future a barren waste.
Far greater than any king am I,

Or than any army under the sky.

I have made the arm of the driver fail,
And sent the train from its iron rail.

I have made good ships go down at sea,
And the shrieks of the lost were sweet to me.
Fame, strength, wealth, genius, before me fall,
And my might and power are over all.
Ho! ho! pale brother," laughed the wine,
"Can you boast of deeds as great as mine?"

Said the glass of water: "I can not boast
Of a king dethroned or a murdered host;
But I can tell of hearts that were sad,
By my crystal drops made light and glad.

Of thirsts I have quenched, and brows I have laved;
Of hands I have cooled and souls I have saved.

I have leaped through the valley and dashed down the mountain;

Slept in the sunshine, and dripped from the fountain.

I have burst my cloud-fetters and dropped from the sky,
And everywhere gladdened the landscape and eye.

I have eased the hot forehead of fever and pain;

I have made the parched meadows grow fertile with grain;
I can tell of the powerful wheel o' the mill,

That ground out the flour and turned at my will;
I can tell of manhood, debased by you,
That I have uplifted and crowned anew.
I cheer, I help, I strengthen and aid,
I gladden the heart of man and maid;
I set the chained wine-captive free,
And all are better for knowing me."

These are the tales they told each other,
The glass of wine and its paler brother,
As they sat together, filled to the brim,
On the rich man's table, rim to rim.

I think that instead of flying to alcohol, as many people do when they are exhausted, they might very well drink water, or they might very well take food, and would be very much better without the alcohol. If I am fatigued with overwork, personally, my food is very simple. I eat the raisins instead of taking the wine. I have had a very large experience in that practice for thirty years. -Sir William Gull.



OVE'S light illumines the pathway ye trod,
Comrades of yesterday, now saints of God;
Gracious and great were your souls in their stay,
Greatest of all in their going away.

Blessing the world that you loved and you left,
Soothing the hearts that your going bereft.

Death did not daunt and you feared not your fate;
Sweet sang your souls, "We must love, trust and wait."

Faith that makes faithful and truth that makes true,
Hallow our hearts from the heights gained by you.
Happy White Ribboners, home-like is heav'n.
God girds and guides us through help you have given.
Motherly spirits of sweetness and might,

We wear your symbol in ribbons of white.
"Christ and His kingdom" our watchwords will stand;
Banners of peace shall enfold ev'ry land.




HIS exercise is arranged for fourteen children, either girls or boys, and is appropriate for a Frances Willard day. A framed picture of Miss Willard is placed on an easel, the bar on which the picture rests being long enough to permit of fourteen pieces of cardboard, six inches wide by ten long, to be hung on it. Fourteen small hooks should be placed at equal distance apart on this bar to hold the cardboard. Each piece of cardboard has in the centre one of the letters forming Miss Willard's name. The four corners are ornamented with small bows of white ribbon. The children should enter and stand on the side of the platform opposite

the picture. As each child speaks the line that begins with the letter on its piece of cardboard, it should cross the platform and hang the cardboard on a hook, beginning with the hook on the extreme left, and then stand to one side of the easel, the first child standing to the left, the second to the right, and so on. When the last line has been spoken and the name is completed beneath the picture, the children should form a pretty group, some kneeling and some standing, about the picture. If there is a curtain, it should fall while the children hold the pose; if there is not, the children may march off the platform two by two.

Far up the heights, thou nobly planned of God,
Rest not, till, standing on Truth's light-crowned cres
Above this rum-cursed age, thy hand shall wrest
New laurels from the foe; and that dull clod
Called public conscience, 'neath thy potent rod
Erelong may thrill with life. Though fiercely prest,
So oft by fiendish foes, thy loyal breast,

Wounded as was the Christ's, when earth He trod,
In houses of thy friends, still keeps the goal
Limned on the canvas of thy darkest hours,
Lest thou forget that God doth guard the right,
And myriad friends, with truthful, loving soul,
Revere thy work and pray from Zion's towers
Divine investure for thee of His might.

Though I look old,

Yet am I strong and lusty!

For in my youth I never did apply

Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood;

Nor did not, with unbashful forehead, woo

The means of weakness and debility.

Therefore, my age is as a lusty winter,

Frosty, but kindly.

-Shakespeare's "As You Like It," Act II., Scene 3.

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